A Energy Price Processes
A Energy Price Processes
A Energy Price Processes
the adjacent chart, there can be dramatic
differences between prices for delivery of
4 electricity in successive months.
Energy prices typically display seasonal
2 variations in volatility, occasional price
spikes, and a tendency to quickly revert to
the average cost of production. Stochastic
Processes used to model Commodity
Jan 92
Jan 93
Jan 94
Jan 95
Jan 96
Jan 97
Jan 98
Jan 99
Jan 00
Jan 01
Geometric Brownian Motion & Black- normal (bell shaped) distribution. Consistent
Scholes with reality, the lognormal distribution
In 1973, Fischer Black and Myron Scholes restricts prices from falling below zero (eg. the
published their seminal paper on options maximum negative return is 100%).
pricing. The Black-Scholes option pricing If S is the price, the change in price can be
approximated by:
Geometric Brownian Motion - Sample Price Paths
Forward Price = $30 - Volatility = 50% ∆ S = µ S∆t + σ S ε√∆t
Over a short period of time, the
logarithmic change in price is assumed to be
50 normally distributed with:
with µ=r-q- 1
- Standard Deviation σ S ε√∆t
We can see randomly
Other Inputs 30
Value Date* 2/5/05 20
Interest rate 5.0096
Seed* 10
Histogram Inputs
Simul* 10000
Min-Max* 0
will introduce Mean Reversion and Jump high volatilities can be very different than what
Diffusion processes that better characterise the most traders have in mind at the time of using
behaviour of certain commodities, especially that process. The technical explanation is that
electricity. when volatility is significantly large, the drift
component starts to dominate the price
2. Extreme Price changes may be evolution. For assets with very high volatilities
underestimated by the lognormal distribution and mean reversion (e.g. power), it is highly
A direct consequence of the previous recommended to use other processes that
pitfall is that Geometric Brownian motion better describe the evolution of the underlying,
does not capture extreme price changes such as mean reversion or jump diffusion.
accurately. This pitfall is particularly
important for Risk Management and the Conclusion
pricing of certain exotic options. The development of general diffusion
models contributed to the development of the
3. Volatilities are not known. options markets. Today, these models are still
The only unknown parameter in the the most commonly used by market
Geometric Brownian motion is the volatility practitioners, largely due to the relative
of the underlying. The ideal volatility to use simplicity of estimating input parameters.
for modelling purposes would be the ‘future However, as we will point out in the next
volatility’, but by definition, it is not possible articles, these models fail to capture many of
to know the ‘future volatility’ until we know the key characteristics of commodity prices.
what has happened in the market, and by that In particular, commodity prices tend to
time has become ‘historical volatility’. fluctuate around and drift over time to values
Therefore, the volatility curve used as an input determined by the cost of production, and
should be our "best estimate" of future often experience large changes in price due to
volatility, and reflect our expectations shock events. The mean reversion model and
regarding the variability of the asset price over jump diffusion model aim to modify the
the period of time under consideration. general diffusion price process in order to
capture these additional market realities. ■
4. Volatilities are not constant.
Any trader knows that volatilities change Carlos Blanco is Manager of Support &
through time, and the assumption of constant Educational Services at Financial
volatilities may not be very realistic. More Engineering Associates.
complex processes incorporate time varying Sue Choi and David Soronow are
volatility, and some Risk Management models derivatives specialists at FEA.The
assume that volatilities fluctuate just as asset authors would like to thank the FEA
prices do. Financial Engineering Team, especially
Angelo Barbieri, for helpful comments
5. Beware of the model results for very high and excellent software assistance.
volatilities (e.g. above 300%). Email: carlos@fea.com
Price paths generated with GBM with very www fea.com