Wind Load Analysis On Buildings and Structures Course Title-Finite Element Analysis Course No-CE G619 Instructor in Charge - Dr. PN Rao
Wind Load Analysis On Buildings and Structures Course Title-Finite Element Analysis Course No-CE G619 Instructor in Charge - Dr. PN Rao
Wind Load Analysis On Buildings and Structures Course Title-Finite Element Analysis Course No-CE G619 Instructor in Charge - Dr. PN Rao
Hyderabad Campus
Civil Engineering Department
Prepared by :
Jhaveri Ronak Kirtikumar-2018H1430036H
Vz = Vb . K1 . K2 . K3
• Design Wind Speed depends on -
1) Risk Level
2) Terrain Roughness, Height and Size of Structure
3) Local Topography
Vz = Design Wind Speed at any Height in m/s
Vb = Basic wind speed (Appendix A-Clause5.2)
k1 = Probability Factor (Risk Coefficient) (clause 5.3.1)
k2 = Terrain Height & Structure Size Factor (clause 5.3.2)
k3 = Topography factor (clause 5.3.3)
Basic Wind Speed (Vb)
•Based on Dimension of
Building, the Structures are
classified as:
1) Class A: Maximum of l, b,
2) Class B: Maximum of l, b, h in
between 20m to 50m.
3) Class C : Maximum of l, b, h >
Topography Factor (K3)
• It Depends on the Topography i.e Hill Region, Cliffs and
• If the Upward Ground Slope θ≤3◦, Value of K3 shall be taken
as 1.0
• For θ>3◦ , The Value of K3 lies between 1.0 to 1.36. It can be
determined by-
K3 =1 + Cs
• Shape factor varies considerably with proportion of structure
& horizontal angle of incidence of the wind and it can be
determined by using Appendix C as given in IS 875:1987 –
Calculation of Design Wind Pressure
• Wind Pressure due to Design Velocity can be determined by the following
formula as given in IS 875:1987 part3
Pz=0.6 (𝑉z)2
𝑃z = Wind Pressure in N/m2 at Height z.
𝑉z = Design Wind Velocity in m/s at Height z.
• As Per IS 875:2009 - Part 3 ,Few New Factors like Wind Directionality Factor, Area
Averaging Factor, Combination Factor are introduced to make Design Economical,
Hence Design Pressure is different from wind pressure which is given by following
formula :-
Pd = Kd . Ka . Kc . Pz
Here ,
Pd = Design Wind Pressure in N/m2 at Height z.
Pz = Wind Pressure in N/m2 at Height z.
Kd = Wind Directionality Factor.
Ka = Area Averaging Factor.
Kc = Combination Factor.
Wind Force on Individual Member
• The Wind Load on individual structural elements such as
roofs and walls, individual cladding units and their fittings,
it is essential to take account of the pressure difference
between opposite faces of such elements or units.
• For calculation of wind force on individual cladding units
following formula can be used:-
F=(Cpe−Cpi) A Pd
Pd = design wind pressure in N/m2 at height z.
Cpe = external pressure coefficient.
Cpi = internal pressure coefficient.
A = Surface area of structural element
• Internal and External pressure coefficients for different
units having different shapes, structures and slopes are
described in IS 875 with figures.
Wind Forces on Structures
• The value of Force Coefficients
apply to a building or structure as a
whole, and when multiplied by the
effective frontal area A of the
building or structure and by design
wind pressure, Pd gives the Total
Wind Load on that particular
building or structure.
• It’s expression is given by
F=(Cf ) A Pd
Pd =Design wind pressure at
height z.
Cf = Force coefficient of building.
A = Surface area of structural
Wind Load Distribution
Wind Load Analysis of Buildings
and Other Structures as per ASCE-7
American Code (2002)
Wind Loads According to ASCE 7
Wind Loads According to ASCE 7
(q in psf, V in mph)