Talking About Jobs PDF
Talking About Jobs PDF
Talking About Jobs PDF
Conversa tion
J e n n y H arris w o r k s f o r a c h a ri t y o rg a n iz a t io n c a lle d F o o d a id .
07 Sh e's a t t e n d in g a c are ers f a ir a t a u n iv e rsi t y w h e r e st u d e n ts can
t a lk t o r e p re se n t a t iv e s fro m lo ts o f c o m p a n ie s t o se e if t h e y w o u ld
lik e t o jo in t h e m .
Student Excuse me, are you working on the Foodaid stand?
Jenny Yes, can 1help you?
S Well, can you tell me what jobs at Foodaid involve?
J There are lots of jobs at Foodaid which involve doing all sorts of different things. What subject do
you study at university?
S Engineering.
J Very important for Foodaid. My colleague, Hassan Sahin, for example, is a mechanical engineer and
he is responsible for helping farmers in countries such as Chad or Pakistan where we work as an
NGO to drill water wells.
S Er... an NGO?
J Sorry, a Non-Governmental Organization.
S Right, of course. And what do you do?
J Well, actually I'm a lawyer. I'm in charge of m anaging the legal department and we make sure
that Foodaid understands any legal issues that might crop up in the work it does.
s 1hope 1don't sound rude, but you look very young to do that.
J That's what's so good about Foodaid! You get important responsibilities very quickly. A friend of mine
is working in Somalia and she manages a development budget of about two million dollars and she
supplies the whole of West Africa with trucks for transporting food and equipment. It's a very
challenainq job and she's only 23!
s 1see. But, as it's a charity, do you get paid for your work?
J Yes, of course. You'll never be rich working for Foodaid, but you get paid. Very often people like you
work with us for a few years to gain experience and then they move on to other jobs. Lots of
companies like the fact that you've worked for a charity.
UNIT 2 | Ta
ing a b ou t jobs
U nd erstanding
Saying it accura te ly
Section 1: Networking
in w it h fo r to under as on a
10 Speaking
UNIT 2 | Ta lk
a b ou t jobs
0 List e n a g a in t o t h e a d je c t iv e s a n d re p e a t th e m .
Saying it appropria t e ly
0 List e n a g a in t o t h e se n t e n c e s a n d re p e a t th e m .
Get sp e a king
Grammar note
Note h o w w e use t h e -ing form a f t e r involve, be responsible for, an d be in charge of.
Exam ples from the text:
There are lots of jobs at Foodaid w hich involve doing ail sorts of different things.
He is responsible for helping farmers.
I'm in charge o f managing the legal department.
My job involves providing people with the computer equipm ent they require.
I'm responsible for overseeing the production of all our fashion lines.
He's in charge o f bringing in as many advertisements as possible for our magazine.
Section 1: Networking
Conversa tion
Em ily is h a v in g lu n ch in t h e c o m p a n y c a n t e e n w i t h a n e w t e a m m e m b er, Casp er.
Casper It's a very different way to do business here in Singapore, compared to Germany.
Emily I know w hat you mean. Do you find it difficult?
No, not at all. It's interesting.
E Interesting?
Yes. For example, in Sinqapore vou discuss prices much earlier in a neaotiation than we do in
E Really? So, you mean that you leave price negotiations till the end of a discussion?
C: Oh, yes. In Singapore you start talking about prices for products when in Germany we're still trying to
define exactly what's wanted.
E How amazing! I didn't realize. I suppose we think it's a waste of time discussing something if the
price is always going to be unrealistic.
I see.
E Whereas in Germany you feel you can't begin to think about price until you know all the details.
That's right.
E So, do you like Singapore?
Oh, yes. Very much, especially the food. But I need to do some sport. I've put on two kilos already!
Back in Berlin I play centre forward for the company football team.
E Really?
Yes, urn... anyway, urn...
E Do you notice any other differences between business life here and in Germany?
Well, another difference is the flexibility that a manager has here.
E Flexibility?
Yes. In Germany it's very difficult to be a manager because every time you want to introduce a change
in the organization or in communication processes, you have to ask the Workers' Council for