Conflicto y Resolution Lesson
Conflicto y Resolution Lesson
Conflicto y Resolution Lesson
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“Conflict Resolution”
Lesson for Teens
Students will explore the different ways to resolve a
conflict through discussion and role play
Supplies Needed:
Display item, “Ways to Resolve a Conflict” worksheet,
“Role Play” scenarios worksheet.
2.) Transition
Ask students what this icebreaker activity had to do with
conflict resolution. Explain that conflicts happen everyday
in our lives, and resolving them instead of resorting to
violence or cruelty is the best option. Lead them to find
the connection between brainstorming solutions for how
to use the icebreaker item, and using that same
brainstorming technique to think of ways to resolve a
conflict. There is never just one answer. There are several
4.) Transition
Have a group discussion and ask students what the best
way to resolve a conflict seems to be? Which is the worst?
Which one do they feel they use the most? Tell them they
will be practicing each one using role play scenarios.
© 2018 School Counseling Essentials
5.) Role playing scenarios
Have students stay in those same groups of 4. Give each
group a scenario from the worksheet at the back of this
packet. Make sure they still have their “Ways to Resolve a
Conflict” group worksheet to reference. Tell them they
have to role play the scenario in front of the class 5 times,
one time for each of the different ways to resolve a
conflict. Give them 8-10 mins. to come up with these
ideas. Have each group present in front of the class.
6.) Wrap up
Ask students again, which way to solve a conflict seems to
be the best? Which one is the worst? What did they learn
from this activity?
Smooth it Pretend
over everything is
Compromise Give up
you want for
else you
Win/Win Both people
Negotiation win
3.) Your sibling wants the TV, but you want it too
4.) Your parent takes away your phone for bad grades
5.) Your friend asks you to hang out, but you are already
hanging out with someone they don’t like
6.) Your sibling wants the last piece of cake, but so do you
8.) Your friend starts a rumor about you around the school
that is not true