Briaud Etal 2000 Statnamic
Briaud Etal 2000 Statnamic
Briaud Etal 2000 Statnamic
By Jean-Louis Briaud,1 Fellow, ASCE, Marc Ballouz,2 and George Nasr,3 Members, ASCE
ABSTRACT: Three bored piles were built and tested at the National Geotechnical Experimentation Sites, at
Texas A&M University, to gather data on the reliability of large-strain dynamic methods to predict the static
capacity of bored piles. The three piles had a nominal diameter of 0.915 m, a nominal length of 10 m, and
some planned and unplanned defects. The piles were first subjected to a static load test and then four companies
were asked to perform dynamic tests—namely, Statnamic and drop weight tests—and predict the static load test
results. The paper shows the comparison between predicted and measured results.
FIG. 5. Load-Settlement Curves for Static Load Tests: (a) Pile 2; (b) Pile 4; (c) Pile 7
was measured with dial gauges attached to reference beams D/10 criterion (D/10 1 PL/AE) are shown in Table 2. The
with supports placed at least 5 pile diameters away. The strain diameter of the pile is D, the length of the pile is L, the cross
in the sister bars and the displacement of the extensometers section area of the pile is A, the modulus of the pile material
were also recorded during the tests. is E, and the load applied is P. On the average, the Davisson
The load was applied in a series of 15 min load steps. Dur- capacity is equal to 0.72 times the D/10 capacity and corre-
ing each load step, the displacement and the load at the pile sponds to an average pile top penetration of 12 mm; such a
top, as well as the strain in the sister bars and the displacement small displacement is in most instances an acceptable settle-
of the extensometers, were recorded at 1, 3, 7, and 15 min. ment and much too small for a capacity determination. The
The load steps were chosen as one tenth of the estimated pile D/10 criterion, on the other hand, corresponds to an average
capacity and the piles were pushed to about 140 mm of pen- pile top penetration of 93 mm and, in the writer’s opinion,
etration. should be favored for capacity determination.
Piles 2, 4, and 7 were load tested before any dynamic tests
took place. Pile 2 was subjected to a second static load test
after the dynamic tests to confirm the capacity. The results of LOAD DISTRIBUTION IN PILES
the tests are shown in Fig. 5 for the 15 min readings. There
are many ways to define pile capacity from a load settlement The load distribution in the piles was obtained separately
curve (e.g., Fellenius 1975). Capacities defined according to from the sister bars and from the extensometers. The load dis-
the Davisson criterion (D/120 1 3.8 mm 1 PL/AE) and the tributions according to the sister bars for the four load tests
TABLE 2. Observations on Static Capacity of Piles weight of the wet concrete recompressed the soft bottom to
Sand Site Clay Site stiffen it back to the original condition or else the wet concrete
permeated or mixed with the soft bottom and turned it into an
Pile 2 Pile 2 integral part of the pile.
Parameters (test 1) (test 2) Pile 4 Pile 7
The friction load is much lower for pile 2 than it is for pile
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
4: 190 kN for pile 2 and 3,300 kN for pile 4 at the D/10
Capacity (D/10 1 PL/AE ) 1,068 1,602 4,004 3,025 criterion, according to the sister bars. This very large differ-
Capacity (Davisson) 472 1,112 2,892 2,491
Point load (kN)(D/10 1
ence is due to the mud cake and to the bulging configuration
PL/AE ) 590 770 700 1,050 of the shaft of pile 4. The bulging of pile 4 increased the
Friction load (kN) (D/10 diameter from 0.915 to 1.10 m at the largest point of the bulb;
1 PL/AE ) 178 832 3,304 1,975 this corresponds to an increase in cross-section area from 0.66
Point pressure, qmax (kPa) 1,355 1,172 1,065 1,598 m2 to 0.95 m2. The increase in friction capacity due to the
Friction stress, fmax (kPa) 5.7 26.6 108.6 71.7 bulging of pile 4 can be estimated as the sum of the bearing
qc for point (kPa) 10,000 10,000 10,000 6,000
qc for friction (kPa) 8,400 8,400 8,400 4,000 capacity of the sand (obtained from the point measurements
PL for point (kPa) 1,900 1,900 1,900 2,200 at the D/10 criterion) times the difference in area (700 kN/
PL for friction (kPa) 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,475 0.66 m2 (0.95 2 0.66) = 307 kN) plus the increase in friction
N for point (bpf ) 22 22 22 32 due to the increase in shaft area from a depth of 1.2 m to 7.5
N for friction (bpf ) 18 18 18 22 m (1.10 2 0.915/2 3 p(7.5 2 1.2) 3 108.6 = 199 kN). This
Su for point (kPa) — — — 140
Su for friction (kPa) — — — 125 increase in friction (307 1 199 = 506 kN) is far from explain-
s9ov for point (kPa) 159 159 156 162 ing much of the difference in friction between pile 2 and pile
s9ov for friction (kPa) 90.6 90.6 90.2 92.4 4. Therefore, most of the loss in friction is attributed to the
qmax /qc 0.135 0.117 0.106 0.266 thick mud cake on pile 2, which decreases the friction load by
fmax /qc 0.000679 0.00317 0.0129 0.0179 a factor of about 15. This underscores the great importance of
qmax /PL 0.713 0.617 0.561 0.726
fmax /PL 0.00518 0.0242 0.0987 0.0486
avoiding slurry stagnation.
qmax /N 61.6 53.3 48.4 49.9 Another observation is that the load settlement curves of the
fmax /N 0.32 1.48 6.0 3.26 2 bored piles in sand did not plunge while the one in clay did.
qmax /Su — — — 11.4 Table 2 shows a number of results related to the static capacity
fmax /Su — — — 0.574 of the piles defined at D/10 1 PL/AE, including classical re-
qmax /s9ov 8.52 7.37 6.83 9.86
fmax /s9ov 0.063 0.29 1.20 0.78
lationships to the soil parameters.
Residual stresses in bored piles after construction are usu-
ally considered to be insignificant; however, they can be in-
on the three piles are shown in Figs. 6 and 7. The distributions duced by a load test. Residual stresses do not affect the plung-
from the extensometers confirmed the general trend. ing load of a pile but do affect the initial slope of the load
As can be seen from the load-settlement curves on Fig. 5, settlement curve and the load distribution in a pile (Briaud and
pile 2 carried much less load than pile 4 even though they Tucker 1984). Static load test 2 on pile 2 started with residual
have the same diameter and the same length in the same soil. stresses induced by previous testing. This is in part why the
The D/10 capacity of pile 2 is about four times smaller than initial slope of the load settlement curve is stiffer. The load
the D/10 capacity of pile 4. The soft bottom defect on pile 2 distribution shown on Fig. 6(b) does not include the residual
does not seem to be a true defect, since the point loads are loads; if it is assumed that the point and friction loads for test
(Figs. 6 and 7) 880 kN for pile 2 and 700 kN for pile 4 at the 2 are the same as for test 1, the residual point load in test 2
D/10 criterion according to the sister bars. It is likely that the is 180 kN [1,000 kN (820 kN on Fig. 6)] or about 18% of the
FIG. 6. Load versus Depth Profiles for Pile 2: (a) Test 1; (b) Test 2
The Statnamic test [Bermingham and Janes 1989; Horvath
et al. 1990; El Naggar and Novak (1991 (Fig. 8)] was per-
formed by the Berminghammer Corporation (Berninghammer
1991). The test consists of placing a reaction mass on top of
the bored pile to be tested. Between the pile and the reaction
mass are a load cell and a fuel chamber. The solid fuel pro-
pellant is ignited and propels the reaction mass upward (from
FIG. 10. Comparison between Measured and Predicted Static n
Load-Settlement Curves for Pile 4 QDP tD
= (2)
where n = viscous exponent, and n varies from 0.01 for clean
silica sands to 0.1 for very soft high plasticity clays. Site-
specific values of n can be obtained by performing creep pres-
suremeter tests or cone penetrometer tests at significantly dif-
ferent rates of penetration. The values of n [back-calculated
by using the maximum load applied during Statnamic (QDP)],
the maximum load applied during the first static test (QSP), and
the times tD and tS previously mentioned are shown in Table
3. The value of 0.089 for test 2 is very high but not surprising,
because the bentonite cake is equivalent to having a very soft
high plasticity clay. The values of 0.022 in the silty sand and
0.046 at the clay site are very reasonable and close to mea-
sured values in other projects at the sites (Briaud 1997).
The inertia effects in a Statnamic test are usually small when
the pile is close to the peak load. Indeed the average accel-
eration of the top of the bored piles close to the peak load
varied between 0 and 1 g. In other words, the load correction
FIG. 11. Comparison between Measured and Predicted Static on the peak load due to inertia effects is at most equal to the
Load-Settlement Curves for Pile 7 weight of the pile. At the beginning of the test, however, the
acceleration can reach 10 g.
PREDICTIONS OF STATIC CAPACITY FROM DROP by the CASE method increases with the permanent set. Indeed
WEIGHT TESTS the CASE method will predict a load associated with the
The data obtained by each company for each blow was sim- amount of movement generated during the blow. The SIMBAT
ilar. It consisted of the force-time signal from the strain gauges, method does acknowledge the fact that different impact en-
the acceleration-time signal from the accelerometers, and the ergies will lead to different points on the curve; in fact it takes
permanent displacement of the pile top. A series of blows was advantage of that by using a series of blows with varying
applied to the pile top by varying the height of drop. energy to describe the complete curve. The blow count is equal
The methods used to predict the static capacity and the load- to 300 mm divided by the permanent set and is shown on Fig.
settlement curve are significantly different from one company 13(a). Hammer size is relative to pile size and resistance. Ham-
to another. GRL uses the case method (Goble et al. 1970) and mers that are larger than required will generate large perma-
the CAPWAP method (Rausche et al. 1972; CAPWAP 1997); nent sets and low blow counts, while hammers that are smaller
ESSI-Testconsult uses the SIMBAT method (Paquet 1988; than required will lead to small permanent sets and high blow
Stain and Davis 1989); and TNO uses the TNOWAVE method counts. Fig. 13 shows, therefore, that large hammers will lead
(Middendorp and VanWeele 1986; TNOWAVE 1997). to large predicted pile capacities and small hammers will lead
The results of the predictions for static capacity are pre- to small predicted pile capacities. More accurately, large ham-
sented in Table 3. For the CASE method a static capacity is mers are likely to lead to loads corresponding to large pile
predicted for each blow. Since several blows with different displacements, while small hammers are likely to lead to loads
drop heights were applied to the piles, several CASE method corresponding to small pile displacements [Fig. 13(b)].
predictions were made. Table 3 shows the average of those In order to evaluate the predicted static capacities, one must
predictions. Fig. 13(a) shows the CASE method predictions as determine which measured load to compare them to. The static
a function of the permanent set; the permanent set is defined capacity according to Davisson’s criterion is not selected, be-
as the difference in elevation of the pile top before and after cause it corresponds to too small a settlement. The load ac-
the blow. cording to the D/10 criterion could be selected, but the last
It is clear from Fig. 13(a) that the static capacity predicted load applied to the pile during the static load test is preferred
FIG. 13. Influence of Blow Count on Capacity: (a) Case Method; (b) Illustration
because in this research project the dynamic tests were in fact FIG. 15. Complete Load-Settlement History for All Tests on
reload tests that occurred after the end of the static test. The Pile 2
comparison is shown in Fig. 14. The scatter is narrower for
the piles in clay than for the two piles in sand. Also, some ment curve of static load test 1. No data exists to evaluate the
methods show less scatter than others. setup on pile 7 at the clay site.
Figs. 9–11 lead to the following observations. First, the
LOAD-SETTLEMENT CURVES scatter in the predictions decreases from pile 2 to pile 4 and
One way to avoid having to choose which static capacity then to pile 7, which shows relatively good agreement between
should be used to compare with the predicted static capacities all predictions. Second, the working load to be applied to the
is to compare the complete load-settlement curves. The pile can be chosen as one-half the static capacity obtained on
CAPWAP, SIMBAT, and TNOWAVE methods do predict the static load-settlement curve predicted from a dynamic load
the complete static load-settlement curve. CAPWAP and test; the values obtained with such a definition are shown in
TNOWAVE base their predictions on a signal matching proc- Table 4. These values are equal to one half of the values shown
ess and therefore make one complete load-settlement curve in Table 3. The actual settlement, s, which would take place
prediction for each blow. SIMBAT, on the other hand, bases under these working loads, and the actual factor of safety F
its prediction on a series of blows of varying drop height and for each one of these working loads are also shown in Table
makes one prediction for a series of blows. 3. Note that s can be read on the original load test curve or
Again the problem arises of knowing which measured load- on the reconstructed load curve. Furthermore, F can be taken
settlement curve should be used for comparison purposes. The as the ratio of the working load over the D/10 static capacity
initial loading curve of the load test can be used but it is not from the static load test or over the load applied at the end of
the one that corresponds to the drop weight test, since the pile the static load test. The average settlements and factors of
is actually being reloaded by the drop weight test. A more safety shown in Table 4 indicate that the dynamic tests lead
appropriate load-settlement curve would be one that would to satisfactory recommendations for piles 4 and 7 for all meth-
correspond to a reload cycle performed at the end of the static ods, to satisfactory recommendations for pile 2 for some meth-
load test; unfortunately, such an unload-reload cycle was not ods, and to unsatisfactory recommendations for pile 2 for other
performed during the load tests on piles 4 and 7. The curves methods. These tests represent one indication that these dy-
identified as reconstructed reload test on Figs. 9–11 were ob- namic methods are satisfactory for routine conditions but that
tained by using an initial slope equal to the slope of the unload some dynamic methods need refinement for unusual condi-
curve at the end of the load test and switching at the last load tions.
applied in the load test to a slope equal to the slope of the
load-settlement curve at the end of the test. For pile 2 a second CONCLUSIONS
load test was performed after the drop weight tests. Figs. 9– The following conclusions are based on static load tests,
11 show the comparison between the load-settlement curves. Statnamic tests, and drop weight tests on two bored piles in
Fig. 15 shows the complete sequence of tests of pile 2. sand and one bored pile in clay. While it is not possible to
Another issue is the setup factor, since the static and dy- make general conclusions with experiments on only three
namic load tests were performed at different times after the bored piles, it is also impossible to ignore these results.
construction of the bored piles. This is not thought to be a
major issue because these piles are bored piles, not driven 1. In the static load tests, the static capacity is defined as
piles, and because two of them are in sand. Furthermore, static the load corresponding to a settlement equal to D/10 1
test 2 on pile 2 was performed 10 days after the static test 1 PL/AE. For this load a series of useful ratios between,
and after the Statnamic test and the drop weight test; yet in- on one hand, the shear stress at the soil-pile interface and
spection of Fig. 5(a) shows that the load-settlement curve of the pressure under the pile point, and on the other hand,
static test 2 fits very well as a continuation of the load-settle- various soil properties are presented in Table 2.
TABLE 4. Observations at Working Loads sand. Also, some methods show less scatter than others
Clay (Fig. 14).
Sand Site Site 3. If the dynamic methods had been used to determine the
static capacity and if a load equal to one half of that
Parameters Pile 2 Pile 4 Pile 7
static capacity (factor of safety of 2) had been chosen as
(1) (2) (3) (4)
a working load, piles 4 and 7 would have performed
Q1 = 1/2 the D/10 load from static test satisfactorily (average settlement <5mm, average factor
(kN) 534 2,002 1,512
Q2 = 1/2 the load at the end of static test
of safety >1.65) while pile 2 would have performed sat-
(kN) 660 2,100 1,325 isfactorily for some methods but not for others.
Q3 = 1/2 the static capacity according to 4. The tests on these three bored piles are an indication that
STATNAMIC predictor (kN) 1,230 2,245 1,575 while dynamic methods do not give a consistently ac-
Q4 = 1/2 the maximum load reached on curate prediction of static capacities they do lead to gen-
the predicted static curve from STAT- erally acceptable working loads for piles without unusual
NAMIC (kN) 1,800 2,450 1,800
Q5 = 1/2 the CASE static capacity (aver- conditions (piles 4 and 7). Some dynamic methods need
age of all blows) (kN) 775 1,425 1,415 to be improved to predict the behavior of unusual piles
Q6 = 1/2 the CASE static capacity for like pile 2.
highest blows (kN) 952 1,785 1,995
Q7 = 1/2 the CAPWAP static capacity
(kN) 650 1,450 2,125
Q8 = 1/2 the TNOWAVE static capacity ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(kN) 2,450 2,900 1,425
Q9 = 1/2 the SIMBAT static capacity Many individuals and organizations have contributed to this project.
(kN) 1,050 1,150 1,250 They are all thanked very sincerely. The major sponsors of the study are
S31 = settlement for Q3 on static test the Federal Highway Administration with Carl Ealy and Al Dimillio, and
curve (mm) 130 5.5 2 the ADSC with Scott Litke, Gus Beck, Keith Anderson, and J. Clayton
S41 = settlement for Q4 on static test Stevens. The project was administered by PSC with Gary Parikh and
curve (mm) >140 7 3.5 Francis Mensah. Many other organizations have contributed financially
S51 = settlement for Q5 on static test to this project, including Drillers Inc./Farmer, PileCo, Lewis Inc., A. H.
curve (mm) 67 1.6 1.8 Beck Foundation Co., Polymer Drilling Services, Goble Rausche Likins,
S61 = settlement for Q6 on static test ESSI-Testconsult, STS Consultants, TNO, Olson Engineering, Berming-
curve (mm) 80 3 4.6 hammer, the University of Houston, Texas A&M University, and Briaud
S71 = settlement for Q7 on static test Engineers.
curve (mm) 35 2 5.6
S81 = settlement for Q8 on static test
curve (mm) >140 13.5 2 APPENDIX. REFERENCES
S91 = settlement for Q9 on static test
curve (mm) 90 1 1.3 Baker, C. N., Parikh, G., Briaud, J.-L., Drumright, E. E., and Mensah-
S32 = settlement for Q3 on static reload Dwumah, F. (1993). ‘‘Drilled shafts for bridge foundations.’’ Rep. No.
curve (mm) 2.3 5.5 2.2 FHWA-RD-92-004, Federal Highway Administration, Washington,
S42 = settlement for Q4 on static reload D.C., 335.
curve (mm) >140 3.3 1.4 Ballouz, M., Nasr, G., and Briaud, J.-L. (1991). ‘‘Dynamic and static
S52 = settlement for Q5 on static reload testing of nine drilled shafts at Texas A&M University geotechnical
curve (mm) 1.5 2 1 sites.’’ Res. Rep., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, College
S62 = settlement for Q6 on static reload Station, Tex., 127.
curve (mm) 1.9 24 1.6 Bermingham, P., and Janes, M. (1989). ‘‘An innovative approach to load
S72 = settlement for Q7 on static reload testing of high capacity piles.’’ Proc., Int. Conf. on Piling and Deep
curve (mm) 1.3 2 1.7 Found. J. B. Burland and J. M. Mitchell, eds., Balkema, Rotterdam,
S82 = settlement for Q8 on static reload The Netherlands, 409–413.
curve (mm) >140 3.8 1.1 Berminghammer Corporation Ltd. (1991). ‘‘Statnainic load test results—
S92 = settlement for Q9 on static reload Texas A&M University—comparative pile foundation load test pro-
curve (mm) 2 1.5 1 gram, Berminghammer Corp. Ltd.’’ Rep. dated January 14, 1991, Ber-
F31 = factor of safety 2Q1 /Q3 0.87 1.78 1.92 minghammer Corporation Ltd., Hamilton, Ont.
F41 = factor of safety 2Q1 /Q4 0.59 1.63 1.68 Briaud, J.-L. (1997). ‘‘The national geotechnical experimentation sites at
F51 = factor of safety 2Q1 /Q5 1.38 2.81 2.14 Texas A&M University: Clay and sand—a summary.’’ Rep. NGES-
F61 = factor of safety 2Q1 /Q6 1.12 2.24 1.52 TAMU-007, Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Sta-
F71 = factor of safety 2Q1 /Q7 1.64 2.76 1.42 tion, Tex., 34.
F81 = factor of safety 2Q1 /Q8 0.44 1.38 2.12 Briaud, J.-L., and Garland, E. (1985). ‘‘Loading rate method for pile
F91 = factor of safety 2Q1 /Q9 1.02 3.48 2.42 response in clay.’’ J. Geotech. Engrg., ASCE, 111(3), Reston, Va., 319–
F32 = factor of safety 2Q2 /Q3 1.07 1.87 1.68 335.
F42 = factor of safety 2Q2 /Q4 0.73 1.71 1.47 Briaud, J.-L., and Tucker, L. M. (1984). ‘‘Piles in sand: A method in-
F52 = factor of safety 2Q2 /Q5 1.70 2.95 1.87 cluding residual stresses.’’ J. Geotech. Engrg., ASCE, 110(11), 1666–
F62 = factor of safety 2Q2 /Q6 1.39 2.35 1.33 1680.
F72 = factor of safety 2Q2 /Q7 2.03 2.90 1.25 Briaud, J.-L., and Tucker, L. M. (1984a). ‘‘Residual stresses in piles and
F82 = factor of safety 2Q2 /Q8 0.54 1.45 1.86 the wave equation.’’ Proc., Symp. on Deep Found., ASCE, New York.
F92 = factor of safety 2Q2 /Q9 1.26 3.65 2.12
El Naggar, M. H., and Novak, M. (1991). ‘‘Analytical model for an in-
Average settlement on static test curve
novative pile test.’’ Geotech. Res. Ctr. Rep. GEOT-7-91, Faculty of
(mm) >97.4 4.80 3.0
Engineering Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada,
Average settlement on reload test curve
(mm) >41.3 2.90 1.40
Average factor of safety against 2Q1 1.01 2.30 1.89 ESSI-Testconsult. (1991). ‘‘Dynamic testing of drilled shafts by the SIM-
Average factor of safety against 2Q2 1.25 2.41 1.65 BAT method.’’ Report no. 58/91, Skokie, Ill., p. 8.
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2. The comparison between the last load applied in the partment of Highways, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
static load test (settlement ;140 mm) and the static ca- Ohio.
pacity predicted from the dynamic load tests shows nar- GRL and Associates, Inc. (1991). Drilled shaft test program—Texas
rower scatter for the pile in clay than for the piles in A&M University, GRL Job No. 916008, Cleveland, Ohio, p. 9.