Summary of Findings

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Summary of Findings

VXI Global Solutions is one of the fastest-growing, privately-held

business services organizations while maintaining the highest level of quality
and operational excellence. The study determined the effects of management
information systems on productivity among team leaders and operation
managers. The data collected from respondents of VXI Global Holdings B.V.
has a positive response for MIS regarding its efficiency in management control,
production pace, communication speed, and decision-making. From the
literature, it stated that the MIS had helped the needs and requirements of
decision-making but not only in management but also in the operation which in
interpretation found out that the related literature is coherent with the results.
Researchers also found out that the use of MIS can distinguish the unseen
threats incoming that might lead to the company’s problem and it can maneuver
by collecting data with the help of MIS.
It is helpful to have a system to allocate the information for the best
decision that the team leaders and operation managers give. MIS helps a
company to rise and stable for its profitability, performance, and production.

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