Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF: Spray Polurethane Foam & Coating
Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF: Spray Polurethane Foam & Coating
Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF: Spray Polurethane Foam & Coating
To ensure warranty eligibility, each job must be approved by American WeatherStar before it begins.
A. The intention of this guideline is to outline the procedures for the application of American WeatherStar’s
reflective roof coating system for the purpose of Foamed Roofing over Smooth or Granulated Built-Up
Roofing/Modbit surfaces. These suggested guidelines describe materials, methods and conditions necessary
for the application of the American WeatherStar roof coating system. Actual application requirements may vary
and are the responsibility of the contractor.
B. This guideline may not outline all procedures for preparation and finishing of penetrations, drains, flashings, etc.
This work should be outlined separately by the contractor before the work commences and shall be performed
observing good trade practices.
* This standard is used solely to measure and describe properties of products in response to heat and flame under controlled laboratory conditions.
This numerical flame spread rating is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions.
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Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF
B. Polyurethane Foam, along with Elastomeric Coating and/or other components as an assembly shall meet the
requirements of UL 790 for a Class A application and/or meet the requirements of a Factory Mutual RoofNAV for
a Class 1 application, and/or as required by local building codes.
C. Polyurethane Foam Primers: Primers used shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the spray foam
materials specified.
D. Fire Safety Requirements: See CPI Bulletin AX-230, “Fire Safety Guidelines for Use of Rigid Polyurethane and
Polyisocyanate Foam Insulation in Building Construction.”
A. American WeatherStar warrants that the material supplied will meet or exceed physical properties as
published. The contractor guarantees that workmanship will be free of defects in coating application. Since
performance of existing roof substrate or previously applied coatings are beyond the control of American
WeatherStar or the contractor, requests for additional warranty coverage shall be subject to prior approval by
American WeatherStar.
B. Comply with manufacturer’s warranty application procedures. A Pre-Project Inspection Report must be
submitted and approved prior to job commencement.
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Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF
A. Manufacturers published data sheets or letter of certification that their products comply with the materials
specified and intended for use on this project. This is to include primers (if required), polyurethane foam,
protective coatings and accessories (if required).
B. Shop drawings on sheet metal, accessories, or other fabricated items.
C. Manufacturer’s application or installation instructions.
D. Contractor/applicator certification from polyurethane foam supplier and/or protective coatings manufacturers
and evidence of contractor/applicator qualification and experience.
E. A specimen copy of the applicable warranty for the project.
F. Safety and handling instructions for storage, handling and use of the materials to include appropriate Safety
Data Sheets (SDS).
G. Field Quality Control Procedures to be utilized by the contractor/applicator to insure proper preparation and
installation of polyurethane foam and protective coatings, detail work and follow-up inspection.
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Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF
Guidelines as outlined by American WeatherStar, the manufacturer issuing the warranty, shall be the final
specification authority.
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Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF
NOTE: Adhesion to the existing roof substrate depends on the condition of current substrate or any existing coating.
B. Application
1. The spray polyurethane foam shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification and
2. Areas to be built-up to alleviate ponding water are to be filled in with spray polyurethane foam before the
specified thickness of polyurethane foam is applied to the entire roof surface.
3. The spray polyurethane foam must be applied in a minimal pass thickness of one half an inch (1/2”).
4. Spray polyurethane foam thickness shall be a minimum of one inch (1”). Gravel surface removal
requires one and one half inches (1 ½") minimum, or more if specified. The polyurethane foam shall be
applied uniformly over the entire surface with a tolerance of plus one quarter of an inch (1/4") thickness
and minus zero inches (0"), except where variations are required to insure proper drainage or to
complete a feathered edge.
5. Foam thickness specifications are based on individual substrates waterproofed. Contact American
WeatherStar for more information.
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Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF
6. The spray polyurethane foam shall be uniformly terminated a minimum of eight inches (8”) above the
roofline at all penetrations (except drains, parapet walls, or building junctions).
7. Foamed in place cants shall be smooth and uniform to allow positive drainage.
8. When detailing skylights or high walls, it is particularly important not to cover weep holes with SPF or
9. Substrate shall have sufficient slope to eliminate excessive ponding water. Ponding is defined as “The
accumulation of water in low-lying areas that exceeds the manufacturer’s specification and/or contract
documents.” If the substrate does not have sufficient slope, then the ponding water must be eliminated
by building in slope by the application of polyurethane foam, channeling the polyurethane foam or by the
proper placement of drains, or a combination thereof.
10. The full thickness of polyurethane foam in any area shall be completed prior to the end of each day. If
due to weather conditions more than 24 hours’ elapse between polyurethane foam and coating
application, the polyurethane foam shall be inspected for UV degradation, oxidation or contamination. If
any of the above conditions exist, the surface shall be prepared in conformity with the recommendations
of the manufacturer issuing the warranty.
C. Surface Finish
1. The final sprayed polyurethane foam surface shall be “smooth, orange peel, coarse orange peel, or
verge of popcorn.” Polyurethane foam surfaces termed “popcorn” or “tree bark” are not acceptable.
These areas shall be removed and re-foamed to an acceptable surface.
2. Any damage or defects to the polyurethane foam surface shall be repaired prior to the protective coating
3. The polyurethane foam surface shall be free of moisture, frost, dust, debris, oils, tars, grease or other
materials that will impair adhesion of the protective coating.
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Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF
e. The coating application shall not proceed during periods of inclement weather. The applicator shall
not apply the protective coating below the temperature and/or above the humidity specified by the
manufacturer for ambient air and substrate. Wind barriers may be used if wind conditions could affect
the quality of installation.
2. Top Coat and/or Subsequent Coat
a. Application - Subsequent coating should be applied in a timely manner to insure proper adhesion
between coats. Surface texture of polyurethane foam will affect dry film thickness—additional
material may be required in areas of coarse foam profile.
b. Inspection - The cured dry film thickness of the finished multiple coat application shall be checked by
taking slit samples and examining under magnification. Areas that are found to have less than the
thickness specified shall require additional coating.
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Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF
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Over Smooth or Granulated Bur/Modbit SPF
Walkways may be installed for heavy traffic areas and around frequently serviced roof top units. Breathable walk
pads should be as recommended by the coating manufacturer.
A. Known ponding water areas are to be repaired using commonly acceptable roofing practices so as to allow
proper drainage of roof area.
B. Ponding water areas are a sign of possible mechanical failure in the roof. Water is to be intentionally diverted
from ponding areas using accepted roofing practices. Ponded areas which evaporate within 7 days (under 1/2"
deep) can be top coated with an approved American WeatherStar coating at the application rate listed in
1. Acrylic System: Apply SILICONE 410 at a rate of 2 gallons per 100 square feet to increase water
2. Urethane Systems: (3.06 F) Apply AROMATIC URETHANE 520 or (3.06 G) ALIPHATIC URETHANE
510 at a rate of 2 gallons per 100 square feet to increase water resistance.
C. The appropriate coating is to be extended 2 feet beyond the ponded area.
CAUTION: Do not apply within two hours of sunset, rain, fog or freezing temperatures. The American WeatherStar roof coating system must
be completely dry before exposing to water or foot traffic. Keep American WeatherStar containers covered when not in use.
Dispose of all containers in accordance with state and local environmental regulations. Keep away from children. If ingested, DO
NOT induce vomiting. Call Physician immediately.
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