Characterization of Pilot-Scale Dilute Acid Pretreatment Performance Using Deacetylated Corn Stover

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Shekiro et al.

Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23

RESEARCH Open Access

Characterization of pilot-scale dilute acid

pretreatment performance using deacetylated
corn stover
Joseph Shekiro III*, Erik M Kuhn, Nicholas J Nagle, Melvin P Tucker, Richard T Elander and Daniel J Schell

Background: Dilute acid pretreatment is a promising process technology for the deconstruction of low-lignin
lignocellulosic biomass, capable of producing high yields of hemicellulosic sugars and enhancing enzymatic
yields of glucose as part of a biomass-to-biofuels process. However, while it has been extensively studied, most
work has historically been conducted at relatively high acid concentrations of 1 - 4% (weight/weight). Reducing
the effective acid loading in pretreatment has the potential to reduce chemical costs both for pretreatment and
subsequent neutralization. Additionally, if acid loadings are sufficiently low, capital requirements associated with
reactor construction may be significantly reduced due to the relaxation of requirements for exotic alloys. Despite these
benefits, past efforts have had difficulty obtaining high process yields at low acid loadings without supplementation of
additional unit operations, such as mechanical refining.
Results: Recently, we optimized the dilute acid pretreatment of deacetylated corn stover at low acid loadings in a
1-ton per day horizontal pretreatment reactor. This effort included more than 25 pilot-scale pretreatment experiments
executed at reactor temperatures ranging from 150 – 170°C, residence times of 10 – 20 minutes and hydrolyzer sulfuric
acid concentrations between 0.15 – 0.30% (weight/weight). In addition to characterizing the process yields achieved
across the reaction space, the optimization identified a pretreatment reaction condition that achieved total xylose yields
from pretreatment of 73.5% ± 1.5% with greater than 97% xylan component balance closure across a series of five runs
at the same condition. Feedstock reactivity at this reaction condition after bench-scale high solids enzymatic hydrolysis
was 77%, prior to the inclusion of any additional conversion that may occur during subsequent fermentation.
Conclusions: This study effectively characterized a range of pretreatment reaction conditions using deacetylated corn
stover at low acid loadings and identified an optimum reaction condition was selected and used in a series of
integrated pilot scale cellulosic ethanol production campaigns. Additionally, several issues exist to be considered in
future pretreatment experiments in continuous reactor systems, including the formation of char within the reactor, as
well as practical issues with feeding herbaceous feedstock into pressurized systems.
Keywords: Deacetylated corn stover, Lignocellulosic pretreatment, Dilute acid, Xylose, Pilot

Background fraction of biomass to produce sugars followed by fer-

Conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels and che- mentation of these sugars to ethanol. Typically, a pre-
micals continues to be a focus of worldwide research. treatment process is employed that alters the biomass
While there are many different conversion pathways for physical structure and chemical composition making the
producing biofuels, the biochemical conversion of bio- residual polysaccharides more susceptible to conversion
mass to ethanol is an area of keen focus. This pathway to monomeric sugars by enzymatic hydrolysis. Pretreat-
generally involves the hydrolysis of the polysaccharide ment with dilute sulfuric acid also hydrolyzes hemicellu-
lose to monomeric and oligomeric sugars. The primary
goal when optimizing pretreatment performance is to
* Correspondence:
National Bioenergy Center, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 617 Cole
identify operating conditions that maximize production
Blvd, 80401 Golden, CO, USA of sugars from all available polysaccharides by varying
© 2014 Shekiro et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article,
unless otherwise stated.
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 2 of 10

parameters such as temperature, reaction time, and catalyst feeds biomass into a pressurized horizontal-tube reactor
concentration. As such, most pretreatment researchers containing a series of screw augers for conveying the
now report sugar yields from enzymatic hydrolysis of the biomass and controlling residence time. Pretreated bio-
pretreated solids as a key metric for determining optimum mass is discharged through two full-port ball valves into
pretreatment conditions. a live-bottom flash tank. There are similarities to the
Recent reviews of pretreatment technologies are avail- National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) older
able from various authors, and an entire issue of the pilot-scale pretreatment system, but there are also sig-
journal, Bioresource Technology, is devoted to the evalu- nificant differences, including lower electrical power re-
ation of different pretreatment technologies on the same quirements, horizontal reactor orientation instead of
biomass feedstock [1-4]. These results are summarized vertical, and a more effective discharge system [7]. This
in a later publication [5]. The introductory article to the new reactor system was designed to be highly versatile,
Bioresource Technology issue, as well as the review paper capable of pretreatment using acid or base chemistry
cited above, describe the outcomes of an effective pretreat- and an array of biomass feedstocks. The reactor com-
ment process [6]. For example, a pretreatment process prises several horizontal tubes, which can be reconfi-
should increase the effective surface area, decrease cellu- gured to achieve residence times between 2 minutes and
lose crystallinity, and increase pore size of the pretreated 2 hours. In general, horizontal reactors are believed to
biomass. These changes improve enzymatic digestibility of offer improved residence time control over vertical re-
the hemicellulose and cellulose remaining in the solids. Ef- actor systems. However, vertical reactor systems are sim-
fective pretreatment techniques have been developed pler and less expensive, both of which are advantages at
using acids, alkalis, hot water, steam explosion, oxidizers, larger scales [8].
ammonia, solvents, and ionic liquids. Many approaches Several researchers throughout the world have recently
rely on combined physical and chemical modifications reported work in continuous pilot-scale pretreatment
to achieve good biomass pretreatment. Once optimized, systems. Horizontal-tube reactors are currently being
most pretreatment processes are able to produce solids used in Italy, Denmark, Canada, and Taiwan for hydro-
with good enzymatic digestibility, as noted by Elander thermal or acidic pretreatment of various biomass types
et al. [5]. at feed capacities ranging from 100 to 200 dry kg/h
Many pretreatment studies are performed in small, [9-13]. Commercial companies are operating other pilot-
batch-type reactors. While these reactors are sufficient scale pretreatment systems throughout the world, but
for the characterizing pretreatment performance across equipment details and performance results on these sys-
a wide range of operating conditions, the optimum con- tems are not readily available [14].
ditions found in small batch reactors do not translate The goal of this work was to assess performance of
well to pilot-scale reactors due to differences in heat and dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of deacetylated corn
mass transfer characteristics. There are also physical stover in our new continuous pilot-scale pretreatment
modifications to the biomass that occur when it is fed reactor at various operating conditions. The intent was
into continuous, high-pressure reactors. The impact of to identify the best pretreatment operating conditions
these physical modifications of the biomass, including using low acid concentrations, less than 0.5% (w/w) sul-
particle size reduction, on pretreatment performance furic acid concentration at reaction conditions, prior to
is not well understood. For example, biomass is fed to executing a series of integrated pilot-scale campaigns for
many continuous pilot-scale reactors by a pressurized the production of ethanol. The feedstock for this work
screw feeder, also known as a plug screw feeder. This de- was deacetylated corn stover produced by treating raw
vice imparts high levels of compression and shear forces corn stover with dilute sodium hydroxide prior to pre-
on the biomass, and is generally believed to modify the treatment. The work of Chen et al. demonstrated that
particle size distribution and other structural charac- dilute acid pretreatment of deacetylated corn stover pro-
teristics of the feedstock, but it is not known what duced higher monomeric xylose yields and improved
impact these modifications have on pretreatment per- cellulose digestibility of the pretreated solids compared
formance. Nevertheless, pilot-scale reactors likely pro- to corn stover that was not deacetylated [15]. In the
duce pretreated materials similar to those produced in current study, performance was characterized by meas-
commercial-sized reactors, so evaluating downstream uring pretreatment conversion yields and enzymatic cel-
performance on these materials is vital to advancing lulose digestibility of the pretreated solids.
process understanding.
In this work, we employed a newly constructed 20 to Results and discussion
40 dry kg/h continuous pilot-scale pretreatment reactor Characterization of pretreatment performance
system to pretreat biomass using dilute sulfuric acid. To evaluate performance across a wide range of pre-
The system consists of a pressurized screw feeder that treatment severities, a series of 25 runs were performed
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 3 of 10

in the pilot-scale pretreatment reactor at various operat- lignin measurement techniques [17,18]. The mass balance
ing conditions using a single lot of deacetylated corn closures for each individual experiment are included in
stover. The operating conditions spanned pretreatment Additional file 1.
temperatures of 150 to 170°C and residence times of 10 The yields of compounds derived from xylan hydrolysis
to 20 minutes with sulfuric acid concentrations of 0.14 are depicted in Figure 1 plotted by combined severity.
to 0.30% (w/w) in the reactor. The residence time was Combined severity (log R0) is an expression of pretreat-
estimated based on screw rotational speed and may not ment intensity as a function of reaction time (t, minutes),
be the true residence time. The pretreated corn stover temperature (T,°C) and pH, and is defined as [19]:
(PCS) at 27 to 35% (w/w) total solids (TS) contained li-  
quid phase monomeric xylose and glucose concentra- logR0 ¼ log t  e
ðT −100Þ
=14:75  pH ð1Þ
tions ranging from 36.7 to 94.1 g/L and 0.5 to 13.7 g/L,
respectively, depending on pretreatment severity. Oligo- Monomeric xylose yields increased from a combined
meric xylose and glucose concentrations ranged from severity of 0.56 to approximately 1.00 to 1.15, where it
4.9 to 20 g/L and 0.0 to 6.1 g/L, respectively. In single- reached a broad peak of approximately 68%. The limited
stage dilute acid pretreatment, optimized for the pro- amount of data beyond a combined severity of 1.3 sug-
duction of monomeric and/or oligomeric xylose, the gest monomeric xylose yields were beginning to de-
cellulose fraction of the biomass remains generally in- crease. The proportion of original xylan remaining in
tact, with conversion of cellulose to glucose of up to 6% the insoluble solids decreased linearly within the range
[16]. In this study, the total glucose (monomeric and of test conditions from approximately 40% to just over
oligomeric) yield in pretreatment was between 3.5 and 10% at the highest severity condition tested. Furfural
6.1% of the glucan present in the original corn stover. yields increased linearly from 2.5% to about 6% between
Complete concentration and yield data can be found in combined severities of 0.56 and 1.25, with a sharper in-
Additional file 1. crease after a combined severity of 1.25, reaching 12.6%
Mass balance closure results were calculated in several at a combined severity of 1.34. As expected, the yield of
ways to assess process performance and data validity. xylo-oligosaccharides fell with increasing severity, be-
Gravimetric mass closure was calculated by measuring cause higher pretreatment severity converts more oligo-
mass of TS fed to the pretreatment reactor and account- mers to monomers.
ing for all mass in the process effluents as either insol- Several studies exploring pilot-scale dilute acid pre-
uble or dissolved solids in the PCS, or as organic treatment of corn stover found optimum monomeric
compounds present in the flash or reactor vent vapor- xylose yields at combined severities of 1.2 to 1.6, with
streams. The calculation procedure is available in the corresponding monomeric xylose yields of approximately
methods section of this manuscript. Gravimetric mass 70% and total xylose yields of up to 80% [7,16,20]. How-
balance closure for each run ranged from 100 to 102%, ever, because different researchers employ different equip-
indicating good tracking of mass entering and exiting ment and methodologies, a comparison of our results to
the system Additionally, total and component (e.g. glu- other studies can be difficult. For example, the actual resi-
can, xylan) carbon mass balances around the pretreat- dence time in pilot-scale continuous reactors may be dif-
ment reactor system were performed as discussed in the ferent to the theoretical calculation because of back-mixing
methods section. Total carbon balance closure ranged and non-ideal flow. Our preliminary work measuring the
from 95 to 102%, with no discernible trend within the residence time distribution in the reactor used in this study
range of pretreatment severities tested. The good overall is suggesting the actual residence time may as much 50 to
mass closure results suggest the accurate measurements 100% greater than the calculated value (data not shown).
of mass flow rates were made and that any component- Thus, the true combined severity of experiments con-
level mass balance closure discrepancies may be attrib- ducted in this study may be 10 to 25% greater than the
uted to analytical error and lack of quantification of values presented here.
specific compounds. To assess process variability, five runs were executed
Component carbon mass balances for glucan and xy- at pretreatment conditions of 10 minutes, 160°C, and
lan ranged from 95 to 107% and 92 to 100%, respect- 0.26% (w/w) sulfuric acid in the reactor. The average
ively. Xylan balance closures were observed to decrease and standard deviation of the TS content of the PCS for
beyond a combined severity of 1.25 as shown in Figure 1. these runs was 30.9% ± 3.3%. Average monomeric and
This may be attributed to degradation of furfural to oligomer xylose concentrations were 83.6 ± 8.1 g/L and
compounds that were not directly quantified. Con- 7.6 ± 1.3 g/L, respectively. Average component yields for
versely, these compounds are likely to be detected as the various xylan derived fractions were 67.4% ± 1.7% for
lignin, as soluble sugars and other extractives react monomeric xylose, 6.1% ± 0.4% for oligomeric xylose,
to form solids, which interfere with common insoluble 5.3% ± 0.4% for furfural, and 18.5% ± 0.6% for unreacted
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 4 of 10

Figure 1 Xylan derived component yields from dilute acid hydrolysis of deacetylated corn stover as a function of pretreatment
severity. Red points represent replicated runs conducted at 160°C, 10 minutes with 0.34% (w/w) H2SO4 in the pretreatment reactor. Trends are
shown by regressed lines.

xylan. The average xylan mass balance closure was concentration was near 4.0 g/L, which is inhibitory to
97.3% ± 1.7%. Potential sources of variation include cyc- many microorganisms.
lical deviation in stream flows (for example, steam, corn Because the deacetylation process extracts approxi-
stover, water) caused by feedback control loops and cor- mately 80% of acetate from the corn stover, the acetic
responding changes in operating conditions as well as acid concentrations in the liquor are independent of pre-
variability in the moisture content of corn stover. All of treatment severity, a finding also observed by Chen
these factors lead to slight differences in reaction pH et al. [21]. Consequently, acetic acid concentrations were
and temperature and ultimately differing pretreatment only 1.5 to 2.5 g/L, drastically lower than the 8 to 12 g/L
efficacies. Reaction pH, combined severity and effective observed in the literature for high-solids dilute acid pre-
acid concentration for each pretreatment experiment are treatments [22,23]. Only 5 to 10% of acetic acid pro-
available in Additional file 1. duced during pretreatment was recovered in the flash
Pretreated biomass exits the pretreatment reactor vent stream.
through a pair of alternating full-port ball valves into an
atmospheric pressure flash tank separating into a flash Feedstock reactivity
vapor stream and a PCS stream. The flash evaporation As the primary carbohydrate in corn stover is glucan,
process releases volatile compounds from the PCS slurry xylan-to-xylose yield in isolation is not an effective
and the most easily measured components are furfural metric for assessing pretreatment performance. Rather,
and acetic acid. The concentrations of these components the feedstock reactivity, a relative measure of the total
in the PCS liquor fraction and furfural concentration in sugar yield was calculated from the total xylan-to-xylose
the condensed flash vapor are plotted as functions of yield and the yield of monomeric glucose from enzym-
combined severity in Figure 2. Concentrations of furfural atic cellulose hydrolysis of each PCS sample. The calcu-
in the flash vapor and PCS liquor fraction increase with lation is described in the methods section. Calculated
increasing furfural production associated with increasing feedstock reactivity for each of the experiments is shown
pretreatment severity (see Figure 1). Approximately in Figure 3.
50 to 60% of the furfural produced is recovered in The yield of monomeric glucose from cellulose during
the flash vapor stream, reaching concentrations in enzymatic hydrolysis slowly increased with increasing
this stream near 30 g/L at the highest pretreatment se- pretreatment combined severity (results not shown but
verity. The more important consideration is furfural are available in Additional file 1). This behavior is typic-
concentration in the PCS liquor, as furfural is a potent ally ascribed to increasing accessibility of the cellulose to
fermentation inhibitor [17,18]. Below a combined se- enzymatic attack as a greater fraction of the hemicellu-
verity of 1.25 the furfural concentrations were less than lose is solubilized with increasing pretreatment severity
1.5 g/L, a concentration tolerated by many microorgan- [7,16]. However, within the range of pretreatment sever-
isms. At the highest pretreatment severity, the furfural ities tested, feedstock reactivity appeared to reach a
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 5 of 10

Figure 2 Pretreated corn stover liquor acetic acid and furfural concentrations and furfural concentration in the flash vapor, along with
fraction of the total furfural recovered in the flash vapor.

broad maximum of 70 to 80% at the higher combined While the conversion of xylo-oligomers and insol-
severities. Even though xylose yields were decreasing uble xylan to xylose during enzymatic hydrolysis was
after a combined severity of 1.15, increasing cellulose di- not evaluated in these experiments, previous studies
gestibility was causing the feedstock reactivity to remain have shown that a significant proportion of the oligo-
relatively constant at combined severities greater than mers can be converted enzymatically to xylose [25-27].
1.1. Previous work using dilute-acid pretreated slurry This finding was confirmed in the subsequent integrated
produced at reduced acid loadings in pilot reactor sys- pilot-scale ethanol production campaigns previously men-
tems achieved lower enzymatic cellulose to glucose con- tioned (data not shown). Based on these results, the pre-
versions (60 to 70%) than the present work (70 to 80%) treatment condition selected for the pilot-scale campaigns
[24]. These experiments achieved significantly lower xylan- was 160°C, 10 minutes, and a reactor acid concentration of
to-xylose yields in pretreatment. 0.34%. This condition balanced the need to preserve xylan

Figure 3 Feedstock reactivity (based on total monomeric and oligomeric xylose as defined in the methods section) as a function of
combined severity.
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 6 of 10

for potential subsequent conversion, while also maximizing for fuel production. Low acid concentrations are desirable
xylose yield from pretreatment and glucose yield from en- because they may eliminate the need for exotic materials of
zymatic hydrolysis. construction for pretreatment reactors. For example,
lower-cost stainless steels could be used in place of expen-
Operational observations sive Hastelloy. Additionally, a lesser quantity of caustic re-
During commissioning the pretreatment reactor, two agent is needed for neutralizing these slurries prior to
issues arose that are worthy of discussion. The first issue enzymatic hydrolysis, which reduces chemical costs and
was intermittent difficulty feeding deacetylated corn sto- perhaps downstream operating cost, particularly for waste-
ver into the reactor using the plug screw feeder. It was water treatment.
determined though trial and error that 1.3 to 1.9 cm Commissioning the newly installed horizontal reactor
(0.50 to 0.75 in) hammer-milled corn stover had a higher system identified several operational challenges that should
quantity of fine particles and lower cohesive strength be addressed in similar reactor designs, or considered in
than knife-milled corn stover. Consequently, we believe ongoing pretreatment operations. First, the structural char-
that as the corn stover is driven forward and compressed acteristics of a feedstock must be evaluated in addition to
by the plug screw feeder, the material within the rotating its composition and recalcitrance. It is clear that some
flights separates from the fraction packed within the feedstocks, or methods of preparing feedstock create a
anti-rotation device, causing the forward movement of non-ideal substrate for pressurized (plug) screw feeder op-
corn stover to slow or halt. This separation, commonly de- eration. This work highlighted the need for maintenance
scribed as plug shearing, results in cessation of feeding and and cleaning programs to prevent or minimize the depos-
is manifested as a discrete decrease in the electrical current ition of charred solids on reactor surfaces.
required by the plug screw feeder motor and an accumula- Deacetylated corn stover was successfully pretreated
tion of corn stover in the inlet zone of the plug screw and an optimum pretreatment condition of 160°C, 10 mi-
feeder. If not quickly addressed, a sheared plug can result nutes, and 0.26% H2SO4 (combined severity of 1.15 to
in rapid pressure release from the reactor back through the 1.20) was identified for future work. This condition bal-
plug screw feeder. Figures of several anti-rotation mecha- anced the need to minimize the formation of degrad-
nisms are not reproduced here, but are available in many ation products, maximize sugar yields, and reduce acid
current patents [28-30]. It should be noted that this prob- consumption. Pretreated slurries produced in this sever-
lem is not seen during feeding of either hammer-milled or ity range achieved total xylose concentrations of over
knife-milled untreated (raw) corn stover. 100 g/L at 30% TS and feedstock reactivity (an estimate
Additionally, after approximately 200 hours of oper- of total sugar yield) up to 77%. Furfural and acetic acid
ation, significant accumulation of a black, coke-like sub- concentrations ranged between 1.3 to 1.5 g/L and 1.0 to
stance was observed on the walls of the reactor and 1.9 g/L respectively, and should be well-tolerated by
within the flights of the augers. This substance was also most fermentative microorganisms.
found within the pressurized but non-jacketed discharge Given that the range of operating conditions explored
sections of the reactor. The material, shown in Figure 4, in this study is still somewhat limited, opportunities still
was generally brittle, but insoluble in acid or base solu- exist for further performance improvements. However,
tions even at elevated temperatures. To clean the re- integrated pretreatment, enzymatic hydrolysis and fermen-
actor it was completely disassembled and surfaces were tation performance data are needed to optimize overall
scraped to remove as much of the material as possible. process performance.
An elemental analysis of the material found it to be ap-
proximately 66% carbon, 27% oxygen, 5% hydrogen and Methods
1% nitrogen by mass, with a C:O ratio of roughly 2.2:1. Feedstock
This material was significantly enriched in carbon con- The corn stover was harvested in Emmetsburg, IA, USA in
tent relative to native corn stover, which has a C:O ratio October 2010 and shipped to Idaho National Laboratory
of approximately 1:1. The composition is consistent the (INL, Idaho Falls, ID, USA). There it was processed using
condensation products that can form when furans, such the pilot-scale feedstock-handling unit operated by INL
as furfural, react with monomeric and oligomeric sugars as described by Yancey et al. and hammer-milled to pass
to form insoluble humins [31]. through a 1.9-cm- (0.75-in)-round rejection screen [32].
The composition of the raw feedstock is described in
Conclusions Table 1.
The intent of this work was to understand pretreatment
of deacetylated corn stover at low acid concentrations in Feedstock deacetylation and acid impregnation
pilot-scale reactors. This is the first known work testing The overall process flow for this work is shown in
pretreatment of deacetylated biomass in pilot-scale reactors Figure 5. Corn stover deacetylation and sulfuric acid
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 7 of 10

Figure 4 Images of carbonaceous deposits observed on reactor augers and walls.

impregnation was performed in a 1,900-L horizontal hour at 10% TS and allowed to drain once again. A
jacketed vessel (American Process Systems, Gurnee, dilute sulfuric acid solution (0.5% or 0.8% w/w) was
IL, USA) agitated with paddles suspended from a then added to the drained solids to achieve a TS
central shaft. Dry corn stover (100 to 120 dry kg) loading of 8% (w/w). After thoroughly mixing the
was added to the tank along with a dilute sodium acid-impregnated solids at room temperature for
hydroxide solution (0.4% w/w) to achieve a TS load- 2 hours, the slurry was pumped to a continuous
ing of 8% (w/w). The slurry was continuously mixed, screw press (Vincent Corp. Model CP10, Tampa, FL,
heated to 80°C and held for 2 hours. The free-liquid USA) to dewater the solids to 45 to 50% (w/w) TS.
fraction was subsequently allowed to drain overnight. The deacetylated and acid-impregnated corn stover
The solids were then re-suspended in water for one (DAICS) solids were collected in drums and stored

Table 1 Composition of raw corn stover and alkaline extracted and acid impregnated corn stover
Sucrose Glucan Xylan Galactan Arabinan Lignin Protein Ash Acetyl Water/ethanol- Total mass
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) extractible others (%) closure (%)
Raw corn 0.2 ± 0.1 35.1 ± 0.6 23.3 ± 1.6 1.9 ± 0.1 3.5 ± 0.2 15.1 ± 0.3 2.1 ± 0.2 8.5 ± 0.4 1.9 ± 0.2 5.8 ± 1.5 97.6 ± 0.6
Deacetylated ND 44.7 ± 0.9 25.3 ± 0.7 1.7 ± 0.1 3.7 ± 0.2 16.3 ± 1.3 0.2 ± 0.4 3.8 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.2 ND 96.0 ± 0.8
corn stover
Standard deviations calculated using duplicate analyses of six independent samples of raw corn stover and 21 independent samples of deacetylated and
acid-impregnated corn stover. ND – None detected.
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 8 of 10

Figure 5 Block flow diagram of the deacetylation, impregnation and pretreatment processes.

at room temperature prior to use in pretreatment. process. Additionally, volatile compounds were removed
Samples of DAICS were taken from each batch prepared from the pretreatment reactor by venting a small vapor
as described above and the average composition of the 25 stream (pretreatment reactor vent) from the high point of
samples is shown in Table 1. However, yield calculations the reactor at a flow rate of 5 kg/h. The flow rate was mea-
for each experiment were performed using the compos- sured by a coriolis flow meter (Emerson Controls (Micro
ition of the individual batch of DAICS used for that Motion), Boulder, CO, USA). This stream was also con-
experiment. densed in a heat exchanger.
At each pretreatment operating condition, PCS was
Pilot-scale pretreatment collected in a drum for a period of 20 minutes; samples
The horizontal pretreatment reactor (Mesto Inc., of DAICS, PCS and condensates from both the flash and
Norcross, GA, USA) was operated at temperatures of reactor vents were taken and stored at 4°C prior to com-
150 to 170°C and residence times of 10 to 20 minutes. positional analysis. After all samples were collected, the
The residence time was calculated based on the screw pretreatment reactor set points were changed for the
speed, assuming no back-mixing of the solids. A full list next experiment. Upon a change in reactor set point
of the pretreatment conditions used in this study is such as steam pressure, residence time, or feed rate, or
shown in Additional file 1. The pretreatment reactor was other process disruption, at least two residence times
preheated using steam jackets for 1 hour and allowed to were allowed to elapse after all flow rates reached steady
reach the desired temperature before adding DAICS into state prior to the collection of any samples. Data such as
the reactor. DAICS was manually fed to an Acrison Inc. stream flows and reactor conditions were collected in
feeder (Moonachie, HJ, USA), which delivered feedstock real time and recorded by a data acquisition and control
at a constant volumetric rate to a weigh-belt (K-tron, system.
Pitman, NJ, USA) configured to deliver a constant mass The gravimetric mass balance was calculated by divid-
flow rate of biomass into the pretreatment system at 25 ing the sum of mass flow rates of solids recovered in
to 30 dry kg/h. After discharge from the weigh- belt, the each of the process effluent streams (PCS, reactor vent,
DAICS was fed into the pressurized zone of the reactor flash vent) by the mass flow rate of dry corn stover fed
by pressurized (plug) screw feeder and heated to the de- to the reactor, as measured by the weigh-belt. The calcu-
sired temperature by direct steam injection. DAICS was lation was performed using mass flow rate measure-
conveyed through the horizontal tubes by a screw auger ments (Ṁ, kg/h), TS (% w/w), densities (ρ, kg/L), and
with residence time controlled by the rotational speeds of concentrations (C, g/L) of various compounds in each
the screw. The pretreated slurry was discharged into an stream, as shown in Equations 2 to 6:
atmospheric pressure flash tank through a pair of auto-
̇ ̇
Feedstock ¼ MFeedstock;in x%TSFeedstock ð2Þ
mated, air-actuated ball valves opening and closing in an M
alternating pattern so as to prevent rapid depressurization
of the reactor.
̇ ̇
Upon entering the flash tank, the hydrolyzate separates M PCS ¼ MPCS;Out x%TSPCS ð3Þ
into a pretreated high-solids (approximately 30% w/w)
slurry stream (PCS), and a flash-tank vent stream. The ̇ 
̇ M
Reactor Vent ¼ x C Furfural þ C Acetic Acid
Reactor Vent
flash-tank vent stream was condensed in a heat exchanger. M
ρReactor Vent
The flash vapor flow-rate was determined from mass and
energy balance calculations around the pretreatment ð4Þ
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 9 of 10

̇  Chemical analysis
Flash Vent ¼ x C Furfural þ C Acetic Acid ð5Þ
Flash Vent
M Sugar concentrations were measured by HPLC using an
ρFlash Vent
Agilent 1100 series HPLC (Santa Clara, CA, USA) with
a Shodex SP0810 carbohydrate column (Shawa Denko
Gravimetric mass balance closure ð%Þ K.K., Kawasaki, Japan) and a de-ashing guard cartridge
̇ þM ̇ ̇
M Reactor Vent þ M Flash Vent (BioRad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA). The column
¼ PCS ̇ ð6Þ
MFeedstock temperature was 85°C and the mobile phase was ultra-
pure water at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/minute. Acetic acid,
In addition to the gravimetric mass balance, process HMF, and furfural concentrations were measured by
yields and component carbon mass balances were cal- HPLC using a Phenomenex Rezex RFQ Fast Fruit H +
culated by a carbon mass balance technique using a organic acid column and Cation H + guard cartridge
method previously described by Hatzis et al. [7,33]. For (BioRad Laboratories) at 55°C. The mobile phase was di-
calculating xylan and glucan mass balances, it was as- lute sulfuric acid (0.01 N) at a flow rate of 0.6 mL/minute.
sumed that all furfural was derived from only xylan, and A refractive index detector was used for compound detec-
that 5-hydroxy-methyl furfural (HMF) was only derived tion for both columns. Mixed component standards were
from sucrose. periodically run with the HPLC samples to verify calibra-
tion accuracy. The density of liquid samples was measured
Cellulose digestibility assay
using an Anton-Parr model DMA-500 density meter
Cellulose digestibility is defined as the percent of the cel- (Anton Parr USA, Inc., Ashland, VA, USA).
lulose in the PCS converted to monomeric glucose dur- The composition of pretreated solids was determined
ing enzymatic hydrolysis at the conditions discussed using a two-stage acid digestion procedure [35]. Concen-
below. PCS was neutralized with 14% (w/w) ammonium trations of total soluble sugars in pretreated liquor sam-
hydroxide at room temperature (22°C) to approximately ples were determined using a mild dilute acid hydrolysis
pH 5. Sufficient neutralized PCS, enzyme (Cellic CTec 2, procedure and HPLC analysis [36]. Concentration of the
Novozymes, Davis, CA, USA), and 50 mM citrate buffer oligomeric sugar was the difference between total and
(pH 4.9) solution (total mass of 100 g) was added to monomeric sugar concentration. Slurry TS concentrations
250-mL capped bottles to achieve a 20% PCS TS load- were determined by drying samples at 45°C in a vacuum
ing. The enzyme loading was 40 mg protein/g cellulose oven (0.6 bar) until repeated weight measurements were
with the assumption that the cellulose content of each constant. Slurry insoluble solid concentrations were deter-
PCS sample was 50% (w/w) on a dry basis. As the pro- mined by a six-step washing and centrifugation procedure
tein loading was quite high and the range of pretreat- [7]. Triplicate measurements were performed on each
ment severities fairly narrow, it was assumed that small sample.
differences in actual enzyme loading would not be de- The enzyme was desalted prior to measuring the protein
tectable. The bottles were placed in a shaking incubator content. Desalting was performed on a HiPrep 26/10
rotating at 150 rpm and maintained at 48°C. Enzymatic desalting column (GE Healthcare, Uppsala, Sweden) with a
hydrolysis was performed for 96 h. The difference be- Sephadex G-25 column matrix using a 2-mL sample. The
tween final and initial monomeric glucose concentration mobile phase was a 50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl pH 5 buf-
was used to calculate cellulose digestibility (monomeric fer at a flow rate of 10 mL/minute. Protein concentration
glucose yield) according to the method described by was measured using the Pierce BCA (BCA Protein Assay
Roche et al. [34]. Each analysis was performed in dupli- Kit, Pierce, IL, USA) assay following the manufacturer’s
cate and average values are reported. protocols with bovine serum albumin as the protein stand-
Using cellulose digestibility and the total (monomers ard. The measurement was performed in triplicate.
and oligomers) xylose yield from pretreatment, a param-
eter called the feedstock reactivity (FR) was calculated as Additional file
shown in Equation 9, where X is the mass fraction of a
given component. The parameter is a simplified repre- Additional file 1: Supplemental data referred to within the
sentation of sugar produced by combined pretreatment manuscript, including specific component yields in pretreatment
and enzymatic hydrolysis and was used for making rela- and enzymatic hydrolysis, pretreatment mass balance closure and
reactor operational conditions.
tive performance comparisons.

Yield of GlucoseEH  X Glucan;Feedstock þ Yield of Total XylosePT  X Xylan;Feedstock

FR ¼ ð7Þ
X Glucan;Feedstock þ X Xylan;Feedstock
Shekiro et al. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2014, 7:23 Page 10 of 10

Abbreviations Ethanol Selling Price (MESP) by modifying low severity dilute acid
DAICS: deacetylated and acid-impregnated corn stover; FR: feedstock pretreatment with deacetylation and mechanical refining: 1) Experimental.
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poplar and switchgrass. Bioresource Technol 1997, 59:129–136.
Jason Kerwood, Eric Nelson, and Nicholas Rinaldo. Analytical sample analysis
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15. Chen X, Tao L, Shekiro J, Mohaghaghi A, Decker S, Wang W, Smith H, Park S,
Himmel ME, Tucker M: Improved ethanol yield and reduced Minimum

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