Investigation On Resistance Effects Through Towing Test and CFD Analysis On Catamaran Boat Hull Form
Investigation On Resistance Effects Through Towing Test and CFD Analysis On Catamaran Boat Hull Form
Investigation On Resistance Effects Through Towing Test and CFD Analysis On Catamaran Boat Hull Form
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In recent years, high speed vessel received additional attention and being developed intentionally for catamaran
boat race, passenger vessel, military vessel and recreational purposes. Most of hull forms used in these high speed boat
types is multi-hull. Whilst the twin hull type vessel is the most popular among the multi-hulls because of their inherent
features such as large deck area, better stability, lower wave-making resistance at high speeds and better safety. Since the
propulsive power of any marine vehicle depends mainly on its resistance characteristics, it is required to predict the
resistance of the vessel either in theoretically, experimentally and numerical study. In the present study, an attempt has
been made to carry out both experimental and numerical investigations on the resistance characteristics as well as the
comparison of an existing twin hull without tunnel used in developed of human powered hydrofoil. This study is expected
to minimise the variation of resistance in range of 10% or less between both methods.
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Design and construction of catamaran hull for the is increasing the resistance comparison with monohull it is
human power hydrofoil because 2 hulls have to consider for the catamaran. This
This project limit the catamaran hull as a narrow problem can minimised by using two long slender hulls.
down used for human power hydrofoil. These human Besides that, by using the slender hull also reduced the
power hydrofoils are applicable for recreational or sport at wave making resistance. The distance between of both
inland waterways such as Putrajaya Lake. In this study, hulls should be as large as possible to reduce the
the focus was given only to determine the resistance interference wave, the range for distance per length hull is
characteristic of the model test compare to the numerical 0.3<s/L< 0.1 (Afandi, 2006).
analysis using a CFD solver application package. The
catamaran hull to be tested is based on the design of Hull form
human powered hydrofoil. The purpose of the human Hull is the important part of this project. The
power hydrofoil is to lift the hull out from the water selection of hull whether the monohull or demihull which
surface with certain design speed. Figure-1 illustrated the most frequently depend on the stability and easy to
design of human powered hydrofoil was developed. arrangement of the component for this project. Therefore
the selection of hull is important that to ensure the craft
will reliable and possibility to be operational. High
resistance that resulted from vessel hull is the main focus
in this study. This resistance is and unavoidable
phenomena just like air turbulence from a hull is that
constraint the project can achieve the desire speed.
However for surface craft, this phenomenon can be
reduced to an acceptable limit with appropriate design of
its hull (Mukti et al. 2006). The asymmetric catamaran
hull form design for human powered hydrofoil was
chosen, because it can reduce wake wash generated by
Figure-1. Present hydrofoil design. vessels (Libby, 2003). After CFD and model testing
carried out, the final design of catamaran hull form was
From the simple survey and some discussion that selected shown in Figure-2 and Figure-3.
carried out, the followings were found to be the desired
attributes for design the catamaran hull will to used such
as weight, hull form, wetted surface area and slander body
due to speed to be achieve. With these attributes the
selection came with the following specification for the
catamaran hull as shown in Table-1.
Hull consideration
The catamaran can achieve higher speeds in four
different ways that must be satisfied. The four different
ways are include by achieving a favourable wave
interaction between the hull, by having very slender hulls
causing minimum disturbance on the free surface which is
not possible to with monohull configuration due to
stability requirements, by locating the hull displacement
volume above the water surface such as with planning
catamarans and hydrofoil catamaran and by locating it
under water surface such as with swath ships (Insel, & Figure-3. Transverse view of the final design of
Molland, 1991). However the resistance of the catamaran catamaran boat hull form.
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION which provided well faired and very smooth hull after
involving in the laminating process. The plywood was
Description of the model used to form the crossbeams and it was screwed to the
A scale model of catamaran hull was fabricated deck stiffeners to provide the sufficient strength. The
using fibre glass material according to the particulars is process of model construction involved the use of
shown in Table-2. lamination method. The asymmetric catamaran hull model
without tunnel was fabricated and placing with required
Table-2. Particulars of model. lateral spacing of the demihulls for s/L = 0.3. In order to
determine the resistance of the demihull, the displacement
was maintained the same for the human powered
hydrofoil. The wetted surface area of the model was 1.150
m2. The views of the model without tunnel for s/L = 0.3
are shown in Figure-5. The resistance tests were carried
out for the model by carriage in towing tank.
Model setup
Figure-4. Model of asymmetric catamaran hull.
The asymmetric catamaran hull was being tested
at appropriate high position, namely as LCG (Longitudinal
From these lines plan design, an appropriate size
center of gravity) position. This position was achieved by
of plywood was cut out to get a frame which ensures the
attaching a light mass strut to the crossbeam at LCG
hull is faired correctly. The frame then fitted between the
position and using a cable and then been fitted with a set
bulkheads and then faired before involved in the
of dynamometers with strain gauge transducers in
laminating process. The hulls were sanded and painted
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
propelled hub. This transducer type is wide array of single Towing tank testing
and multi-axis force transducers which measure forces A scale model of the prototype to be tested was
particularly for resistance and propulsion test. The height constructed conform the standard methodology the
of towing point was adjusted to ensure an almost ITTC’57. The calculation of full scale resistance using the
horizontal towing cable and the craft was positioned ITTC’57 method is as follows:
centrally to ensure no lateral component to the tow cable
in order to avoid trouble during test. The guide was From the resistance measured in the towing tank
attaching at the front crossbeam to ensure the model could test, then the total coefficient of resistance for model can
run at a straight line when towing the model. The model be calculated using Equation. (1);
setup of the experiment in towing tank is demonstrates in
Figure-6 and Figure-7. RTM
C TM (1)
1 S M VM 2
CF (2)
log Re M 2 2
with the Reynolds number, Re in Equation. (2) can be
measured using Equation. (3);
Re (3)
Figure-6. Front view of model setup installed with The residual resistance is determined by
transducer. subtracting the coefficient resistance, CTM with frictional
resistance coefficient, CFM as follows;
C RM C TM C FM (4)
Froude’s Law of comparison was given by Equation. (5);
C RM C RS (5)
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The model tests were carried out for ranging from
The resistance results of catamaran hull model 0.50 to 1.49 of volumetric Froude number. The total
towing test that obtained are scaled up to the prototype resistance values of the asymmetric catamaran hull
using Froude’s extrapolation method. The total resistance without tunnel for different Fn are given in Table-4 and
for catamaran hull (RT) is normalised with the Table-5 for model and prototype respectively.
displacement (∆P) of the prototype. The speed of the mono
or split hull is expressed by the volumetric Froude
number, i.e. Fn given as Equation. (10);
Fn (10)
g 1 / 3
From the resistance calculation of the prototype increment of the Froude number, Fn, particularly for
hull, the residuary resistance increases due to more wave asymmetric catamaran hull without tunnel for lateral
reinforcement causing increase in total resistance of the position s/L of 0.3. It was also remarked that these
hull. The variation of the normalised resistance of the resistance was slightly greater increase during Froude
asymmetric catamaran hull without tunnel for different number of 1.0 to 1.5. The views of the flow pattern occurs
volumetric Froude number is shown in Figure-8. around the bow and the stern of the asymmetric catamaran
hull model without tunnel for s/L of 0.3 at selected model
speed are demonstrates in Figure-9 till Figure-13. A curve
of the resistance corresponding to the towing speed was
then being plotted and be compared to the numerical
analysis results.
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
split hull geometry. The split hull model with unstructured The split hull model is simulated at different
tetrahedral mesh is shown in Figure-17 which consist of speeds corresponding to the speeds of the model tests.
38,750 elements. After finalizing the domain, grid Three dimensional segregated, unsteady, volume of fluid
refinement independence analysis is performed on the method was used to determine the total resistance of the
optimal domain as shown in Figure-18 and it is found that split hull for range of speeds of the model tests. A
the optimum number of elements are 219,978 for the realizable k-epsilon turbulence model (k–ε) was used to
simulation with velocity parameter of 2.77 m/s. solve the turbulence parameters. The convergence criteria
adapted in the CFD simulations was of the order of 1×10−4
for all variables (u, v, w, k and ε). The simulation tests has
been performed for five different speed of fluids which
comprises of 1.11 m/s, 1.67 m/s, 2.22 m/s, 2.77 m/s and
3.33 m/s where the selection of these speeds were based
on experimental prototype speeds parameter. The speed of
catamaran boat by towing tank in experimental test is
equal to speed of fluids flow within the corresponding
domain as in Figure-19. The selection of inlet and outlet
boundary of fluids or water are based on the supposed
direction motions of catamaran boat.
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
The average pressure, PAve is taken to obtain the resistance. The study may be more specific and close to
normalised resistance, RT. Table-6 shows the results of the real condition of boat movements.
pressure concentrated on the wall body (no slip) at bow for
different speed test from CFD simulation yet the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
normalised resistance against prototype hull are This research was supported by Ungku Omar
calculated. Polytechnic Malaysia through the Centre of Technology in
Marine Engineering Research Project funded by
Table-6. Results of pressure concentrated on the wall Department of Polytechnic Education, Ministry of Higher
body (no slip) at bow from simulation. Education Malaysia. The authors also would like to
acknowledge Universiti Teknologi Malaysia for providing
research facilities to conduct the research work as well as
experts sharing and also to Universiti Tun Hussein Onn
Malaysia for knowledge and experts sharing.
VOL. 12, NO. 4, FEBRUARY 2017 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2017 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
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