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Training Manual Hydromax

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Training Manual

Version 3

© Formation Design Systems Pty Ltd 1984 – 2007

Hydromax Training

License & Copyright

Hydromax Program
© 1985-2007 Formation Design Systems
Hydromax is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. The license for use is granted to the
purchaser by Formation Design Systems as a single user license and does not permit the
program to be used on more than one machine at one time. Copying of the program to
other media is permitted for back-up purposes as long as all copies remain in the
possession of the purchaser.

Hydromax Training Manual

© 1990-2007 Formation Design Systems
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted,
transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by
any means, without the written permission of Formation Design Systems. Formation
Design Systems reserves the right to revise this publication from time to time and to
make changes to the contents without obligation to notify any person or organization of
such changes.

Neither Formation Design Systems, nor the author of this program and documentation
are liable or responsible to the purchaser or user for loss or damage caused, or alleged to
be caused, directly or indirectly by the software and its attendant documentation,
including (but not limited to) interruption on service, loss of business, or anticipatory
profits. No Formation Design Systems distributor, or agent, or employee is authorized to
make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty.

Hydromax Training

License & Copyright ...........................................................................................................i
Introduction ........................................................................................................................2
Analysis ..............................................................................................................................3
Loading a design ......................................................................................................6
Modelling Complex Wingtanks ...............................................................................7
Analysis type..........................................................................................................11
Analysis Settings....................................................................................................13
Environment Conditions ........................................................................................19
Stability criteria......................................................................................................20
Saving your work ...................................................................................................21
Animations .............................................................................................................22
Tips and Tricks.................................................................................................................23
Interaction with MS office .....................................................................................24
Formatting the loadcase .........................................................................................28
Example applications .......................................................................................................31
Inclining experiment ..............................................................................................32
External Forces and Moments................................................................................39
Stability When Docking.........................................................................................44
Stability analysis based on selected stability criteria .............................................47
Assessment of Vessel Stability (for the non-Naval Architect)...............................49
Assessing Forces ....................................................................................................50
Tutorials ...........................................................................................................................59
Tutorial 1: Upright Hydrostatics Analysis .............................................................60
Tutorial 2: Large Angle Stability Analysis ............................................................63
Tutorial 3: Equilibrium Condition Analysis...........................................................67
Tutorial 4: Specified Condition Analysis...............................................................70
Tutorial 5: KN Calculations Analysis ....................................................................73
Tutorial 6: Limiting KG Analysis ..........................................................................75
Tutorial 7: Longitudinal Strength Analysis............................................................77
Tutorial 8: Tank Calibrations .................................................................................80
Tutorial 9: Launching Calculations........................................................................82
Tutorial 10: Tonnage Calculations.........................................................................86

Page 1
This training manual is to be used in combination with the Hydromax user manual.

Basic principles
Hydromax is designed around the basic principle of Hydrostatic analysis:

Ship + Condition Î Hydrostatic data.

• The ship in Hydromax is the digital vessel or hullshape from Maxsurf.

• The conditions are set by setting the Analysis Type, settings and environment
• The hydrostatic data is represented in both graphs and tables. Also a graphical
representation of the model during each of the stages during the analysis can be

I Digital vessel
1. Hullform (Maxsurf design file)
2. Tanks, Compartments and Non-Buoyant Volumes (weight distribution and
3. Loadcase (weight distribution)
4. Margin Line (criteria evaluation)
5. Downflooding points (criteria evaluation)

II Condition
1. Analysis Type Balance volume displaced with weight and align
CB and CG vectors. (Fixed or free to trim and
2. Analysis settings Vessel displacement and centre of gravity or
draughts and trim/heel positions in the water.
3. Environment conditions Intact, damage, grounding, waveforms.

III Hydrostatic data

The Hydrostatic data is dependent on the type of analysis selected. Some analysis types
can be checked against stability criteria.

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Hydromax Training

There are a number of different analyses, but all hydrostatic analysis essentially involves
balancing the vessel’s weight with the hydrostatic restoring force of the fluid it is floating
in according to Archimedes’ principle. There are a number of parameters that are set to
define the analysis to be performed (displacement and centre of gravity position); there
are also a number of optional modifiers which may be set (damage, wave form,
grounding, etc.)

In this section:
• Loading a design
• toolbar:

¾ File | New Compartment Definition

This will add your first Tank so now, working from left to right through the table:
¾ Name the Tank “Main Hold”
¾ Set the Compartment Type to Compartment
¾ Skip the columns until you get to the Column called Aft
This is the Aft boundary of the Bounding box that will be used to clip this compartment
¾ Set Aft clipping to 60 m and set Fwd clipping to 80 m
The transverse clipping for this compartment can be any value > 7.8 m. Remember that
the compartment will be clipped back to the hull & the Internal Structure surfaces as
well, so it does not matter if you enter 25 m or 7.8 m here.
¾ Set the F Port clipping to -12 and F Starboard clipping to 12 m.
Note: Remember that positions on the Port side of the ship are always negative.
For the same reason as above, you can also specify any values you like for the Top and
Bottom clipping. As long as Bottom < 1.2 m and Top > 12 m.
¾ Set the Bottom clipping to 0 and Top to 12 m.
After defining the bounding box, it is always a good idea to check your work:
¾ Switch to perspective view window
¾ Switch tanks & compartments on using the toolbar:

Page 3
Now it is time to select which Structure surfaces to use for the main Compartment
¾ Click in the cell in the Boundary Surfaces column
This will display the following list of available Internal Structure surfaces:

For the MainHold compartment:

¾ select the surfaces as in the dialog above
These surfaces form an open U-shaped contour symmetrical about the CL (Black Lines
below) that can be closed by a single line across the top (dashed black line below):

¾ Now select Analysis | Update Loadcase to form the compartment

¾ Go to Perspective view to inspect your compartment,
Make sure you have Compartments displayed, Tank sections On, Hull sections off.
¾ Hide the hull edges by unticking edges from the Display | Visibility dialog:

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Hydromax Training

• Analysis type
• Analysis Settings
• Environment Conditions
• Stability criteria
• Saving your work
• Animations

Page 5
Loading a design
Hydromax performs all hydrostatic calculations using hull sections accurately calculated
from the Maxsurf surface model. Hydromax also allows shell thickness to be included
for the hullform and any tanks or compartments defined inside the hull. The Maxsurf
surface model is read directly by Hydromax preventing the need to generate intermediate
section files.

Read the Hydromax manual section called “Hydromax model” carefully.

Check list (see Maxsurf training)

Before loading your Maxsurf design into Hydromax there are a few checks that you
should perform whilst still in Maxsurf:
i. Outside arrows (Should all point outside the hull)
ii. Shell thickness and projection direction should be specified if required
iii. Surface types (Hull / Internal Structure)
iv. Defined, unambiguous sections (There can only be one opening in the section
at any longitudinal position, otherwise Hydromax will not know how to close
the section).
v. Check that all redundant portions of the surfaces are trimmed away.

Co-ordinate system
Longitudinal (x) positive forward
Transverse (y) positive to starboard
Vertical (z) positive up
Trim positive bow down.

Frame of Reference and Zero Point

Defaults to the same as that of the Maxsurf design, but may be changed if necessary.
However, it is generally best practice to specify the correct frame of reference in Maxsurf
and not change it in any of the other applications.

The output measurements such as LCB may be from midships or zero point (Display |
Data Format) and may be set/changed at any time.

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Hydromax Training

Modelling Complex Wingtanks

The image below shows the tank arrangement that we will model in this tutorial. It is
important to distinguish between the Hull surfaces and the Internal Structure surfaces.

In this tutorial, the Internal Structure surfaces are modelled inside Maxsurf in order to be
able to create the tank with the skewed longitudinal bulkhead.

Modelling Complex Wingtanks - Concepts

See the manual section on Tank Forming to understand the steps that Hydromax takes in
the background to form a tank. Important to remember from that:
• There are 3 ingredients to form a tank: bounding box, internal structure suraces
and hull envelope
• Hydromax will first clip to the internal structure surfaces (boundary surfaces)
• Then to the hull
• And finally to the bounding box

With this approach, any shape of tank can be modelled. Luckily - for most ships – most
tanks are rectangular and can be defined without using Internal Structure surfaces.

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Modelling Complex Wingtanks – Video
Click here to go to the Hydromax Training website and see the sequence of events
required to form these complex wingtanks; starting by inserting structure surfaces in
Maxsurf to forming the compartments in Hydromax.

Modelling Complex Wingtanks – Procedures

1. Maxsurf surface modelling
First step is to model the surfaces in Maxsurf. In this tutorial we will not go through that
step-by-step, but the following guidelines are given:
¾ Insert one surface at a time
¾ Use the Properties Pane (>v13) to adjust the control point positions
¾ Duplicate the surface with appropriate offset, rename, change colour, and
bond edges if applicable
¾ Use Surfaces window to set all tank surfaces to Structure use
¾ Use Assembly Pane to organise your surfaces in Maxsurf
¾ Check your trimming in Perspective view & individual sections in Body
Plan view
¾ Save regularly

2. Hydromax model loading

Use the default precision option and a reasonable number of sections (200 if you have a
fast computer).

Don’t forget to check your model after loading it into Hydromax. See the Hydromax
Model section for instructions.

You can visualise your Internal Structure surface edges by turning on

¾ Display | Visibility | Internal Edges

3. Hydromax Tank modelling

Starting with the main hold and using the surface names as in the image above,
¾ Go to the Input window and switch to the Compartment tab, or use the

¾ File | New Compartment Definition

This will add your first Tank so now, working from left to right through the table:
¾ Name the Tank “Main Hold”
¾ Set the Compartment Type to Compartment
¾ Skip the columns until you get to the Column called Aft
This is the Aft boundary of the Bounding box that will be used to clip this compartment
¾ Set Aft clipping to 60 m and set Fwd clipping to 80 m

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The transverse clipping for this compartment can be any value > 7.8 m. Remember that
the compartment will be clipped back to the hull & the Internal Structure surfaces as
well, so it does not matter if you enter 25 m or 7.8 m here.
¾ Set the F Port clipping to -12 and F Starboard clipping to 12 m.
Note: Remember that positions on the Port side of the ship are always negative.
For the same reason as above, you can also specify any values you like for the Top and
Bottom clipping. As long as Bottom < 1.2 m and Top > 12 m.
¾ Set the Bottom clipping to 0 and Top to 12 m.
After defining the bounding box, it is always a good idea to check your work:
¾ Switch to perspective view window
¾ Switch tanks & compartments on using the toolbar:

Now it is time to select which Structure surfaces to use for the main Compartment
¾ Click in the cell in the Boundary Surfaces column
This will display the following list of available Internal Structure surfaces:

For the MainHold compartment:

¾ select the surfaces as in the dialog above
These surfaces form an open U-shaped contour symmetrical about the CL (Black Lines
below) that can be closed by a single line across the top (dashed black line below):

Page 9
¾ Now select Analysis | Update Loadcase to form the compartment
¾ Go to Perspective view to inspect your compartment,
Make sure you have Compartments displayed, Tank sections On, Hull sections off.
¾ Hide the hull edges by unticking edges from the Display | Visibility dialog:

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Hydromax Training

Analysis type
All of the analyses will account for the current damage, grounding and wave form.

Upright Hydrostatics
Used to calculate hydrostatics at a range of draughts at specified fixed trim. Vessel is
upright (zero heel). Produces standard hydrostatics data and form data tabulated for each
draught. For an example see Tutorial 1: Upright Hydrostatics Analysis.

Large angle stability

Calculates righting lever (GZ) curve for range of specified heel angles and evaluates
selected stability criteria. Uses the current load and damage case. If you are evaluating
criteria, ensure that the heel angles specified provide sufficient range and number of
points for the accuracy required. For an example see Appendix A – Hydromax Analysis
Tutorial 2.

Equilibrium condition
Calculates the vessel's equilibrium position with the current loadcase and damage case;
grounding and wave profile may also be included. Useful for examining the effects of
different damage scenarios or doing specific simulations. For an example see Appendix
A – Hydromax Analysis Tutorial 3.

Specified condition
Calculates hydrostatics for specified displacement and centre of gravity, or fore and aft
draughts. Can be useful for specific simulations e.g. obtaining accurate hydrostatic data
during an inclining experiment. For an example see Appendix A – Hydromax Analysis
Tutorial 4.

KN calculations
Calculates KN for a range of displacements and heel angles. Note that different heel
angles may be specified than those used in the large angle stability and limiting KG
analyses. Produces cross-curves of stability.

Calculations may be made either with the vessel free to trim as it heels or with fixed trim.
If the vessel is free to trim, the LCG is determined from the intact upright LCG at the
specified displacement with zero trim. For an example see Appendix A – Hydromax
Analysis Tutorial 5.

Limiting KG
Calculates the maximum KG at which the selected criteria pass. The range of heel angles
used and the range of displacements may be specified. Note that different heel angles
may be specified than those used in the large angle stability and KN analyses.

Calculations may be made either with the vessel free to trim as it heels or with fixed trim.
If the vessel is free to trim, the LCG is determined from the intact upright LCG at the
specified displacement with zero trim. For an example see Appendix A – Hydromax
Analysis Tutorial 6.

Longitudinal Strength
Calculates the longitudinal loading, shear force and bending moment for the evaluation
of hull-girder stresses. For an example of this type of analysis see Appendix A –
Hydromax Analysis Tutorial 7.

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Tank Calibrations
Produces tank calibration tables and graphs. If you require more subdivisions, divide
your single tank vertically into a number of smaller tanks. For example a 1m high tank
will have calibration subdivisions of 50mm, but if you divide this into 2 500mm high
tanks, the calibration subdivisions will be 20mm. You will have to copy the data into a
spreadsheet to carry the totals of the lower tanks into the higher tanks. For an example of
the Tank Calibration Analysis see Appendix A – Hydromax Analysis Tutorial 8.

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Analysis Settings
Calculations assume that the vessel is floating in the first defined fluid also called "Sea
Water"; by default it has a specific gravity of 1.0252 but this may be changed in the
Density dialog (Analysis | Density).

There are a variety of standard defined fluids; you may change their densities if you so
wish. In addition you may define up to 5 custom fluids.

Heel angle ranges and increments may be specified independently for Large Angle
Stability, Limiting KG and KN analyses. Ensure that the range of angles covered, and the
number of steps, are sufficient for the accuracy required.

The trim is entered as a linear measurement, which is the difference between the trim at
the fore and aft perpendiculars; positive is bow down. The position of the perpendiculars
may be set in the Frame of Reference dialog (Data | Frame of Reference). The trim angle
is given by:
⎛ trim = draught at FP - draught at AP ⎞
trim angle, θ = tan⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ distance between perpendiculars ⎠

For most analyses, you may specify a fixed trim or free to trim.

If the trim value in the results is always zero, check that the perpendiculars are defined
correctly in the Frame of Reference dialog.

A range of drafts may be specified for the Upright Hydrostatics analysis.

A range of displacements may be specified for Limiting KG and KN analyses.

Compartment definition
Simple tanks are defined by a forward and aft, vertical, transverse plane and then top,
bottom, port, starboard limits on these planes. Hence they always have rectangular
transverse cross-sections with transverse, vertical planes as their ends. These tanks are
always rectangular in body plan view, but may be tapered in both plan and profile views.
The tanks are then trimmed to the hull surfaces; tanks may not extend outside the hull

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There are three types of compartment: Tanks may be filled with fluid (or may be
damaged/flooded). Compartments may be damaged/flooded. Non Buoyant Volumes
are always assumed to be flooded. Compartments of the same type may be linked (i.e.
the free surface is in the same plane for all compartments which are linked together). To
link compartments (or tanks, or non-buoyant volumes): first define all the compartments;
then make sure they are all of the same type (tank, compartment, etc.); give them all the
same name; finally type “Linked” or “L” in the Type column. The tanks will be
automatically re-sorted, so that the linked ones are grouped together. The simplest way to
ensure that tanks you wish to link have the same name and type is to copy from the
parent tank and paste into the others.

Compartments are used to define watertight areas that may be flooded. It is not necessary
to define compartments unless you wish to perform analysis with them flooded.

Using boundary surfaces for complex tank shapes

More complicated tanks may be created by boundary surfaces. Essentially the boundary
surfaces must form closed cross-sections; the same rules as for the Hydromax sections
apply. You should try and make boundary surfaces exactly match tank boundaries,
especially if there are problems with the tank trimming to the hull surface. Ideally they
should be one surface. Two examples are shown below:

Define as a longitudinal channel section, with edges on centre line:

If necessary, close and taper ends:

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Hydromax Training

External tanks
External tanks may not be modelled in Hydromax. However, it is normally possible to
add "Hull" surfaces in the Maxsurf model, which will enclose the external tanks. The
tanks can then be modelled in Hydromax. Note that these "external" surfaces will add to
the buoyant volume of the vessel.

Additional box-shaped hull surfaces used to define deck tanks

Longitudinal extents of tank bounding boxes

The volumes of tanks are computed by inserting a number of transverse sections between
the longitudinal limits specified in the compartment definition window. Where the hull
surfaces extend beyond these limits, the tanks will be accurately defined with a large
number of sections. However, if the longitudinal extent of the tank is limited by the
surfaces rather than the bounding box, it is possible that there will not be sufficient
sections to accurately define the tank. Such a situation may arise for the external tanks
listed above. In this case, the longitudinal extents of the tank should be specified just
inside the longitudinal extents of the surfaces (1mm say).

Modelling non-buoyant areas

Non-buoyant areas of the hull can normally be modelled with hull surfaces. However,
there are occasions when it is more convenient to use non-buoyant volumes. These are
permanently flooded compartments.

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Occasions where it is useful to use non-buoyant volumes include the modelling of bow
thruster ducts on very long vessels. If the vessel is very long, and the thruster duct is of
small diameter, there may not be sufficient sections to model it accurately (even if you
use the maximum of 200 sections for the Hydromax model). In this case you are better
off modelling the thruster duct as internal structure and using these surfaces to define a
non-buoyant volume.

Modelling the thruster duct as a non-buoyant volume has the additional advantage of
being able to specify a permeability, and hence account for the thruster.

Bow thruster tube modelled as two non-buoyant volumes

Propeller tunnels modelled with trimming surfaces

Moon pools, water jet ducts and other items may all be modelled in a similar manner.

Other issues
There are two ways of defining tanks within compartments, see Hydromax manual for
further information.

Tank definitions can parse station and waterline names e.g. st7-0.1.

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Fluid analysis method

The fluid in tanks may be accounted for in two ways:
Loss of upright GM due to tank free surface (corrected VCG).
Modelling the movement of the fluids in the tanks so that the tank free surface is parallel
to the external fluid free surface (simulate fluid movement).

The second method is more accurate, but requires more complicated calculations to be
performed. Note that the VCG is not corrected for free surface effects for this analysis
mode. Also the tanks will display the actual position of the fluid once the analysis has
been completed.

For Equilibrium, Longitudinal Strength and Large Angle Stability analyses.

The loadcase is used to specify the volume of fluid in the tanks, and the weights and
centres of the various items of the vessel. The total weight and centre of gravity of the
vessel will be calculated automatically from this data.

In addition, when Longitudinal Strength analysis is selected, it is possible to distribute

the weight over a specified length. Note that a triangular or trapezoidal weight
distribution is assumed; hence the forward and aft extents of the weights should be
chosen so that the longitudinal centre of gravity is between 1/3 and 2/3 of the extent of
the distributed weight.

For example, if a weight was distributed between 0m and 9m, the centre of gravity must
lie in the range of 3m to 6m.

When carrying out an analysis using free-surface moments, Hydromax uses the standard
IMO practice of using the tanks’ worst free surface correction to correct the VCG. It is
possible to change the free surface VCG correction by adding a dummy weight, which
has no weight and a negative free surface correction:

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Note that not all of the analysis types use the loadcase. If you automatically get the
loadcase values in a Specified Conditions analysis, the free surface correction will only
be included if the fluid analysis method is Use Corrected VCG; if Simulate Fluid
Movement is used, the uncorrected VCG will be copied into the specified conditions

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Hydromax Training

Environment Conditions
Damage definition
You may define any number of damage cases (Case | Add Damage Case). For each
damage case you may select different combinations of damaged tanks. The default intact
case is always defined; if you have permanently defined flooded areas, these should be
defined as non-buoyant volumes.

Tanks have two permeabilities. The intact permeability is used when computing the
volume of cargo or other fluid in the tank in the intact case; the damaged permeability is
used to calculate the volume of seawater in the tank when damaged.

The damaged permeability is not used for compartments or non-buoyant volumes. Only
the intact permeability is used and this is used even if the compartment is damaged. The
intact permeability is always used for non-buoyant volumes, which may not be damaged
(they are permanently flooded).

The design display reflects the currently selected damage case.

This may be used to specify one or two points of contact.

Wave definition
Hydromax can calculate stability data for a horizontal free surface or a free surface
defined by a regular sinusoidal or trochoidal wave. This can be useful for calculating
hogging or sagging bending moments.

Hogging and Sagging

Hog or Sag can be applied to the ship during the analysis.

Page 19
Stability criteria
Hydromax will evaluate GZ based criteria after a large angle stability analysis has been
performed, and equilibrium criteria after an equilibrium analysis. In addition, GZ based
criteria are required to perform a limiting KG analysis.

Please refer to the chapter on stability criteria in the Hydromax manual for more details.

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Saving your work

Although all the model data you enter to define tanks, downflooding points loadcases etc.
are appended to the end of the Maxsurf file, it is a very good idea to save them all as
separate files too. Not only will you be able to use the same compartment definitions,
loadcases etc. in other designs, you will also be able to recover this data should you
happen to modify the design in Maxsurf.

This data is saved by making the appropriate window the current window and selecting
save from the File menu. When you save the Hydromax model from any of the view
windows, a .hmd file is created with the same name as the .msd file that you used to open
the design.

See the Hydromax manual for more information on the different filetypes belonging to a
Hydromax model.

Page 21
The hydrostatic motion of a vessel in waves may be animated. Set the wave form up
from the Analysis | Waveform menu option. When in the perspective view start an
equilibrium analysis. Once the analysis is complete (this may take some time as the
iterations step through the various phase angles of the wave), run an animation from the
Display | Animate menu option. If the animation is running too fast or slow use the
keypad + and - to speed up or slow down the frame refresh rate.

Select View From Data: To see the vessel in the orientation which gave the hydrostatic
data, highlight the desired column in the appropriate results table and choose Select View
From Data from the Display menu. (You can do this with previously analysed data too.)

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Hydromax Training

Tips and Tricks

In this section:
• Interaction with MS office
• Formatting the loadcase

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Interaction with MS office
Hydromax is compatible with MS Office, you can use copy and paste from tables, graphs
etc. Use keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste data when menu options are not available
(or context menus from right click). Copy: Ctrl+Ins, Ctrl+C; Paste: Shift+Ins, Ctrl+V.

The automatically generated report may be saved in rich text format and imported into
MS Word for further formatting or editing.

Working with tanks and compartments

The thing to remember is that the tanks appear in the Loadcase window in the same order
that they are defined in the Compartment Definition window. Hence if you wish to re-
order the tanks in the Loadcase it is necessary to sort the Compartment Definition data.
Unless you entered the tanks in the order you required, the simplest way to sort the
compartments is with MS Excel.

Select all the data in the Compartment Definition window by clicking in the top-left grey
cell, and copy the data with the column headings by selecting Edit | Copy with the Shift
key depressed or pressing Shift + Ctrl + C

Open MS Excel and paste in the data:

You can now sort the data into the desired order by making sure that all the data is
selected then choosing Data | Sort… (in MS Excel) which will bring up the following

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Hydromax Training

If necessary, click the "Header row" radio button, so that you can specify the sort by
column title rather than column letter. Choose options similar to those shown, depending
on your requirements. The options listed above will first sort out all the compartments,
non-buoyant volumes and tanks, then the tanks will be sorted by fluid type, and within
each group all will be sorted into alphabetical order.

When you hit okay, your new list should look something like:

You can ignore the fact that the units row has been sorted to the bottom of the list, all
you are interested in is the compartment definition data.

Select this data and copy it…

now paste it over the top of the existing data in the Hydromax Compartment Definition
window by selecting the top-left white cell:

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and then selecting Edit | Paste or pressing Ctrl + V to insert the data.

The compartments have now been successfully re-ordered as desired.

Once they are in the correct order in the Compartment Definition window:

the tanks will appear in the same order in the Loadcase window and you can simply add
your total items to compute the totals of fuel, water, etc.:

Linked Tanks
If you have linked tanks, before copying data in MS Excel, you should un-link them by
simply filling down the parent's Type into the Type of the linked tanks below it:

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Hydromax Training

Select cells, then right-click to bring up the context menu and select Fill Down:

The Compartment definition window should now look like this:

Now you can proceed as before using MS Excel to sort the tanks into the desired order.
After you have pasted the sorted compartment data back into Hydromax, you will need to
re-link the tanks by typing Link or L into the relevant Type rows.

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Formatting the loadcase
Working with weight items:
In some cases you may wish to add blank lines and sub totals to your load case window.
This is very easily done; take the following example where there are no tanks:

Use the Edit | Add load command or Ctrl + A to add weight items, the new item will be
inserted below the currently selected row. For normal weights, simply type the name of
the weight and fill out the rest of the entry as normal.

If you wish to have a blank row, it is necessary to make the Item Name column of that
row blank. To do this, select the cell above where you wish the blank line to be inserted:

Insert a new item with Ctrl + A, remember that it will be inserted below the current row.
The new row will have something like "item: 18" in the Item Name column and other
entries in the rest of the columns.

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To make it a blank entry, select the Item Name cell of the newly inserted row:

and press the period (.) key and hit return:

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Total rows are done in a similar manner, noting that the Item Name column for that row
must start with the word "total" (non-case sensitive): insert an extra row with Ctrl + A
where you wish the total row to be placed. Now enter "Total your description" in the
Item Name cell. The rest of the row data will be calculated automatically by Hydromax.
The total row will sum all the weights and moments of all entries above it, back to the
previous total row. In the example shown at the beginning of this tip, it was necessary to
add a "dummy" total row under the Lightship margin to prevent the Lightship margin
from being included in the crew and stores total.

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Example applications

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Inclining experiment
This section describes how Hydromax may be used to simulate an inclining experiment.
This demonstrates the type of simulations that are possible using the Specified
Conditions and Equilibrium analysis methods.

The purpose of an inclining experiment is to determine:

• Lightship mass
• GM

General inclining experiment procedure

Before carrying out an inclining experiment, the following vessel preparation is required:
• vessel as complete as possible and surveyed to determine weights which will be
added or removed when in service
• boilers and engine sumps are at working levels
• tanks full or empty to avoid free surface effects; boats tight in derricks to avoid
virtual centres of gravity
• all unnecessary items and personnel ashore
• adequate bilge clearance
• inclining weights and spreads are checked and are perpendicular to centreline

Accurately determine vessel displacement and LCG

• density of fluid measured at several locations
• draughts measured at all draught marks
• from the draught marks and the vessel's hydrostatics, the mass and LCG can be

Procedure to determine GM and KG

Weights (which are often made equal) are arranged as shown below:

The weights are then moved in the sequence specified below, and after each movement,
the heel angle is recorded (usually with a long pendulum).

move A to a position in line with C

move B to a position in line with D
move A and B back to their original positions
move C to a position in line with A
move D to a position in line with B
move C and D back to their original positions

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The shift of a weight w by a distance d across the vessel will result in a transverse
movement of the vessel's centre of gravity from G to G'. The shift in the centre of gravity
is given by:
GG' = , where Δ is the vessel's displacement.

Since the weight shift is small, the resulting heel angle is also small and it may be
assumed that rotation takes place about a fixed metacentre. Thus it may be shown that
the metacentric height GM is given by:
GG ' wd
GM = or GG ' = , where φ is the heel angle.
tan φ Δ tan φ
In practice the results of all the weight movements are averaged. One method for doing
this is to plot a graph of y = wd against x = Δ tan φ , the slope of this line is GM and
this may be computed from least squares fit of yˆ = GM x . In this case GM is given by:

GM =
∑x ⋅ y
i i

∑x 2

Once GM has been determined, it is relatively simple to calculate KB and BM from the
vessel's geometry:
BM =

The vessel's KG is then given by: KG = KB + BM - GM.

Example inclining experiment results

A vessel of 6000 tonne displacement has the following weights to be used in the
inclining experiment:
mass [tonne]
A 9.8
B 10.1
C 10.2
D 10.05

The weights are moved a transverse distance of 10.3m and the pendulum used to measure
the heel angle is 7m in length. The results of the weight movements are as follows:

Pendulum Heel Change Weight Distance Moment

Deflection Angle moved applied
[cm] [deg.] [deg.] [tonne] [m] [tonne.m]
original 0 0.00
move A to a position in 31 2.54 2.54 9.8 10.3 100.94
line with C
move B to a position in 63 5.14 5.14 19.9 10.3 204.97
line with D
move A and B back to 1 0.08 -5.06 19.9 -10.3 -204.97
their original positions
move C to a position in -30 -2.45 -2.45 10.2 -10.3 -105.06

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line with A
move D to a position in -62 -5.06 -5.06 20.25 -10.3 -208.575
line with B
move C and D back to 0 0.00 5.06 20.25 10.3 208.575
their original positions

We can now compute GM by a least squares fit of the data:

x = Δ tan φ y = wd x2 x.y
[tonne] [tonne.m]
move A to a position in 265.7143 100.94 70604.08 26821.2
line with C
move B to a position in 540 204.97 291600 110683.8
line with D
move A and B back to -531.36 -204.97 282343.7 108912.9
their original positions
move C to a position in -257.143 -105.06 66122.45 27015.43
line with A
move D to a position in -531.429 -208.575 282416.3 110842.7
line with B
move C and D back to 531.4286 208.575 282416.3 110842.7
their original positions
Sum 1275503 495118.8

Thus GM is given by: 495,118.8 / 1,275,503 = 0.388m;

this may be seen graphically:

GM = dy/dx
moment [tonne.m]

-600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100
-50 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
disp. tan(phi) [tonne]

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Simulating an inclining experiment with Hydromax

An inclining experiment may be simulated quite simply using Hydromax. The initial
conditions of the vessel are first computed using a Specified Conditions analysis
specifying the draughts. This will yield the displacement and centre of buoyancy of the
vessel during the inclining experiment. Secondly, the transfer of weights is simulated in
the Loadcase table and for each weight shift an Equilibrium analysis is performed to
obtain the heel angle.

In this example, we will be taking an arbitrary hull and simulating the movements of
weights on the vessel with Hydromax to obtain the data that would otherwise have been
obtained from the inclining experiment (rather than actually performing the experiment
on a real vessel). We will make arbitrary assumptions for the vessel’s draught and centre
of gravity.

The following example has been performed with the sample file:
C:\Program Files\Maxsurf\Sample Designs\ Sample Projects\Frigate\

Specified Condition Analysis

Set the analysis type to Specified Conditions and specify fixed trim and type in the
forward and aft draughts:

Run the analysis to obtain the vessel's displacement and centre of buoyancy. This
produces the following results (you can use Data | Data Format to hide unwanted data):

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You now have the basic Hydrostatics data required for the inclining experiment. It is now
necessary to simulate the movements of the weights. This is best done by setting up a
suitable loadcase and performing Equilibrium analyses at each condition.

Equilibrium Analysis
Set up the loadcase as follows (see below). When weights A, B, C and D are moved, they
are moved to corresponding weights on the opposite side of the vessel. The Qty. column
in the loadcase is used to determine the position of the weight. It must be remembered
that, although at the time of the experiment, the VCG is not known, it does actually exist,
hence the VCG of the lightship and weights must be specified. In this example, the
Lightship LCG is assumed to be 3m and the weights are assumed to be moved on a deck
8m above the keel. The lightship weight is adjusted so that the final total displacement
matches that obtained from the Specified Conditions analysis at the known draught

The weight movements may now be simulated by changing the values in the Qty. column
to 1 or 0 as appropriate; for example, below is shown the load sheet for moving A to the
other side of the vessel and the resulting heel angle computed from the equilibrium

Example heel results from the Equilibrium analysis using the above load case:

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Carrying out this procedure, the following results were obtained:

Heel Change Weight Distance Moment

Angle moved applied
[deg.] [deg.] [tonne] [m] [tonne.m]
original 0.00
move A to a position in line 1.20 1.20 9.8 10.3 100.94
with C
move B to a position in line 2.42 2.42 19.9 10.3 204.97
with D
move A and B back to their 0.00 -2.42 19.9 -10.3 -204.97
original positions
move C to a position in line -1.21 -1.21 10.2 -10.3 -105.06
with A
move D to a position in line -2.42 -2.42 20.25 -10.3 -208.575
with B
move C and D back to their 0.00 2.42 20.25 10.3 208.575
original positions

As in the first example, GM is computed by a linear least squares fit through the data and the origin.
x = Δ tan φ y = wd x2 x.y
[tonne] [tonne.m]
move A to a position in line 29.39316 100.94 863.9581 2966.946
with C
move B to a position in line 59.30282 204.97 3516.824 12155.3
with D
move A and B back to their -59.30282 -204.97 3516.824 12155.3
original positions
move C to a position in line -29.63818 -105.06 878.4217 3113.787
with A
move D to a position in line -59.30282 -208.575 3516.824 12369.08
with B
move C and D back to their 59.30282 208.575 3516.824 12369.08
original positions
Sum 15809.68 55129.5

Thus GM is given by: 55,129.5 / 15,809.68 = 3.49m;

this may be seen graphically:

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GM = dy/dx

moment [tonne.m]
-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10-50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
disp. tan(phi) [tonne]

This may be confirmed by displaying the GM caculated by the Equilibrium condition,

with the weights in their original positions. For this example, the GM computed by
Hydromax is 3.49m, which is (as expected) the same as that computed by the simulated
inclining experiment.

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External Forces and Moments

In this section, we will investigate how forces and moments may be applied to Hydromax
models when performing analyses that use the loadcase table: Equilibrium, Longitudinal
Strength and Large Angle Stability.

Hydromax – Vertical force balance

Hydromax is concerned only with the balance of vertical forces; essentially weight and
buoyancy. Lateral forces such as drift are ignored (since there is no hydrodynamic
restoring force, and hence no hydrostatic equilibrium can be achieved). This has some
implications and limitations when modelling the effects of external forces and moments
acting on the vessel. These implications and limitations are discussed in greater detail in
the following sections.

Applying vertical forces

As mentioned above, we will only be concerned with analyses that use the loadcase
window. Forces are applied either by filling a tank or by directly including a force or
weight in the loadcase table:

Positive and negative forces

Normally all forces applied to the Hydromax model in the loadcase are assumed to be
acting towards the centre of the earth (downwards); these forces are positive. In some
cases, as we will see later, it is helpful to be able to apply negative forces (upward
forces). This can be done by giving the force a negative quantity in the loadcase window:

Free surface moments

As a slight aside, it is possible to choose the type of free surface moment to be applied
for each tank in a Hydromax Load Case. The options available are Maximum free
surface moment, Actual free surface moment for the current fluid level, IMO free surface
moment method, or a user specified free surface moment:

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These choices appear in a column on the far right of each loadcase. Note that if you have
multiple loadcases, the free surface moment methods have to be selected individually for
each loadcase.

Applying pure moments

In some cases, you may wish to apply a pure moment or torque on the vessel. Later we
will see how this is useful for applying the effects of arbitrary external forces to the

Applying a cosine decreasing moment

The simplest moment to apply is one whose magnitude decreases with the cosine of the
heel angle. This may seem like a big limitation, but in practice, this represents the
majority of real-world examples.

Moment = Force x perpendicular distance separating the forces (m = F.D)

To apply the moment, insert two forces of the same magnitude but give one of them a
negative quantity so that the force is negative. The two forces will cancel each other out,
but will induce a rotational moment on the vessel. The position of the forces will
determine the characteristics of the moment. For example, if they are separated
transversely, but at the same longitudinal and vertical positions, the resulting moment
will cause the vessel to heel over.

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After Equilibrium analysis without applying moment

After Equilibrium analysis applying 200 tonne.m heeling moment to the vessel when

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The moment becomes cosine decreasing, because the forces always act vertically and
hence the perpendicular distance separating them decreases with the cosine of the heel
angle; when the vessel is heeled over to 90°, the moment is zero because the forces are in
line. Note that the final applied moment is F.D.Cos(heel)

Similarly, a pitching moment can be applied by separating the forces longitudinally

rather than horizontally:

After Equilibrium analysis applying 200 tonne.m trimming moment to the vessel when

Heel at which maximum moment occurs can be adjusted by separating the forces

You can also apply a combined trimming and heeling moment by separating the forces
both longitudinally and transversely. However, it is probably simplest to use one pair of
forces to apply the trimming moment and another pair to apply a heeling moment.

Examples of an applied pure moment

In most real life situations, moments arise from a coupling motion of two external forces,
which do not lie along the same axis.
Lifting with a crane
Consider lifting an object from a wharf onto the deck of a vessel with its own lifting
equipment. There are three conditions to consider during this process:
The weight being lifted is on the dock – no force to be applied to vessel.
Weight suspended wholly by the crane – force acts from the end of the crane’s boom (i.e.
from the top of the cable). Position of the force should be positioned in all three
Weight on deck – force acts from the centre of gravity of the weight.

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Similar to crane lift, but only include vertical component of force.
Bollard pull / towing
When a vessel is towing another or performing a bollard pull, a moment will be applied
to the vessel because of the vertical separation of the thrust line and the attachment

Separate out vertical component and apply separately.

Sail heeling moment
A heeling moment will be applied to the yacht because of the vertical separation of the
aerodynamic and hydrodynamic forces. It is normal practice to separate the longitudinal
and transverse components of the aerodynamic and hydrodynamic forces.

For a sailing vessel the sail force acts from a centre of pressure, which is often assumed
to be the centre of area of the sail plan; similarly for the hydrodynamic forces. Use this
vertical separation for determining the sail heeling moment.

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Stability When Docking
It is sometimes necessary to determine the maximum KG that a vessel can have, whilst
still being able to maintain adequate stability, when docking or grounding. With
Hydromax, it is possible to perform such an analysis. There are two possible methods of
analysis. The first looks only at vessel GM in the upright condition, and if the GM
remains positive, it is assumed that the vessel will have adequate stability during the
docking procedure; the second provides a more rigorous method where any number of
stability criteria may be addressed and is based on the Limiting KG analysis option in

In the following sections a worked example will be given for a generic frigate design
with principal particulars as follows:

Displacement in sea water (ρ = 1025 kg/m3) 1377 tonne

Length on waterline 80.0 m
Beam on waterline 12.5 m
Draught 3.0 m
Draught at which bilge blocks can be hauled into place 0.5 m

Stability analysis based on upright GM only

The stages of the analysis are outlined below:
Perform upright hydrostatics analysis for the range of draughts through which the vessel
will pass before the bilge blocks can be hauled into place. If the vessel is to be trimmed
when docking, this can be accounted for by specifying the relevant fixed trim.

Copy the data into Excel to complete the analysis:

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The analysis is as follows:

The vessel has a mass of W, as it comes down on the blocks the portion of the vessel
mass supported by the water reduces and a force P is exerted on the keel.
P =W −Δ
where Δ is the displacement of the vessel at a given draught.

The force P acting on the keel causes a virtual rise of the vessel’s centre of gravity.
Hydromax has calculated the metacentric height (KMt) for a number of displacements
down to the point at which the bilge blocks can be hauled into place. Given that a
minimum GMt (GMtmin) is required, the maximum acceptable height of the virtual centre
of gravity (KGvmax) can be found:
KGvmax = KMt – GMtmin

By taking moments about the keel it is possible to arrive at the following expression:
(W-P) KGvmax = W KGmax
Where KGmax is the actual maximum acceptable VCG of the vessel.

Rearranging, this expression, it is possible to evaluate KGmax knowing W, P, and KGvmax:

KGmax = (W-P) KGvmax / W

Thus, it may be seen, that the maximum acceptable KG for a GMt of 0.01m at a draught
of 0.5m is 0.579 m

This can be confirmed by an equilibrium analysis:

In the loadcase, the vessel weight and the keel force are entered.

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The results of the Equilibrium analysis show the GMt to be 0.008m (compared to the
required value of 0.01m), which is within the accuracy to which the values have been

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Stability analysis based on selected

stability criteria
This method is more comprehensive since other stability criteria may be taken into
account, such as range of positive stability and area under the righting lever curve. The
method is essentially the same, in that a maximum acceptable virtual centre of gravity
height is computed. The real vessel VCG is then obtained in the manner described above.

Use the limiting KG analysis method in Hydromax to obtain the maximum VCG for a
range of displacements – this is the maximum acceptable virtual centre of gravity height.
Then, as before, the maximum acceptable KG is given by:
KGmax = (W-P) KGvmax / W
where W and P are defined as before.

Example calculation where stability criterion is 5

deg. range of positive stability.
Result of Limiting KG analysis for displacement corresponding to 0.5m draught:

Calculations in Excel to determine KGmax:

This can be confirmed by performing a large angle stability analysis.

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Assessment of Vessel Stability (for the

non-Naval Architect)
Here are a few notes on how Hydromax may be used to assess vessel stability and
examine a vessel’s response to specified loading conditions.

Using Hydromax
Once a Maxsurf model has been completed, the next step is to load the design into
Hydromax. Hydromax calculates the vessel’s hydrostatic properties by calculating a
number of vertical stations through the hull. When the vessel is first loaded, you may
select the number of stations used; the greater the number, the higher the accuracy of the
calculations, but the longer they will take to perform. Once the sections have been
calculated, you should check that they have been correctly formed. If there is a problem
in the way in which the model has been formed in Maxsurf, it is possible that the sections
will be incorrectly formed. This will lead to errors in the hydrostatics. See the Hydromax
manual for further details and constraints on generating a model that will be correctly
interpreted by Hydromax. The sections are most easily checked by going though the
design views with the section contours turned on; the perspective view is particularly

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Assessing Forces
Once the vessel has been loaded into Hydromax, it is necessary to determine the weights,
forces and moments acting on the vessel. Unless a longitudinal strength calculation is
being performed, weights can be applied as point loads.

If the vessel contains tanks that will be loaded with fluids, or damage stability
calculations are to be performed, the vessels tanks and compartments should be defined.
See the Hydromax manual for further details.

Vertical Force Balance

It should be remembered that Hydromax performs a balance of vertical force and pitch
and heeling moments. Longitudinal and transverse forces and yaw moment have no
hydrostatic restoring forces and so are not taken into account in Hydromax.

Forces and Moments

In general most forces will act in the vertical plane. However, there may be forces acting
in arbitrary directions. As a first step it is necessary to determine all the individual forces
and moments acting on the vessel and to resolve them into their vertical, longitudinal and
transverse components. All this should be done with the vessel in the upright condition
(once the forces and moments are applied, Hydromax can be used to find the vessel’s
equilibrium position).

In general, transverse and longitudinal forces will act in action and reaction pairs and
there will be no net force in the transverse or longitudinal direction. If this is not the case,
the vessel will accelerate in the direction of net force according to Newton’s First Law of
Motion. Often the reaction forces will be hydrodynamic forces acting on the vessel’s
hull, propulsor and / or rudder. These will be the forces that cause the vessel to continue
travelling in a straight line or remain at rest.

Applying Vertical Forces

Vertical forces, or the vertical component of general forces, should be applied at the
locations where they act on the vessel.

Applying Heel Moment

The total heeling moment can be calculated as follows:
M xx = ∑ m xxi + ∑ f yi z i
i i

Where m xxi are the individual pure heel moments acting on the vessel, f yi the
components of transverse force (including reaction forces) and zi the height of the force
above some arbitrary (thought constant) datum.

Remember that in Hydromax only vertical forces can be applied. However, an equivalent
moment can be applied using two vertical forces Fz separated by a transverse distance Y:
M xx = FzY
It is convenient to make Y = 1.0, in which case Fz has the same numerical value as Mxx
(assuming that consistent units are used).

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Since a pure moment is being applied (no net force is being applied, only a torque) it can
be applied at any location on the vessel, e.g.: at the origin (0, 0, 0).

For example, to create a 98.1 N.m moment, which would heel the vessel to port, a 98.1 N
(10 kg load) downward force should be applied 0.5m to port and a 98.1 N (10 kg load)
upward force should be applied 0.5m to starboard:

Note that in Hydromax a negative force is applied by giving it a negative value in the
Quantity field. Note also, that in the above example, the net force on the vessel is zero.

It is important to note that the heeling moment applied in this way will decrease as the
heel angle increases, this is because the transverse separation of the forces reduces; the
reduction factor is Cos(ф), where ф is the heel angle.

Applying Trim Moment

In a similar way, a pure pitch moment may be applied. In practice, it may be possible to
ignore the pitch moment because most vessels are very stiff in trim compared with heel,
and the effects of ignoring trim on the accuracy and validity of the results will be small.

The total trimming moment can be calculated as follows:

M yy = ∑ m yyi + ∑ f xi z i
i i

Where m yyi are the individual pure trim moments acting on the vessel, f xi the
components of longitudinal force (including reaction forces) and zi the height of the
force above some arbitrary (thought constant) datum.

Remember that in Hydromax only vertical forces can be applied. However, an equivalent
moment can be applied using two vertical forces Fz separated by a longitudinal distance
M yy = Fz X
It is convenient to make X = 1.0, in which case Fz has the same numerical value as Myy
(assuming that consistent units are used).

Since a pure moment is being applied (no net force is being applied, only a torque) it can
be applied at any location on the vessel, e.g. at the origin (0, 0, 0).

For example, to create a 196.2 N.m moment that would trim the vessel bow down, a
196.2 N (20 kg load) downward force should be applied 0.5m forward, and a 196.2 N (20
kg load) upward force should be applied 0.5m aft, of an arbitrary datum (all that is
important is the separation):

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It is important to note that the trimming moment applied in this way will decrease as the
trim angle increases, this is because the longitudinal separation of the forces reduces; the
reduction factor is Cos(θ), where θ is the trim angle.

Equilibrium Analysis
The Equilibrium analysis balances the loads (as defined in the loadcase) with the
hydrostatic restoring force from the hull. The hull is trimmed and heeled so that the
centre of buoyancy is directly under the centre of gravity.

This gives the static position of where the vessel would float for the defined loadcase.
However, apart from the GM at this position, there is no information that can be used to
determine how stable the vessel is in this position. For example, a small external force
could cause the vessel to capsize (e.g. the action wind or waves). For this information
we need to conduct a large angle stability analysis.

Large Angle Stability (GZ or Righting Lever

For more information regarding the stability characteristics of the vessel, the Large
Angle Stability analysis should be used. In this case, the vessel is forced over to a
specified range of heel angles. At each heel angle, the vessel is balanced against the
forces specified in the loadcase and if “Free to Trim” is selected, the longitudinal centres
of buoyancy and gravity will be balanced.

At each angle the righting lever (GZ) is computed. This is the horizontal separation of
the centres of gravity and buoyancy. The righting moment is the product of the righting
lever and the vessel displacement. A typical GZ curve is shown below:

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Typical GZ curve evaluated over entire heel angle range

Same GZ curve in greater detail

This graph gives much more information than the simple equilibrium analysis. The GZ is
plotted against heel angle. For positive heel angles, positive GZ indicates that the vessel
will tend to float upright; conversely, for negative heel angles the vessel will tend back to
upright is the GZ if negative.

Equilibrium Angle
In general, there are several heel angles at which the vessel is in equilibrium. These are
where the value of GZ is zero, i.e. there is no righting moment. In the above example
there are four positions where equilibrium occurs: heel = 0˚, +74.6˚, 180˚ and –74.6˚
(given that +/-180˚ are same heel angle).

Some equilibrium positions will be stable and some unstable. If the vessel is in stable
equilibrium, the vessel will return to the equilibrium position if it has a small
perturbation; if the vessel is in unstable equilibrium, it will not return to this position
after a small displacement – instead it will tend to one of the positions of stable
equilibrium. Stable equilibria positions will be where the GZ curve has positive slope
and unstable equilibria positions where the slope is negative. In the above example stable
equilibria occur at 0˚ and 180˚ and unstable equilibria occur at +/-74.6˚.

Initial GM
The initial GM is the slope of the curve at either 0˚ heel or equilibrium heel (this is the
metacentric height). This gives an indication of the vessel’s tendency to return to its
stable position. The greater the slope of the GZ curve, the greater the GM and the
stronger the vessel’s tendency will be to return to its equilibrium position.

Maximum Positive GZ, Angle of Maximum Positive GZ

This is the position and magnitude of the positive peak in the GZ curve. Up to this angle
the righting moment is increasing. In the sample the Maximum GZ is 0.225m and occurs
at 51˚. Note that this vessel has greater negative GZ than it does positive GZ.

Page 53
Angle of Vanishing Stability
This is the angle at which stability (GZ) vanishes, i.e. the righting moment is zero. If the
vessel was heeled over to this point it would be equally likely to capsize as right itself. In
the example the angle of vanishing stability is 74.6˚.

Assessment of “Dynamic Stability”

It can be shown that the amount of energy required to heel a vessel to a certain angle is
proportional to the area under the GZ curve between the start angle and the finish angle.
This is often used to get an approximate assessment of “dynamic” stability.

Rollback angle
This is the angle to which the vessel is heeled to before it is released. The area under the
GZ curve from equilibrium to this angle is the energy put into the system. Typically this
could be due to wave action rolling the vessel.

Comparison of areas
Comparing the energy (areas under the GZ curve) which is put into the vessel (by, say,
wave forces) to the energy which can be absorbed before the angle of vanishing stability
is reached can be a useful measure of how stable the vessel is when subjected to external
forces. Of course this comparison of areas is only a guide and hydrodynamic effects such
as damping are not included.

Stability Criteria
Most stability criteria (e.g. IMO, etc.) use the results from a large angle stability analysis
to determine if a vessel is safe rather than simply looking at whether the vessel is in
stable equilibrium when subjected to the expected loads. Hydromax can evaluate the
results of the analyses carried out against selected criteria.

Additional heeling arms

Instead of applying a heeling moment directly in the load case, it is possible to
superimpose a heeling arm curve on the GZ curve. This heeling moment arm becomes
the effective GZ = 0.0 datum. Now equilibria angles are where the GZ curve crosses this
line, and similarly, the angle of vanishing stability and where the GZ curve crosses the
heeling arm. The net righting lever is the vertical distance between the lines. The heeling
arm, h, is given by:
M xx
h= , where M xx is the heeling moment and Δ the vessel displacement.

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Typical GZ curve with heel arm superimposed

The vessel equilibrium angle will be at the intersection of the heel arm and GZ curve, in
this case 31.4˚; and the angle of vanishing stability is about 71˚.

In the above diagram the area shaded in black indicates the energy that can be absorbed
from the equilibrium angle (31.4˚) to the angle of vanishing stability (71˚). The area
shaded in red indicates the energy that would be given to the vessel if it were rolled back
25˚ from its equilibrium position by (say) the effect of waves. In this case the areas are
comparable so it is quite likely that the vessel would capsize if it were rolled over 25˚ by
external forces. If the black area were significantly larger than the red area, capsize
would be unlikely; conversely if the red area were any larger capsize would be quite

The advantage of this type of approach to imposing a heeling moment is that any shape
heeling arm curve can be applied: constant, cos decreasing, cos2 decreasing etc.

Wind heeling
There are several wind heeling criteria in common use, these include: IMO severe wind
and rolling (weather) criterion IMO A.526(14); High speed craft code, US, Australian
and UK navies, etc.

Other heeling arms

Lifting of weights, towing etc can all be accounted for by this method provided that the
shape and magnitude of the heeling arm curves can be ascertained.

As expected the different analysis methods will yield virtually the same results:

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Equilibrium analysis with vessel subjected to heel and trim moment

Loadcase with heel and trim moment applied

Results from Equilibrium analysis

The Equilibrium analysis indicates an equilibrium heel angle of 13˚. The GMt also gives
the value of the slope of the GZ curve at this point and an indication of how stable the
vessel is in this state.

Large angle stability with same heel and trim moment

Same load case with heel and pitch moments applied

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Results from large angle stability analysis

The point where the GZ curve is zero is the equilibrium angle (righting moment = 0.0).
This confirms the result from the Equilibrium analysis, indicating an equilibrium heel
angle of 13˚. However, we can now see that this angle is a long way below the position
of Gzmax, and even further from the angle of vanishing stability. The area under the
curve between a heel angle of 13˚ and 73˚ indicates that quite a large amount of energy
can be absorbed before capsize.

Large angle stability with heel curve superimposed

Here a heel arm of 0.13m amplitude has been superimposed on the GZ graph, and the
heeling moment removed from the loadcase. The heel arm is given by the heel moment
divided by the vessel displacement (20.0tonne.m / 150tonne = 0.1333m).

Heeling Arm Criterion from the Criteria window

Page 57
Modified loadcase – heel moment removed


The equilibrium position is now at the intersection of the GZ curve and the superimposed
heeling arm (shown in red) at approximately 13˚.

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Hydromax Training

The following tutorials are available:
• Tutorial 1: Upright Hydrostatics Analysis
• Tutorial 2: Large Angle Stability Analysis
• Tutorial 3: Equilibrium Condition Analysis
Tutorial 4: Specified Condition Analysis
• Tutorial 5: KN Calculations Analysis
• Tutorial 6: Limiting KG Analysis
• Tutorial 7: Longitudinal Strength Analysis
• Tutorial 8: Tank Calibrations
• Tutorial 9: Launching Calculations
• Tutorial 10: Tonnage Calculations

Page 59
Tutorial 1: Upright Hydrostatics Analysis
In this first example, we will look at computing basic upright hydrostatics of a design
imported from Maxsurf.

1. First close any design you may have open, then choose File | Open design from the
file menu. Select “Hydromax Sample.msd” from the Sample Designs folder.

When prompted, select Read Sections from File and set precision to medium. Click OK
to close the dialog box. If you change to the Design window (select from the menu
either Window | Profile, Window | Plan, Window | Perspective or Window | Body Plan
depending on which is the currently active view), you will be able to do a visual check of
the design to ensure that the design has been loaded correctly.

2. The Upright Hydrostatics analysis option maybe chosen either from the menu
(Analysis | Set Analysis Type | Upright Hydrostatics) or from the Analysis toolbar drop
down menu:

3. To determine the Upright Hydrostatics of the vessel the program requires a (number
of) draft value(s), a VCG in m above the baseline, as well as a trim angle. These values
are set from the Analysis menu item. Choose Analysis | Trim and the Trim dialog box
should appear:

Set the Fixed Trim value to 0m (it should actually be set at this by default). Click OK
to close the Dialog box.
Now lets set the draft readings. Select Analysis | Draft from the menu. In the Draft
Range dialog box enter and Initial draft at amidships value of 1m and a Final draft at
amidships value of 1.3m, also set the Number of drafts to 4 (ensuring that the draft
readings are incremented by 0.1m) and leave the VCG above baseline value at the default
value of 1.215m:

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Hydromax Training

4. The final set up required before running the Upright Hydrostatics Analysis option is
to tell the program which hydrostatic parameters you want displayed in the results
window. To do this first ensure the results window is the current window (Window |
Results) and select Display | Data Format from the menu. A dialog box will then appear
with all the output options for the Upright Hydrostatic results. Check all the boxes and
choose vertical Data Layout and LCB/LCF origin “From Amidships”.

Click OK to close the Dialog box.

5. To run the analysis either choose Analysis | Start Hydrostatics from the menu bar or
work from left to right on the analysis toolbar:

From the first drop down menu item choose the “Upright Hydrostatics” option. From the
second drop down menu it does not matter what Loadcase is chosen as the Upright
Hydrostatics Analysis option does not require this information. Form the last drop down
menu item choose the “Intact” option. Press the play button, , to perform the

Return to the results window to view the hydrostatic parameters of the vessel for the 4
specified draft readings:

The results may also be displayed in graphical format (choose Window | Graph from the

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Hydromax Training

Tutorial 2: Large Angle Stability Analysis

In this example, we will look at computing the large angle stability of a design imported
from Maxsurf and compare the results with IMO stability criteria.

1. First close any design you may have open, then choose File | Open design from the
file menu. Select “Hydromax Sample.msd” from the Sample Designs folder.

When prompted, select Read Sections from File and set precision to medium. Click OK
to close the dialog box. If you change to the Design window (select from the menu
either Window | Profile, Window | Plan, Window | Perspective or Window | Body Plan
depending on which is the currently active view), you will be able to do a visual check of
the design to ensure that the design has been loaded correctly.

2. From the Analysis toolbar drop down box choose “Large Angle Stability”

3. The next thing to do is set up a Loadcase. Go to the Loadcase window (Window |

Loadcase). For this sample design the Lightship values have already been entered. You
will notice that there are also 4 tanks that have been entered but have “?” entered in their
Weight, Long.Arm etc. fields:

Note: The tanks have already been defined in the Window | Input | Compartment
Definition window, which will be covered in a later tutorial.
In order for values of each tank to appear in the weight field etc, either they can be input
manually or Hydromax can calculate the values (the tanks are assumed to be full to the
percentage indicated in the Quantity column). To obtain the values from Hydromax
choose Analysis | Form Compartments from the menu (or click on the Form
Compartment button, ), the fields in the Loadcase window should now be
automatically filled in.

Page 63
4. Next we want to define to the program the angles at which we want the stability
values. Go to the Analysis | Heel menu option to display the Heel Setup dialog box. In
the dialog box set the parameters to those shown in the following diagram:

Click on OK to close the dialog box.

5. The next step is to set up the criteria that we want measured. To enter the criteria
dialog box select Analysis | Criteria from the menu or click on the criteria button form
the Analysis toolbar, . Expand the tree diagram in the left so that the IMO A.749(18)
Ch3 criteria are displayed and select the first 6 criteria by checking the appropriate

The right hand side of the dialog box gives details and a description of the selected
criterion. In the bottom right hand corner there are two check boxes Intact and Damaged.
These check boxes indicate which analysis cases the highlighted criterion should be
calculated for. For each of our criterion we want only the Intact box checked. Press the
“Recalculate and close” button to close the dialog box.

6. We are now ready to run the Lange Angle Stability analysis, to do this, choose
from the Analysis Menu toolbar (if you have the Body Plan view set as your current
window you will be able to see the vessel heeled as Hydromax runs through the

7. The results of the Large Angle Stability Analysis maybe viewed in three formats. In
tabular form they are stored in the Results window (Window | Results):

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Hydromax Training

These results are also printed to the Report file (Window | Report) and appended to any
previous analyses. The results may also be viewed in the form of a GZ curve, with basic
values such as Max GZ, Initial GM and the angle at which downflooding begins marked
on the graph:

To see whether the vessel passes the IMO criteria for this loadcase go to the Criteria
results sheet (Window | Results | Stability Criteria). The required value, the calculated
value and whether or not the vessel has passed are displayed along side each of the

8. An interesting exercise to do is compare the GZ curve with that obtained when the
actual free surface moments of the tanks are calculated rather than using the default
corrected VCG method. To do this select Analysis | Fluids from the menu to activate the
Fluids Analysis dialog box. Choose the “Simulate Fluid Movement” radio option:

Page 65
Click OK to close the dialog box. Choose form Analysis | Form Compartments from the
menu to update the loadcase. We are now ready to run the analysis using the Start
Analysis button from the Analysis toolbar, . View the results from the graph
window. Below is a comparison of the GZ curves obtained using the two different

1.5 Simulated Fluid
GZ (m)

1 Method
Corrected VCG
-0.5 0 50 100 150

Heel angle (deg)

It is interesting that the corrected VCG method adopted by most classification societies
well under predicts the actual stability of the vessel with free surfaces.

When using the corrected VCG method the tank capacities and free surface moments are
calculated for the upright hull (zero trim and zero heel). The effective rise in VCG due to
the tanks' free surface is calculated by summing the maximum free surface moment of all
the tanks filled less than 98% capacity and dividing by the total vessel displacement.
This method should be used when compiling a stability booklet for a design, as it
corresponds with the traditional approach used by naval architects and classification
societies worldwide. It is reasonably accurate at low angles of heel and trim.

Use “Simulate Fluid Movement” when a faithful simulation of the movement of the
centre of gravity of the fluid in each tank is required. Every tank is rotated to the heel and
trim angle being analysed. Hydromax iterates to find the fluid level for the rotated tank at
the specified capacity. The new centre of gravity is calculated for each tank and used in
the analysis. The new LCG, VCG and TCG are calculated for the whole design and used
in the calculation of GZ, KG, and GM. This approach is used when the stability of a
vessel is being investigated and the closest possible simulation of the hull's behaviour is
required. It is particularly useful at high angles of heel or trim, or with tanks whose
heeled water plane area may be significantly different from the upright case (i.e. tall
narrow tanks, or wide shallow tanks). The penalty of using this approach is that the
calculation time is longer, however the results are significantly more accurate.

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Hydromax Training

Tutorial 3: Equilibrium Condition

In this example, we will look at the Equilibrium Analysis of a design imported from

1. First close any design you may have open, then choose File | Open design from the
file menu. Select “Hydromax Sample.msd” from the Sample Designs folder.

When prompted, select Read Sections from File and set precision to medium. Click OK
to close the dialog box. If you change to the Design window (select from the menu
either Window | Profile, Window | Plan, Window | Perspective or Window | Body Plan
depending on which is the currently active view), you will be able to do a visual check of
the design to ensure that the design has been loaded correctly.

2. Choose Equilibrium Analysis from the Analysis toolbar (or from the menu choose
Analysis | Set Analysis | Equilibrium Condition)

3. Hydromax essentially balances the weight of the vessel with the hydrostatic restoring
force according to Archimedes principle. When the Equilibrium Analysis Condition is
run the vessel is iteratively heaved, heeled and trimmed until the buoyancy force
balances the weight force, the net trimming moment is zero and the net heeling moment
is zero. When this is achieved the results are printed to the Results window, with the
hydrostatic parameters being displayed for that attitude. So the next step is to set up the
Loadcase so that Hydromax has a vessel displacement and centre of gravity to balance
with the hydrostatic restoring force. Select Window | Loadcase from the menu. Select
Analysis | Form Compartments from the menu or click on the Form Compartments
button in the Analysis toolbar, . This will calculate the weight and centre of gravity
of the tanks in the Loadcase up to their percent capacity as defined in the quantity

Page 67
4. We will now define a fifth tank that will be a catch tank, which is half full of
seawater. From the menu choose Window | Input | Compartment Definition. To add a
compartment choose Edit | Add Compartment or use the hotkey command CTRL+A.
Name the tank something meaningful like “Catch Tank”. Set the fluid type to seawater
by entering “sw” in the appropriate field. The Relative Density value will be
automatically updated with the default value for seawater of 1.0252. The “Aft”, “Fore”,
“F Port”, “F Starb.”, “F Top” and “F Bott.” columns are all used to define the tank
boundaries, set the values to –7.5, -4, -2, 2, 2 and 0 respectively. Leave the remaining 4
column values set at “DITTO”, this ensures that the aft cross section of the tank is the
same as the forward cross section shape. Now view the tanks in the Perspective
Window, . If the tanks are not displayed click on the display tanks icon, , and
display tank names icon, . You will notice that the Catch Tank has boundaries
outside of the hull. To trim the tank to the hull surface you will need to select Analysis |
Form Compartments from the menu. The tank should now be trimmed to the hull

Return to the Loadcase window and set the Catch Tank Quantity column to 50%.

5. Check that the Analysis toolbar is set to Equilibrium, Loadcase and Intact.

From the Analysis toolbar, click on the Run Analysis icon, .

6. Switch to the Results window to view the output (Window | Results). The parameters
that are displayed in this window may be altered in the Data Format dialog box (Display |
Data Format). The Graph window displays the curve of sectional areas at the
equilibrium heave, trim and heel of the vessel.

The results are also printed to the Report window (Window | Report).

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Hydromax Training

7. The Equilibrium Condition Analysis is a useful tool for running simulations to

determine the vessel response to various imposed conditions. For example we will now
look at what happens to the vessel Hydrostatically in a seaway comprised of a regular
wave with wavelength 1.5 times the vessel LWL and a wave height of 2m.

8. Activate the Waveform dialog box by choosing Analysis | Waveform from the menu.
Create a regular waveform by selecting the Sinusoidal radio button option. Next set the
wave height to 2m and the wavelength to 31.8m (1.5 times the waterline length), leave
the phase offset value at 0 (this means the crest of the wave will coincide with the fwd
end of the DWL).

9. Change view to the Perspective window ( ) and turn on the rendering ( ). Now
run the Analysis (Analysis | Start Equilibrium Analysis) and watch as the vessel is
hydrostatically balanced on the wave at 20 equally spaced phase angles from 0 to 1. The
motion may also be viewed from a continuous animation, choose Display | Animate from
the menu. If the animation is running too fast it may be slowed down by pressing the –
(negative) key on your keyboard.

Page 69
Tutorial 4: Specified Condition Analysis
In this example, we will look at Specified Condition analysis of a design imported from
Maxsurf. The Specified Condition Analysis calculates the vessel hydrostatics for a given
displacement and centre of gravity, or fore and aft drafts, or heave and trim. We will also
run this analysis for a vessel operating in fresh water.

1. First close any design you may have open, then choose File | Open design from the
file menu. Select “Hydromax Sample.msd” from the Sample Designs folder.

When prompted, select Read Sections from File and set precision to medium. Click OK
to close the dialog box. If you change to the Design window (select from the menu
either Window | Profile, Window | Plan, Window | Perspective or Window | Body Plan
depending on which is the currently active view), you will be able to do a visual check of
the design to ensure that the design has been loaded correctly.

2. Choose Specified Condition Analysis from the Analysis toolbar (or from the menu
choose Analysis | Specified Condition). To run the analysis in Fresh Water (i.e. water
with a relative density value of 1.0), we need to enter the Densities dialog (Analysis |

When an Analysis is run Hydromax always performs the calculations using the density in
the Sea Water row (row number 1). Therefore to run the calculations in fresh water of
density 1000 kg/m3 we need to change the relative density in row number 1 to 1.0. Click
OK to close the dialog box.

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Hydromax Training

3. In the Specified Conditions Dialog box three sets of variables are provided: Heel,
Trim and Immersion. When defining a condition, one choice must be made from each of
these groups. There are 10 combinations of parameters to define a condition (which are
outlined below):

Fixed Heel Fixed Trim and Displacement

Fixed Heel Fixed Trim and Draft Amidships
Fixed Heel Fixed Trim and Draft Fwd and Aft
Fixed Heel Free to Trim and Displacement
Fixed Heel Free to Trim and Draft Amidships
Free to Heel Fixed Trim and Displacement
Free to Heel Fixed Trim and Draft Amidships
Free to Heel Fixed Trim and Draft Fwd and Aft
Free to Heel Free to Trim and Displacement
Free to Heel Free to Trim and Draft Amidships

In our case we will specify the displacement and centre of gravity of the vessel. Once
these two parameters are specified there is only one possible attitude the boat will float at
under equilibrium conditions. To set the Specified Conditions activate the Specified
Conditions dialog box (Analysis | Specified Conditions). When a radio button is selected
the edit boxes of the parameters that are required to fully define the condition are
activated, and those that are not required are deactivated. For example if we wish to see
the hydrostatic particulars and equilibrium attitude of the boat with a displacement of 90t
and a VCG, LCG and TCG of 1.2m, -2.0m and 0m respectively, choose the Free to Heel,
Free to Trim and Displacement radio buttons. Enter the values into the appropriate edit
boxes as outlined below:

Click OK to close the dialog box and Select Analysis | Start Specified Condition
Analysis from the menu. Hydromax will now calculate the equilibrium attitude of the
boat and the hydrostatic parameters of the boat at that attitude.

4. Go to the Profile view, , of the boat to see the equilibrium attitude of the boat.

Page 71
The results may be viewed in the Results and Report windows and the curve of sectional
areas may be viewed in the Graph window. Have a play with changing the displacement
and centre of gravity values in the Specified Conditions Dialog and re-running the
analysis to see how it affects the equilibrium attitude of the boat.

5. We will now apply 20cm of hog to the boat at Amidships. From the menu choose
Analysis | Hog and Sag. Check the Apply Hog or Sag value option and enter a value of -
0.1m (the negative sign means it is a sag value):

Click OK to close the dialog box.

6. Now returning to the Report Window (Window | Report) we can compare the results
with and without the 10cm of sag at amidships. Note: every time that an Analysis is run
the results are automatically printed to the output window.

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Hydromax Training

Tutorial 5: KN Calculations Analysis

In this example, we will look at the KN Calculations analysis. The KN Calculations
Analysis calculates the KN values for a range of displacements and Heel Angles. KN
data is useful for assessing the stability of a vessel in the early stages on design when the
VCG of the vessel is not known. It is also a useful measure of stability for vessels such
as cargo ships where the VCG can vary significantly depending on the loading for a
particular voyage.

1. First close any design you may have open, then choose File | Open design from the
file menu. Select “Hydromax Sample.msd” from the Sample Designs folder.

When prompted, select Read Sections from File and set precision to medium. Click OK
to close the dialog box. If you change to the Design window (select from the menu
either Window | Profile, Window | Plan, Window | Perspective or Window | Body Plan
depending on which is the currently active view), you will be able to do a visual check of
the design to ensure that the design has been loaded correctly.

2. Choose KN Values Analysis from the Analysis toolbar.

3. We now need to set up the conditions for which we require the KN values. Firstly go
to the Heel Setup dialog box. We want to go from 0o to 120o in steps of 10o, heeling in a
starboard direction.

Click on OK to close the dialog box.

4. Next open the Trim Setup Dialog box (Analysis | Trim). Make sure the Fixed Trim
option is chosen and set to a value of 0m.

Page 73
Click on OK to close the dialog box.

5. Finally we want to set the range of displacements for which we want to calculate the
KN values. Choose Analysis | Displacement to activate the Displacement Range dialog
box. Set the range of displacements from 70t to 130t with the Number of displacements
set to 13.

Click OK to close the dialog box

6. To begin the analysis choose Analysis | Start KN Analysis from the menu or click on
the Start Analysis icon, , on the Analysis toolbar. The results will be printed to the
results window (Window | Results | KN Values) and the Cross Curves of Stability graph
(Window | Graphs | Cross Curves). KN is plotted as a function of the displacement for a
range of heel angles (as specified in the Heel Setup dialog box).

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Hydromax Training

Tutorial 6: Limiting KG Analysis

The limiting KG analysis method calculates the maximum KG the vessel can have and
still pass the selected criteria. Calculations may be made with either the vessel free to
trim as it heels or fixed in trim as it heels.

1. First close any design you may have open, then choose File | Open design from the
file menu. Select “Hydromax Sample.msd” from the Sample Designs folder.

When prompted, select Read Sections from File and set precision to medium. Click OK
to close the dialog box. If you change to the Design window (select from the menu
either Window | Profile, Window | Plan, Window | Perspective or Window | Body Plan
depending on which is the currently active view), you will be able to do a visual check of
the design to ensure that the design has been loaded correctly.

2. Choose Limiting KG Analysis from the Analysis toolbar.

3. Next we need to set up the criteria for which we wish to find the maximum allowable
KG for which the vessel still passes. From the menu choose Analysis | Criteria or select
the criteria button from the analysis toolbar, . In the left hand side of the Criteria
window expand the tree along the Criteria/ IMO/ MSC 36 (63) HSC Code/ Ch2
Monohulls/ HSC mono. intact branches. Select all 7 of the listed criteria by checking the
appropriate boxes:

Page 75
Click on the Recalculate and Close button at the bottom right hand side of the Criteria
window. Before calculation a range of displacements needs to be input. From the menu
choose Analysis | Displacement to activate the Displacements dialog box. We will set 11
displacements (from 10 000kg through to 20 000kg).

Click OK to close the dialog box.

4. Now we are ready to run the analysis. To do this choose Analysis | Start Limiting KG
Analysis from the menu, or choose the Start Analysis icon, , on the Analysis toolbar.

5. To view the results go to the results window, Window | Results from the menu or
click on the Results icon, .

The results show the displacement and corresponding minimum VCG the vessel can
have to comply with the chosen criteria. The criteria which the vessel will first fail on is
also displayed in the “Type” column. The results may also be displayed in graphical
format, Window | Graph.

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Hydromax Training

Tutorial 7: Longitudinal Strength

The longitudinal strength analysis lets you determine the bending moments and shear
forces created along the length of the hull due to the forces applied from the loads
entered in the Loadcase window and the buoyancy forces. The analysis can be carried
out in flat water or in a waveform.

1. First close any design you may have open, then choose File | Open design from the
file menu. Select “Hydromax Sample.msd” from the Sample Designs folder.

When prompted, select Read Sections from File and set precision to medium. Click OK
to close the dialog box. If you change to the Design window (select from the menu
either Window | Profile, Window | Plan, Window | Perspective or Window | Body Plan
depending on which is the currently active view), you will be able to do a visual check of
the design to ensure that the design has been loaded correctly.

2. Choose Longitudinal Strength Analysis from the Analysis toolbar.

we now need to set up the loadcase for analysis in the Loadcase window. Choose
Window | Loadcase from the menu. You may notice that the loadcase table for this
analysis is slightly different than for other types of anlysis. There are two extra columns
for defining the fwd. and aft. limits of the longitudinal distribution of weight for each
item. Fill out the loadcase window as shown below (remember to press the form
compartment icon, , to have the tank contents calculated):

Page 77
When a weight is defined in the Loadcase window for Longitudinal Strength Analysis
the fwd and aft limits of each weight need to be defined. If it is not explicitly defined
Hydromax will do one of two things. If the item not defined is a tank then Hydromax
will automatically determine the weight distribution of the contents of the tank up to the
%full as defined in the Quantity column when the analysis is run. If the item is anything
else then Hydromax will assume the weight is distributed 100mm either side of the Long.
Arm entered for that item. When entering a fwd and aft limit for the weight distribution
it should be noted that Hydromax automatically assumes a trapezium for the load
distribution. That is, if the longitudinal arm is entered mid way between the fwd. and the
aft limits then the load will be assumed to be uniformly distributed. However if the load
arm entered is 1/3 the way from the fwd limit to the aft limit then the load will be
distributed as a triangle from maximum at the fwd. limit to 0 at the aft limit. This means
that the longitudinal arm should always lie within the middle third of the limits if
negative loads are to be avoided.

Switch to the Profile view (click on the profile icon, , from the toolbar). We are now
ready to run the analysis. Select Analysis | Start Longitudinal Strength Analysis from the

Open the results graph window (Window | Results from the menu). The graph should
look similar to the figure below:

The weight distribution along the vessel is represented by the black line and the
buoyancy distribution is represented by the red line. The calculated results include the
net load (weight – buoyancy), the shear force and bending moment represented by the
green, light green and yellow lines respectively.

These results are also represented in numerical form at discrete intervals along the vessel
(at the stations). These may be viewed in the results window (Window | Results), on the
Long. strength sheet.

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Hydromax Training

Page 79
Tutorial 8: Tank Calibrations
In this tutorial we will calibrate the tanks for capacity, centre of gravity and free surface
moment. The fluid densities and tank permeability’s may be varied arbitrarily. Each tank
that has been calibrated has a table of tank capacities available through the Results
window, and a separate graph of its volumetric properties available through the Graph

1. First close any design you may have open, then choose File | Open design from the
file menu. Select “Hydromax Sample.msd” from the Sample Designs folder.

When prompted, select Read Sections from File and set precision to medium. Click OK
to close the dialog box. If you change to the Design window (select from the menu
either Window | Profile, Window | Plan, Window | Perspective or Window | Body Plan
depending on which is the currently active view), you will be able to do a visual check of
the design to ensure that the design has been loaded correctly.

2. Choose Tank Calibrations from the Analysis toolbar.

3. Switch to the loadcase window (Window | Loadcase). Select Analysis | Form

Compartments from the menu.

4. Next we want to set up a custom sounding pipe in tank 1. Hydromax allows sounding
pipes to be defined for each tank. One sounding pipe per tank is permitted and up to 9
vertices per sounding pipe, allowing inclined, bent or curved sounding pipes to be
modelled. Switch to the sounding pipe definition window, Window | Input | Sounding
Pipe. Fill the table out as shown below. To add extra rows use the Ctrl + A keyboard

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Hydromax Training

5. To view the sounding pipe you have just created go to the Perspective window, .
The sounding pipe you have just created is shown below (under the arrow pointer).

Hydromax creates a default sounding pipe when Analysis | Start Tank Calibrations is
selected. The default sounding pipe is placed at the longitudinal and transverse position
of the lowest point of the tank. If the lowest point of the tank is shared between several
locations (e.g. the bottom of the tank is flat either longitudinally or transversely) the
default sounding pipe location is placed at the aft-most low point and as close to the
centreline as possible. The top of the sounding pipe is taken to be level with the highest
point of the tank and the default sounding pipe is assumed to be straight and vertical

6. We are now ready to run the tank calibrations. From the menu choose Analysis |
Start Tank Calibrations or click on the start analysis button from the analysis toolbar, .

7. Results are displayed both in graphical and numerical format. There is one graph
produced for each individual tank. To view results for, say, tank 3 select Window |
Graphs | Tank 3 from the menu. The numerical results from all of the tanks are displayed
in one table, to view select Window | Results from the menu.

Page 81
Tutorial 9: Launching Calculations
The maximum force on the forward poppet when launching a vessel on an inclined
slipway occurs when the stern (or bow during a bow first launch) begins to lift. A direct
launching calculation is currently not available within HYDROMAX, however using the
grounding function the launching situation can be simulated. This tutorial is designed to
show the user how to obtain maximum force at the forward block by using the available
information from HYDROMAX.

Frame of Reference.

During launching calculations the vessel will be on an incline determined by the angle of
the slipway until it first starts to float. It is therefore recommended that a separate frame
of reference be set up specifically for the launching calculation. The depths of the
grounding points (which in this case represent the blocks on which the vessel sits during
launching) are measured from the design waterline. Therefore the design waterline
should be set to the the line at which the blocks will come into contact with the vessel or,
as in this case the baseline. Also in this tutorial the zero point has been set to the baseline
and AP.


Set up a loadcase to represent the condition of the vessel anticipated during launching.

Using the grounding dialogue.

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Hydromax Training

To set up the grounding information open the grounding dialogue from the analysis menu
while in the equilibrium analysis calculation mode. Two contact points are required to
define a straight line, which represents the slipway therefore the dual point setting should
be used. The forward contact point represents the fwd block while the aft contact point
represents the aft block that the vessel sits on during the launch.

The positions of grounding are considered as point contacts i.e. the lengths of contact are
set to zero. During launching analysis the depths of the blocks increase as the vessel
moves down the slipway.

Setting up the analysis.

The following information is required to determine the depths of the blocks during
launch and the force exerted on the blocks.

Weight of Vessel at Launch

Position of Fwd Block from AP
Position of Aft Block from AP
Initial Depth of aft block from DWL*
Initial Depth of fwd block from DWL*

*Remember these are entered into the grounding dialogue as depths from the DWL,
therefore if they are above the DWL they will be negative.

Page 83
Analyzing the results.

The vessel is ’lowered’ into the water by increasing the depths of the blocks. Run an
equilibrium analysis for each increment in depth using the ‘Launching Loadcase’ until
the stern of the vessel first lifts.

The point at which the stern first lifts can be found by observing the trim (from the
Results dialogue) of the vessel. Initially the trim of the vessel will be equal to the angle
of the slipway and will therefore remain constant over distance traveled. The point at
which the stern first lifts will be represented by a decrease in trim of the vessel. A
method of iteration (i.e. decrease the interval depth change) should be used to find the
exact point at which the trim first changes (i.e. the stern first lifts).

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From HYDROMAX the displacement (or buoyancy) is also obtained from the results file
for each analysis.

The point at which the stern of the vessel first floats is the point at which the force on the
forward block will be the maximum. The force on the forward block can be calculated as

Force = Weight of Vessel – Buoyancy

The buoyancy is the value of displacement given in the results file when the trim first

Additional Information.

It is also possible to create launching curves by calculating the moments of buoyancy and
weight about the fwd block and/or aft end of slipway (to find least moment against
tipping). The positions of LCB and LCG are given in the results dialogue but care should
be taken when calculating the horizontal distances between these centers and the
positions of the blocks.

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Tutorial 10: Tonnage Calculations
The Gross and Net tonnage calculation based on the ‘International Conference on
tonnage measurements of ships, 1969’, is a relatively straightforward procedure using
information available from HYDROMAX.

It is, however, important to ensure the correct enclosed spaces defined by the regulations
are used in the HYDROMAX model. Therefore it may be necessary to modify the
MAXSURF design model to include any additional spaces required for a tonnage
calculation. It is advisable to open the design file and save it under a different file name
specifically for tonnage calculations.

Gross Tonnage Calc.

The Gross tonnage calc requires the total volume of all enclosed spaces to be measured;
any additional enclosed spaces may need to be included in the HYDROMAX model.
These volumes include spaces such as superstructures.

To measure the enclosed volume open the ‘Draft’ dialogue from the ‘Analysis’ menu
while in the “Upright Hydrostatics’ mode. Set the draft range to a value above the
maximum height of the vessel.

Select ‘Start Hydrostatics’ from the ‘Analysis’ menu.

The results of the analysis will be presented in the results window.

To check that the entire volume is included in the calculation ensure Waterplane area =
0.0 m2 (i.e. model fully immersed).

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The displacement given is in tonnes and therefore this value is divided by seawater
density to give volume displaced. Open the “Density’ dialogue under ‘Analysis’ menu to
obtain the sea water density used.

The gross tonnage is now calculated in accordance with Regulation 3 of the International
Convention on Tonnage Measurement of ships, using:

Gross Tonnage = k1V

K1 = 0.2 + 0.02LOG10V

Net Tonnage Calculation.

To calculate Net Tonnage it is necessary to calculate the volume of all cargo spaces. This
can be done by making use of the ‘Tank Calibration’ function within HYDROMAX.
Spaces not considered as cargo spaces should be defined as compartments while all cargo
spaces to be considered need to be temporarily renamed as ‘Tanks’ in the ‘Compartment
Definition.’ These spaces will then be included in the ‘Tank Calibration’ calculation.

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Once the cargo spaces have been defined as tanks then start a ‘Tank Calibration’ from
the ‘Analysis’ menu.

The volume for each cargo space is presented in the results dialogue. The ‘100% Full’
capacities are then summed to give the total volume of cargo spaces.

The net Tonnage can then easily be calculated as defined in Regulation 4 of the
International Convention on Tonnage:

Net Tonnage = K2Vc (4d/3D)2 + K3(N1+N2 / 10)

Factor (4d/3D)2 shall not be taken as greater than unity

Term K2Vc (4d/3D)2 shall not be taken as less than 0.25*Gross Tonnage
Net Tonnage shall not be taken as less than 0.30*Gross Tonnage.

Vc = Total Volume of cargo spaces (from HYDROMAX)

K2 = 0.2 +0.02LOG10 Vc
K3 = 1.25 (GT + 10,000) / 10,000
D = moulded depth amidships
d = Moulded draught amidships
N1 = number of passengers in cabins with not more than 8 berths

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N2 = number of other passengers

N1+N2 = Total number of passengers the ship is permitted to carry. When N1+N2 is less
than 13, N1 and N2 shall be taken as zero.

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