Running Head: Environmental Scan 1
Running Head: Environmental Scan 1
Running Head: Environmental Scan 1
Environmental Scan
Student’s Name
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information about outside events. Acquiring knowledge about outside events helps in the
identification of potential trends that may affect organizations. The information acquired using
environmental scanning provides data that may be useful during the interpretation of possible
trends within the organizational environment. The trends identified using environment usually
consists of five sources. These five sources revolve around social, economic, technological,
competitive, and regulatory forces. This essay will provide a comprehensive discussion on the
impact of the current state of the economy on the effective completion of the environmental scan.
Information Consciousness
events. This factor mainly affects the analysis process during environmental scanning. It affects
the analysis process since environmental scanning usually relies on the grouping of events with
related concepts that helps in the description of various categories of events within the
communication pattern within groups of individuals. Many individuals are more aware of the
current state of the economy (Oderda et al., 2010). This awareness has resulted in the creation of
communication flow that cumulatively helps in the improvement of the communication process.
Exposure to information
The 21st century has been described as a technological era. This means that various
technological avenues have been put in place to help in the dissemination and sharing of
information networks that are developed by organizational managers. The technological nature
of the current economy has helped in the reaching of various vital places within the sectorial and
industrial associations that help in the obtaining of information that is key for environmental
scanning. The modern economy also offers more opportunity for contact with information-rich
external influences and building the capacity of organizations to influence the organizations
around them. The current competitive nature of the economy does not give room for
Outwardness within organizations. Although organizations still have links with regulatory
agencies, they still have a generally low rate of permeability to the external environment.
Organizational culture has an impact on organizational Outwardness. This means that although
the current economic state may affect organizational Outwardness, its impact is reliant of
organizational culture (Oderda et al., 2010). Outwardness results in the collection of more
information that is useful for both analysis and interpretation during environmental scanning.
The current state of the economy has a significant impact on the completion of the
environmental scan. This impact is caused by the fact the current state of the economy creates a
platform that affects the way activities undertaken to identify and select the information that is
useful during problem-solving and decision making. The current state of the economy has also
had an impact on the search for information and exposure to information. From the discussion, it
is clear that the ongoing nature of the economy has a significant effect on environmental
Oderda, G. M., Zavod, R. M., Carter, J. T., Early, J. L., Joyner, P. U., Kirschenbaum, H., ... &