Eurostandard PDF
Eurostandard PDF
Eurostandard PDF
Technical data
PE fittings
Welding units
and equipment
This publication, referring to the UNI, EN and ISO standards, uses the following geometrical data
nominal outside diameter specified outside diameter, in millimeters,
of a PE pipe or fitting
nominal wall thickness numerical designation of the wall thickness,
in millimeters, of a PE pipe or fitting
outside diameter external diameter, in millimeters, measured at
any point of the circumference of a PE pipe or
mean outside diameter dimension value of the external
circumference of a PE pipe/fitting divided by π,
in millimeters
SDR standard dimension ratio relationship between the outside nominal pipe
diameter dn and the nominal wall thickness en
nominal outside diameter steel pipe nominal outside diameter, in inches, of a steel
polyethylene classification
The polyethylene classification, defined by the ISO and the EN standards is issued depending on
the parameter MRS = MINIMUM REQUIRED STRENGTH, that is the minimum resistance that the
polyethylene must guarantee after 50 working years at the reference temperature of 20°C.
Each MRS has a design stress value sigma (ss), derived by MRS dividing it with the design
coefficient (C).
PE 80 8,0 6,3
PE 100 10,0 8,0
The choice of the polyethylene type determines the nominal pressure PN of the pipe/fitting. For water
distribution corresponds to the maximum allowable operating pressure (PFA) in bar which can be borne
at the temperature of 20°C with a design basis of 50 years, based on the design coefficient.
All fittings in the EUROSTANDARD range are injection moulded using polyethylene compounds type PE
100 suitable for pipelines for the distribution of gas, water and other fluids under pressure.
The characteristics are in conformity with the standards EN 1555, EN 12201 and EN ISO 15494.
The compounds used, normally added at the origin with carbon black for the UV stabilization, are suitable
for drinking water and foodstuffs as provided in the DM 21 March 1973 and the DM n. 174 dated 6 April
EUROSTANDARD fittings are weldable with PE 80 and 100 pipes and fittings having melt mass-flow rate
0,2 - 1,4 g/10 min (ISO 1133 5 kg - 190°C).
PE 100 fittings are weldable with PE 80 pipes/fittings and viceversa, either using buttfusion (if only of the
same thickness and diameter) or using electrofusion (also with different thicknesses).
Melt mass-flow rate (MFR) 5 kg/190° 0,30 - 0,45 g/10 min ISO 1133
reference standards
production requirements
CEN Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drainage and
UNI EN 12201
UNIPLAST sewerage under pressure - Polyethylene (PE)
Plastics piping systems for industrial applications.
Polybutene (PB), polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) -
UNIPLAST Specifications for components and the system - Metric Series. ISO 15494
pipeline laying
dei Lavori Technical standards regarding pipelines.
12 dicembre 1985
Laying and general test and inspection of polyethylene piping
systems for the transport of pressure liquids.
Water supply - Requirements for systems and components
outside buildings.
welding units
G.U. Direction of article 1 Law n. 123 dd 3rd August 2007 regarding D. Lgs. n. 81
Rep. Italiana the health and safety protection in the working sites. 9 aprile 2008
product testings
EUROSTANDARD fittings are continuously monitored throughout the entire production process in
accordance with the internal testing programs in compliance with the standards EN 1555, EN 12201 and
EN ISO 15494. The testing activities are continuously carried out following up the complete observance
of the reference standards and foresee tests of mechanical and physical type, either on the fittings and
on the raw material.
laboratory accreditation
The EUROLAB Laboratory, belonging to Eurostandard, operates in accordance to the standard EN ISO/ Technical
IEC 17025:2005 and is accredited from ACCREDIA - Italian Accreditation Body with accreditation number data
LAB N° 0740.
The accreditation certifies the technical qualification of the Laboratory relatively to the testings detailed in
the enclosed sheets to the certificate - download on the website The in-force status of
the accreditation can be checked on the same website.
quality marking
Eurostandard is authorized to use the RINA Quality Marking
with reference to the standards UNI EN 12201-3, EN 12201-3,
UNI EN 1555-3, EN 1555-3, UNI 9736, UNI EN ISO 15494 for
the fittings as detailed in the enclosed papers to the Conformity
Informations concerning validity of Certificates of Conformity and certified fittings are available on website
Download of Certificates of Conformity and relevant enclosures on website
quality system certification
The EUROSTANDARD QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM involves and manages all activities within
the Company in order to achieve the optimum level of the quality standards. That is on the basis of the
directions imposed in the ISO 9001:2008 standard, which points out the requirements for the supplier
to show its capability in checking the processes which determine the conformity of the finished product.
The codified and controlled management of the company activities are described in the documents which
form the SYSTEM MANUAL and the relative managing and technical procedures.
The QUALITY ASSURANCE guarantees the integration of the various activities which determine the
quality of the system itself.
The correct management of all documents allows the tracing of the product through the batch reference
number or other codes assigned during the production.
The Eurostandard policy is published on the website:
environmental certification
Environmental management systems. Requirements with UNI EN ISO data
guidance for use. 14001: 2004
inspection documents
UNSIDER Metallic products - Types of inspection documents
Inspection documents based on specific inspection carried out, before delivery, according to
the product specification, on the products to be supplied or on test units of which the products
supplied are part, in order to verify that these products are in compliance with the requirements
of the order.
• Inspection certificate “type 3.1”
Document issued by the manufacturer in which he declares that the products supplied are in compliance
with the requirements of the order and in which he supplies test results.
The test unit and tests to be carried out are defined by the product specification, the official regulation
and corresponding rules and/or the order.
The document is validated by the manufacturer’s authorized inspection representative, independent of
the manufacturing department.
It shall be permissible for the manufacturer to transfer on to the inspection certificate 3.1 relevant
test results obtained by specific inspection on primary or incoming products he uses, provided that
the manufacturer operates traceability procedures and can provide the corresponding inspection
documents required.
The inspection documents are issued only if requested at order and indicated
between the contract requirements.
Declaration of conformity
Declaration of a supplier, under its responsibility, that a product, process or service is in compliance with
a specific standard or another regulation.
This declaration must contain those information that allow the individualisation of the referring products.
This must contain at least the following information:
a) unique identification of the declaration of conformity;
b) the name and contact address of the issuer of the declaration of conformity;
c) the identification of the object of the declaration of conformity (e.g. name, type, date of production Technical
or model number of a product, description of a process, management system, person or body, data
and/or other relevant supplementary information);
d) the statement of conformity;
e) a complete and clear list of standards or other specified requirements, as well as the selected
options, if any;
f) the date and place of issue of the declaration of conformity;
g) the signature (or equivalent sign of validation), name and function of the authorized person(s)
acting on behalf of the issuer;
h) any limitation on the validity of the declaration of conformity.
EUROSTANDARD fittings have the following information stated on the fitting and/or on a label.
producer identification
The bar-code label is applied on the electrofusion fittings containing the welding parameters according to
standard ISO 13950 and the traceability data of the fitting according to standard ISO 12176-4.
relationship between SDR, Series (S) and Nominal Pressure (PN)
SDR 17 11 7,4
PE 80 PN 8 PN 12,5 PN 20
PE100 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
SDR = ––– dn = nominal diameter
en en = nominal thickness
pipe/fittings dimensions
operating pressures of PE pipelines Technical
for water supply UNI EN 12201
17 ≥ 63 3 3,8
11 ≥ 16 ★ 5 5
All dimensions are in millimeters and are intended as nominal and standard sizes; weights are in grams.
EUROSTANDARD reserves the right to change geometries and dimensions of any product.
technical assistance
EUROSTANDARD CUSTOMER SERVICE (e-mail: is available to you for
any technical request and for information regarding the useof products and particularly:
• choice of materials
• welding systems
• pipeline laying
• testings
• Operators training and qualification
• up-to-date standards
• certifications.
Buttfusion fittings
90° elbow
cod. 20.10 PE 100
SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 7,4
dn h Z PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
20 49 75 28
25 53 80 37
32 59 89 53 65
40 59 85 75 100
50 60 89 120 175
63 68 103 225 295
75 75 130 390 540
90 84 147 450 640 880
110 86 160 750 1040 1440
125 89 159 915 1310 1800
140 94 172 1250 1795 2500
160 115 225 2155 3000 4100
180 121 235 2675 3985
200 127 252 3335 5050
225 138 274 5600 7620
250 143 300 7400 10350
280 ● ●
315 180 392 14550 20300
355 ● ●
400 ● ●
500 ● ●
45° elbow
cod. 20.15 PE 100
SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 7,4
dn h Z PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
32 50 64 40 50
40 59 71 62 100
50 60 74 102 150
63 68 85 185 255
75 73 92 280 400
90 83 106 340 465 640
110 84 112 495 705 1000
125 89 125 740 1040 1500
140 95 128 870 1375 1950
160 100 142 1365 1990 2800
180 125 183 2300 3355
200 131 197 3070 4385
225 134 213 4360 6110
250 142 232 5750 8140
280 ● ●
315 210 318 11980 17000
355 ● ●
400 ● ●
500 ● ●
90° segmented bend
cod. 20.12 PE 100
SDR 17 SDR 11
dn h Z h R PN 10 PN 16
SDR 17 SDR 11
dn h Z Z1 h R PN 10 PN 16
SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 7,4
dn h Z PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
20 59 80 45
25 60 76 50
32 60 82 85 100
40 59 84 105 150
50 60 89 165 245
63 67 103 310 455
75 74 126 540 750
90 80 135 580 850 1170
110 95 162 965 1480 2115
125 90 160 1315 1895 2650
140 95 174 1790 2555 3500
160 106 200 2630 3765 5150
180 124 243 4140 5840
200 130 259 5150 7485
225 136 282 7250 9700
250 142 307 10080 13870
280 ● ●
315 178 388 19800 27650
355 ● ●
400 ● ●
500 ● ●
dimensions weights
SDR 17 SDR 11
dn dn1 h h1 Z PN 10 PN 16
90 63 90 74 147 830
110 63 88 62 158 1330
110 90 95 89 162 1375
125 90 100 85 179 1790
125 110 100 95 179 1920
160 90 111 84 212 2850 3540
160 110 111 93 212 2960 3680
stub end
cod. 20.30 PE 100
dimensions weights
dn h h1 Z d1 C SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 7,4
SDR17 SDR11 SDR7,4 SDR17 SDR11 SDR7,4 SDR17 SDR11 SDR7,4 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
20 -- -- 45 -- -- 7 -- -- 67 27 45 25H
25 -- 48 50 -- 9 10 -- 75 75 33 58 40 35H
32 -- 68 69 -- 10 11 -- 96 95 40 68 60 50H
40 63 62 69 11 11 12 87 87 94 50 78 70 80 100H
50 62 61 66 12 12 13 88 95 94 61 88 95 90 150H
63 66 86 65 14 14 16 98 120 96 75 102 145 200 245H
75 74 94 68 16 16 18 116 130 109 89 122 250 300 365H
90 98 97 81 17 17 20 140 140 121 105 138 360 460 570H
110 112 112 87 18 18 21 155 153 128 125 158 550 670 875H
125 93 122 107 18 25 28 131 167 161 132 158 505 860 1225H
140 104 108 105 18 25 29 154 156 159 155 187 750 1140 1650H
160 109 106 104 18 30 29 156 159 160 175 212 1035 1520 2060H
180 118 145 114 20 30 36 169 196 175 180 212 1140 1920 2400H
200 116 112 112 24 32 36 181 182 188 232 268 2120 3000 3830H
225 125 152 143 24 32 36 190 219 209 235 268 2130 3625 4500H
250 134 133 123 25 35 40 205 205 203 285 320 3370 4695 6200
280 155 166 164 26 36 40 221 235 234 291 320 3680 5650 7300
315 202 205 143 25 35 45 267 275 228 335 370 5300H 9200H 9800
355 ● ●
400 230 230 -- 38 48 -- 308 310 -- 427 482 10200H 15150H
450 220 220 46 60 326 340 18200 25700
500 234 234 46 60 330 344 18800 27800
560 260 260 50 60 370 380 ● ●
630 270 270 50 65 360 375 28700 43600
● on request
H stub end complete with NBR gasket
SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 7,4
dn dn1 h h1 Z PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
25x 20 49 50 113 25 25
32x 20 55 52 124 30
x 25 61 59 130 35 35
40x 20 59 52 130 40
x 25 59 54 128 45
x 32 61 48 125 40 45 70
50x 25 60 50 135 60 80
x 32 60 47 134 65 90
x 40 60 62 134 50 75 110
63x 25 64 57 140 90
x 32 64 63 143 70 100 130
x 40 68 52 139 80 105 150
x 50 63 57 132 80 115 150
75x 40 72 60 147 100 160 230
x 50 72 59 153 110 165 240
x 63 73 67 154 150 195 280
90x 50 82 61 162 180 260 345
x 63 80 68 169 190 280 400
x 75 83 71 164 205 305 445
110x 50 88 57 177 270 390
x 63 87 69 188 285 410 555
x 75 85 72 173 285 425 620
x 90 86 81 181 330 485 690
125x 63 96 68 199 580
x 75 95 78 191 400 610 790
x 90 96 81 191 430 625 855
x 110 96 84 192 460 720 985
SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 7,4
dn dn1 h h1 Z PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
● on request
SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 7,4
dn h Z PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
20 54 59 10
25 60 68 15 17
32 53 59 20 25
40 57 68 25 30 40
50 61 74 50 50 70
63 64 80 65 85 115
75 74 89 90 150 200
90 82 100 165 230 340
110 91 118 265 395 600
125 102 122 350 570 790
140 103 125 450 780 1150
160 101 134 665 950 1420
180 114 150 970 1450
200 119 163 1310 1890
225 124 180 1740 2660
250 132 179 2275 3355
280 ● ●
315 175 298 5060 7540
● on request
Transition fittings
cod. 20.60 PE 100
type A
type F
type H
steel external steel
diameter thickness
SDR 11 - PN 16
Do not cut the steel part as it could origin deformations on PE collar due
to overheating
Suitable for gas and water pipelines
Steel pipe according to UNI EN 10208-1 and galvanized according to
UNI EN 10240 A.1 ("lead free galvanized pipe")
Coupling certified according to UNI 9736
dimensions weights
steel external steel
diameter thickness SDR 11
dn D h h1 Z PN 16
● on request
steel/PE thread coupling
with extension
cod. 20.61 PE 100
type A
type R
SDR 11 - PN 16
steel external steel dimensions
diameter thickness GALVANIZED GALVANIZED
dn D h h1
copper/PE coupling
cod. 20.62 PE 100
copper dimensions
thickness SDR 11
PN 16
dn D h h1 Z
e-fusion transition socket
with brass nickel insert
During the screwing, lock the metallic hexagon to avoid any stress on the
PE part
Suitable for gas and water pipelines
dimensions weights
cod. 21.61
dn G L h Z Ch SDR 7,4 - PN 25
20 1/2” 33 20 96 22 125
25 3/4” 33 21 97 27 160
32 1” 38 26 111 34 230 Transition
40 1” 1/4 44 29 124 42 410
50 1” 1/2 49 33 139 52 600
63 2” 54 37 158 65 950
75 2” 1/2 60 43 173 86 1400
90 3” 65 46 190 97 2000
110 4” 70 52 204 125 2980
dimensions pesi
cod. 21.62
dn G L h Z Ch SDR 7,4 - PN 25
20 1/2” 33 18 94 27 120
25 3/4” 33 20 96 34 160
32 1” 38 22 107 40 275
40 1” 1/4 44 27 122 50 550
50 1” 1/2 49 27 133 55 790
63 2” 54 33 154 67 950
75 2” 1/2 60 39 169 86 1440
90 3” 65 42 186 97 1940
110 4” 70 48 200 125 3050
transition brass/PE insert
in brass nickel
dimensions weights
cod. 21.77
dn G Lf h Z Ch SDR 7,4 - PN 25
20 1/2” 15 41 61 22 75
25 3/4” 16 41 62 27 90
32 1” 19 44 70 34 150
40 1” 1/4 21 49 78 42 260
50 1” 1/2 23 55 88 52 390
63 2” 26 63 100 65 660
75 2” 1/2 31 70 113 86 1060
90 3” 34 79 125 97 1520
110 4” 40 82 134 125 2250
Weldable with electrofusion EURO fittings, in case of use with other brand
fittings, please contact Eurostandard in advance
Measure and respect the insertion depth inside the electrofusion fitting
cod. 21.78 PE 100
dimensions weights
cod. 21.78
dn G Lf h Z Ch SDR 7,4 - PN 25
20 1/2” 15 41 59 27 90
25 3/4” 17 41 61 34 130
32 1” 19 44 66 40 180
40 1” 1/4 21 49 76 50 320
50 1” 1/2 21 55 82 55 420
63 2” 28 63 96 67 635
75 2” 1/2 34 70 109 86 1100
90 3” 37 79 121 97 1440
110 4” 43 82 130 125 2240
e-fusion transition
90° elbow
with brass nickel insert
WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9 SDR 7,4
During the screwing, lock the metallic hexagon to avoid any stress
on the PE part
Suitable for gas and water pipelines
dimensions weights
cod. 21.65
dn G L h Z Ch SDR 7,4 - PN 25
20 1/2” 33 20 81 22 120
25 3/4” 33 21 83 27 160 Transition
32 1” 39 26 106 34 310 fittings
40 1” 1/4 48 29 114 42 500
50 1” 1/2 54 33 129 52 725
63 2” 52 37 151 65 1180
75 2” 1/2 64 43 169 86 1750
90 3” 70 46 190 97 2560
110 4” 76 52 210 125 3900
dimensions weights
cod. 21.66
dn G L h Z Ch SDR 7,4 - PN 25
20 1/2” 33 18 79 27 160
25 3/4” 33 20 82 34 200
32 1” 39 22 102 40 360
40 1” 1/4 48 27 111 50 705
50 1” 1/2 54 27 121 55 1045
63 2” 52 33 147 67 1140
75 2” 1/2 64 39 165 86 1785
90 3” 70 42 186 97 2500
110 4” 76 48 206 125 3920
e-fusion transition
45° elbow
with brass nickel insert
During the screwing, lock the metallic hexagon to avoid any stress
on the PE part
Suitable for gas and water pipelines
dimensions weights
cod. 21.67
dn G L h Z Ch SDR 7,4 - PN 25
dimensions weights
cod. 21.68
dn G L h Z Ch SDR 7,4 - PN 25
25 3/4” 33 20 75 34 295
32 1” 39 22 84 40 330
40 1” 1/4 48 27 101 50 510
50 1” 1/2 54 27 108 55 720
63 2” 52 33 129 67 1060
75 2” 1/2 64 39 147 86 1725
90 3” 70 42 166 97 2350
110 4” 76 48 174 125 3690
e-fusion transition
with free nut
with brass insert
WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9 SDR 7,4
dimensions weights
cod. 21.70
dn G L h Z Z1 Ch Ch1 SDR 7,4 - PN 25
20 1/2” 33 22 98 108 22 27 145
25 3/4” 33 22 98 108 27 30 170
32 1” 38 27 112 120 32 36 250
40 1” 1/4 44 30 125 141 42 50 460
50 1” 1/2 49 32 137 152 52 58 695
63 2” 54 39 160 183 65 67 1060
During the screwing, lock the metallic hexagon to avoid any stress
on the PE part
Suitable for gas and water pipelines
e-fusion transition
90° elbow
with free nut
with brass insert
diam. WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9 SDR 7,4
dimensions weights
cod. 21.71
dn G L h Z Z1 Ch Ch1 SDR 7,4 - PN 25
25 3/4” 33 22 84 94 27 30 195
32 1” 39 27 106 114 32 36 310
40 1” 1/4 48 30 114 130 42 50 540
50 1” 1/2 54 32 126 141 52 58 840
63 2” 52 39 153 176 65 67 1285
During the screwing, lock the metallic hexagon to avoid any stress
on the PE part
Suitable for gas and water pipelines
e-fusion transition
45° elbow
with free nut
with brass insert
WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9 SDR 7,4
dimensions weights
cod. 21.72
dn G L h Z Z1 Ch Ch1 SDR 7,4 - PN 25
32 1” 39 27 89 97 32 36 290
40 1” 1/4 48 30 104 120 42 50 525
50 1” 1/2 54 32 112 127 52 58 800
63 2” 52 39 135 158 65 67 1225
During the screwing, lock the metallic hexagon to avoid any stress
on the PE part
Suitable for gas and water pipelines
spigot saddle
with brass insert
cod. 21.63 PE 100 fittings
WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 26 SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9
dimensions weights
dn G h Z SDR 11 - PN 16
e-fusion spigot
for shut-off equipment
cod. 21.64 PE 100 with brass insert
on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11
PE 80 PE 100 PE 80 PE 100
110x ● ● ● ●
125x ● ● ● ●
140x ● ● ● ●
160x ● ● ● ●
dimensions weights
dn G h df Z SDR 11
steel flange
covered PP
cod. 20.49
dimensions PN weights
dn D holes
PE STEEL de k h di df number Transition
32 25 115 85 16 42 14 4 PN 10/16 555
40 32 140 100 16 51 18 4 PN 10/16 835
50 40 150 110 18 62 18 4 PN 10/16 1015
63 50 165 125 18 78 18 4 PN 10/16 1174
75 65 188 145 18 92 18 4 PN 10/16 1506
90 80 204 160 20 108 18 8 PN 10/16 1673
110 100 224 180 20 128 18 8 PN 10/16 1940
125 100 224 180 20 135 18 8 PN 10/16 1785
140 125 252 210 24 158 18 8 PN 10/16 2981
160 150 285 240 24 178 22 8 PN 10/16 3898
180 150 285 240 24 188 22 8 PN 10/16 3560
200 200 340 295 27 235 22 8 PN 10 5713
225 200 340 295 27 238 22 8 PN 10 5630
250 250 395 350 30 288 22 12 PN 10 7727
280 250 395 350 30 294 22 12 PN 10 7354
315 300 445 400 34 338 22 12 PN 10 9826
355 350 514 460 40 376 22 16 PN 10 19972 ●
400 400 571 515 40 430 26 16 PN 10 21583
450 450/500 PN 10 ●
500 500 PN 10 ●
560 600 PN 10 ●
630 600 PN 10 ●
● on request
Steel Aluminium
PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 10 PN 16 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
dn D
c s s a k
ALUMINIUM standard UNI EN 1092-4
cod. cod.
PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
20.40 20.45
f PN 10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 10/16 PN 10 PN 16 PN 25
stub end • PP flange system
cod. 20.47 PE 100
type A
stub end and
PP flange
type B
stub end, steel PP covered flange
and PP ring
dn weights type
STEEL D D1 D2 h Z Øf nr. holes
No deformation
type A
stub end and PP flange
type B
stub end, steel PP covered flange,
PP ring and thread bar set
thread bar
No deformation
e-fusion socket
cod. 21.10 PE 100
dimensions weights
dn de L f a Z PN - SDR
20 33 33 15 13 70 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 45
25 38 33 15 12 70 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 55
32 46 38 19 12 80 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 75
40 56 44 22 13 90 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 110
50 68 49 23 14 100 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 155
63 82 54 26 18 111 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 225
75 99 60 36 14 120 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 330
90 116 65 37 14 130 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 490
110 145 70 36 18 140 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 800
125 163 76 39 18 151 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 1060
140 183 81 48 18 161 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 1440
160 207 86 53 20 172 PN 25 – SDR 7,4 1950
180 228 97 56 23 193 PN 20 H – SDR 9 2550
200 252 101 65 22 203 PN 20 H – SDR 9 3440
225 276 112 67 22 223 PN 20 H – SDR 9 4190
250 312 122 60 32 244 5900 Electro-
PN 20 H – SDR 9
280 341 133 55 38 265 PN 16 H – SDR 11 7100 fittings
315 392 142 70 37 284 PN 20 H – SDR 9 10750
355 430 156 60 45 312 PN 16 H – SDR 11 11750
400 461 170 60 41 340 PN 10 H – SDR 17 14150
e-fusion socket
cod. 21.10 PE 100
WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 26 SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9
PN - SDR weights
dn de L f a Z
e-fusion socke
PN 16 -SDR11
cod. 21.80 PE 100
diam. on pipe/fitting
SDR 26 SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9
PN - SDR weights
dn de L f a Z
e-fusion spigot
cod. 21.20 PE 100
Use steel cutter suitable for the largest inside branch diameter
dimensions weights dimensions weights
PN 16 PN 16
dn dn1 h h1 Z df dn dn1 h h1 Z df
SDR 11 SDR 11
dimensions weights
PN 16
dn dn1 df h h1 h2 h3 Z
SDR 11
40x 20 loc vers
x 25 monob 4-65
page 6
x 32
50x 20 16 50 54 71 131 101 290
tapping saddle x
cod. 21.30 PE 100 63x 20 25 70 90 55 136 110 430
x 25 25 70 90 55 136 110 460
x 32 25 70 105 55 136 110 470
x 40 25 70 120 55 136 110 510
75x 20 25 70 90 63 133 125 610
x 25 25 70 90 63 133 125 585
x 32 25 70 107 74 133 125 600
x 40 25 72 120 63 133 125 610
x 50 30 72 120 63 160 125 770
x 63 30 93 120 63 160 125 610
90x 20 25 70 90 70 146 125 660
x 25 25 70 90 70 146 125 660
x 32 25 70 105 70 146 125 660
x 40 25 72 120 70 146 125 660
x 50 30 72 120 73 171 125 660
x 63 30 93 120 73 171 125 880
110x 20
x 25
x 32 loc vers
monob 4-65
x 40 page 6
x 50
x 63
125x 20 25 70 90 87 165 160 1230
x 25 25 70 90 87 165 160 1110
x 32 25 70 108 84 165 160 1125
x 40 25 72 120 87 165 160 1155
x 50 30 72 120 87 187 160 1295
x 63 30 83 120 87 187 160 1330
df = cutter diameter
dimensions weights
PN 16
dn dn1 df h h1 h2 h3 Z
SDR 11
diam. 40x
diam. on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9
PE 80 PE 100 PE 80 PE 100 PE 80
40x ● ● ●
63x ● ● ● ● ●
90x ● ● ● ● ●
110x ● ● ● ● ●
diam. 110x
dimensions weights
PN 16
dn dn1 h h1 Z df SDR 11
40x 20 65 99 84 13 75
x 25 65 100 84 17 80
x 32 65 101 84 25 85
63x 20 60 110 110 13 ●
x 25 60 110 110 17 ●
x 32 65 112 110 25 ●
x 40 65 115 110 32 ●
x 50 80 135 110 38 ●
90x 20 60 122 125 13 ● Electro-
x 25 60 127 125 17 ● fusion
x 32 65 131 125 25 ● fittings
x 40 65 131 125 32 ●
x 50 80 151 125 38 ●
x 63 85 160 125 48 ●
110x 25 60 137 162 17 360
x 32 65 141 162 25 365
x 40 65 141 162 32 375
x 50 80 161 162 38 405
x 63 85 170 162 48 450
● in preparation
Use steel cutter suitable for the largest inside branch diameter
e-fusion tapping
monobloc version
cod. 21.30A PE 100
diam. 40x
on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11
PE 80 PE 100 PE 80 PE 100
40x ● ●
63x ● ● ● ●
90x ● ● ● ●
110x ● ● ● ●
diam. 110x
dimensions weights
PN 16
dn dn1 h h1 h2 h3 Z SDR 11
40x 20 66 96 29 110 84 190
x 25 66 96 29 110 84 200
x 32 66 96 29 110 84 205
63x 20 72 110 43 150 110 ●
x 25 72 110 43 150 110 ●
x 32 76 114 43 185 110 ●
x 40 76 114 43 185 110 ●
x 50 80 118 48 185 110 ●
x 63 82 120 48 185 110 ●
90x 20 76 120 60 195 125 ●
x 25 76 120 60 195 125 ●
x 32 76 125 60 195 125 ●
x 40 76 129 60 195 125 ●
x 50 80 134 60 195 125 ●
x 63 85 138 60 195 125 ● Electro-
110x 20 76 130 71 208 162 570 fusion
x 25 76 130 71 208 162 595 fittings
x 32 76 135 71 208 162 605
x 40 76 139 71 208 162 615
x 50 80 144 71 208 162 640
x 63 85 148 71 208 162 675
● in preparation
No leakage from the cutter during the boring phase (except dia. 40x)
e-fusion tapping saddle with valve
cod. 21.73 PE 100
PE 80 PE 100 PE 80 PE 100
75x ● ● ● ●
90x ● ● ● ●
110x ● ● ● ●
125x ● ● ● ●
140x ● ● ● ●
160x ● ● ● ●
180x ● ● ● ●
200x ● ● ● ●
225x ● ● ● ●
250x ● ● ● ●
df = cutter diameter
dimensions weights
PN 16
dn dn1 h h1 h2 HT Z df SDR 11
75 32 80 128 69 260 125 30 1615
x 63 93 147 69 260 125 30 1705
90x 32 80 128 69 267 125 30 1690
x 63 93 147 69 267 125 30 1770
110x 32 80 128 69 278 160 30 1990
x 63 83 147 69 278 160 30 1990
125x 32 80 128 69 285 160 30 2115
x 63 83 147 69 285 160 30 2185
140x 32 83 128 69 293 160 30 2225
x 63 73 147 69 293 160 30 2305
160x 32 80 128 69 303 160 30 2395
x 63 72 147 69 303 160 30 2465
180x 32 80 128 69 313 160 30 2750
x 63 72 147 69 313 160 30 2820
200x 32 80 128 69 216 160 30 2860
x 63 64 147 69 216 160 30 2950
225x 32 80 128 69 243 160 30 3050
x 63 64 147 69 243 160 30 3120
250x 32 80 128 69 265 160 30 3445
x 63 64 147 69 265 160 30 3525
with valve
protection pipe
cod. 21.73.50
fixed length mt.
90° electrofusion
cod. 21.11 PE 100
WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9 SDR 7,4
dn de L f a Z PN - SDR weights
20 34 33 15 10 55 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 70
25 38 33 15 9 57 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 80
32 46 39 18 10 75 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 130
40 56 48 25 11 80 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 190
50 68 54 27 12 89 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 300
63 83 52 27 13 104 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 450
75 97 64 29 18 116 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 665
90 116 70 37 18 130 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 1040
110 142 76 39 20 146 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 1615
125 162 79 42 19 152 PN 16 - SDR 11 2130
140 174 85 38 20 166 PN 16 - SDR 11 2520
160 206 89 45 20 180 PN 16 - SDR 11 4050
180 226 116 50 23 215 PN 16 - SDR 11 4900
200 251 118 55 23 229 PN 16 - SDR 11 6450
● weldable only with Euro electrofusion monovalent units fittings
▲ minimum weldable thickness 3 mm
dn de L f a Z PN - SDR weights
25 39 33 15 10 55 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 80
32 46 39 18 10 57 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 110
40 56 48 25 11 70 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 175
50 68 54 27 12 75 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 260
63 82 52 27 13 86 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 390
75 97 64 29 18 98 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 610
90 116 70 37 18 110 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 905
110 142 76 39 20 114 PN 25 - SDR 7,4 1415
125 162 79 42 19 119 PN 16 - SDR 11 1830
140 177 86 39 20 134 PN 16 - SDR 11 2200
160 206 89 45 20 134 PN 16 - SDR 11 3400
180 223 105 50 28 165 PN 16 - SDR 11 4050
200 250 112 55 29 171 PN 16 - SDR 11 5560
WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9
PE 80 PE 100 PE 80 PE 100 PE 80
25 ● ▲ ● ▲ ●
32 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
40 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
50 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
63 ● ● ● ● ●
75 ● ● ● ● ●
90 ● ● ● ● ●
110 ● ● ● ● ●
125 ● ● ● ● ●
140 ● ● ● ● ●
160 ● ● ● ● ●
180 ● ● ● ● ●
● weldable only with Euro electrofusion monovalent units
200 ● ● ● ● ●
▲ minimum weldable thickness 3 mm
dimensions weights
dn dn1 de L f a h Z Z1 PN 16 - SDR 11
25 25 39 33 15 11 60 53 111 95
32 32 44 44 28 10 48 64 94 105
40 40 54 49 37 11 57 73 112 175
50 50 66 55 36 12 62 81 128 300
63 63 81 61 32 13 72 94 153 420
75 75 96 64 29 18 75 113 176 700
90 90 116 70 37 18 85 125 202 1170
110 110 141 76 39 20 84 141 233 1725
125 125 161 79 42 19 100 156 269 2800
140 140 174 85 38 20 121 150 308 3050
160 160 206 89 51 20 127 184 350 5570
180 180 227 105 48 23 130 188 368 6340
200 200 252 112 55 23 135 205 400 8230
WELDABILITY on pipe/fitting
dn SDR 26 SDR 17 SDR 11 SDR 9 SDR 7,4
dimensions dimensions
PN 16 - SDR 11 PN 25 - SDR 7,4
dn f L Z f L Z PN 16 - SDR 11 PN 25 - SDR 7,4
20 30 33 100 60
25 27 33 104 75
32 31 38 98 100
40 29 44 114 155
50 32 49 127 250
63 49 55 136 360
75 41 61 162 41 60 164 430 550
90 42 66 174 52 65 164 680 850
110 49 70 189 61 70 187 1075 1400
125 42 76 194 42 76 198 1440 1800
140 51 82 214 51 81 207 1900 2400
160 48 86 220 45 86 211 2535 3300
180 50 100 249 3635 ●
200 ●
● on request
PE 80 PE 100 PE 80 PE 100 PE 80
32x 20 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ▲
32x 25 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ▲
40x 20 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ▲
40x 25 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ▲
40x 32 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
50x 25 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ▲ ●
50x 32 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
50x 40 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
63x 32 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
63x 40 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
63x 50 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
75x 63 ● ● ●
90x 50 ● ▲ ● ▲ ● ● ●
90x 63 ● ● ● ● ●
90x 75 ● ● ● ● ●
110x 63 ● ● ●
110x 90 ● ● ● ● ●
125x 90 ● ● ● ● ●
125x 110 ● ● ● ● ●
160x 90 ● ● ● ● ●
160x 110 ● ● ● ● ●
160x 125 ● ● ● ● ● ● weldable only with Euro electrofusion monovalent units
▲ minimum weldable thickness 3 mm
dimensions weights
32x 20 44 32 46 38 34 22 10 10 105 75
32x 25 45 36 44 45 31 21 10 10 103 75
40x 20 55 33 49 39 27 22 11 10 120 105
40x 25 55 36 48 40 27 21 11 10 114 100
40x 32 55 44 54 50 30 29 11 10 109 100
50x 25 67 37 49 40 27 21 12 10 126 140
50x 32 66 44 53 49 30 29 12 10 121 170
50x 40 66 54 55 54 33 33 12 11 119 200
63x 32 81 46 62 44 31 24 15 12 156 245
63x 40 81 54 63 54 29 20 15 13 137 250
63x 50 81 66 62 54 26 23 16 16 131 250
75x 63 97 81 75 62 34 33 13 13 160 395
90x 50 117 66 79 55 45 25 18 16 185 555
90x 63 115 81 77 62 45 33 15 13 160 515
90x 75 115 97 81 60 39 30 18 18 159 550
110x 63 144 83 79 63 40 33 20 15 201 905
110x 90 141 115 87 77 41 39 19 18 181 860
125x 90 162 118 78 68 42 34 22 17 177 1100
125x110 162 144 79 73 33 36 22 20 164 1225
160x 90 209 119 90 79 50 50 23 17 233 2130
160x110 208 144 95 82 48 37 25 20 218 2400
160x125 208 162 98 87 47 30 26 21 208 2505
fusion units
monovalent electrofusion units
with USB port
The monovalent control unit can only be used to weld PE e-fusion fittings from a single manufacturer.
No guaranteed results can be given for any use with other fittings.
The units EURO S1 and EURO S1 LIGHT are monovalent control units suitable for welding of all
electrofusion fittings series "EURO" and allow the Operator to work at a welding safety voltage lower
than 50 V, are manufactured according to the UNI 10566 – ISO 12176-2 regulations, are furnished with
CE mark.
The heating power is automatically fixed according to the type and diameter of the e-fitting, to the SDR
of the pipe/fitting to be welded and to the ambient temperature.
The units EURO S1 and EURO S1 LIGHT use a switching technology which permit to be light and
The display guides the Operator when setting the parameters: type of fitting to be welded – nominal
diameter – SDR and consequently shows: ambient temperature, welding voltage, welding time, a
progressive number of welding operations, alarm or malfunctioning messages.
The control units EURO S1 and EURO S1 LIGHT are designed to store the Operator code, the work
site, the date and time of electrofusion and the welding parameters.
For data transfer the units EURO S1 and EURO S1 LIGHT are supplied with USB connection port and
serial port.
The software DBManager is stored on the USB drive, permits the data transfer from the USB drive to
PE and the management of the printing operations and the storage of the transferred data.
The welding unit must be submitted to periodic overhaul (biennal) according to the UNI 10566
supply voltage 230V ± 15%
frequency 50 Hz ± 15%
output voltage < 50V
max power consumption 4500 W 3000 W
operating temperature -10°C + 45°C
port connections USB serial RS-232
protection IP 54
welding cycle memory capacity n. 1600 n. 800
dimensions LxPxH 36x21x31 cm 35x19x30 cm
the complete electrofusion sockets and
weldable diameters electrofusion fitting d. 20-160 ef saddles
EUROSTANDARD range d. 40x - 250x
weight 14 Kg 8 Kg
fusion units
polyvalent electrofusion unit
with USB port
The ef unit EURO SP1 is an universal machine for the welding
of electrofusion fittings with welding safety voltage lower than
50 Volt, manufactured according to UNI 10566 and ISO 12176-2
and is furnished with CE mark. The ef unit can work in automatic
through the welding bar code reading and traceability by means
of a scanner, or in manual system by setting of welding voltage
and relative time.
As for the ef units EURO S1 and S1 Light, the EURO SP1 unit
uses the switching technology which permits to be light and Euro SP1
compact. The display and the four buttons guide the operator in cod. 12.19 SP1
all operative settings.
The scanner device for the bar code reading allows the maximum operative ease in all site conditions.
The serial ports RS-232 and USB allow an easy and flexible management of the welding data stored in the
internal memory of the ef unit.
The software DBManager is stored on the USB drive, permits the data transfer from the USB drive to PC
and the management of the printing operations and the storage of the transferred data.
The welding unit must be submitted to periodic overhaul (biennal) according to the UNI 10566
bar codes for ef welding according to ISO 13950 ef welding Interleaved 2.5/24 digit
operator - Interleaved 2.5 / 30 digit
bar codes traceability ISO 12176/3/4 Interleaved 2.5 / 30 digit traceability
128 /26/40 digit
bar code reading system scanner
setting: time and voltage or 24 digit
manual system
sequence of bar code
welding cycle memory capacity n. 1600
connectors 4.0 mm
ancillary connectors 4.7 mm
dimensions L x P x H 32 x 26 x 31 cm
weight kg 14,0
ancillary equipment on request GPS
welding bar code
The bar code is an universally recognized system to store up information and to allow their reading by
proper systems such as scanner or light pen.
For the electrofusion system of polyethylene, the BAR CODE type INTERLEAVED “2-in-5” with 24 digits
with control character according to standard ISO 13950.
The information stored in the code, and carried on the label, allow the suitable control unit to understand
automatically the characteristics of the fitting to be welded and to consequently work.
The code stores all information necessary for the electrofusion cycle: type of fitting, diameter, fusion time
and cooling time, control character of a correct reading, identification key.
The main characteristic of this system is to avoid any possibility of errors in the fixing from the operator,
who must only acquire the data from the bar code and confirm manually the correct reading.
The guarantee of correct code reading is determined from the control character carried on the label.
Possible differences between the fitting connected to the control unit and the wrong reading of the code
are shown on the display, which does not proceed in the memorized sequence.
The reading of the bar code with optical pen/scanner on universal units allow to store all traceability data
inside the ef unit and the subsequent transfer to PC, obtaining a complete traceability of the welding
operations of the fittings.
fusion units
aligning clamp
• Protects the jointing, either during the electrofusion or the subsequent cooling, from external
mechanical stresses
• Allows to revise possible off-centering between both ends to be welded and to recover the out-ofround
of parts, if ovalized.
The aligning clamp is auxiliary to the control unit, its use is essential for the successful electrofusion
The clamp consists of a support frame with four jaws and reducing inserts to adapt the unit to the various
diameters and fittings used.
Simultaneous use of multiple aligning clamps will positively affect the speed of installation.
cod. 12.45
cod. 12.32
cod. 12.54
cod. 12.62
cod. 12.32 with n. 4 jaws dia. 63 mm, complete with reducing inserts for dia.
20-25-32-40-50 mm
cod. 12.66
cod. 12.65
cod. 12.67
pipe cutter
A square cut of the pipe to be welded is carried by means of a pipe cutter, type with roller or with tool;
choosing the type, it is important to verify the diameter according to the wall thickness of the pipe to be cut.
cod. 15.39/40/41
pipe scraper
For the removal of the oxide layer on pipes/fittings are used manual scrapers with straight interchangeable
blade and pipe scrapers, type mechanical which are fastened on the pipe end.
The use of this equipment means the perfect flatness of the pipe end, which is only achieved with the
pipe cutter.
cod. 15.42
cod. 15.44
cod. 15.47
cod. 15.49
cod. 15.42 cutter usable on 4 sides by overturning on the central screw
cod. 15.54 type ERT-500 dia. 110 – 500 mm suitable ONLY for pipes
PE cleaner
Special detergent for polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) weldings.
welding units
The buttfusion welding unit is conform according to the UNI 10565 standard, has the CE marking and
• a correct axial adjustment/movement of the pipes through the clamps;
• a proper and true facing of the pipes/fittings through the facer tool;
• an accurate control of the welding pressure and of the temperature of the heating plate;
• the conformity to the safety standard regulations.
Each machine can buttweld different diameters; according to the pipe diameter, the reducing insert are
fitted into the standard clamps.
The buttfusion machine consists of a supporting mounting with fixed and movable clamps. Those movable,
hydraulically driven with manual or electrical control, are rolling on two guides.
The machine is provided with an electrical facer tool, an electrically heating plate, an electro-hydraulic unit
with distributor and pressure gauge with manometer.
The welding unit must be submitted to periodic overhaul (biennal) according to the UNI 10565
maximal power
- hydraulic unit 370 W 370 W 370 W 750 W
- facer tool 800 W 800 W 1000 W 1150 W
- heating plate 1000 W 1420 W 2300 W 3000 W
weight in kg
- base mounting 35,0 46,0 45,0 78,0
- hydraulic unit 26,0 26,0 26,0 28,0
- facer tool 11,0 13,0 14,5 27,0
- heating plate 5,0 6,5 10,0 13,0
supply voltage 230V ± 10% - 50 Hz
The buttfusion units are provided with industrial plug, IEC standards protective measures,
2 poles + earth 16A - 220V
Edition March 2014
ph. Nadia Baldo - Pierluigi Orler - Realizzazione e stampa Esperia Srl - Lavis (TN)