Diatom Ooze: Ooze Clues

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Diatom Ooze: Ooze Clues

A Bridge Data Analysis Teaching Activity (www.marine-ed.org/bridge) used with

Written by: Lisa Ayers Lawrence, Virginia Sea Grant, Virginia Institute of Marine

The activity can be found at:

(Accessed April 2011)

Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson Time: 1 hr.
Materials Required: global map, Sediment Distribution Patterns map
Natl. Science Standards
Science as Inquiry
Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry (K-4, 5-8, 9-12)

Life Sciences
Populations and ecosystems (5-8)
Matter, energy, and organization in living systems (9-12)

Earth and Space Sciences

Structure of the earth system (5-8)
Geochemical cycles (9-12)

Related Resources: Search the following terms Geological

oceanography,Plankton, Benthos at (www.marine-ed.org/bridge)

Plot the distribution of various oozes using information from sediment maps.

Describe the characteristics of different types of seafloor sediments and oozes.
Predict distribution of calcareous and siliceous oozes.
Compare and discuss locations of sediments and oozes.

Terrigenous, Biogenous, Hydrogenous, Cosmogenous, Calcareous ooze,
Siliceous ooze, Foraminifera, Diatoms, Radiolaria, Carbonate compensation
Just as ocean beaches display a variety of sediment types, the ocean floor may be
made of sand, rock, remains of living organisms, or other material. The grains and
particles that make up the seafloor sediments are classified by their size and their
point of origin. Sediments can come from land (terrigenous), from living organisms
(biogenous), from chemical reactions in the water column (hydrogenous), and even
from outer space (cosmogenous).

Terrigenous sediments dominate the edges of the ocean basins, close to land where
they originated. As you move deeper into the ocean basins, biogenous sediments
begin to dominate. Biogenous sediments can consist of waste products or remains of
organisms, including those of microscopic phytoplankton and zooplankton. When
skeletal remains of microscopic organisms make up more than 30% of the sediment,
it is called "ooze."

There are two types of oozes, calcareous ooze and siliceous ooze. Calcareous ooze,
the most abundant of all biogenous sediments, comes from organisms whose shells
(also called tests) are calcium-based, such as those of foraminifera, a type of
zooplankton. Foraminifera are one of the most abundant types of zooplankton and are
widely distributed throughout the surface of the world's oceans.

Siliceous oozes are made up of the remains of diatoms, a microscopic

phytoplankton, and radiolaria, a microscopic zooplankton. Diatoms are one of the
most important primary producers in the ocean. Because they are primary producers,
diatoms are found in nutrient-rich areas of the ocean especially in areas of upwelling
like the polar seas. As you move from continental shelf to open ocean areas, the
number of diatoms present decreases. Radiolarians, the other source of siliceous
ooze, feed on phytoplankton and thus are also more abundant in nutrient-rich water.
However, radiolaria favor the equatorial upwelling zones as opposed to the polar
upwelling zones.

Another factor that affects where biogenous sediments will occur is the depth of the
ocean floor. Calcium carbonate dissolves readily under pressure and in cold water,
therefore deeper ocean floors will have less calcareous ooze. At a depth of about 5
km, the rate of dissolution (how quickly calcium carbonate dissolves) is faster than
the rate at which calcium shells are raining down from above. This depth is called the
carbonate compensation depth or CCD.

Data Activity
Using what you've learned about the distribution of diatoms, radiolaria and
foraminifera and about the carbonate compensation depth, predict where you think
you would find calcareous and siliceous oozes. Mark your predictions on your global
Next, look at the General Sediment Distribution Patterns map. This map shows
the general location of biogenous sediments. Compare your map to the sediment
distribution map.


Were your predictions close to where calcareous and siliceous oozes actually

How does your map compare with the sediment distribution map?

Which type of ooze dominates the ocean sediments, calcareous or siliceous?


What parts of the oceans do not have calcareous ooze? What might be some
reasons for this? (Hint: depth, distribution of organisms)

Where are large deposits of siliceous diatom ooze? Are these deposits mostly near
the edges of continents or in the middle of the ocean basins? Why? (Hint: areas of
upwelling/high nutrient levels)

Where do you see large deposits of siliceous radiolarian ooze? Why?

Global Map

Outline map created from: http://www.eduplace.com/ss/maps/
Siliceous-Pelagic sediments are rich in the remains of
diatoms, silicoflagelattes and radiolaria. They occur
most commonly below the CCD and in areas around
the Antarctic and tropical and coastal upwelling zones
where extremely high production of siliceous
organisms occurs resulting in great export production
of siliceous microfossils. Note that there is no such
area in the GIN Seas or the North Atlantic because the
diluting effects of large amounts of terrigenous and
carbonate material in sediment

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