Naeb b110 f09 03
Naeb b110 f09 03
Naeb b110 f09 03
Office of Executive Secretary
Urban©g Illinois
February 1* 1940
substantiating w h a claims
Mr* Miller recalls how in the early days he supplied the station’s
engineer Malcolm Hanson (later Admiral Byrd’s chief operator on
the first flight over the South Pole) with report forms to send
out to the radio observer© who had receivers* and these would be
filled in and posted several hours before those sent by mail could
be received in most communities*
At the present time three official broadcasts each day are given
directly from Mr* Miller’s office in the weather bureau- The
preview is at 8:15 A.M* At 10:50 A.M« the complete morning summary
and forecast is presented- The final review comes at 3:58 P.M*
Other reports over WHA come at 12:30 and 1:00 P.M.- and at station
sign-off time* In extremes of weather the temperature is reported
hourly on the hour* A microphone set-up and lines are maintained
in the weather-bureau office and broadcasts can be picked up on
a minute’s notice*
The reports from the weather bureau not only tell what the forecast
is* but tell also why things are apt to happen as predicted*
Farmers with crops to watch* motorists planning trips* sportsmen
going hunting or fishing* shippers of stock and produce* skating
rink tenders* and other weather-conscious individuals rely on the
‘ NAEB NEWS LETTER...Fob 15, 1940,..Pag© 2
During the past year, nearly 1,500 editorials from the leading
daily and weekly newspapers of Illinois were read in this unique
program of the state's only non-commercial, educational radio
station. Total circulation of the newspapers received is just
short of two and a quarter million persons. More than 200 copies
of newspapers are scanned each week in preparing the two 15-minute
broadcasts--l:45 p0m, each Tuesday and Friday, The papers include
24 dailies and 66 weeklies,
He succeeds Dr. E. Pc Humbert, who has served for some eight years
in that capacity. The job has grown to a full time one, and Dre
Humbert asked for relief so that ha could give his full attention
to his duties as head of the Department of Geneticso
Most of you have seen the pamphlet published by the Public Affairs
Committee, 30 Rockefeller Plaaa, New York City. If you are not
familiar with them, see listing of publication enclosed in the
packet. The Public Affairs Committee is © non-profit, educational
At the same time. Section 3.93(e) of the broadcast rules has been
changed to read:
"The FCC budget will be reported in the House within a few weeks by
the House Appropriations Committee.
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views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication/collection do not necessarily reflect those of the
National Endowment for the Humanities.