Saep 1661

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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-1661 24 July 2012

Waste Minimization Assessments
Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................ 2
2 Applicable Documents................................... 2
3 Waste Minimization Assessment
(WMA) Objectives.................................. 3
4 Instructions.................................................... 3
5 Responsibilities............................................. 5

Previous Issue: 31 December 2008 Next Planned Update: 31 December 2013

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 7
Primary contacts: Nasser Al-Harbi and Tamim Al-Buraikan on 966-3-876-0376

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2012. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee SAEP-1661
Issue Date: 29 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 31 December 2013 Waste Minimization Assessments

1 Scope

This Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure provides guidance on the implementation of

the Waste Minimization Assessment (WMA). The WMA is part of the Company's
Waste Minimization Program (WMP). This procedure formalizes implementation of
the Company's waste minimization mandate, which is embodied in the Corporate
Environmental Protection Policy (INT-5). This SAEP describes the procedures for the
administration and implementation of a Waste Minimization Assessment, as well as the
procedures for providing guidance to Business Lines and individual facilities in
understanding and implementing the latest waste minimization initiatives.

2 Applicable Documents

The requirements contained in the following documents apply to the extent specified in
this procedure:

2.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Policy Statement

SAPS No. INT-5 Environmental Protection

Saudi Aramco General Instructions

GI-0002.714 Environmental Protection Policy Implementation
GI-0430.001 Waste Management General Instruction

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-A-102 Air Pollutant Emission Source Control
SAES-A-103 Discharges to the Marine Environment
SAES-A-104 Wastewater Treatment, Reuse and Disposal
SAES-S-007 Solid Waste Landfill Standard

Saudi Aramco Materials Instruction Manual

SCMM CU 22.03 Processing and Handling of Hazardous Material
SCMM CU 22.06 Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Waste Minimization Program Manual,

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Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee SAEP-1661
Issue Date: 29 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 31 December 2013 Waste Minimization Assessments

2.2 Government Requirements

PME GER Rules for Implementation of the General
Regulations on the Environment, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, 2004
Env. Protection Environmental Protection Standards in the
Document 1409-01 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
National Cont. Plan National Contingency Plan for Combating Marine
Pollution by Oil and other Harmful Substances
in Emergency Cases, March 1991
Jubail Project 2nd Ed. Environmental Guidelines, Royal Commission for
Jubail and Yanbu, Jubail Project, Second
Edition 1988
RC Regulations, Vol. 1 Royal Commission Environmental Regulations,
Yanbu Project 1/1/91 Environmental Protection Manual, Royal
Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, Yanbu
Project, January 1, 1991

3 Waste Minimization Assessment (WMA) Objectives

The objectives of this Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure are to:

 Encourage and assist facilities in applying waste minimization initiatives.
 Provide guidance to Business Lines and individual facilities in understanding and
meeting Company waste minimization goals.
 Conduct Waste Minimization Assessments on facilities that have not been assessed
or existing facilities that have undergone major modifications to identify
opportunities for Waste Minimization.
 Help minimize the environmental impact of waste generated from Company
 Promote cost effective waste minimization through source reduction, reuse and

4 Instructions
Commentary Note:

For more detailed guidelines, refer to the Waste Minimization Program Manual issued by
the Environmental Protection Department (EPD).

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Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee SAEP-1661
Issue Date: 29 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 31 December 2013 Waste Minimization Assessments

4.1 Facility Selection and Scheduling

WMAs will be conducted only on facilities that have not been assessed or to
existing facilities that have undergone major modifications. WMAs are
normally conducted at least three (3) years after commissioning of a new facility
or major modification to an existing facility.

4.2 WMA Team Selection

The Environmental Protection Department shall advise the proponent on the

number of Assessment team members and the type of expertise needed for each
Assessment, based upon the type and complexity of the facility. The Team
Leader and team members shall be provided by a qualified consultant / contractor;
one team member (minimum) shall be provided by the proponent organization
(typically an experienced process engineer), in addition to the facility's
Environmental Coordinator. EPD may provide team members as necessary.

4.3 Waste Prioritization Report

Information on facility waste generating processes should be obtained and

reviewed before the site assessment in order to make the most effective use of
time on-site. This information shall be submitted to the WMA Team Leader by
the proponent at least four weeks before the on-site assessment. The
information should include, but not limited to waste manifests, Process Flow
Diagrams (PFDs), Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), operating
procedures, plot plans, and relevant environmental/process reports.

4.4 Team Preparation

The Waste Minimization Assessment opening meeting is normally held on the

first day of the on-site assessment and is presided over by the WMA Team
Leader. In attendance are the assessment team, the proponent manager, and
appropriate facility supervision as invited by the manager. The purpose of the
opening meeting is to introduce the WMA team and facility management, give
an overview of the Waste Minimization Program, clarify any areas of
uncertainty, discuss site details and logistics, and set a date for issuing the Final
Report. It should be stressed in the opening meeting that the purpose of the
WMA is to find opportunities that improve environmental as well as financial
performance by reducing waste generation and raw material consumption. The
following information should be reviewed.

4.5 On-site Assessment

4.5.1 The WMA team will assess the facility by evaluating the waste streams
identified in the prioritization report.

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Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee SAEP-1661
Issue Date: 29 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 31 December 2013 Waste Minimization Assessments

4.5.2 The WMA will cover the following items, as a minimum:

 Air Emissions
 Wastewater Management/Discharges
 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management/Disposal
 Hazardous, Toxic and Regulated Materials
 Energy and Recyclable materials.

4.5.3 To assess the categories listed in Section 4.5.2, the WMA team should
walk through and inspect the facility, interview personnel, review
pertinent files, and investigate facility procedures.

4.6 Final Report

4.6.1 The WMA team shall prepare the Final Report for the use of proponent
management. This report will provide details of the major waste
minimization opportunities identified in the study, along with cost-
benefit analyses in accordance with waste minimization program

4.6.2 Potential waste minimization opportunities that require significant

capital investment should have a payback period of less than three (3)
years. The Final Report shall be sent to the proponent manager.

4.7 Implementing Recommendations

It is the prerogative of the proponent to carry out the recommendations

contained in the Final Report according to the optimal schedule and approved
waste minimization objectives for the facility. The status of Final Report
recommendations is not tracked by EPD. EPD will request that the proponent
organization l acknowledge/sign off on any decision to forgo action on a

5 Responsibilities

5.1 Environmental Protection Department

5.1.1 EPD shall maintain a database of waste minimization projects and

previous reports.

5.1.2 If requested, EPD shall provide consultation on the development of

waste minimization objectives and a waste minimization plan for the

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Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee SAEP-1661
Issue Date: 29 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 31 December 2013 Waste Minimization Assessments

Commentary note:

EPD has the right to send one person to accompany the team doing the

5.2 Proponent Organization

5.2.1 The proponent is responsible for the administration, coordination, and

execution of the Waste Minimization Assessments.

5.2.2 The proponent shall provide pertinent information requested by the

Waste Minimization Assessments Team Leader prior to the site
assessment. This information shall be submitted to the WMA Team
Leader at least four weeks before the on-site assessment.

5.2.3 The proponent organization shall provide access and logistical support to
the Assessment Team to inspect its facilities, interview its employees,
review pertinent files and facility procedures.

5.3 WMA Team Leader

5.3.1 The Team Leader shall direct the course of the WMA. This may include
assigning tasks to team members in order to efficiently utilize their

5.3.2 The Team Leader is responsible for the preparation for the opening
meeting, conducting the assessment and presenting the final report to the
proponent department.

5.3.3 The team leader is responsible for preparation of the waste prioritization
report. The team leader can assign sections of the report to other team
members. The team leader shall submit the report to the proponent
before the on-site assessment. This report prioritizes the waste streams
according to the difficulty and cost of properly managing the waste, the
size of the discharge or emission, the degree of the hazard and toxicity of
the waste, and the potential for minimization.

5.3.4 The Team Leader, in collaboration with the team members, should
review all relevant information related to the facility assessed including,
but not limited to, design information, previous EPA survey results, and
relevant reports. If information is not available, it should requested from
either the proponent or other concerned organizations.

5.4 WMA Team Members

5.4.1 The team members shall review other facility information and

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Document Responsibility: Environmental Standards Committee SAEP-1661
Issue Date: 29 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 31 December 2013 Waste Minimization Assessments

preparation of the prioritization report prior to the site survey.

5.4.2 The team members shall participate full-time during the on-site

5.4.3 The team members shall assist the Team Leader in providing input and
preparing the Final Report.

5.4.4 All recommendations shall be discussed and agreed on by the team

members prior to issuing the final report.

Revision Summary
31 December 2008 Major revision, based on value engineering session.
29 July 2012 Editorial revision to reflect the changes in committee members list.

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