Saep 32
Saep 32
Saep 32
1 Scope............................................................ 2
2 Applicable Documents.................................. 2
3 Program Objectives...................................... 4
4 Instructions.................................................... 5
5 Responsibilities............................................. 9
1 Scope
This SAEP describes the procedures for the administration and implementation of the
Environmental Performance Assessment (EPA) Program. The purpose of this program
is to conduct periodic facility surveys to determine compliance with Saudi Aramco's
environmental, environmental health, and industrial hygiene requirements, as well as
related Saudi government requirements.
2 Applicable Documents
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
3 Program Objectives
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
ο Environmental Health (food services and potable water, vector control and
public health nuisances)
• Ensure that major findings (i.e., areas of noncompliance) are appropriately resolved.
• Provide annual reports to corporate management on the status of the EPA Program.
4 Instructions
Commentary Note:
For further details, refer to the EPA Program Manual and the Team Leader's Handbook
issued by the Environmental Protection Department.
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
The team members prepare for the survey by familiarizing themselves with the
facility organization and functions. All previous EPA reports should be
reviewed, as well as documentation regarding past environmental problems,
non-compliance incidents and formal complaints. The Team Leader may ask
the proponent to submit facility information that will help prepare the EPA team
for their visit.
The EPA Opening Meeting is held before the site visit commences and is
presided by the EPA Survey Team Leader. In attendance are the survey team,
the Proponent Manager, and appropriate facility supervision (as invited by the
manager). The purpose of the Opening Meeting is to introduce the EPA survey
team and facility management, give an overview of the EPA process, clarify any
areas of uncertainty, discuss site details and logistics, and set a time and location
for the Closing Meeting.
4.5.1 The survey team will assess the facility's environmental performance by
evaluating compliance with the Company documents listed in Sections
2.1 through 2.3. These can be obtained from the Environmental
Protection Department.
4.5.2 The EPA survey will cover the following items, as a minimum:
• Air pollutant emissions and air quality problems
• Wastewater discharges and management
• Solid and hazardous waste disposal and management
• Hazardous, toxic and regulated materials management
• Environmental monitoring, testing & sampling program data
• Spill containment and contingency planning
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
4.5.3 To assess the items listed in Section 4.5.2, the survey team should walk
through and inspect the facility, interview personnel, review pertinent
files, and investigate facility procedures. Checklists are required to be
used by the team members as a reminder of things to look for and to
document findings.
4.5.4 The survey team shall ensure that major findings from previous EPA
surveys have been appropriately resolved. Unresolved major findings
will be carried over to the new survey.
The survey team will check the status of the minor findings from
previous EPA survey. Unresolved minor findings may be elevated to
major status in the current EPA survey.
4.6.1 After completion of the onsite survey and initial data evaluation, the
team shall prepare a Summary Report that contains the major and minor
findings. This report will be presented in a closing meeting. In
attendance are the survey team, the proponent manager, and appropriate
facility supervision (as invited by the manager).
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
4.6.3 A copy of the Summary Report is left with facility management so that
they can correct and permanently resolve the minor findings and develop
an action plan for the major findings.
4.6.4 The Summary Report will be included as an attachment to the EPA Final
4.7.1 Only major findings will be highlighted for action in the EPA Final
4.7.2 The Survey Team Leader is responsible for circulating a draft report to
the team members and EPA Program Coordinator within four (4) weeks
of the site visit. The Final Report shall be completed within six (6)
weeks of the site visit and is sent to the Proponent Manager from the
Manager, Environmental Protection Department, with copies to
managers of other participating organizations and survey team members.
4.8.1 After receiving and reviewing the Final Report, the Proponent shall
complete the action plan attached to the report, which addresses
resolution of the major findings. This plan, with estimated dates of
completion, shall be submitted to the Environmental Protection
Department within four weeks of receipt of the Final EPA Survey
4.8.2 The proponent shall resolve the major findings expeditiously, using
appropriate Company resources as needed.
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
4.9.2 A finding involving project action is not considered 'closed' until the
project has been completed and commissioned. Copy of the
commissioning certificate should be filed with EPD.
5 Responsibilities
5.1.2 EPD shall finalize facility selection by September, and the survey team
composition by November of the preceding year.
5.1.3 EPD shall circulate the draft EPA Final Report within four (4) weeks of
the site survey to the team members and EPA Program Coordinator for
comments, and shall distribute the Final EPA Survey Report within six
(6) weeks of the site survey.
5.1.5 EPD shall request the Proponent Department to submit a status report on
their action towards resolving the major findings every six (6) months,
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
until the findings are resolved. EPD shall track the findings and work
with the Proponent Department to ensure resolution.
5.1.6 EPD shall prepare an Annual Report for submission to Corporate and
Executive Management that summarizes all of the EPA surveys
conducted to date and the progress made by facilities in resolving major
5.2.1 The Proponent Department shall provide a survey team member with the
qualifications and experience recommended by the Environmental
Protection Department.
5.2.2 Prior to the site survey, the Proponent Department shall provide any
information requested by the EPA Team Leader in sufficient time for the
team to evaluate the information and plan its visit.
5.2.3 The Proponent Department shall provide access and logistical support to
the survey team to inspect its facilities, interview its employees, and
review its documents.
5.2.4 The Proponent Department shall submit a facility action plan for the
resolution of major findings (if any) within four (4) weeks of receipt of
the EPA Final Report. Both major and minor findings shall be corrected
as soon as possible.
5.2.5 The Proponent Department shall track the resolution of all findings and
provide status reports as outlined in Section 4.9. Proper documentation
will be provided to EPD to support closure of resolved findings.
5.4.1 The EPA Team Leader shall direct the course of the survey. This may
include assigning tasks to team members in order to efficiently utilize
their expertise.
5.4.2 The EPA team members shall participate full-time during the onsite
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Document Responsibility: Environmental SAEP-32
Issue Date: 30 June, 2003 Environmental Performance
Next Planned Update: 1 March, 2008 Assessment (EPA) Program
5.4.3 The team members shall finalize their findings by the end of the survey
period and present them in a Summary Report at the Closing Meeting.
They shall assist the Team Leader in preparing the EPA Final Report.
Revision Summary
26 February, 2003 Minor changes that provide clarification to existing directives and statements.
Revised the Next Planned Update.
30 June, 2003 Editorial revision to change the title of SAEP-327 referred to in this document.
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