Ilp Teacher Leadership Project
Ilp Teacher Leadership Project
Ilp Teacher Leadership Project
Identify name and date for February 28, 2020 March 13, 2020 April 9, 2020 April 10, 2020 April 14, 2020
Meet with mentor Collect Data & prepare for DELAC Analysis of
Discussion with Mentor
to discuss ILP idea. Session /develop Google form. Presentation Presentation
I would like to develop a PLC in which Math & English educators come together to further examine Smarter Balanced and
Provide 1-2 sentence summary of
Renaissance Star data in order to identify trends and determine areas of improvement for our students. I also plan to discuss
your teacher leader project.
potential interventions that could be piloted in the upcoming school year.
I will make a Google form that participating educators will complete at the end of the PLC as feedback to inform effectiveness.
Summarize process for analyzing
Additionally, I would like for my mentor to sit in on the PLC so that he can also provide his input of the effectiveness of this
effectiveness of leadership role.
leadership role.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)
Importance of Being &
Having a Mentor As a mentor, I can further develop interpersonal relationships, provide necessary support for a new educator, and
also continue to grow as an educator by learning from my mentee. (Importance in Being & Having a Mentor).
Analyzing Student Data for
School wide & Individual This chapter highlights the importance of using student data across several levels (Analyzing Student Data).
Student Improvement
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at department/school/district level.)
Our Principal has held a Data dive session that overviewed the indicators on the CA Dashboard with the Assistant Principals and
other school leaders to reflect on the progress made and the areas of improvement as a school.
Principal Our Lead EL Specialist held a reflection and planning session with the EL specialists at our school to take time to discuss the progress
made so far this year and to touch on areas that could be better addressed in the upcoming school year.
Lead EL Specialist
I took both of these colleagues’ leadership roles and felt that it would also be beneficial for the educators to have time to come
together and to reflect on some of the data that we have available and how it pertains to our students and classrooms.
Parents at the DELAC meeting were engaged in the topic because they appreciated being provided the opportunity to give feedback
Value of topic for audience.
for the school’s educational plan that directly impacts their students. Parents expressed appreciation at the end of the presentation.
Parents seemed to agree with the LCAP goals that were developed, but there was some concern that the distance learning model may pose a challenge to the goals that
were presented. Parents gave feedback about potentially considering adjusting the goals so that they would be attainable even while the school is in the distance
learning format. During the feedback portion of the presentation, parents also provided valuable feedback about how they really liked that meeting was virtual and
they recommended adding virtual options for other parent meetings, even post- distance learning, because they liked the flexibility in being able to attend from home.
This was not something that we necessarily foresaw happening, but we are happy that the new format we were limited to was well-received.
For supporting LCAP has changed due to the current pandemic and instead of being a three-year plan for the 2020-23 school
others/department/ years, schools will be required to submit an operations plan outlining how they responded to COVID-19 and a one
school/district year LCAP plan for the 2020-21 school year. I will be supporting the school in the drafting of the new plans.
Other Notes and Comments
Supporting in the development of LCAP as a part of the writing team was such an incredible learning experience this semester, it
challenged me to grow as an educational leader. This is something I plan to continue to be a part of as I really enjoyed being a part of
stakeholder engagement and I greatly value having important discussions with various stakeholder groups to better understand how
we can meet our students’ needs and further increase school effectiveness.