Problem 9.2b Engineering Ethics
Problem 9.2b Engineering Ethics
Problem 9.2b Engineering Ethics
2b Engineering Ethics
Ethics is a complex word. When you hear it used, sometimes you are not really sure
what it means. The word is often used in several different ways. Ethics is generally
defined as the study of morals, which is the study of what is right and wrong or
beneficial or harmful to others. In the field of engineering and science, ethics is a very
important concept that is considered in the daily workings of engineers and scientists.
The codes of professional engineers and scientists vary widely within different
professional societies. Many professional societies maintain a set of codes, such as the
American Institute of Chemists, the American Mathematical Society, the Association of
Computer Machinery, and the American Council of Engineering Companies.
These codes of conduct or ethical guidelines are used to govern the practices of the
engineers, engineering technicians, scientists, and mathematicians. Sometimes the
codes are extensive and may even result in persons losing their advanced degree if
they are found to plagiarize work. You may be surprised to learn that there is also a set
of codes for student organizations that includes a Hippocratic Oath for scientists,
engineers, and executives.
This problem is designed to enable you to learn more about engineering design ethics
and how ethics should play a role in the work of engineers and scientists.
Choose from the following real or fictional situations to complete the assignment:
Engineering & Architecture- Structural Design Failure (many examples)
Environmental/Genetic/Bio Medical Engineering- Manufactured Food &
Animals for Harvest
Genetic/Bio Medical Engineering- Stem Cell Research
Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering- Challenger Disaster
Genetic/Biomedical Engineering- Jurassic Park/Jurassic World
People are bored of of the standard dinos now. Park attendance has
slowly been dropping and we require a new attraction in the park.
With the select dinosaurs and animals we have, create a hybrid dino
Which is safe enough to be displayed to the park guests but also
Dangerous enough to gain traction as a popular attraction.
1. Limited number of dinosaurs to choose from.
2. Near-unlimited budget.
3. Do not create anything that will get the park shut down.
Deliverables 1. Documentation
: 2. Engineering Notebook
3. Poster (use Publisher or PowerPoint) depicting the key
findings of the case study
Ethics are generally widely accepted norms that relate to how people should do certain
things. In other words, it can be sometimes per person principles that dictate their
behavior and activities.