Reflective Journal 1

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Reflective Journal 1

Ayaka Kisu

The University of Hawaii at Hilo

ENG 422: Teaching Practicum

Dr. Francis Dumanig



This paper is a reflection journal written by a TESOL seeking student who presented a grammar

lesson on March 3rd, 2020 in ENG 422, and describes how the class was conducted. By

analyzing the teaching practice, the student can find what was good and what needs to be

improved. There are four sections in the lesson: warm-up, presentation, practice, evaluation, so

this report also has those sections so that it is clear to understand what happened during each

section and what the student thought for each part of the class. The conclusion section explains

the summary of the lesson and the overall reflection throughout the class.

Reflective Journal 1

This class was offered in-person with six students in the classroom. The students were

TESOL seeking students, so they acted as ESL students. The lesson objective was to be able to

talk about their weekend activities using past tense verbs. Students were supposed to learn how

to distinguish verb tenses in the previous lesson, and this class focused on past tense verbs

including regular and irregular conjugation.


As a review from the previous lesson, the students were asked to answer the conjugation

of be verbs and when to use past, present, and future tense. This introduction was a little bit short

to remember the contents of the last lesson, so it could be longer. It would be effective if the

teacher draws a timeline on the board to explain each tense.


First, the teacher introduced the topic for this class by saying “today we are going to talk

about what we did on the weekend.” Then, cards with illustrations for each verb were shown to

the students. The teacher showed one card at a time asking ‘what’s this,’ and had the students

answer what is the right verb to explain the picture. As they answered, the teacher wrote the

answer on the whiteboard making sure to write regular verbs on one side and irregular verbs on

the other side. After asking answers for all the verbs, the teacher introduced the past tense form

of each verb by saying it and writing on the board at the same time. Once the students know the

conjugation, the teacher explained the rules for past tense conjugation and showed that there are

regular and irregular verbs in English. This explanation could be more detailed because it is the

most important part of this lesson. After they understood the basic rules, the teacher introduced

three ways to pronounce ending ed of past tense verbs and the rules for each pronunciation. To

review the past tense conjugation, the students were asked to make a sentence using a past tense

verb that is shown in a card that the teacher picked. This exercise was not too difficult for the

students because they were fluent English speakers, but it might be too hard for ESL students.

In the next part of the presentation, the teacher asked the students how to make a question

sentence to know what someone did on the weekend. When one of the students answered, the

teacher wrote the question on the board. If this lesson were offered for real ESL students, this

process can be different because they might not know how to make a question sentences and

need more explanation about it. Then the teacher asked “what did you do on the weekend?” to

each student and showed one card at a time. In this practice, the students were supposed to

answer the question by making a sentence with a past tense verb that is written on the card. To

make it enjoyable, the students were asked to stand up and sit down after they answered two

questions, which worked very well even for adult learners. After they get used to answering the

question with the cards, they practiced doing the same activity without the cards. Then, they

were asked to make pairs to practice saying the question and answering it several times.


Before practicing conversation, the students reviewed the verbs and the conjugation for

each one by looking at the board and repeating the teacher’s pronunciation. Then they made pairs

and practiced conversation about what they did on the weekend using the past tense verbs they

learned in this class. They also included greetings at the beginning and the end of the

conversation to make it natural. This activity is useful for the students because the conversation

is very similar to a daily conversation by native English speakers. While they were practicing,

the teacher monitored them and checked their conversation so that if the teacher can fix some

mistakes. Since the students for this practice teaching were fluent English speakers, they did not

have much trouble making their original sentences using past tense verbs. However, if they were

ESL students, there may be some difficulties creating sentences and use them in a real



In this evaluation section, each pair of students were asked to come to the front of the

classroom and show the conversation they practiced to their classmates. While other students

were presenting, the audience took notes about what kind of past tense verbs did the presenters

used in their conversation. In this way, all students could participate in the class even when some

of them were waiting for their turns. The direction for this activity was not clear, so the teacher

had to be careful and make sure all students understand the rules clearly.


In this class, the students learned past tense conjugation of regular and irregular verbs and

how to use them in their real-life conversation. The class was conducted smoothly because the

students were native English speakers, but if they were ESL students, the situation might change

due to the level of their English skills. Therefore, when teaching ESL students, the teacher has to

make sure they understand the contents of the class every time introducing new content or going

to the next section.

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