Tech Brief: Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Tech Brief: Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Tech Brief: Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement
his TechBrief presents an overview of permeable
interlocking concrete pavement (PICP) and its use.
Permeable interlocking concrete pavement, also referred to
General information is provided on PICP composition as PICP, consists of solid concrete paving units with joints that
with a summary of benefits, limitations, and characteristics. create openings in the pavement surface when assembled into a
Important considerations, such as hydrologic design, pattern. The joints are filled with permeable aggregates that allow
structural design, construction, and maintenance, are also
provided. This Tech Brief supersedes FHWA Publication No.
water to freely enter the surface. The permeable surface allows
FHWA-HIF-15-007, JANUARY 2015. flow rates as high as 1,000 in./hr (2,540 cm/hr) (Borst 2010).
The paving units are placed on a bedding layer of permeable
Sam Tyson, P.E. aggregates that rests over a base and subbase of open-graded
Concrete Pavement Engineer aggregates. The concrete pavers, bedding and base layers are
Federal Highway Administration typically restrained by a concrete curb in vehicular applications.
1200 New Jersey Avenue, S.E. – E73-440
The base and subbase store water and allow it to infiltrate
Washington, DC 20590
202-366-1326 | into the soil subgrade. Perforated underdrains in the base or
subbase are used to remove water that does not infiltrate within
David R. Smith a given design period, typically 48 to 72 hours. Geosynthetics
Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI) such as geotextiles, geogrids, or geomembranes are applied to
703-657-6900 | the subgrade depending on structural and hydrologic design
All photos and figures were provided by ICPI and objectives. Separation geotextiles are used on the sides of the
used with permission. base/subbase to prevent entrance of fines from adjacent soils.
DISTRIBUTION AND AVAILABILITY Figure 1 illustrates PICP components. The figure shows a partial
This Tech Brief can be found at
infiltration design with drainage to accommodate some water that
under “Publications.” does on enter low infiltration soils. PICP over high infiltration
subgrade soils may not require an underdrain(s) and these are
Permeable pavement, permeable interlocking called full infiltration designs. Other designs over expansive or fill
concrete pavement, permeable pavement soils or close to buildings may enclose the pavement structure with
design, construction, maintenance, LEED® credit, geomembrane (impermeable liner). An outlet pipe provides
maintenance, pavement design, pavement
temporary storage and outflow control. This design approach also
construction, permeability, pervious concrete, porous
concrete, stormwater, sustainability. can be used for water harvesting or for horizontal ground source
heat pumps. The use of a geomembrane to restrict infiltration into
This Tech Brief is disseminated under the sponsorship the soil subgrade is often called a no infiltration design.
of the U.S. Department of Transportation in
the interest of information exchange. The U.S.
Government assumes no liability for the use of
the information contained in this document. The
U.S. Government does not endorse products or
manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers’
names appear in this report only because they are
considered essential to the objective of the document.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides
high-quality information to serve Government,
industry, and the public in a manner that promotes
public understanding. Standards and policies are used
to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility,
and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically
reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and
processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.
APRIL 2019
PICP may help achieve compliance with many national, provincial, state, and local regulations as well as
transportation agency design requirements for stormwater runoff control. These requirements may include
the following:
• Paving materials require no time-sensitive site forming
• Immediately ready for traffic upon completion, no time needed for curing
• Can be installed in freezing temperatures if subgrade and aggregates remain unfrozen
• Capable of wet weather (light rain) installation
Site Utilization
• Reduces or eliminates unsightly detention/retention ponds and related liability
• Increased site and building utilization
• Conservation of space and reduction of impervious cover
• Preserves woods and open space that would have been destroyed for detention/retention ponds
• Promotes tree survival by providing air and water to roots (roots do not heave pavement)
Drainage System
• Reduced downstream flows and stream bank erosion due to decreased peak flows and volumes
• Increased groundwater recharge
• Decreases risk of salt water incursion and drinking water well pollution in coastal areas
• Reduced peak discharges and stress on storm drainage pipes
• Reduces combined sanitary/storm sewer overflows
Paver Surface/Units
• Produced in a factory and testing to ASTM standards prior to placement
• 50-year concrete material life based on field performance
• ADA compliant
• Colored units can mark parking stalls and driving lanes
• Eliminates puddles on parking lots, walkways, entrances, etc.
• Capable of plowing with municipal snow removal equipment
• Concrete units resist freeze–thaw and degradation from deicing materials
• Reduces ice and deicing material use/costs and related liability due to faster ice melt and
surface infiltration
• Provides traffic calming
• Paver surface can be coated with photocatalytic materials to reduce air pollution
• High solar reflectance index (SRI) surface helps reduce micro-climatic temperatures and contributes to
urban heat island reduction
Site Characteristics
Table 1. Site characteristics, hydrologic, and structural design considerations.
Feature Description
Drainage Path Assess drainage patterns in the surrounding area to determine
possible impact on PICP.
Traffic Type and Patterns Assess traffic type and composition. Avoid using PICP in high-traffic
areas such as high bus or heavy truck repetitions. Avoid use where
traffic will contaminate the pavement surface with dirt, oils,
and grease.
Winter Maintenance Avoid winter sand, which may clog the pavement, and if used, remove
in the following spring. Limit use of deicing chemicals.
Groundwater Depth PICP is generally not used in areas where the groundwater is within
2 ft (0.6 m) of the bottom of the pavement.
Surrounding Land Use Avoid use of high sediment and/or contaminant-generating activities.
Rainwater Capture and Re-Use Limit use of deicing chemicals or other contaminants for systems
where stormwater is captured for re-use.
Structural Design
Full-scale accelerated load testing of PICP base and subbase aggregates on dry and saturated subgrades
to validate mechanistic modeling was conducted by the University of California (Davis) Pavement Research
Center (UCPRC) (Li 2014). The research provides a design method to determine the subbase thickness
that accounts for the number of days per year the subgrade is saturated. This design method has been
incorporated into ASCE/ANSI 68-18 Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement (ASCE 2018) and adopted by
Caltrans (Caltrans 2016). AASHTO 1993 may be used, but it may calculate thicker subbases than would
those derived from using the UCPRC method. If using the AASHTO 1993 method, special consideration
should be given to using layer coefficients for open-graded aggregate base/subbases that are lower than
those typically used for dense-graded bases. The PICP design process includes an analysis of the expected
axle loads, followed by characterization of subgrade strength and evaluation of the surface and subbase
thickness to support the design traffic for the life of the PICP.
Surface PICP pavers with the bedding layer use an AASHTO layer coefficient of
0.3. Carefully assess impact of construction conditions and equipment
on the stability of the surface.
Reliability Assess design reliability and select appropriate value for intended
traffic and maintenance activities. 80% is typically used.
Subgrade Slope Maintain < 1% for full- or partial-infiltration designs. Consider berms or
other intermittent structures for subgrades exceeding 3% slope.
Contributing Area Runoff Determine runoff- volume, velocity, etc., from contributing areas.
Consider potential sediment loads and design to capture before
reaching the PICP surface.
Supplemental Surface Design supplemental surface drainage (overflow) for high-intensity
Drainage storms. The PICP surface should not be designed as a detention
area as this can mobilize sediment and other pollutants captured in
the surface.
Subgrade Infiltration Determine potential for infiltration based on soil type and density.
Subgrade compaction is desirable to support vehicular traffic
but lower compaction is desired to provide maximum infiltration
capability. Designer must balance these to achieve design objectives.
Underdrains For partial- or no-infiltration designs, determine the type, location, and
need for underdrains. Specify outlet details and cleanout(s).
Outflow Details Design outflow from underdrains to meet detention goals.
Ensure detailing of outflow elements meets stormwater capture
and release goals.
Observation Well Place capped, vertical perforated pipe near lowest elevation to monitor
drain down time.
Geosynthetics (geotextile, Assess the need and/or benefit for geosynthetics for separation,
geogrid, geomembrane) filtration, containment, reinforcement, etc.
These consist of geotextiles, geogrids or geomembranes. Geotextiles can separate the subbase from the
subgrade and help prevent migration of soil into the aggregate subbase or base. When applied horizontally,
they should be designed for subsurface drainage applications be carefully selected and evaluated for
clogging potential. Separation geotextiles should be applied vertically to the sides of the base/subbase in
designs that do not use full depth curbs or are against other structures. Geotextiles should conform to
AASHTO M-288 Geotextile Applications for Highway Applications, subsurface drainage. Geogrids or geocells
can be used to support the subbase in very low strength soils, i.e., CBR < 2%. Geomembrane material
encases the pavement structure and is used for no infiltration designs. Geosynthetic manufactures should
be consulted for recommended material selections and thicknesses.
As with all permeable pavements, site characteristics are initially reviewed, then consideration is given to
hydrologic design for stormwater management and to structural design to support anticipated vehicle axle
loads and repetitions. The thicker of the two bases from structural and hydrologic designs is selected. These
design considerations are briefly described in Tables 1 and 2.
The list on the following page provides a construction checklist for project use. The engineer should
edit according to specific project requirements. In recognition of the special construction requirements
of PICP, the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute developed a program designed to educate, train,
and recognize individual contractors in PICP construction. This is called the PICP Specialist Course. Project
specifications should state that the project foreman holds a record of completion in this course.
(See ICPI website for more information).
Most PICP projects are machine-installed to accelerate construction time over manual installation.
Figure 5 illustrates a machine that lifts and places about a square yard (m2) of concrete pavers in their final
laying pattern. The units are placed on the screeded bedding layer of aggregate, the joints are filled with
aggregate, and the paver surface is swept clean and compacted.
Construction Checklist
Pre-Construction Meeting
• Walk through the site with builder/contractor/subcontractor to review erosion and sediment control plan/
stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP)
• Determine when PICP is built in project construction sequence and confirm specified measures for PICP
protection and surface cleaning
• Aggregate material storage locations identified (hard surface or on geotextile)
• Sediment management
• Access routes for delivery and construction vehicles identified
• Vehicle tire/track washing station (if specified in erosion and sediment plan/SWPPP) location/maintenance
• Utilities located and marked by local service
• Excavated area marked with paint and/or stakes
• Excavation size and location conforms to plan
• Excavation hole used as sediment trap: cleaned immediately before subbase stone placement and runoff
sources with sediment diverted away from the PICP, or all runoff diverted away from excavated area
• Protect temporary soil stockpiles from erosion from water and wind
• Ensure linear sediment barriers (if used) are properly installed, free of accumulated litter, and built up
sediment against them
• No runoff enters PICP until soils stabilized in area draining to PICP
Foundation Walls
• At least 10 ft (3 m) from foundations with no waterproofing or drainage
Water Supply
• At least 100 ft (30 m) from municipal water supply wells
Soil Subgrade
• Rocks and roots removed; voids refilled with open-graded aggregate
• Soil compacted to specifications (as required) and field-tested with density measurements
per specifications
• No groundwater seepage or standing water
• Meet specifications for materials, placement, and down slope overlap
• Sides of excavation covered with separation geotextiles prior to placing aggregate base/subbase
• No tears or holes
• No wrinkles, pulled taught, and secured during construction
• Geomembrane placement, field welding, and seals at pipe penetrations meet specifications
• Drain pipes/observation wells
• Size, perforations, locations, slope, and outfalls meet specifications and drawings
• Verify elevation of overflow pipes
Edge Restraints
• Elevation, placement, and materials meet specifications and drawings
Final Inspection
• Surface swept clean.
• Elevations and slope(s) conform to drawings.
• Transitions to impervious paved areas separated with edge restraints.
• Surface elevation of pavers no greater than 1/4 in. (6 mm) above adjacent drainage inlets, concrete collars
or channels.
• Lippage: no greater than 1/8 in. (3 mm) difference in height between adjacent pavers.
• Bond lines for paver courses: 1/2 in. (±15 mm) over a 50 ft (15 m) string line.
• Stabilization of soil in area draining into PICP.
• Drainage swales or storm sewer inlets for emergency overflow. If storm sewer inlets are used, confirm
overflow drainage to them.
• Runoff from non-vegetated soil diverted from PICP surface.
• Test surface for infiltration rate per specifications using ASTM C1781 Standard Test Method for
Surface Infiltration Rate of Permeable Unit Pavement Systems. This minimum acceptable rate should
be 2,500 mm/hr (100 in./hr).
• Contractor to revisit site 6 months from date of substantial completion to re-inspect joint fill material
and refill as required; replace any paver areas not conforming to specifications.
PICP inspections should be completed 1 to 2 times annually (preferably after a storm event). Inspection
tasks should include the following:
• Review maintenance and operations records and incidents to determine indictors of maintenance.
• Document general site features, take pavement photographs, etc.
• Note obvious sources of surface contaminants such as sediment.
• Identify the extent and severity of any damage or deficiencies (settlement, ponding, cracked pavers, etc.).
Structurally related conditions can be documented and a pavement condition index created using ASTM
E2840 Standard Practice for Pavement Condition Index Surveys for Interlocking Concrete Roads and
Parking Lots.
• Identify any changes in adjacent land use that may impact contributing area runoff for potential sources
of contaminants that may reduce system permeability.
• Inspect vegetation around PICP perimeter for cover and soil stability.
• Inspect edge restraints to ensure continued functionality.
• Check observation well(s) and outlet drain(s) to ensure continued water drainage from the
pavement structure.
• Check surface for buildup of sediment in joints. Buildup typically occurs near adjoining impervious
pavements. If water ponds on the PICP and remains longer than one hour after a rainstorm, then conduct
ASTM C1781 to determine surface infiltration rate.
The results of the inspection should be documented and used to assist in updating the maintenance
plan for the PICP system. The information should be used to assist in predicting future maintenance
needs and be part of an overall management system for the pavement. Based on the results of the
inspection, it may be appropriate to conduct remedial maintenance particularly if the surface has not
been vacuumed regularly.
Routine Maintenance
The following provides a checklist for PICP routine maintenance:
• Inspect, and if necessary, clean the surface using regenerative air equipment to remove debris and
sediment in the spring and late fall.
• Repair/replant vegetative cover for areas up slope from the PICP.
• Replenish aggregate in joints if more than 1/2 in. (13 mm) from paver chamfer bottoms.
• Repair all paver surface deformations exceeding 1/2 in. (13 mm).
• Repair pavers offset by more than 1/4 in. (6 mm) above/below adjacent units or curbs, inlets etc.
• Replace cracked paver units impairing surface structural integrity.
• Clean and flush underdrain system if slow-draining.
• Clean drainage outfall features to ensure free flow of water and outflow.
Remedial Maintenance
• If ASTM C1781 test results are below 10 in./ hr, vacuum surface to remove sediment jammed into joints
and soiled aggregate (typically 1/2 to 1 in. or 13 to 25 mm deep) using a full or true vacuum machine (not
regenerative air) (Chopra 2010). Refill joints with clean aggregate, sweep surface clean, and test infiltration
rate again per ASTM C1781 to minimum 50% increase or minimum 10 in. /hr (250 mm/hr).
• Repair and/or reinstatement of damaged edge restraints and resulting movement in the pavers; this may
require removal and reinstatement of adjacent paving units.
• Repair localized settlement greater than 1/2 in. (13 mm) and rutted pavement areas.
• Repair outflow features, piping, energy dissipaters, erosion protection systems, etc., as required.
Winter Maintenance
Avoid the use of winter sand for traction; if used, remove with regenerative air cleaning equipment in the
spring (regenerative equipment does not evacuate jointing materials).
Properly designed, constructed, and maintained PICP will provide decades of service in reducing stormwater
runoff and pollutants while supporting pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Pavement stability and winter
durability has been documented with PICP use in a Chicago parking lot (Attarian 2010), as well as in Toronto
(TRCA 2008) (TRCA 2012) and Durham, NH (UNHSC 2013). Additional experience has been gained with PICP
in alley projects in Los Angeles and Sacramento, CA; Richmond, VA; Longmont, CO; St. Louis, MO; Lancaster,
PA; and Dubuque, IA. In addition, PICP streets in Warrenville, IL; Moline, IL; and Charles City, IA, have solved
stormwater problems in a cost-effective manner.
AASHTO 1993. Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Washington, DC.
ASCE 2010. ASCE Standard 58-10, Structural Design of Interlocking Concrete Pavement for Municipal Streets
and Roadways. American Society of Civil Engineers, Transportation & Development Institute, Reston, VA.
Attarian 2010. Attarian, J., Greener Alleys, Public Roads, May/June 2010 Vol. 73, No. 6, Federal Highway
Administration, US Department of Transportation.
ASCE 2018. ASCE/ANSI 68-18 Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement, Transportation & Development
Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
Borst 2010. Borst, M., Rowe, A.A., Stander, E.K., and O’Connor, T.P., Surface Infiltration Rates of Permeable
Surfaces: Six Month Update (November 2009 through April 2010), EPA/600/R-10/083, Office of Research
and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory—Water Supply and Water Resources
Division, Edison, NJ.
Brattebo 2003. Brattebo, B.O. and Booth, D.B., Longterm Stormwater Quantity and Quality Performance of
Permeable Pavement Systems, Water Research, 37 (2003) 4369–4376, Elsevier.
Chopra 2010. Chopra, M.B., Stuart, E., and Wanielista, M., Pervious Pavement Systems in Florida – Research
Results, Stormwater Management Academy, University of Central Florida, in Proceedings of Low Impact
Development 2010: Redefining Water in the City, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
Clausen 2007. Clausen J.C., Jordon Cove Watershed Project, Final Report, University of Connecticut, College
of Agriculture and Natural Sciences.
COE 2009. Stormwater Infiltration Improvements Low Impact Development (LID) Pilot Project at Buildings
1137, 1137a and 1145, US Army Garrison - Fort Stewart, Georgia, US Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa,
Oklahoma District, Final Report by Weston Solutions, Inc., Norcross, GA.
Caltrans 2016. Pervious Pavement Design Guidance, Division of Design, Office of Stormwater Management,
California Department of Transportation, Sacramento.
Collins 2008. Collins, K.A., Hunt, W.F, and Hathaway, J.M., Hydrologic Comparison of Four Types of
Permeable Pavement and Standard Asphalt in Eastern North Carolina, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,
Vol. 13, No. 12, November/December 2008, pp. 1146–1157, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
Coupe 2009. Coupe, S.J., Charlesworth, S., and Faraj, A.S., Combining Permeable Paving with Renewable
Energy Devices: Installation, Performance and Future Prospects, in Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Concrete Block Paving, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Argentinean Concrete Block Association,
Cordoba, Argentina.
Fassman 2010. Fassman, E.A. and Blackbourn, S., Permeable Pavement Performance Over 3 Years of
Monitoring, in Proceedings of Low Impact Development 2010: Redefining Water in the City, American Society
of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
Knapton 2003. Knapton, J. and Cook I.D., Permeable Paving for a New Container Handling Area at Santos
Container Port, Brazil, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Concrete Block Paving, Tokyo,
Japan Interlocking Paving Engineering Association, Tokyo, Japan.
Knapton 2007. Knapton, J., The Structural Design of Heavy Duty Pavements for Ports and Other Industries -
Edition 4, Interpave, Leicester, United Kingdom.
Knapton, 2012. Knapton, J., Structural Design Solutions for Permeable Pavements, in Proceedings of the
10th International Conference on Concrete Block Paving, Shanghai, Chinese Construction Units Association,
Beijing, China.
Li 2014. Li, H., Jones, D., Wu, R. and Harvey J., Development and HVS Validation of Design Tables for
Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement: Final Report, University of California Pavement Research
Center, Davis.
North Carolina 2012. North Carolina BMP Manual, Chapter 18 Permeable Pavement, Simplified Infiltration
Test, NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, NC.
Sieglen 2004. Sieglen, W.E. and von Langsdorff, H., Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements at Howland Hook
Marine Terminal, Ports 2004, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
TRCA 2007. TRCA Performance Evaluation of Permeable Pavement and a Bioretention Swale, Seneca
College, King City, Ontario, Interim Report #3, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
TRCA 2008. TRCA Performance Evaluation of Permeable Pavement and a Bioretention Swale,
Seneca College, King City, Ontario, Final Report, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
TRCA 2012. Evaluation of Permeable Pavements in Cold Climates, Kortright Centre, Vaughan, Final Report
December 2012, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
UNHSC 2013. Roseen, R., Houle, J., Puls, T., and Ballestero, T., Final Report on a Cold Climate Permeable
Interlocking Concrete Pavement Test Facility at the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center,
UNH Stormwater Center, Durham, NH.
Wardynski 2013. Wardynski, B.J., Winston, R.J., and Hunt, W.F. Internal Water Storage Enhances Exfiltration
and Thermal Load Reduction from Permeable Pavement in the North Carolina Mountains, Journal of
Environmental Engineering, 139(2), pp. 187–195, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.