2010 03 26 WIC Flooring Level Access Showers

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Level access showers can improve quality of life for disabled users. Peter Mayer of BLP Insurance
looks at the design options and lifecycle costs for retrofitting them into existing floors

ncreasing awareness of lifetime needs and disruptive especially if the structural floor Alternative solutions
incorporation of accessibility as part of the needs to be adjusted. The least disruptive Using an inset GRP shower tray to provide
sustainable housing agenda are driving the solution is to install a 22mm-thick, preformed both the falls and surface finish is an
specification of level access showers. When glass reinforced plastics (GRP) board in place alternative to insertion of a preformed
carefully planned as part of a new-built of the existing floor decking, in the case of substrate which is subsequently covered with
housing development, the additional costs are timber floors. The GRP board is shaped to a floor covering. GRP trays are less than
minimal. This is far from true for those who falls within its thickness and includes a 22mm deep and are inserted into the floor
are adapting an existing room for level preformed drainage opening. These are made following removal of the timber decking. The
access. The cost and disruption will vary with from a variety of plastics and resins GRP trays should be slip resistant, although
individual buildings. including materials with sustainability this is generally not quantified. The success
Level access showers are the most common benefits, such as recycled plastics. of an insert level access shower tray depends
adaptation within the Disabled Facilities Concrete or screeded floors offer different on ensuring a good seal between the tray and
Grant provisions and costs vary enormously issues. The area requiring falls can be cut out the adjacent floor finish.
from £1,000 to over £10,000 for the complete and re-laid to create the fall. To avoid A ramped or low-level access shower tray
installation. Most adaptations cost between slumping of fresh screed, a grid of plastic with pumped waste water system is
£4,000 and £10,000. formers can be used to maintain the correct commonly used where costs and disruption
Key design criteria for the flooring falls and levels. Grinding the screed to is prohibitive.
construction of level showers are succinctly required falls may be an option. Alternatively,
summarised in the draft British Standard, screed can be cut out and a preformed Broader life cycle cost issues
DD 266, code of practice for Lifetime Homes plastics board inserted to provide a level The lifecycle cost assessment of level access
and BS 8300 designing to meet the needs of access surface. flooring alternatives is focused on the costs
disabled people. The floor finish should be as A key issue with retrofitting a level access from the owner’s perspective. The point of
level as possible within the constraints of shower is ensuring waterproofing. The design view of a local authority might be very
incorporating a fall (one in 50) to ensure needs to be well thought out with a “belt and different if the costs of installing a level
water drains away from circulation areas; the braces” approach. This is most important access shower enable a person to be provided
floor surface should be slip resistant and when forming installations on timber floors for by home-based care rather than
water tight; and the space requirement is at which are subject to thermal and moisture residential care, with payback periods of a
least 1m x 1m for the shower. Slip resistance induced movements. few months. There are also intangible
is determined to BS 7976 and high slip It is advisable to install a proprietary benefits to quality of life and dignity.
resistance values are preferred. waterproofing system under the floor and Further information is provided by the
PVC is a commonly installed surface finish. wall finishes. Adhesives and sealants should Centre for Accessible Environments and the
PVC may be specified to BS EN 13553 for use be able to accommodate expected movement Health and Safety Executive for guidance on
in special wet areas for both PVC to BS EN while retaining their waterproofing function. slip resistance.
649 and PVC with foam backing to BS EN 651. Particular care should be taken at junctions BLP Insurance provides latent defect insurance for
Achieving falls to existing floors can be and services penetrations. building www.blpinsurance.com

Specification options Capital cost Lifecycle cost Expected service life

(£/m2) (£/m2) (years)
Level access shower in timber floor formed with preformed glass reinforced plastics (GRP)
board to replace floor decking. Waterproofing membrane. Floor finish: slip resistant vinyl sheet
flooring to BS EN 649 and BS EN 13845, 2mm thick installed to BS 8203 550-650 1,080 15
Level access insert GRP shower tray in timber floor to replace floor decking. Shower tray:
18mm thick with integral upstands and slip-resistant self finish 500-600 1,290 25-35
Level access shower in screeded floor reconfigured to falls. Floor finish ceramic floor tiles to
BS EN 14411, with enhanced slip resistance; 8mm thick minimum. Installation to BS 5385 500-600 1,089 60+
Low level ramped shower tray on screeded floor. Tray: GRP 40mm high with built in pipe duct
and slip-resistant self finish. 400-500 1,132 25-35

Table notes Net present values calculated with 3.0% discount rate for a 60 year period. Capital costs include preparation of existing floor to allow laid to falls surface, installation of new
floor or shower tray - nominally 1m x 1m, floor drain and floor finish. Costs-in-use include inspections, allowance for minor works, for example clearing drain; floor covering and shower tray
replacement. No allowance for cleaning. Costs of plumbing, wall finishes and enclosures etc are excluded from this analysis. The analysis assumes the plastic preformed board remains in
place throughout the 60 years. Life cycle costs are indicative and are based on the average of capital costs and service lives. Costs for new or retrofit installations are proportional to the
complexity of the design, size and access issues as well as materials specific costs. Service lives represent average lives.


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