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English Department of Education

Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

Slang word can be considered as the secondary language which people use in daily
conversation and chatting on social media, this research will provide the types of slang used by
the main character on the Interview movie. The objectives of this research are analyzing the
types of slang word, analyzing the function of slang and the reason of slang utterance based on
the related study. On this study use the descriptive qualitative method. The data was taken from
the Interview movie collected through downloading, reading, watching, and listing. The data
analyzes by identification, classification, description, presentation, and explanation.
Keywords: slang word, types of slang, the function, reason, the Interview movie.

On human life there is a language which can be interpreted the way people to express
meaning to other people, language also known as the instrument to deliver information, or ideas.
Therefore, people used language to communicate in society. There are parts of language such as
the grammar, vocabulary, etc.
Slang word is one of parts in language that can be defined as the new word or phrase that is
created by some people, which represented something with style that used on the daily
conversation. Sometime the meaning of slang word is only understood inside the group
(restricted), while people outside the group do not understand the meaning of that slang word.
Nowadays, there is a part of human life called Movie. Movie part such a language that is
spoken by the actors or actresses becomes an interesting point. Sometimes people replicate how
actress or actors use language, therefore the use of language in the movies become an interesting
issue to identify. According to it we are interested in the use of the slang word on The Interview
movie, because it is comedy genre movie which exciting to watch and a lot of slang word
meaning that does not found in Standard English dictionary. So in this research we want to help
the audience to understand the meaning of slang word, and increase our new vocabularies form
The Interview movie.
According to a study by Aris (2015) language is always developing along as the speaker’s
needs, such as human development. As a result of this case such a language phenomenon
created, which has uniqueness looks like slang words. Nowadays slang word used by teenager to
communicate inside the communities that not all people understood. In the movie, it is similarly
occurred, the slang word that is used by the actors that are easily imitated by some audience. For
example society use the term, “LOL” which means laugh of loud that use on social media
conversation, and on the routine activities. It does easily can be found everywhere, like in a
magazine, newspaper, etc. People around the word has possibility to use the varieties of language
depends on situation they face; actually there are informal or formal situation which people
should know where they are. In that case people should well understand the appropriate situation
to use the language, formal or informal style. The slang word use also affected by some factors,
such as age, gender and status. At the age factor, Slang word used by teenager on the society to
represent their social identity. One of the varieties of language is slang that is used by the
restricted groups or communities. However sometimes the teenager are less respectable to the
people, it’s based on how they adapt to the informal situation or innovative words that replace
the other word on the general vocabulary. To conclude the slang is informal or spontaneous
verbal language that generated and used by the specific community on the informal situation.
This study contributed to Holmes (2001).
The researches of slang word in movie have been analyzed before, among other the research
by Dewi (2012) pointed out that, she establishes the literal and figurative meaning in the movie.
She investigated the literal and figurative meaning from movie entitled, “HANCOCK”, to find
the figurative meaning of the words she used the slang dictionary and an English dictionary to
find the literal meaning. Example, the word punk has two meanings First; the literal meaning of
punk is popular rock music genre in the end 1970s and early 1980s. Second, the figurative
connotation is intimidation or play.
Another research found the morphology aspect or the word formation of the slang. A study
by Abadi (2012) which studied the slang word formation on movie titled, “PAUL” uses
the Martiello’s theory. In this study she found there are nine types of slang formations. On this
research process she used compounding, suffixation, final combining form, conversion,
acronym, reduplicative, blending, and clipping. Another research by Nurin (2012), she examined
the linguistics process of forming word through the Plag’s theory entitled “a study of slang used
in step up 3D film.” This study indicated there are various reasons to use the slang word, such as
to show solidarity, to show surprises, to show an anger, to show identity, for fun, to make
simpler their word. And also, she found slang words forming of linguistic processes, those are:
acronym, compounding, clipping, blending, and coinage. To comprehend deeper the meaning of
slang word we have to explore the sociolinguistics background, which it will more
entertaining to analyze through the movies. Based on the earlier studies, the researchers have
done analyzed the slang word. They analyzed the word formation or morphology of slang word,
and the investigated of literal and formative meaning of slang words.
On this research we try to investigate on the sociolinguistic aspect of slang word that used on
the interview movie, by classify it according to the Partridge’s theory, contain theory about the
characteristic of slang word and its function using theory proposed by Yanchun and Yanhong
then the reason using slang word based on the writer perspectives. We think that the analysis of
slang word on the interview movie is important to investigate because this movie contains much
kind of slang word that unfamiliar and doesn’t found in Standard English dictionary. So from of
the reasons above by considering all the things that discussed it is hoped that will increase, while
mastering the slang word inside the movie to be more meaningful and also as slang word to be
able to use by the people around the globe within well-being communication. Therefore, we try
to make list about slang word from the movie and provide with the meaning so audience can
understand the meaning, and it increases their vocabularies. Then release following research
A. What are types of slang word used by character in the Interview movie?
B. How are the functions of slang word uttered by The Interview movie characters?
C. How does the writer describe the reasons of using slang terms in The Interview movie?
In this research, we use some of literature to support the research. The literature contains
some related study and will be described in this chapter.
Previous studies
The first related study by Evrilia (2016), investigated the types of slang expressions found in
the movie, the subtitling strategies used by the translator, and the point of meaning similarity of
the slang terms in the English Clueless movie text and their Bahasa Indonesia subtitling text. On
her study, Evrilia used the descriptive qualitative approach. The data of slang word or phrase
expression was taken from the movie’s dialogue in the original DVD of Clueless movie. In her
study she becomes the main instrument and the data sheet as the secondary instrument. She
applied three theories to answer the problems question; the types of slang by Willis, the
subtitling strategies proposed by Gottlieb, and the degree of meaning equivalence by Bell. The
result of her study find out that (1) the slang expressions use in the English Clueless movie text
fall into an invention type as the dominant type, followed by the standard expression type. Inside
the movie the slang type application relatively balanced, therefore the invention slang was higher
than the standard expression of slang. (2) The strategies of subtitling the slang expressions can
categorize into seven dominant strategies, such as Paraphrase, Condensation, Expansion,
Deletion, Decimation, Resignation and Imitation. (3) The terms word of equivalence meaning
the fully equivalent is the most dominant, the followed by the Partly Equivalent, Different
Meaning, and No Meaning. The slang expressions translations of the Clueless movie have high
degree of equivalence based on the frequency of meaning equivalent compared to the
unequivalent. It can implicated that the slang expressions used in the movie was successfully
transferred regarding meaning to the TL, thus made them readable by the audiences.
Muzayyanah (2015) describing the types of slang found in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid novel,
and the strategies using by the translator in translating the slang in novel. The collected data of
this study was analyzed using the qualitative method supported with the slang theories on Slang
To-Day and Yesterday, book of Eric Partridge and In Other Words, book of Mona Baker. The
data analyzed by classifying slang from the novel by drawing tables and pictures based on the
types and strategies of translation found in the novel, explain both the types and strategies used
by the translator.
This study found there are three types of slang in the novel namely, workmen’s, public
schools and universities, and society. The translation strategies used in the novel are translation
through a more general word (super ordinate), translation through a more neutral/less expressive,
translation through cultural substitution, translation using loan word or loan word plus
explanation, translation by paraphrase using the related word, translation by paraphrase unrelated
words, translation by omission and translation through illustration.
Ardyasari (2009), the research was investigated the translation strategies and the impact of
the strategies on the accuracy and the acceptability of slang expression translation in Mean Girls
movie. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. The data was collected from the
Mean Girls movie; the data used in this research were the slang expressions from the Mean Girls
movie dialogue, the translation and comment from the audience.
The result of this study showed there are eight strategies used by the translator in translating
the Mean Girls movie, specifically; translation by using slang expression (3 data or 1. 41%),
translation by using common word or phrase of similar meaning, both referential and expressive
meanings (75 data or 35.38%), translation by using the common word or phrase of similar
referential meaning but dissimilar expressive meanings (21 data or 9.91%),translation by using
the common word or phrase of similar expressive meaning but dissimilar referential meaning (33
data or 15.57%), translation by using the common words or phrase of dissimilar both referential
and expressive meanings (43 data or 20. 28%), the translation by using loan word or loan word
with explanation (3 data or 1.41%), translation by omission (15 data or 7.08%) and translation by
using swearing word (19 data or 8.96%) from all the data.
The translating by using the common word or phrase of similar meaning both referential and
expressive meanings was the most dominant strategy used by the translator, while the translation
by using slang expression and translation by using loan word or loan word with explanation is
rarely applied by the translator.
Nur (2017) analyzed the morphological aspects which focus on word formation process and
the sociolinguistic aspects which focused on the social factors and dimension that influence
people from the Deadpool movie. This research used the descriptive qualitative. The data
collected from the Deadpool movie by downloading, reading, watching the movie. The data
analyzed based on theory of word formation (Plag, 2002) and O’Graddy and Guzman 1996).
This study implies that slang word generated through the word formation processes on the
Deadpool movie, such as six affixation, one conversion, six clipping, ten blends one
abbreviation, and nineteen compounds. Another result that slang word was influenced for
reasons such as participants, setting, topic and function, the other aspect influenced the use of
slang word in the social aspects, those were: social distance, status and two functional scales. To
conclude, there are many aspects of slang that can be analyzed deeply to increase our knowledge
and vocabulary.
Aristya and Suastra (2018) analyzed the slang used by the characters in movie script “the
Wolf of Wall Street” whether primary or secondary slang. The meaning and types of the slang
word of the characters based on the situation. They used the documentary method to analyze and
the qualitative based on the theory of Chapman (2007) which divided slang into primary and
secondary slang. To classify the types of meaning they use theory of Leech (1981) which
classified meaning into seven, namely conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, social
meaning, and affective meaning, reflected meaning, collective meaning, and thematic meaning.
In this study conclude that in “The Wolf of Wall Street” movie characters mostly used the
primary slang and several uses of secondary slang. Among the seven types of meaning there
only conceptual meaning, reflected meaning, and affective meaning on the movie. The meanings
of slang word on the movie are depended on what context the slang words used.
The type of slang by Partridge
The types of slang taken from: “A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English” By Eric
Partridge (2006)
No Type Explanation Example Meaning
1. Cockney Cockney slang comes from Back double Means as back street
Slang end East of England. It’s
attached with the
pronounced accent such as
consonant shift variation of
th to f or v sound.
2. Public House It makes up for the Booze-shunter, A beer drinker
Slang smallness recorded
vocabulary by the origin of
the subject.
3. Workmen’s The workmen’s slang Jumping Jinny a mechanical stamper
slang calling “something” with used in road-repairs
another name that already
known among the them and
related to the Public House
4. Tradesmen’s Words or phrase are related Tradesmen’s Means a meeting of
slang to the origin of slang and slang for tailor’s helper and
the users are the workmen tailors: house trainees in the shop,
too. But there are four type of parliament particularly for a
of tradesmen’s user, such as serious purpose a
tailors, butchers, chemist, person of significant
and builders. Tradesmen’s essential Means
slang for money.
butchers: This word is closely
turkey buyer imitates the landscape
of the chemists trade.
slang for
chemist: In addition, this slang
tamarinds only used by chemist.

Can be defined as the

slang for navy on heavy work
builders: has so long and so
flannel jacket unexceptionally worn
5. Slang in art Slang can be considered as Drawing A picture in water-color
an art which related to the
society. Slang words are
easily imitated by society.
Slang word first appears at
seventeenth century which
brought on comedy by
Richard Brome’s “A Fovial
6. Slang in It’s used on the commerce, Worth a guinea a A small, cheap, yet good
publicity which modern commerce box or useful article
depends on the publicity.
The company needs some
word or phrase that can
popular on the public.

7. Slang in The theatre is parts of art Acting lady An incapable actress.

theatre which related with the
slang in art terms. The
slang theatre begin develop
in nineteenth century which
effect on the ordinary and
informal spoken English.
8. Slang public In this slang types student Slang in public A lie
school and become the main source school: Bung,
university because their creativity. In
every school has its own Slang in An Oxford
slang word which another university: Black undergraduate
schools doesn’t known. In and tame
the university level student
use slang as to show their
9. Society slang The society slang is usually Silver pheasant A beautiful society
used in daily woman
communication and related
to the society. In every
society group only used
some type of slang and by
agreement, those words or
phrase become the property
of the group.
10 Slang in It used on the medical Lord have mercy The ‘iliac passion’,
. medicine environment, such doctor (up) on me a ‘colic’ of the
or nurses. small guts
11 Soldier’s Soldier’s slang is slang BOHICA Stands for bend over,
. slang terms which surround the here it comes again
army community and
commonly used by the

From the table above the writer can know that there are eleven types of slang according to
Partridge (2004), those all is described below:
1. Cockney slang
Cockneys slang is English form which coined from End East of England. It only used by
working class in England in past, but nowadays almost all people in England use the cockney
slang in daily conversation in London. It spread easily through film, music, and literature.
Cockney slang has special part in accent pronounced, such in consonant variation of th to f or
v sound. Partridge (2006) gave some example of cockney slang in “A Dictionary of Slang
and Unconventional English” such as:
a. Airy-fairies, means (large) feet
b. Back double, means a back street
c. Gosher, means a heavy blow or punch
That word categorized as the cockney slang because those all can be found in British.
2. Public House Slang
It can be defined as the public house makes up for the smallness recorded vocabulary by
the origin of the subject. It’s genial, cheerful, materialistic, but not gross nor sarcastic.
Partridge (2006) at the “The Routledge Dictionary of Historical Slang” gave some example
of public house slang:
a. Booze-shunter, means a beer dringker
b. War cry, means mixture of stout and mild-ale understood
c. Round the corner, means having had something strong to drink.
These slang word was part of public house slang because have relation with the public
house or can called as bar or pub.
3. Workmen’s slang
It has relation with the public house slang but there is difference on the characteristic.
Workmen slang characteristic does not mention “something” in real, it called with another
name which already used and understood among them. Partridge (2006) on “A Dictionary of
Slang and Unconventional English” gave some example of workmen slang:
a. Jumping Jinny, means a mechanical stamper used in road-repairs
b. Bank up, means to complete n a liberal scale; to reinforce generously, to lay in a
mighty store.
c. Sling one’s hooks, means to be dismissed.
This slang is considered as workmen slang because it related with the workmen
4. Tradesmen’s slang
It can be defined same as the workmen’s slang, but in Tradesmen’s slang there are four
typical users: tailors, butcher, chemist, and builders. The examples below were taken from
book “Slang: Today and Yesterday” by Partridge (2004):
a. Tailors tradesmen : house of parliament, means a meeting of tailor’s assistant and
apprentices in the shop, especially for a serious purpose
b. Tradesmen’s slang for butchers: turkey buyer, means a person of considerable
c. Tradesmen’s slang for chemist: tamarinds, means money. It closely reflects the nature
of chemist trade. In other word it only used by chemist.
d. Tradesmen’s slang for builders: flannel jacket, means the navy on heavy work has so
long and so unexceptionally worn flannel.
This slang categorized as tradesmen’s slang because fulfills the characteristic of
tradesmen’s slang.
5. Slang in art
Slang can be considered as an art which related to society. Slang words is easily imitated
by society. Slang word in art first emerges at seventeenth century which mentioned on
comedy by Richard Brome’s “A Fovial crew”. The examples of slang in art taken from book
“A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English” by Partridge (2006):
a. Drawing, means a picture in water-color.
b. Gamut, means a picture, a detail, etc., in tone with its accompaniments or
This slang categorized as slang in art because it shows the characteristic of slang in art.
6. Slang in Publicity
This slang type is commonly used in the commerce; a company needs word or phrase that
can easily impress the public. The modern commerce which is depends on the publicity. The
slang in publicity examples were taken from book “A Dictionary of Slang and
Unconventional English” by Partridge (2006):
a. In do a Garbo, means to avoid Press reporters and photographers and other publicity.
b. Worth a guinea a box, means a small, cheap, yet good or useful article.
c. Kelper, means a Falkland Islander.
This slang is related with the publicity so it can categorize as slang in publicity.
7. Slang in theatre
The theatre is parts of art which related with the slang in art terms. It used first in
sixteenth century according to partridge (2004). The slang theatre begin develop in
nineteenth century which effect on the ordinary and informal spoken English. The theatrical
slang examples taken from book “Slang: To-day and Yesterday” by Partridge (2004).
a. Acting lady, means an incapable actress. It can be defined as a poor acting of society
woman and girls that shows on the stages.
b. Paper house. It means that a performance which audience have “paper”
complementary ticket.
These examples were related to theatre’s slang because the characteristic of these words
connected to theory.
8. Slang in public school and university
In this slang types student become the main source because their creativity. In every
school has its own slang word which another schools doesn’t known. The examples of
public school slang taken from book “A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English” by
Partridge (2006):
a. Bonse, defines as head, for example “watch out, or I’ll make you a whack across the
b. Bung, means a lie, for example “ everything he said is a bung”
c. What’s the mat? Means what is the matter?
Slang in university is the different from the public school slang. Students tend to leave
their old slang and learn the slang at university. At the university level they grow up, doing
something new or the ways their thinking developed. The examples of university slang are:
a. Black and tame, means An Oxford undergraduate.
b. Leccer, means a lecture. This slang ordinarily used by oxford student since early
c. Brute, means one who has not matriculated.
9. Society slang
The society slang is usually used in daily communication and related to the society. It
shows a joyously or cheerily over the object and the practice of the slang user’s own calling.
In every society group only used some type of slang and by agreement, those words or phrase
become the property of the group. . The examples of society slang were taken from book “A
Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English” by Partridge (2006):
a. Come the Rothschild, means to pretend to be rich.
b. Repulsive, means unpleasant or dull.
c. Silver pheasant, means a beautiful society woman.
10. Slang in medicine
It used on the medical background, such doctor or nurses. The example of medical slang
given by Partridge (2006) on “A Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English”:
a. Lord have mercy (up) on me, defines as the ‘iliac passion’, ‘colic’ of the small guts.
b. Sciatic, means a sciatic nerve.

11. Soldier’s slang

Soldier’s slang is slang terms which surround the army community and commonly used
by the soldiers. The examples of this slang are:
a. BOHICA stands for bend over, here it comes again.
b. FIGMO describes a person, especially one who has a short remaining time on station,
who has a lax attitude toward their work.
c. SNAFU stands for the sarcastic expression situation normal: all fucked up.
Reasons people use slang word
When people use slang there must be some reason, such as slang to represent their social
group identity, since it’s cool, slang become fashion around everybody when likes it, and it
commonly used by people. Partridge quoted from Nicefero, people reason used slang there are at
least fifteen reasons:
1. In sheer high spirits, by the young people in heart as well as by the young in
years just for fun of the things, in playfulness.
2. For delights in virtuosity.
3. To be different, to be novel.
4. To be picturesque, this could be found from songs or poems.
5. To be unmistakably arresting, even startling.
6. To escape from clichés, or to be brief and concise.
7. To enrich the language by inventing new words.
8. To lend an air of solidity, concreteness; to the abstract of earthiness to
the idealistic: of immediacy and oppositeness to the remote.
9. To reduce seriousness of a conversation.
10.To amuse superior public: this can be seen by the slang that children use
towards their parents.
11. For ease of social intercourse.
12. To induce either friendliness.
13. To shows that one belongs to a certain group.
14. To show or prove that someone does not belong to a certain group.
15. To be secret, not understand by those around one (children,
students, lovers, member of political, are the chief exponents).

This research can be categorized as the descriptive qualitative method because has some
characteristics of qualitative research. First, the research is regular because the writer observes
and collects the data in real condition, without change the place, the time, the utterance done on
the movie. Second, in this research use the utterance form spoken by the characters in the movie,
means that it’s doesn’t consist any calculation but the words. Third, this research is conducted by
the researcher inductively, because it start with the analyses the process, interprets, report and
drawing the conclusion from the progression.
On the analyzing process, to determine the type of slang the writer uses the theory of
slang language by Partridge and to explain the function of slang uttered by the characters of “The
Interview” movie the writer use the theory of slang language proposed by Yanchun and Yanhong
and the data script taken from www.subscene.com and the movie taken from
www.Indoxxxi.net.This research concern on the use of slang on “The Interview” movie. The
data take from the movie is the utterance that related with the slang language. The data source is
“The Interview” movie script and the movie itself. The writers use the slang dictionary by
Jonathan Green (2008) in order to search the meaning of word or phrase is it slang expression or
not. This research is focused to analyze the conversation, therefore the writer need appropriate
instrument to collect the data. The instrument can be human self which able to do this part. Then,
the researcher self become the instrument to collect and analyze the data.
To collect the data, the writer doing some steps: first, the writers search the main data
itself that are “The Interview” movie and its script. Those data can be found from
www.subscene.com. Second. The writers watch and read the script view times to search the slang
expression in the movie. Third, the writer rewrites the dialogue or phrase contains slang
expression from the movie to the notes. The writer analyzes the data based on the following
steps: first, the writer presents the data. Second, the writer categorized the data based on the
Partridge’s theory about the type of slang, and Yanchun’s and Yanhong’s theory about the
functions of slang. Fifth, the writer discusses and explains the data. For the last, the writer draws
the conclusion based on the analysis.


In this chapter the researcher conducts the discussion and the research findings in order to
analyze the data. Include the data description and data analysis.
A. Data description
In this part the writer describe the collected data which tabulated through several steps:
a. Utilizes into slang utterance
b. The meaning of slang
c. The types of slang
The writer consider to limit the discussion on the society slang so the writer can focused
on the slang terms utterance in The Interview movie.
Table 2
No Slang utterances Meaning in the movie Types of slang
1. Shady Stupid, strange Society slang
2. Bitch Whore Society slang
3. Fuck An act of copulation Society slang
4. Shit Dung Society slang
5. Heck Hell Society slang
6. Goddamn it Damn, Intensifier Society slang
7. Fug Fuck Society slang
8. Punt Heterosexual male Society slang
9. Motherfucker Supreme insult Society slang
10. Asshole The anus Society slang

B. Data Analysis
The writer tries to analyze and classify the selected slang utterances by categorizing the
types of slang, giving the meaning of slang that utterance by characters on The Interview
movie according to the Partridge theory of slang (2004) and the writer search for the meaning
of slang utterance based on the slang dictionary by Jonathan green (2008).
The writer find out there are lot of slang words utterance in The Interview movie which
utilizes repeatedly by the characters. In this movie there are two types of slang namely:
Cockney slang and Society slang. However to make this research focused the writer choose
to analyzes ten kinds of society slang because these are frequently utter by the characters in
The Interview movie. To make it more detail the description as follow:
1. Society slang
Such the definition before the writer before, society slang shows a joyously or
cheerily over the object and the practice of the slang user’s own calling based on that the
writer concludes that society slang is familiar or commonly in society even though it has
some rude meaning which used in daily conversation and rapidly develop follow the
trends or era with unique vocabularies.
The writer conducted ten slang words utterances such as shady, bitch, fuck, shit, heck,
goddamn it, fug, punt, motherfucker, and asshole because of the related to characteristic
of the society slang and their relation with the society. Based on the dictionary the shady
meaning is stupid/strange, bitch means whore, fuck means to copulate (with) someone,
shit means dung, heck means hell, goddamn it means intensifier, fug means fuck, punt
means heterosexual male, motherfucker means interjection, and asshole means the anus.
The detail description of society slang in The Interview movie is follow:

1.1. Shady
The setting on the TV studio, this word state by Dave skylark (he is the
interviewer on the TV show named skylark tonight), he start to interview Eminem (he
is a rapper and become a guest star on that reality show) with reading the lyric of
Eminem songs.
Skylark : "It's hell to be Shady."
"Yesterday I yelled a degrading insult"
"at an elderly lady."
"Then I asked her how it felt to be 80."
"F' word a senior citizen. Suck a wiener, sit and spin."
From the mentioned dialogue above, the word shady refers to stupid. This
meaning is drawn on the Slang Dictionary by Jonathan Green. Then the writers
conclude this slang terms as society slang because this word is nearly linked with the
society slang. Skylark applies this slang terms to represent the lyric of the
controversial song made by Eminem.

1.2. Bitch
The setting on the tv studio, this word state by dave skylark (he is the interviewer
on the tv show named skylark tonight), he start to interview eminem (he is a rapper
and become a guest star on that reality show) with reading the lyric of eminem songs.
Dave : "Suck a wiener, sit and spin."
Aaron : “It's funny.”
Dave : "And why you drive so slow for? Don't you want to get
where you're going faster"
"since you'll probably die tomorrow, you old whore?"
"Die, old bitch, die, before I murder you."
From the mentioned dialogue above,the word bitch refers to whore. This meaning
is drew on the Slang Dictionary by Jonathan Green. Then the writers conclude this
slang terms as society slang because this word is nearly linked with the society slang.
Skylark apply this slang terms to represent the lyric of the controversial song maked
by Eminem and then he wants to ask the meaning of his lyric.

1.3. Fuck
The setting on the director office,this word stated by allan rapoport (he is the man
behind the show/main director on skylark tonight). He shocked with Eminem’s
statement about the fact that eminem is a gay, when he control the show.
The crew : What the fuck just happened?
Aaron : Eminem just said he was gay... four times.
Aaron : That's what the fuck just happened.
From the mentioned dialogue above,the word fuck refers to an act of copulation,
this meaning is drew on the Slang Dictionary by Jonathan Green. After look over the
movie, the writers classify the slang terms fuck into society slang because this word
has feature such as impolite meaning it is usually applied in daily conversation. The
writers conclude that Allan is shocked with Eminem’s words. So that, he shows the
shocked situation by saying “what the fuck just happening” and the word “fuck”
considers was a type of vulgar word.

1.4. Shit
The setting on the director office,this word stated by Aaron rapoport and his
friend (they are the man behind the show/main director on skylark tonight). Both of
them shocked with eminem’s statement about the fact that eminem is a gay, when he
control the show.
The crew : Holy shit.
Aaron : Holy shit. Eminem's gay on our show.
From the mentioned dialogue above, the word shit refers to dung, this meaning is
drawn on the Slang Dictionary by Jonathan Green. After look over the movie, the
researcher classify the slang terms shit into society slang because this word has
feature such as impolite meaning and commonly applied in daily conversation. The
researcher concludes that Aaron was shocked with Eminem’s words. So that, he
shows the shocked situation by saying “Holy shit. Eminem's gay on our show.”

1.5 Heck
The setting is in the tv studio, this word stated by Dave Skylark after the show is
over. When Aaron come to Dave and hugs him.
Aaron : “...Oh, my God...” Oh...! Oh, my God!
Dave : “What the heck just happened?”
The heck word mentioned by Dave means hell, it found on the Slang Dictionary
by Jonathan Green. After watching the movie the writer classify the slang terms heck
into society slang because this word has featured as impolite meaning which usually
applied in daily conversation. The writer conduct that Dave react on Aaron shouts on
him and saying “what the heck just happened?” which is categorized as vulgar words.

1.6 Goddamn it
It setting on the TV studio when Dave live interviewing an actress about his secret
bald heads. Suddenly the live interview cut by the breaking news and the live
interview forced to end cause the breaking news.
Crew : “Dave, we're not live anymore. They just cut our feed.
Dave : “We're off the air? Goddamn it! Rob, would you just put your fucking
wig on?”
The slang terms Goddamn it mentioned by Dave means damn or intensifier, it
found in the Slang Dictionary by Jonathan Green. After watching the movie, the
writer classify the slang terms Goddamn it as the society slang because it featured as
impolite meaning which usually applied on daily conversation. Dave utters this word
as blaming or accusing because his live interview was forced stopped by said “We're
off the air? Goddamn it! Rob, would you just put your fucking wig on?”
1.7 Fug
The setting on the police station, when Dave and Aaron get property (a bag) from
the C.I.A agent but Dave switches it with his branded bags.
Dave : “It's my bag. It's wonderful.”
Aaron : “That's just not the bag the CIA gave you.”
Dave : “Oh, that bag?”
Aaron : “Yes, that bag!”
Dave : “That bag was Fugly. With a capital "Fug."
The slang terms Fug mentioned by Dave means as fuck, it found on the Slang
dictionary by Jonathan Green. After watching the movie the writer classify the slang
terms Fug as the society slang because it related to the impolite meaning which
usually applied on daily conversation. Dave utters it because he doesn’t like the
property (a bag) from the C.I.A agent.

1.8 Punt
The setting was on the forest behind the Dave and Aaron residence, Aaron going to
the forest to pick up the package from the C.I.A which sends through the air drop in
the midnight. Then he meets tiger on the forest and Dave order Aaron to fight the
Aaron : “What do I do? What do I do? Talk to me, talk to me.”
Dave : “I didn't want into come to this, but you're gonna have to fight that tiger.”
C.IA agent : “No, do not! Do not fight the tiger!”
Dave : “Do not be a gentleman; you go right for the fucking balls.”
Aaron : “I don't see its balls.”
Dave : “If that's a girl tiger, you got to cunt punt that bitch.”
The slang terms Punt mentioned by Dave means as Heterosexual male, it found
from the Slang Dictionary by Jonathan Green. After watching the movie the writer
classify the slang terms punt as the society slang, because it related to the society and
usually applied on daily conversation. Dave mentioned it to asked Aaron to be brave to
fight the tigers.
1.9 Motherfucker
The setting was on the Kim park residence, which Dave and Aaron fight because
have different opinions. Dave wants to deny the missions and Aaron wants to keep
doing the missions.
Aaron : “You are not fucking pulling out of this mission.
Dave : “That's the only reason we're here.
Aaron : “We are doing this!”
Dave : “Kim is not evil. He was just born into a hard situation.”
Aaron : “You are fucking stupid, and you are fucking ignorant, Dave.”
Dave : “Mm!”
Aaron : “Ugh!”
Dave : “Who you calling ignorant?”
Aaron : “You, motherfucker.”
The slang terms motherfucker mentioned by Aaron means as supreme insult, it
found on the Slang Dictionary by Jonathan Green. After watching the movie the writer
classify the slang term Motherfucker as society slang because it related to the society
and commonly used on the daily conversation. The writer considers that Aaron uttered
this word to express his anger because disappointment on Dave decisions.

1.10 Asshole
The setting was on the studio, which Dave interviews Kim which Dave gives some
question and makes Kim dilemma.
Dave : “Your father... deprived you of life's simplest pleasures. He told you that
margaritas are gay.”
Kim : “I have no comment on margaritas.”
Dave : “Then why don't you drink them?”
Kim : “I... don't like brain freeze.”
Dave : “Fuck you, Dave. You fucking asshole.”
The slang terms asshole mentioned by Kim means as the anus based on the Slang
Dictionary by Jonathan Green. After watching the movie the writer classify the slang
terms as society slang because it related to the society and commonly mentioned on
daily conversation. The writer considers that Kim uttered the slang terms to show a

C. The Reason of Using Slang Word

From the data description above, the reason of using slang word can be described as
1. The reason of using society slang
The writers assume the reason of using slang word such as shady, bitch, fuck, shit,
heck, goddamn it, fug, punt, motherfucker, and asshole on The Interview movie
a. To express anger and disappointment. The reason for the motherfucker, and
asshole slang terms. The motherfucker word said by Aaron because he anger to
Dave because want to deny the mission. The writers consider Aaron use the
motherfucker terms to express his anger to Dave, because Dave wants to dismiss
the mission. Asshole word said by Kim because Dave asked him something
sensitive about Kim past. The writers consider Kim use the asshole terms to
express him anger to Dave, because his questions about his sensitive past.
b. To express some pleasure or fun thing. The reason for the heck slang terms. The
heck word said by Dave on studio to express unexpected result of the interviews
with Eminem. The writers consider Dave use the heck terms to express his
shocked result of his interviews with Eminem.
c. To persuade someone in conversation. The reason for the punt slang terms. The
punt word said by Dave to persuade Aaron to fight the tiger on the forest by mock
the tiger as nothing with the punt slang terms. The writers consider Dave used the
punt slang terms as persuading Aaron to fight the tiger.
d. To reduce seriousness of a conversation. The reason for the fug slang terms. The
fug terms used by Dave to reduce the seriousness conversation with Aaron
because he switches the property (a bag) from CIA agent with his branded bags.
The writers consider the fug word as reducing the seriousness because Aaron
looks anger because Dave switches the bags which have secret pocket for the
e. To express a blaming or accusing. The reason for goddamn it slang terms. The
goddamn it terms used by Dave to blaming the breaking news which cut off the
live interviews on the crucial moments. The writers consider the goddamn it terms
as blaming claim to the breaking news broadcast.
f. To express something shocking. The reason for the fuck and shit slang terms. The
fuck and shit terms used by the crew and Aaron when Eminem admit that he is
gay on the interviews. The writers consider the fuck and shit terms as something
shocking because it never happen on the other interviews, but it happen on Dave
interviews which crucial declare.
g. To be picturesque, this could be found from songs or poems. The reason is for the
shady and bitch terms. The shady and bitch terms uttered by Dave read Eminem
song lyrics. The writers consider that the shady and bitch terms uttered by Dave
which read Eminem song lyrics.

D. The function of slang

People generally use slang word to show several social purposes: to identify the group
member, to exchange the formality to the informality conversation, to show priority. The
slang word development inside the group or community was effect on the group solidarity
between neither inside nor outside members. The slang word varieties on the group or
community were showed the same meaning and purposes. According to Yanchun and
Yanhong (2013), there are three functions of slang, those are:
1. Pursuit of Self-identity
The difference social group and professional groups have different slang, which is
symbolized to distinguish the professional group in society. In some condition somebody
utter the words and expression inside the social group or professional group, he will associate
with the group member mentality. If student says word or phrase containing the special
college slang, he must want to get some attention and strengthening emotion that he is part of
the teenager group. American scholar P. Roberts cited from Yanchun and Yanhong (2013)
pointed out the reason people constantly use the slang words that want to show they were one
of verified member among a certain restricted group.
2. Emotive Feeling of the Slang Users
The speaker’s attitude toward his subject reveals through the emotive function. The
emotive function is the most powerful uses of language because it’s so crucial and important
in shifting the emotion status of an audience for or against someone or something. The
emotive function has important role for us to get rid of our nervous under stress.
Psychologically, slangs help people to expressing people feeling, such a group identification
and etc. people used slang word when they want to show how they against the reality and set
free psychologically. Allen suggests from Yanchun and Yanhong (2013), “Slang is a class
language, between other social and psychological uses, to reject loyalty to be genteel, elite,
and proper society and to its standards linguistic form.” That’s why many people use slang in
daily conversation, from the common people to intellectual groups, such as doctors, lawyers,
and politicians. Based on that slang word are not only shows their identities, but also on the
psychological aspect to shows emotion which is one of the functions of language as well.
3. Achieving Politeness
In order to describe this topic, the term of register needs to be mentioned. The registers
refer to “manner of speaking or writing specific to a certain function, which is the
characteristic of certain domain of communication”. The register is affected by several
factors: occasion (formal or informal), addressee (age, gender, occupation, the degree of
familiarity) and the content of conversation. Yanchun (2013) mentioned the same three
factors of slang word use. Either the use of slang in unfit occasion or the slang word wrong
addressee, or the improper content may ruin the friendship and good relationship. Therefore
the appropriate use of slang word set up a certain atmosphere or maintaining social contracts.
Slang word which sometimes use in informal occasions and it’s important to apply the phatic
function. The slang word usage can maintain the friendship and the harmony between


After analyzing the application of slang word on the finding and discussion, the writer in
this part would make conclusion. In this research the writer discussed the slang word application
on The Interview movie directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg.
Based on the finding and discussion the writers concluded that the slang word utterance
frequently used in the movie is society slang (shady, bitch, fuck, shit, heck, goddamn it, fug,
punt, motherfucker, and asshole).
Additionally, the reason of slang word uttered in The Interview movie was based on the
word or phrase used and the background of the characters and setting of the scene. From the
analysis provide before the writer conclude there are several reason using society slang such as
to show that something belongs to a certain group; to express a blaming or accusing; to express
the anger and disappointment; to express that someone is being out of control; to show or express
friendliness; to reduce seriousness of a conversation; to persuade someone in conversation; to
show that one belongs to a certain group; to express a pleasure or just for fun thing.
The writers also analyzed of function of slang word used in The Interview movie. based
on the finding and discussion explanation, it can be conclude that there are three function of
slang uttered by The Interview movie characters, there are: to pursuit of self-identity, to show
emotive feeling of the slang users, and to achieve politeness. By analyzing the function of slang
the writer considered that the emotive feeling is the biggest factors that made the characters
uttered the slang words.
Even the slang words known as impolite and rude language because it used by the criminals
and lower class in society. As time passed it develop and accept by people around the world.
And also it enriches the language study because it always develops as the development of
Through this study, the writers suggest that slang can become topic for research study in the
future. Especially on Department of English Education Muhammdiyah University of Surakarta,
exploring slang is enjoying, interesting and entertaining. For the next research the writers suggest
to improve the study about the slang with the different theory, method or research problem. And
maybe the next research can try to analyze some novel, poem or song as the data.
Finally the writers suggested avoiding some slang terms in daily conversation, because it’s
vulgar and rude meaning such as fuck, asshole, motherfucker and etc. Also the writers hope this
study can be a reference for the next research in the future that interested on the slang word
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