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2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193

Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,

English Education Department
January 29, 2022

A Study of Slang Words in Ride Along movie and It’s

Contribution on Vocabulary Learning
Syafira Agesti Mutia Devi1, Nur Hidayat2
Universitas PGRI Semarang
Universitas PGRI Semarang

This research studied the analysis of the slang word in “Ride Along” Movie. The objectives of the
study were (1) to find out the types of slang words used in Ride Along movie, (2) to explain the
meaning of slang words found in Ride Along movie (3) to explain the contributions of this research
to vocabulary teaching. The design of the research was descriptive qualitative research. The object
of the research was script Ride Along Movie. The instruments of the study were the data from the
script movie. The result this study concluded that there are 16 slang words and phrases have been
classified into type of slang. This analysis limits only 16 slang words and phrases because these
slangs often utilized in the dialogue, but there are any some slangs used once. So, we can see that
those are the slang word that have been found in the Ride Along movie. The finding “Man” has
meaning of “one’s friends; a buddy; exclamation” then have contextual meaning “buddy”, “shit”
it means “to express anything bad, poor, inferior, unpleasant” and this is the expression of worries,
“bulshitting” it means “unpleasant felling” it have contextual meaning “doing something”. The
contribution of study slang word is to study vocabulary. The finding slang word can be used for
teaching vocabulary. One of alternatives that the students having new vocabulary, especially slang
word. The students will more familiar with the English slang that the native speaker used for the
daily conversation.
Keywords: movie, Ride Along, slang word, vocabulary

Slang word is an action word that used by the actor in the movies. This research will analyze
forms of slang used by the main characters of Ride Along movie. Ride Along is an American buddy
cop comedy directed by Tim Stor and starred by Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Laurence Fishburne, Tiki
Sumpter, John Leguizamo, and Bryan Callen. The researcher uses this movie because some of
reasons. First, the main characters use many slang words in their conversation which sound strange
for some people.
Moreover, the researcher is going to find out what kind of slang word used in it. The movie
comes from America which is it can be found many slang words there. In Ride Along movie, slang
words used in their daily conversation that becomes their identity as the freedom of speech.
Furthermore, Ride Along movie is an action and comedy movie in which the use of slang words

2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

will make it different and interesting to watch and listen. Moreover, it is a movie which means an
informal register, therefore it is such a common thing for using slang words.
Slang is a type of spoken English that is used in a casual setting. It could be in a store, a mall,
a café, a school, or your own house. Slang's role as an informal language is largely used to
strengthen group identity and keep outsiders at bay. It is the diction that comes from the young
and energetics’ game of words and surviving objects and acts; some create new terms and mutilate
or misapply the old for the purpose of novelty, while others pick up such phrases for the sake of
being popular (Zhou & Fan, 2013; 2010). As a result, slang is essential for everyday conversation.
Slang cannot be isolated from language in today's world because it is an integral aspect of people's
communication. The majority of people use it to communicate with others. Although they utilize
formal language in their daily lives, they prefer to employ slang. Movie is a dramatic relationship
in which the speaker acts a role, as it were, and suggests the kinds of interaction that have been
going on between him/her and these silent others. It is like a play, in other words, in which only
one character stands there before us, and we have to read between the lines to figure out what the
other characters might have said and done. This form lends itself especially well to the depiction
of a sinister or manipulative speaker, who may even turn out to have done something nasty to the
other voiceless characters (Rainsford, 2014:58).
The use of slang as part of communication becomes a common situation in the movie. Most
people adopt it, then use it to communicate in their daily activities with their communinity.
Therefore, it becomes a unique condition that needs to be analyzed. There is one way can be used
by humans to build their language capacity namely watching a movie with subtitles. By watching
movie, we also can learn language such as learning the culture, becoming access to inputs and
learn a new language, and sometimes it can be a motivation for learning a new language which is
used in the movie. The movie itself becomes an audio, visual tool for entertaining and informing
something to the viewers.
Nowdays slang word one of the communications that used in the society. For understanding
the slang word of foreign language, we must master by learning them. Most of slang easy to find
in the movie. From the movie we can learn with easy technique which is interpret with
understanding the story of the movie. It is very important for studying slang word because we
knew the common word that foreign language did. Knowing the slang word is one of the successful
in the communication.
In human life, communication is extremely crucial. People do it all the time and everywhere
to meet their requirements. Language is one of the most important instruments they utilize in this
communication process. Depending on the situation, language can be utilized in both oral and
written forms. Language can be used in both formal and informal situations depending on its
context. In formal situations, people usually use formal or standard language, whereas in informal
situations, people usually use informal language. Slang is an extremely informal language that is
usually used in discussion amongst people who are well acquainted (Swan, 1995: 510).
Furthermore, slang is private, spoken in an informal setting, and limited to a specific subculture.
Slang, or "colloquial speech," is defined by Yule (2010: 726) as words or phrases that are used
instead of more everyday terms by younger speakers and other groups with special interests. Slang
is primarily employed by younger speakers, while elder speakers have also used it to communicate.
Slang formation is influenced by younger speakers. Slang is increasingly being used by millennials
in their daily activities to connect with one another. Furthermore, it is another area of vocabulary
2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

that shows age (Holmes, 2013: 176). Depending on the situation, we all utilize our language in
different ways. In most cases, we communicate differently in informal situations. We often enjoy
using informal but colorful phrases and idioms, slang, especially when communicating informally
(Allan and Burridge, 2006: 69). This movie is also chosen because this movie is a popular movie
that broke the record for highest domestic opening weekend gross in the month. Because of the
movie’s popularity, people can easily stream Ride Along movie in some popular streaming services
nowadays, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. In conclusion, the researcher gives this research the
title: A Study of Slang Word in Ride Along Movie and Its Contribution in Vocabulary Learning.

Literature Review
A movie is a collection of moving pictures with sound that tells a story and is shown in a
theater, according to Hornby (2010: 950). The term "movie" or "film" refers to individual motion
pictures, as well as the field of film as an art form and the motion picture industry. According to
Roberts (2003: 207-209), the word "movie" is the most commonly used term for million images,
however other terms such as "cinema," "movie," and "pictures" are also used. Individual motion
movies, the area of film as an art form, and the motion picture industry are all covered by the term
"movie" or "film." Movies are made by employing cameras to capture images from the outside
world, or by using animation or special effects to create images.
Slang Word
According to Yule (2014: 728), slang is defined as a variation of language which is frequently
used among younger speakers and other groups with special interests. In addition, expressions that
are identified as slang are often some types of entertaining wordplay.
Another expert, Holmes (2001: 176) stated that slang in society reflects to people speak
varieties of language in accordance with different community they meet in society. People should
pay attention both in formal and informal situation as it will influence what kind of language they
will use. Moreover, Claire (1998: 15) defined that slang is a term that is used by people in social
situation in which they get comfort with their friend since it can make conversation becomes more
As a result, people should be able to tell if they are in an informal or formal scenario. When
people communicate, they should have a good understanding of the situation. It is critical to select
suitable terminology, whether professional or informal. Some social characteristics, such as age,
gender, and social status, can influence the use of slang language. Slang is a non-formal or informal
spoken language that is formed and used by members of a particular community in informal
Types of Slang
Allan and Burridge's hypothesis of sorts of slang is used in this study (2006). According to
Allan and Burridge (2006: 69), there are five different forms of slang. Fresh and inventive slang,
flippant slang, Imitative slang, Acronym slang, and clipped slang are some examples. The
following is an explanation of each slang type:

2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

a. New and Innovative Slang

Fresh and creative slang is defined as having new vocabulary, informal variety, intelligence, and
imagination, as well as being current words. Some terms that are already known to our minds
may be slang words that we are unaware of. The slang word 'mommy' is an example of this sort.
The term 'Mommy' (noun) is used to refer to a woman, especially one who is older and has had a
kid (ren).
b. Flippant Slang Flippant refers to a slang language formed of two or more words whose
denotative meaning is unrelated to the words' composition. The phrase 'kick the bucket' is one
example. The slang term 'kick the bucket' refers to anything that is fairly simple to accomplish.
Around 1973, it was undoubtedly commonly used in the United Kingdom and the United States.
c. Imitative Slang Imitative slang is a sort of slang that involves copying a Standard English (SE)
word, repurposing SE vocabulary, or merging two different phrases. The example is similar to
the word 'going to.' This slang term comes from the phrase 'going there.' In spoken English, the
slang word 'going to' is also extensively used.
d. Acronym Slang Acronym is a slang kind that is made up of phrases formed by combining the
first letters of each word in a sentence. In other words, the initials of a series of words or
syllables are used to create this kind. 'ASAP' is an example. It is typically used when someone is
in a life-threatening scenario. 'As Soon As Possible' is the acronym meaning 'As Soon As
e. Slang Clipping
Clipping is a type of slang that is created by deleting elements of a lengthier term to create a
shorter version with the same meaning. In most cases, the clipped form is not suited for casual
discussion. The word 'sci-fi,' which is made up of two words, ‘scientific and fiction,' is an
example of this sort.
According to Ogden and Richards (1946: 108), meaning is the relationship between symbols
and reference or referent. The relationship between reference. Furthermore, the limitation of
meaning is the same as the term mind, reference, namely the relationship between symbols. So,
meaning is understood as anything that is interpreted or intended. It can be concluded that the
meaning of language varieties.
The theory of types of meaning in this study uses Leech Theory. In his book, Geoffrey Leech
(1974: 9) distinguishes the meanings of seven different elements, namely conceptual meaning,
connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflective meaning, collocative
meaning, thematic meaning as follows.
a. Conceptual significance
The meaning that stresses the logical meaning is known as conceptual meaning. This type of
meaning is sometimes referred to as 'denotative' or 'cognitive.' Although there is the possibility
that each language user's conceptual meanings differ, in this study, conceptual meanings are
presumed to be meanings written in a dictionary. In a dictionary, the word 'book', for example,
means a stack of sheets of paper used for study, either reading or writing.

2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

a. Denotative significance
Affective meaning refers to the meaning of certain words in relation to the communicative value
of the utterance in question. For example, the term 'woman' has only one meaning in its
conceptual sense: human, not masculine, and adult. However, there are additional physical,
psychological, or social features that are alluded to in the connotative meaning, but in the
connotation meaning, the word 'woman' is associated with weak psychic nature, easy to cry,
cowardly, and so on.
c. Stylistic significance
The meaning of a term that represents the user's social milieu is known as stylistic meaning. The
existence of multiple dialects or utterances reveals the origins of speakers based on their
geographical or social situation. This meaning also reveals something about the speaker's and
listener's social relationship. For example, the slang ASAP, which stands for "as soon as
possible," is utilized by young people in the United States to make their conversations appear
more modern and trendy.
d. Affective significance
Affective meaning refers to the meaning that reflects the speaker's own feelings, such as his
attitude toward the audience or his attitude regarding anything he stated. The statement 'I'm
really sad' is an example of this meaning. This is to show that the speaker is in a state of intense
sadness as a result of certain problems.
e. Meaning that is reflective
Reflective meaning is the meaning that emerges from several conceptual meanings when we
grasp a word in its context and some of our responses to other meanings are automatically
triggered. This connotation is frequently interpreted as language usage advice. For example, in
the United States of America, the phrase "a tea dance" refers to a dance that takes place during
the summer. Tea is typically consumed in the summer while taking in the scenery. As a result, it
is associated with a summer dance.
f. Collocative connotation
Collocative meaning is the meaning that encompasses the associations formed by a word as a
result of the meanings of other words that frequently arise in its surroundings. Buying meals to
consume at home, for example, is referred to as "take out." The meaning will change if the
preposition is replaced with something else.
g. Thematic significance
Thematic meaning is the latter form, i.e., meaning conveyed by the speaker's or researcher's
organization of his message in terms of order, focus, and emphasis. For instance, consider the
word 'filthy blighters,' which has a thematic connotation. Because that theme phrase symbolizes
its obvious situation, the speaker intends to depict something unwilling to be noticed by using it.

2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

The researchers employed a qualitative descriptive analysis method in this study, which involves
gathering data, examining an object, and then describing it. The qualitative descriptive method,
according to (Creswell, 2014), is used to describe occurrences that occur on a daily basis; in this
case, the researcher used Ride Along Movie. The goal of this descriptive study is to examine the
moral ideals found in the script for the Ride Along Movie. This study focused on a slang term
that appeared in the Ride Along Movie. Because the research's data was presented in the form of
words rather than numbers, it was classified as qualitative research. The researchers in this study
took the data to gather information before analyzing it. The slang term was discovered by the
researcher. This study focused on a slang term found in Ride Along Movie's script on the
internet. The data was then evaluated by the researcher. Finally, the researchers interpreted the
data's outcome.
Finding and Discussion
The purpose of this research is to find out the slang words on the movie script. The researcher
conducted this research by analyzing the script the Ride Along movie. The findings of this research
explained in the detail below:
1. Types of slang word used in Ride Along movie.
To collect the data regarding to the slang word finding on the movie. The researcher analyzed the
text by watching the movie and reading the text. The result of the finding revealed the exact data
on what is the slang word used in the movie. According to the finding is showed on the table
below, the use of the slang word devices.
Table 4.1 The slang word findings

No The utilized of slang Form of slang Type of slang word

1 Man Word fresh and creative

2 Shit Word fresh and creative

3 Gonna cut Phrase imitative

4 Bulshitting Word fresh and creative

5 Get down Phrase flippant

2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

6 Damn! Word fresh and creative

7 Asshole! Word fresh and creative

8 Shut up Word flippant

9 Let’s roll Phrase flippant

10 Watch out Phrase flippant

11 Bitch Word fresh and creative

12 Ass up Phrase flippant

13 I’m ready, man Phrase fresh and creative

14 Boom Word flippant

15 Ang? Word flippant

16 You won’t bitch Phrase Fresh and creative

Based on the table above, this study concluded that there are 16 slang words and phrases have been
classified into type of slang. This analysis limits only 16 slang words and phrases because these
slangs often utilized in the dialogue, but there are any some slangs used once. So we can see that
those are the slang word that have been found in the Ride Along movie.
2. The meaning of slang word found in Ride Along movie.
The slang was collected after the writer read the script that is captured during the movie played by
the writer. And after analyzing the data, the writer consults the slang dictionary to find out the
contextual meaning. To make it more understandable and make easy the readers in reading, the
writer presents the table of the slang, their meanings and their functions as follows:
Table 4.2 Table of the meaning of slang word in Ride Along movie

The utilized
No The meaning of slang Contextual meaning
of slang

one's friend; a buddy,

1 Man buddy

2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

anything bad, poor, inferior,

2 Shit expression of worry
used to express something to
3 Gonna cut doing something
4 Bulshitting unpleasant felling expression of uneasy
used to express something to
5 Get down doing something
anything bad, poor, inferior,
6 Damn! expression of condition

7 Asshole! to mess up to mess up

anything bad, poor, inferior,

8 Shut up expression of anger
used to express something to
9 Let’s roll doing something
used to express something to
10 Watch out doing something
anything bad, poor, inferior,
11 Bitch expression of anger
used to express something to
12 Ass up doing something
I’m ready, used to express something to
13 doing something
man do
used to express something to
14 Boom doing something

used to express something to

15 Ang? doing something

You won’t anything bad, poor, inferior,

16 expression of anger
bitch unpleasant

It is comparable with standard dictionary. Slang has numerous implications on the slang word
reference. However, each slang has an importance relies upon its unique situation and story. In
view of the table above, the significance of slang is diverse with the standard language. In spite of
the fact that it typically found in the structure standard language, it has distinctive significance in
the spoken.

2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

3. The contributions of this research in vocabulary learning

The finding from the slang word can be used for teaching vocabulary. it can be one of the
alternatives that the students having new vocabulary, especially slang word. The students will more
familiar with the English slang that the native speaker used for the daily conversation.
After study about the slang word can make students communication more quickly to say and easily
to understand. The students tend to use the slang word to make the conversation more attractive.
The students have their own words to use when interacting with their friends and slang words are
a marker to identity in their conversation style. Then, the students could answer most of the slang
meanings correctly. It shows that they understand the slang words very well.
By learning the slang word students can get access to English culture which is expressed
by language. It also helps to understand the natural speech and communicative with native
speakers. The slang word can be stimulation to teach the students vocabulary more interesting.
Based on the finding it showed that the there are some moral values found on the Ride Along
movie. The form of the slang word are “word” and “phrase”. We can see there sixteen slang word
occur on the movies. That are “man”, “shit”, “gonna cut”, “bulshitting”, “get down”, Damn!”,
“Asshole”, “shut up”, “let’s roll”, “watch out”, “bitch”, “ass up”, “I’m ready, man”, “boom”,
“ang?”, and the last is “you won’t bitch”. From the data there are three types of slang word that
found on the Ride Along movie. There are “fresh and creative”, “imitative”, and the last one is the
There are eight fresh and creative slang word that found on the movies. Followed by the seven
flippant slang word finding regarding to the data. The last one is one finding of imitative.
The meaning of any slang term varies depending on the setting and tale. Slang has a different
meaning than normal language, as shown in the table above. Although it is normally encountered
in written form, it has a different meaning when spoken. Younger speakers and other groups with
unique interests, according to Yule (1985), utilize slang words or phrases instead of more everyday
Then, the meaning of each slang word finding “Man” has meaning of “one’s friends; a buddy;
exclamation” then have contextual meaning “buddy”. Another example is “shit” it means “to
express anything bad, poor, inferior, unpleasant” and this is the expression of worries. Then, the
slang word of “bulshitting” it means “unpleasant felling” it have contextual meaning “doing
something”. The word “get down” it meaning that “doing something”. for the word “damn” has a
meaning of expression condition inclusing anything bad, poor, inferior, unpleasant.
Slang is a type of informal English spoken by a certain group. Younger folks are more likely to
utilize it in discussion. The formation of slang words is influenced by the younger generation.
Slang terms have a meaning effect that can be comprehended by a certain group. Slang words can
be learned in a variety of methods, with movies being one of them.

2nd English Teaching, Literature, and Linguistics (ETERNAL) Conference ISSN: 2828-7193
Universitas PGRI Semarang, Faculty of Language and Arts Education,
English Education Department
January 29, 2022

Apart from slang, various different genres of non-standard English appear to exist, including argot,
jargon, can’t, flash, idiom, and so on. As a result, several slang dictionaries provide a variety of
slang definitions, with minor differences between them.
Slang, like generic vocabulary, is defined by a variety of linguistic features, such as grammar,
semantics, and phonology, as described above. Although not all of those characteristics are present
in both slang and normal speech, some of them are particularly suited to slang. Sociological
properties have been added to the list of properties linked with slang in various research. The
various nature and function of slang give it sociological features.
According to the data result this study concluded that there are 16 slang words and phrases
have been classified into type of slang. This analysis limits only 16 slang words and phrases
because these slangs often utilized in the dialogue, but there are any some slangs used once. So we
can see that those are the slang word that have been found in the Ride Along movie. There some
meaning of the slang word finding for example “Man” has meaning of “one’s friends; a buddy;
exclamation” then have contextual meaning “buddy”. Another example is “shit” it means “to
express anything bad, poor, inferior, unpleasant” and this is the expression of worries. Then, the
slang word of “bulshitting” it means “unpleasant felling” it have contextual meaning “doing
something”. The last is there will be contribution of study slang word to study vocabulary. The
finding from the slang word can be used for teaching vocabulary. it can be one of the alternatives
that the students having new vocabulary, especially slang word. The students will more familiar
with the English slang that the native speaker used for the daily conversation

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English Education Department
January 29, 2022

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