Cottonseed Meal As Substitute For Soyabean Meal in Broiler Ration

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International Journal of Poultry Science 5 (4): 360-364, 2006

ISSN 1682-8356
© Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2006

Cottonseed Meal as Substitute for Soyabean Meal in Broiler Ration

G.S. Ojewola, S.N. Ukachukwu and E.I. Okulonye

Department of Non-Ruminant Animal Production, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,
Umudike, P.M.B. 7267, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria

Abstract: In a 6 week feeding trial, cottonseed meal was substituted for soyabean meal at 0,25, 50, 75 and
100% and the diets were respectively designated as diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in a completely randomized
design. Biologic and economic performance were investigated. Birds were fed and watered ad-libitum. The
results showed that there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the bird’s mean daily weight gain and
feed-to-gain ratio while the mean daily feed intake was significantly (P<0.05) influenced. Birds fed diets 3 and
4 respectively consumed 150.93g and 153.68g. This was closely followed by diets 5 and 2. Numerically,
birds fed diet 3 gave the highest weight gain (2666.6g) while diet 1 was the least (2443.27g). The nutrient
utilization analysis showed significant differences (P<0.05). Diet 5 had the highest percent mean values for
nitrogen (81.45), crude fibre (60.81), ether extract (95.57), ash (66.79) and dry matter (85.72) retentions while
birds fed diet 1 was least for same parameters. Mineral utilization followed the same trend; diet 5 was the
highest (69.08), (84.72), (71.91), (79.39) for phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium respectively
while diet 1 gave least values for same parameters. Diet 5 was found to be the cheapest (N290.01) and
savings were significantly (P<0.05) improved with the use of this diet while diets 1 and 3 had the least values
of N285.94 and N302.67 respectively for marginal revenue. Though, the diets were comparable, diet 5
showed superior indices for nutrient utilization and economics of production. In conclusion, there is an
indication that iron treated cotton seed meal can serve as a substitute for soyabean meal in broiler diet.

Key words: Cottonseed meal, substitute, soyabean meal, broiler ration

Introduction at least between 50-75% of the desirable level of

The ever increasing cost of conventional protein groundnut meal in broiler rations (Nzekwe and Olomu,
feedstuffs for livestock has immensely contributed to the 1982) and as much as between 30 and 40% protein of
downward production and intake of animal protein. It groundnut cake in chick feeds (Njike, 1975). Hermes et
has, therefore, become imperative for livestock al. (1983) reported that with increasing increments of
producers to source for cheap alternative feedstuffs cottonseed meal in the diet of starting chicks, body
without compromising the quality of the feed, productive weight gains were depressed and feed-to-gain ratios
performance of the birds and the economics of were increased. This has been associated with the
production. presence of gossypol, a polyphenolic pigment usually
Several oil seeds have been investigated for this found in most varieties of cottonseed meal. According to
purpose (Njike, 1977; Nzekwe and Olomu, 1982; Jones (1981), cotton seed contains 0.03% to 0.2%
Bamgbose, 1995). Cottonseed meal has shown gossypol. The issue of gossypol has constituted the
promises as a plant protein substitute to the greatest problem to the use of cottonseed meal in
conventional ones, especially, soyabean meal and animal production. This is because the gossypol, a toxic
groundnut cake. According to Njike (1977), cottonseed phenolic compound has an inhibiting action on the
meal is the residue obtained after the extraction of oil enzymes pepsin and trypsin in the alimentary tract and
from cottonseed and the product is ground resulting in this interferes with protein digestion (Tyani et al., 1986).
flakes. It is produced in commercial quantities in Nigeria Several attempts had been made to tackle this problem.
and its relatively cheap. Bamgbose (1995) observed that Iron salts had been added to cottonseed meal based
cottonseed cake contains 36.15% protein, 19.96% fibre, diets to bind the gossypol (Scott et al., 1982), while
14.42% fat, while biological value was 51.0% compared breeding of plant types with lower levels of gossypol
to 61.0 and 73.0% for defatted and full-fat extruded content and physical extraction of gossypol had also
soyabean meals. The protein of cottonseed meal was been investigated (Tacon, 1997; Rhee, 1993). Some
found to be low in cystine, methionine and lysine other workers have suggested other processing
(Nzekwe and Olomu, 1982). It is also a good, though, techniques such as toasting and cooking.
variable source of thiamine but a poor source of In the present communication, the potentials of factory
carotene (Obioha, 1992). treated cottonseed meal as a substitute for soyabean
Cottonseed meal has successfully been used to replace meal is reported using 5 graded levels inclusion to

Ojewola et al.: Cottonseed Meal as Substitute for Soyabean Meal in Broiler Ration

evaluate the productive, nutrient utilization and economic Table 1: Proximate composition of the test ingredient (Percent
parameters of broiler chickens. Such information could DM)
stimulate awareness and possible adoption of such Measurement % Composition
Crude protein 39.86
cheaper plant protein source for performance and
Ether extract 6.57
economic enhancement in broiler production. Crude Fibre 17.38
Ash 6.79
Materials and Methods Nitrogen Free Extract 29.40
Diet preparation, management of broiler chickens and Dry matter 89.38
data collection: Screw pressed cottonseed meal factory Moisture 10.62
treated (with Iron (11) tetraoxo-sulphate (iv)) for the
purpose of chelating the cotton seed gossypol was Results and Discussion
purchased from a local factory in Owerri, Imo State, Oyenuga (1968) had stated that the nutrient composition
Nigeria. Five diets were obtained by replacing soyabean of the cotton seed cake varies according to climate, soil
meal (SBM) with cottonseed meal (CSM) at 0, 25, 50, 75 and moisture. Other factors that could be responsible for
and 100% levels and were respectively designated as the results obtained in this trial (Table 1) could be due to
diets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (Table. 2). Table 1 shows the processing techniques, length of storage, variety, among
proximate composition of the factory treated cotton seed others (Foley et al., 1972; Bamgbose, 1995).
meal used for this trial. Birds fed diet 4 recorded the highest (P<0.05) mean
One hundred and thirty five- 3 weeks old broiler chickens daily feed intake, which is comparable with diets 3 and
were weighed and randomly allotted to five dietary 5. The substitution of soybean meal with cotton seed
treatments replicated three times with nine (9) birds per cake might have lowered the actual energy content of the
replicate in a completely randomized design (CRD). The diets (Nzekwe and Olomu, 1984) which could have
feeding trial lasted 6 weeks. Feed and water were predisposed the birds to increasing their feed intake in
provided ad libitum. Health management was religiously order to satisfy their energy requirements (Hill and
carried out according to established and acceptable Dansky, 1954; Ojewola, 1993). There could also be a
veterinary procedure. compensatory increase in feed intake in response to
Growth performance data of the chicks were obtained for some deficient essential nutrients, which is not
the period between 21 and 63 days. Feed-to-gain ratio necessarily a craving for protein per se (Lipstein and
was evaluated by dividing feed intake by the weight gain. Bronstein, 1975). The mean weight gain showed no
The nutrient retention trial was carried out at the 8th week
significant difference (P>0.05) among the birds fed the
of the trial. Three experimental birds per treatment (i.e
treatment diets. Though, birds fed diets 3, 4 and 5 had
one per replicate) were randomly selected and
their weights numerically improved with diet 3 showing
transferred into metabolism cages for four days
superiority over others. This result showed consonance
acclimatization period, followed by three days of total
with earlier reports by NAPRI (1984) that feeding
collection of droppings. The droppings were sundried,
cottonseed cake up to 50% had no significant effect on
bulked and representative samples taken for chemical
performance of broiler chickens. However, this is at
analysis according to A.O.A.C. (1990). The costs of the
variance with the findings of Atuahene et al. (1986),
different diets (N/kg) were noted. Feed intake per bird for
Susbilla et al. (1994), Jones and Smith, (1977) and
the period was used to multiply the cost/kilogrammes of
feed to obtain the cost of feed consumed by a bird for the Hermes et al. (1983). This may not be unconnected with
period. The cost/kilogrammes weight gain was the chelation of the cotton seed gossypol by the iron (11)
calculated according to the procedure of Sonaiya et al. tetraoxosulphate (iv) used in the processing of the test
(1986) and Ukachukwu and Anugwa (1995) which ingredient. The low weight gain of the birds fed diet 1
involves taking the product of cost/kilogrammes feed could among others be due to unavailability of quality
and feed-to-gain ratio of birds consuming such diets. essential amino acids and impairment during
processing of the intrinsic quality of the soyabean meal.
Chemical analysis: The proximate composition of the Duration of storage and storage condition and the
diets were determined according to the procedure of the presence of anti-nutritional factors are also liable. The
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (A.O.A.C. feed-to-gain did not differ significantly (P>0.05) among
1990). the dietary treatment. This shows that similar quantities
of each of the diets are required to gain one unit of body
Statistical analysis: Data were subjected to analysis of weight by the birds.
variance of a completely randomized design. When The nutrient utilization of the different levels of dietary
analysis of variance indicated a significant treatment cottonseed meal to broiler chickens is presented in
effect, Duncan’s multiple range test was used to Table 4. There were significant differences (P<0.05)
differentiate the means using procedures described by among treatment groups. Birds fed diet 1 had lower
Duncan (1995). nitrogen retention than birds fed diets 2, 3, 4 and 5 but

Ojewola et al.: Cottonseed Meal as Substitute for Soyabean Meal in Broiler Ration

Table 2: Percent composition of experimental diets

Ingredient 1 2 3 4 5
Yellow maize 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30 58.30
Soyabean meal 29.00 27.75 14.50 7.25 0.00
Cottonseed meal 0.00 7.25 14.50 21.75 29.00
Fish meal(Danish) 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
Bone meal 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Oyster shell 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Salt 0.25 0.25 0.25 20.25 0.25
Vit. Min. Promix* 0.25 0.25 0.25 20.25 0.25
Methionine 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Llysine 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Calculated Composition
Crude protein(%) 22.21 21.96 21.77 21.55 21.34
Metabolizable Energy (kcal/kg) 296.40 2925.23 2885.07 2844.90 2804.74
Determined Composition
Crude protein (%) 20.34 20.62 19.74 21.04 19.96
Ether extract (%) 5.31 5.58 5.84 4.87 6.14
Crude fibre(%) 5.09 5.07 5.91 4.93 5.82
Ash (%) 7.81 7.94 8.01 7.96 8.11
Nitrogen Free Extract (%) 61.45 60.79 60.50 61.20 59.97
Dry matter % 90.12 90.25 90.42 90.31 90.14
Moisture (%) 9.88 9.75 9.58 9.69 9.86C
Each kg of Vitamin Mineral Premix Provided: Vit. A, 1500 IU, Vit. D3, 1600IU, Riboflavin, 9.9mg, biotin, 0.25mg, Pantothenic acid,
11.0mg; Vit. B12, 8.0mg; Nicotinic acid, 8.0mg; Iron, 5.0mg. Manganese, 10.0mg; zinc, 4.5mg, Cobalt, 0.02mg; selenium, 0.01mg.

statistically similar to birds fed diet 3. The nitrogen The mineral utilization (Table 5) significantly (P<0.05)
retention is an indication of the proportion of fed nitrogen improved as the level of cottonseed meal substitution
that is retained for productive purposes. This is positively increased from 0 to 100%. The practical significance of
noticed in the rate of growth of the birds fed diets 2-5, this can be seen in the comparable rate of growth
showing that the levels of inclusion of cotton seed meal observed with the broiler chickens used for this trial.
did not negatively influence utilization even at 100% Table 6 shows the cost analysis of the diets containing
replacement of soyabean meal. This is at variance with different levels of dietary cottonseed meal fed to broiler
the findings of Tyani et al. (1986) probably because of chickens. The cost per kilogramme feed (N) during the
the inactivation of the gossypol or chelation due to the experimental period significantly (P<0.05) depressed as
treatment meted to the test ingredient using iron. the percent substitutional levels of cottonseed meal
The percent crude fibre digestibility generally assumed increased from 0 to 100% level in the diets. Diet 1 was
an increasing order. Diets 2-5 had a significantly highest in cost per kilogramme (N62.00). This was
(P<0.05) higher crude fibre digestibility than that of diet followed by diets 2 (N57.80), 3 (N53.61), 4 (N50.21) and
1. The nature and content of fibre in this cottonseed 5 (N49.00). The high cost of diet 1, whose plant protein
cake, associative dynamic dietary nutrient effect and the source is soyabean meal could be traced to the high
age of the birds could have contributed to an increasing cost of soyabean compared with cottonseed meal,
fibre digestibility of the diets as the percent substitution which is relatively cheaper in the market. The cost of total
of soyabean meal with cotton seed meal increased to feed consumed by the birds was influenced by the cost
100%. In other words the dietary fibre imposed no per kilogramme of feed (P<0.05). Diet 1 was observed to
limitation on the bird’s performance nor the availability of be the costliest (N364.02). The cost for other diets were
other essential nutrients for the birds. N347.93, N334.51, N331.93 and N290.01 for diets 3, 2,
Ash retention values followed an increasing order 4 and 5 respectively. The least cost observed in diet 5
(944.88%, 53.45%, 62.17% and 66.79%) respectively. An could be due to the fact that the expensive soyabean
indication that as the level of cottonseed meal in the meal was completely excluded. Also, the revenue
diets increased, more minerals were made available to realized from the sale of these birds was observed to be
the birds. The ether extract and dry matter retentions highest for those fed diet 5 (N359.97). Diets 4 (N318.07),
followed similar trend. This is a confirmation of the fact 2 (N 315.49) 3 N302.07) and 1 (N285.98) in that order.
that, the nature and content of fibre in the test ingredient The low cost of production and feed cost per
and the diet is a major determinant in the utilization of its kilogramme might have contributed greatly to diet 5
nutrients. attracting the highest revenue.

Ojewola et al.: Cottonseed Meal as Substitute for Soyabean Meal in Broiler Ration

Table 3: Performance characteristics of the broiler chickens fed graded levels of cottonseed meal
Performance Diets
1 2 3 4 5 SEM
Mean initial body weight (g) 303.33 295.66 300.60 302.30 298.00 3.466
Mean final body eight(g) 2746.6 2796.60 2966.60 2933.30 2816.00 76.77
Mean daily feed intake(g) 136.50b 134.54b 150.93a 153.93a 142.42ab 0.00
Mean body weight gain(g) 2443.27 2500.94 2666.00 2631.00 2518.60 74.65
Mean daily weight gain(g) 56.82 58.16 62.00 61.18 58.57 0.00
Feed-to-gain ratio 2.4 2.31 2.43 2.51 2.43 0.092
ab - Means within the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05).

Table 4: Nutrient utilization of the diets containing different levels of cotton seed meal by broiler chickens (3-8 wks)
Paramenter (%) Diets
1 2 3 4 5 SEM
Nitrogen retained 69.99b 77.61a 77.02ab 80.71a 81.45a 2/22
Crude fibre digestibility 30.20d 46.97c 53.35b 50.50b 60.81a 6.24
Fat digestibility 91.47b 93.35ab 94.51a 94.47b 95.57a 0.70
Ash digestibility 44.88bc 53.45ab 59.56ab 62.17ab 66.79a 3.97
Dry matter digestibility 81.98ab 81.98ab 82.75a 84.47a 85.72a 1.75
abcd - means within a row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05).

Table 5: Mineral (MACRO) utilization By broiler chickens fed varying levels of conttonseed meal (3.-8 wks)
Paramenter (%) Diets
1 2 3 4 5 SEM
Phosphorous 49.09b 57.40ab 60.45ab 66.27a 69.08a 5.01
Potassium 72.41a 79.08ab 81.24ab 80.41ab 84.72a 4.37
Calcium 55.00b 64.82ab 66.32a 67.60a 71.91a 4.59
Magnesium 62.61b 71.13ab 71.61ab 73.07a 79.36a 4.20
ab - means within a row with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05).

Table 6: Cost analysis of diets containing different levels of dietary cottonseed meal fed to broiler chickens (3-8wks).
Measurement Diets
1 2 3 4 5 SEM
Cost/kg feed (N) 62.02 57.82 53.61 50.21 49.00 0.00
Total feed consumed(g) 5869.49 5785.50 6490.00 6611.33 5919.26 147.2
Cost of feed consumed per bird (N) 364.02b 334.51ab 347.93ab 331.93a 290.00c 8.58
Total body weight gain(g) 2443.27 2055.90 2666.00 2631.00 2518.60 74.65
Price/kg meat (N) 650 650.00 650.00 650.00 650.00 0
Marginal Revenue(N) 285.94b 315.49ab 302.07ab 318.07c 359.97 8.04
abc - means within the same row with different superscripts are significantly different.

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