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Nig. J. Anim. Prod.

2020, 47(6): 113 - 119 Nigerian Journal of Animal Production

© Nigerian Society for Animal Production

Growth performance and feed cost benefit of broiler chickens fed Acha grain-based
diet supplemented with different plant protein sources
Onunkwo, D. N., 1Daniel-Igwe, G., 2 Odoemelam, V., 1Agida, C. A and Ezenyilimba, B.
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State
Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University of Technology,
Owerri, Imo State
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
Corresponding author: donunkwo1@gmail.com; +2348033388622
Conventional energy sources for poultry feed are scarce, expensive and highly competed for
by man and industry in Nigeria which has resulted to subsequent high cost of feed and at
times, poor quality of feed sold to farmers. Therefore, this study was carried out to evaluate
the growth performance and feed cost benefit of broiler chickens fed various plant protein
sources in acha grain based diet. A total of 120, one day-old Abor acre broiler chicks were
procured and assigned in a Completely Randomized Design to four dietary treatments of
three replicates and ten chicks per replicate. The four diets comprise soybean meal (full fat),
soybean cake, groundnut cake and cashew nut meal at 28% inclusion level each in an acha
based diet. Data on growth parameters (Daily feed intake, Final Weight Gain, Total Weight
Gain, Feed-to-gain ratio and mortality) were collected daily and weekly. The results showed
that the birds fed diet 3 having soyabean meal as the main plant protein source with 2700
Kcal/kg ME gave the best growth performance. It is also important to note that, the growth
performance of birds fed diet 4 which had 28% cashew nut (full fat) had the poorest feed-to-
gain ratio. The findings from this study further showed that using cashew nut (T4) as plant
protein source in poultry (broiler chicken) ration is rather too expensive and production of
cashew nut may have to increase so as to bring down the cost of production of broiler
chicken. There was significant difference (P<0.05) in all the variables of feed cost benefit
analysis. It is concluded that soyabean, whether used as meal/cake or full-fat confirmed its
superiority over groundnut cake and cashew nut meal in this study. It is therefore
recommended that farmers or poultry feed producers should use acha based diet with either
soyabean meal or full-fat soyabean.
Keywords: Soya bean, Groundnut cake, Cashew nut meal, Acha grain, Growth
performance, Feed cost benefit, Broiler chicken

La Performance de croissance et l'avantage en termes de coûts alimentaires des

poulets de chair nourris avec un régime à base de céréales d'Acha complété par des
sources différentes de protéines végétales

Les sources d'énergie conventionnelles pour l'alimentation de la volaille sont rares,
coûteuses et très concurrencées par l'homme et l'industrie au Nigéria, ce qui a résulté en un
coût élevé des aliments et parfois, une mauvaise qualité des aliments vendus aux
agriculteurs. Par conséquent, cette étude a été réalisée pour évaluer les performances de
croissance et les avantages en termes de coûts d'alimentation des poulets de chair nourris
Growth performance and feed cost benefit of broiler chickens fed Acha grain-based diet

avec diverses sources de protéines végétales dans un régime à base de céréales acha. Un
total de 120 poussins de chair Abor acre d'un jour ont été achetés et assignés dans une
conception complètement aléatoire à quatre traitements diététiques de trois répétitions et dix
poussins par répétition. Les quatre régimes comprennent la farine de soja (pleine matière
grasse), le tourteau de soja, le tourteau d'arachide et la farine de noix de cajou à un taux
d'inclusion de 28% chacun dans un régime alimentaire classique. Les données sur les
paramètres de croissance (ingestion journalière, gain de poids final, gain de poids total,
rapport alimentation / gain et mortalité) ont été collectées quotidiennement et
hebdomadairement. Les résultats ont montré que les oiseaux nourris avec le régime 3
contenant de la farine de soja comme principale source de protéines végétales avec 2700
Kcal / kg ME ont donné les meilleures performances de croissance. Il est également
important de noter que les performances de croissance des oiseaux nourris avec un régime
alimentaire 4 contenant 28% de noix de cajou (gras) présentaient le rapport alimentation /
gain le plus faible. Les résultats de cette étude ont en outre montré que l'utilisation de la noix
de cajou (T4) comme source de protéines végétales dans la ration de volaille (poulet à
griller) est plutôt trop coûteuse et que la production de noix de cajou peut devoir augmenter
afin de réduire le coût de production du poulet à griller. . Il y avait une différence significative
(P <0,05) dans toutes les variables de l'analyse coûts-avantages des aliments. Il est conclu
que le soja, qu'il soit utilisé comme farine / tourteau ou gras entier, a confirmé sa supériorité
sur le tourteau d'arachide et la farine de noix de cajou dans cette étude. Il est donc
recommandé que les agriculteurs ou les producteurs d'aliments pour volaille utilisent un
régime à base d'acha avec du tourteau de soja ou du soja entier.
Mots clés : Graine de soja, Tourteau d'arachide, Farine de noix de cajou, Graine Acha,
Performance de croissance, Coût de l'alimentation, Poulet à griller

Introduction cereal grains are Acha, Sorghum and Millet.

Feed cost has been constantly reported to be “Acha” crop is exceptionally tolerant to a
a hindrance to the progress of poultry wide variety of conditions, particularly
production worldwide. The cost of feed in drought and poor soil (NRC, 1996). Acha
poultry is considered to be important has similar crude protein content with
because it is between 60 - 80% of the total maize (10%) with high constituents of
cost of production (Onunkwo, 2017). Maize essential mineral elements (Anuonye et al.,
is the major and well-known source of 2010). Ruskin et al. (1996) and Chukwu
energy in poultry feed and it constitutes and Abdul-kadir (2008) reported that acha
about 60% in the poultry diet (Onunkwo et is rich in methionine and cysteine, the
al., 2019). Unfortunately, the rapid growth limiting amino acids of most cereals. The
of human population has intensified the plant compares favorably with rice,
competition between man and livestock for sorghum, maize and millet in terms of its
these cereal grains resulting in high cost of content of protein, crude fat, carbohydrate
feeds and consequently high prices of and essential mineral (Jideani, 1990). It has
poultry products leading to very low level of the potential to contribute significantly to
protein intake in most developing countries whole grain diets, wellness, economic
(Ekine and Onunkwo, 2020). Consequent status improvement and play an important
upon the increase in poultry production role in medicine, animal feed and food
cost, research attention is now geared security in a developing nation like Nigeria.
toward lesser known cereal ingredients that Acha is a rich source of vitamins, minerals,
will not compromise the feed quality, such fibre, carbohydrate, protein, amino acids
Onunkwo, Daniel-Igwe, Odoemelam, Agida and Ezenyilimba

containing methionine and cysteine. It has follows; 6.9% protein, 2.10% fat, 87.48%
health benefits, because it is rich in energy, carbohydrate, 1.02% crude fibre and 2.44%
iron, aids digestion and cardiovascular mineral salts.
function. Experimental birds and management
Though positive results have been achieved A total of 120 Abor acre day old broiler
with guided use of other alternative chicks from a reputable and disease-free
feedstuffs in monogastric nutrition, most farm were used for this study. The birds
research work on the use of acha is on were weighed individually and randomly
human nutrition (Egwin and Oloyede, allocated to the 4 treatment dietary groups
2006) and in aquaculture (Nwanna et al., with each group having 30 birds replicated
2006). Considering the fact that most thrice (10 birds/replicate) in a Completely
research work on the use of acha is on Randomized Design (CRD). The study
human nutrition and the determination of lasted 56 days and the birds were fed and
the chemical composition of Acha grain offered drinking water ad-libitum.
(Temple and Bassa, 1991; Chukwu and Data collection
Abdul-Kadir, 2008), there is need to Data on body weight and feed intake were
evaluate the growth performance and feed collected weekly. The birds were
cost benefit of broiler chickens fed Acha individually weighed weekly in each
grain-based diet and different plant protein replicate. The quantity of feed fed to the
sources. birds was measured and recorded on daily
basis in grammes by subtracting the left
Materials and methods over from the quantity fed the previous day
Location of the study to determine the quantity consumed by each
This study was conducted at the Poultry replicate. The feed intake and weight gain
Unit of the Teaching and Research Farm of were used to calculate feed conversion
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, ratio.
Umudike Abia State. Umudike is located At the end of the experiment, net and gross
within the tropical rainforest zone and the margin analysis was carried out to
environment is characterized by annual determine and compared the profitability of
rainfall of 2177 mm. It also bears the co- Acha grains in broiler diets using the
ordinate of 5°28' North and 7°31' East procedure of Ukachukwu and Anugwa
which lies at an altitude of 122 mm above (1995).
sea level (NRCRI, 2019). Statistical Analysis
Experimental diets The data collected were subjected to
A total of four experimental diets were Analysis of variance (ANOVA) as outlined
formulated with soybean meal (full fat), in Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
soybean cake, groundnut cake and cashew by Steel and Torrie (1980) Significant
nut meal were used at 28% inclusion level means were separated using Duncan's New
each in acha-based diets (Table 1). The Multiple Range Test (Duncan 1955).
proximate composition of acha is as

Growth performance and feed cost benefit of broiler chickens fed Acha grain-based diet

Table 1: Percent composition of the experimental diet

Ingredients T1 T2 T3 T4
Acha 54.30 54.30 54.30 54.30
Brewers dried grain 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00
Groundnut cake 28.00 - - -
Soyabean (full fat) - 28.00 - -
Soyabean meal - - 28.00 -
Cashew nut cake - - - 28.00
Fish meal (Local) 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Bone meal 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
Salt 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Vitamin Premix 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
D1 Methionine 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Lysine 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Percent crude protein 22.51 21.61 21.61 22.51
ME. (kcal/kg) 2700.00 2806.80 2700.00 2836.80
Protein: Calories ratio 1:120 1:130 1:125 1:126
T1 (28% Groundnut cake), T2 (Full fat Soyabean meal) T3 (Soyabean meal) T4 (Cashew nut meal)

Results and discussion (2.54) while diets 1 and 2 had 3.35 and 2.86,
The results of the growth performance of respectively. Birds fed diet 4 had the
broiler chickens fed varying plant protein poorest (4.20) feed-to-gain ratio. Values
sources in acha grain-based diets is obtained from birds fed dietary 28%
presented in Table 2. The mean initial soyabean cake as the main plant protein
weight of the birds ranged from 52.47g - source with 2700 kcal/kg ME and protein
53.80g but showed no significant different calorie ratio of 1:125 slightly agreed with
(P>0.05). The mean final weight showed the findings of Ojewola and Longe (1999)
significant different (P<0.05), with birds which recommended a lower ME for
fed T3 having 2350.18g weight while birds broilers raised in the warm humid tropics as
fed T4 had the least final weight (884.07g). a means of raising heavy broiler chickens
Birds fed T2 significantly followed closely provided other requisite nutrients are
T3 in being the second best (2047.83g). The available in the right quantity. Birds fed
mean total weight gain was significantly low-energy, low protein in this trial
(p<0.05) different among the treatments. It consumed more feed. This result is in an
followed the same pattern as the mean final agreement with the report of Keshavarz and
weight gain, with T3 (2296.38g) having the Fuller (1980) who observed that birds fed
highest weight, followed by T2 (1994.70g) low protein or low energy diets increased
and T1 (1368.60g). They showed their -consumption presumably in an effort
significant difference (P<0.05). There was to overcome the protein and energy
significant (p<0.05) difference in total feed deficiencies. It is also noteworthy that, the
intake with birds fed T3 having the highest performance of birds fed diet 4 which had
feed intake (5842.67g), followed by T2 28% cashew nut (full-fat) could be due to
(5710.00g) and diet 1 (4582.00g) the fact that, at high ambient temperature as
respectively. Birds fed diet 4 gave the least obtained in the tropics, stress exerted due to
feed intake (3495.33g). Feed-to-gain ratio the metabolism of excess fat and high
(F:G) was significantly different (P<0.05), dietary metabolizable energy, coupled with
with birds fed diet 3 having the best F:G thermal stress might have reduced
Onunkwo, Daniel-Igwe, Odoemelam, Agida and Ezenyilimba

efficiency of utilization; which in-turn 54.30% acha grain and other nutrients
contributed to the small weights of the seemed to have provided the requisite
birds, poor feed-to-gain ratio and mean total protein and energy in adequate proportion,
weight gain. So, poor performance obtained and this enhanced adequate consumption of
in diet 4 may not be unconnected with feed components thus promoting efficient
inability of the birds to consume substantial utilization of such components by the birds.
amount of feed because of the high fat The results of feed cost benefit analysis of
content in cashew nut meal which broiler chickens fed varying plant protein
depressed appetite, hence the birds could sources in acha grain-based diets is shown
not consume enough mineral and vitamins in Table 3. The variables of the feed cost
required for body weight. Another reason benefit analysis considered showed
for the poor performance could be significant difference (P<0.05). The cost
attributed to the heat stress caused by the per kg of feed, cost per kg of feed/bird (N),
hot environmental condition which may mean total weight (kg) and cost of
have hindered adequate feed intake production (N) showed that the cost of feed
resulting in the poor daily gain of the birds increased from diet 1 to diet 4. The result
fed diet 4. showed that using cashew nut as plant
The crude protein of 21.61% combined protein source in broiler diet is rather too
with 2700.00 Kcal/kg ME seemed to be expensive and production of cashew may
adequate under the tropical condition, and have to increase so as to bring down the cost
above all 28% soyabean cake in diet 3 with of production.

Table 2: Performance Response of the broiler chickens fed varying plant protein sources in acha-
grain-based diets
Parameter (g) T1 T2 T3 T4 SEM
Mean Initial Weight 52.47 53.13 53.80 52.56 0.295
Mean Final Weight 1421.07c 2047.83b 2350.18a 884.07d 1.00
Mean Total Weight Gain 1368.60c 1994.70b 2296.38a 831.51d 1.00
Mean Feed Intake 4582.00b 5710.00a 5842.67a 3495.3c 0.499
Mean Daily Feed Intake 58.06ab 75.36a 79.23a 52.86b 0.052
Feed-to-Gain Ratio 3.35ab 2.86b 2.54b 4.20a 0.60
Mortality 0.67 1.00 1.67 0.33
means with different superscripts on same row are significantly different (P<0.05).

Table 3: Feed cost benefit analysis of broiler chickens fed varying plant protein sources in acha
grain-based diets
Parameter T1 T2 T3 T4 SEM
Cost/kg diet 243.28 255.28 252.28 487.28 30.85
Mean total feed intake (kg) 4.58b 5.7 la 5.84a 3.50c 0.499
Cost per kg of feed/bird (N) 1114.71 c 1457.65b 1473.99b 1703.21 a 1.00
Mean total weight (kg) 1.31c 1.93b 2.24a 0.77d 1.00
Cost of Production (N) 1554.71c 1897.65b 1913.99b 2143.21a
a,b c
’ values with different superscripts on same row are significantly different (P<0.05).

Growth performance and feed cost benefit of broiler chickens fed Acha grain-based diet

Conclusion Influence of widely Fluctuating

Acha is a good energy sources in poultry Temperature on heat production
diet and it can be compared favourably with and Energic Efficiency of Broilers
all other energy sources like maize, millet, Poultry Sci 59: 2121 -2128.
sorghum and so on. It is concluded that NRC 1996. National Research Council
soyabean, whether used as meal/cake or Nutrient requirement of Domestic
full-fat confirmed its superiority over Animals: Nutrient requirement of
groundnut cake and cashew nut meal in this poultry 9 ed. National Academy
study. It is therefore recommended that Press, Washington, D.C., USA.
farmers or poultry feed producers should NRCRI 2019. Agro-Meteorology Unit.
use acha based diet with soaybean meal National Root Crop Research
whether it is soyabean meal or soyabean Institute, Umudike, Umuahia,
full-fat. Abia State, Nigeria.
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