Tpack App Review Template
Tpack App Review Template
Tpack App Review Template
3.4 The student will describe the oral tradition 3.4 The student will describe the oral tradition
(storytelling), government (kings), and economic (storytelling), government (kings), and economic
development (trade) of the early West African development (trade) of the early West African empire
empire of Mali. of Mali.
Activity Describe what the In this activity, the students will use the Flash Card In this activity, the students will use the Quizlet app
learning activity will be. What will Flashcards Maker app to study for an upcoming test to prepare for an upcoming test on the contributions
the students and the teacher be
doing with the app? on how China and Egypt influenced the present of ancient Greece and Rome have influenced the
world in terms of architecture, inventions, the present world in terms of architecture, government
calendar, and written language. As a teacher I will (direct and representative democracy), and sports.
provide a study guide so they understand the material In this activity students will get into groups of 3,
and what key names and facts they should study for. students will create a different quiz of certain terms.
After the students create their own flashcards, they Students can choose to focus on either architecture,
will have an opportunity to share their work with
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students to ensure they understand the material. government (direct and representative democracy),
and sports in Greece and Rome. Once the group has
As the teacher, I will provide a study guide so finished, these groups will share their Quizlets so that
students understand the material and can successfully students can collaborate on ideas and study on
use the app to study for a test. material with each other.