Bouba Et Al. 2017
Bouba Et Al. 2017
Bouba Et Al. 2017
ISSN Online: 2156-8367
ISSN Print: 2156-8359
Bouba Apollinaire1,2*, Kamguia Joseph2,3, Tabod Charles Tabod2, Yap Loudi2, Nouayou Robert2,
Kande Houetchak Ludovic3, Oyoa Valentin1
Department of Physics, Higher Teachers’ Training College, University of Maroua, Maroua, Cameroon
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Yaounde I, Yaounde, Cameroon
National Institute of Cartography, Yaounde, Cameroon
GGM02C, Adamawa Plateau, Bouguer Anomaly, 3D Density Model, Spectral
1. Introduction
The study area lies over the Adamawa Plateau (northern Cameroon) between
latitudes 5˚ and 8˚N, and longitudes 13˚ to 15˚E. Previous geophysical and geo-
logical studies have been conducted in this area. These include the works of [1]
[2] [3] [4] [5]. Some of the above mentioned studies are based on the geophysi-
cal signatures of geological units deduced from gravity analyses and their quan-
titative interpretation. However, a closer look to the terrestrial gravity net of the
study area shows that there are many gaps. This might lead to many approxima-
tions in geophysical gravity anomaly analyses and interpretations in the region.
Hence, the analyses and interpretations should be based on maps showing the
real signatures of the geological features. To achieve this goal, a dense gravity net
is needed. New gravity campaigns are indicated to fill the gaps. A global geopo-
tential model can also be a solution. Merry [6] showed that GRACE models are
more representative of geoid undulations and gravity anomalies in Africa. From
statistical studies, [7] [8] showed that gravity data from GGM02C and terrestrial
ones have the same precision. In this work, GGM02C gravity data combined to
terrestrial ones will be exploited to reinforce the precision of the previous works.
The main objective in this work is to interpret a new Bouguer anomaly map
obtained from combined terrestrial and GRACE gravity model GGM02C, then
determine the depth and density of the geological structure associated with the
crustal formation from a dense gravity net in the study area. On residual Bougu-
er anomaly map, spectral analysis technic and 3D density inversion were ob-
tained. This method has already been successfully used by [9] [10] to determine
the major subsurface structure in the northern edge of the Congo-Craton. With
these approaches, we complete the previous geophysical works which used only
the terrestrial gravity data.
2. Geological Setting
Previous geological and geophysical studies conducted in the Adamawa plateau
(Figure 1) indicated that this area is predominantly composed by Precambrian
rocks such as migmatic, gneisses and granites that were granitized during the
Pan-African tectonic event [12] [13]. It is covered by a sequence of tertiary ba-
saltic lavas [14] (Figure 2). These lavas are alkaline, indicating affinity with con-
tinental rifts [15]. Sedimentary formations consist mainly of conglomerates, ar-
kosic sandstone and limestone from the Cretaceous Djerem basin and Mbere
ditch [14]. These formations have undergone intense volcanic activity leading to
the establishment of the basin structure, covered by volcanic materials which
reach the surface through deep fractures. These fractures have a location at the
base of major crustal lineaments [16]. Three major tectonic structures are asso-
ciated with the Adamawa Plateau: the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL), the
Foumban Shear Zone (FSZ) and the South Adamawa Trough (SAT). The CVL is
a chain of intra-plate volcano shaped Y which extends from the island of Pagalu
in the Atlantic Ocean west of Africa until about 2000 km [17]. The first branch
(north) corresponds to the Benue through and the second branch (east) the Ada-
mawa plateau. Volcanic rocks on this line are composed of alkali basalt, trachyte
lavas and tuffs. The Foumban Shear Zone is a succession of major accident cov-
ered by a series of tertiary volcanoes that one follows from Sudan, through the
Central African Republic and Chad up to Foumban in Cameroon [18]. To the
west, it is an extension of the pernambuco fault in the north-east of Brazil [19].
The FSZ in Cameroon center displays a dextral sense of displacement [13] [18].
The South Adamawa Trough includes the Cretaceous Mbere ditch and Djerem
basin. It is a deep scarps bounded by two faults up to 600 m high command [14].
This gap is due to the movement of the south Atlantic to the Upper Cretaceous
[16] [20].
organization has a very large database and excellent quality recognized interna-
tionally. These data were acquired with the Worden and Lacoste Romberg gra-
vimeters. All gravity measurements are tied to the International Gravity Stan-
dardization Network 1971 (IGSN71) datum after correction of luni-solar effect
and instrumental drift. To determine the free air anomaly, the linear vertical
gradient of 0.3086 mGal/m was used to approximate free air correction. Coor-
dinates stations were determined from topographic maps. Elevation values were
obtained with Wallace and Tiernan altimeters. An average rock density of 2.67
g/m3 was introduced for simple Bouguer reduction. Due to the presence of rela-
tively smooth topography, no terrain correction was added. The resulting Bouguer
anomaly contour map in the study area Figure 3 constructed using the Generic
Mapping Tools (GMT) [22] shows three gravity sectors.
The first sector, located in the central part of the study area consists of a vast
negative anomaly that goes from Garoua-Boulai to Djohong passing through
Figure 3. Bouguer anomaly map of the region obtained by using terrestrial gravity data.
Figure 4. Bouguer anomaly map of the region obtained after densification of gravity data.
map shows that weak anomalies appear in the central part of the massif. These
anomalies are due to the collapsing of the crust or are due to the presence of
granitic rocks constituting the socle. Heavy anomalies appear in the northern
and southern slope of the mountain corresponds to the basaltic intrusion in this
area. The direction of anomalies in this map is visibly more developed than that
before densification. This direction coincides perfectly with ENE-WSW direc-
tion of the Adamawa Plateau and suggests that the intrusion could have been
controlled by the tectonic processes.
In gravity method, the Bouguer anomaly map generally overshadow the ef-
fects of density contrasts, deep and shallow, wide and local. Regional-residual
separation allows to isolate the anomaly due to deep sources and extended than
those from density contrast reduced and shallower extension. This separation
was made in our previous works and the residual of order 5 was the best amena-
ble for the geological structures near surface in the Adamawa plateau [7]. In the
present work the residual of order 5 will be exploited.
The regional anomaly map (Figure 5) is characterized by a negative gravity
anomaly in the center bounded by gradients increasing towards the north. These
observations show that the basement is deepening towards the south of the re-
gion. Indeed, using geophysical analysis of gravity data, the crustal thickness be-
neath the northern edge of the Adamawa plateau is about 23 km and 33 km in
the north and south respectively [5] [27]. We noticed that, the regional Bouguer
Figure 5. Fifth-order of regional Bouguer anomaly map of the region obtained after den-
sification of the gravity data.
Figure 6. Fifth-order of residual Bouguer anomaly map of the region obtained after den-
sification of gravity data.
and Mbe (P1), north-east of Ngaoundere (P2) and north-east of Djohong (P3)
localities indicates uplift basement and lateral high dense rocks. In geological
considerations, at level of Djohong the positive residual Bouguer anomaly is as-
signed to the thinning down of the crust on the one hand and on the other hand
to the existence of invisible basaltic rocks under the granite-gneisses basement.
Between Ngaoundere and Mbe and north-east of Ngaoundere, the positive ano-
maly corresponds to the intrusion of dense rock of high density under the low
density formation. The negative sector observed around Ngaoundere and north
of Belel trending NE-SW. A comparison of this negative anomaly with the geo-
logical map shows that, this anomaly is due to the collapsing of the crust and the
effect of low density formation. In south and east of Mbe, three peaks of negative
anomalies appear in the central part of the massif, the average value of these
Bouguer anomalies is −30 mGal. In general Bouguer anomalies are usually nega-
tive in the massif and mountains because of the isostasy. The rock density of
their root is lower than that of the surrounding earth’s mantle. The presence of
these peaks of anomalies indicates that, the massif has a variable thickness and is
more rooted in these areas than elsewhere. The setting of this massif is linked to
a general collapse of the socle in the region. The positive and negative sector is
separated by a steep gradient, which corresponds to the effect of discontinuity
between two different structures. In order to provide more information in the
study area and to show the capability of densified data to detect unknown geo-
logical structures, spectral analysis and 3D density inversion based on the geo-
logical map were used along three profiles drawn on the residual Bouguer ano-
maly map.
4. Method
4.1. Power Spectrum Analysis
Spectral analysis as described by [28] is a technical method based on the proper-
ty of the energy spectrum of the gravity data. It estimates the depths of perturb-
ing bodies. Generally extended anomaly with amplitude which decreases rapidly
is characterized by high frequency. However, large anomaly which amplitude
decreases slightly is characterized by low frequency spectrum [29] [30]. The es-
timation of the depths is controlled by the choice of the line defining the slopes.
When the energy spectrum logarithm is plotted versus wavenumber, we choose
the straight-line segments whose slopes are proportional to the depth of the
perturbing body according to the following relation [31] [32]:
∆LogE 2π∆k
h= (1)
Figure 7. Power spectrum of profiles P1, P2 and P3 from spectral analysis program.
our results are integrating new gravity data in the existing. The second disconti-
nuity associated with the shallowest depths for profiles P1, P2 and P3 is respec-
tively 3.52 km, 5.86 and 2.10 km for a mean of 3.83 km. This value indicates that
the sources of anomalies are not deep in the sedimentary basin. These depths are
probably due to the base of Mbere sedimentary basin which could be associated
with volcanic intrusions due to the positive gravity anomaly. These bodies may
be due to the intrusions of dense materials in the basement and could be the
boundary between the lower crust and the upper crust. The depths of 3.83 km
and 9.62 km are the new values of depths obtained for futures investigations in
the Adamawa plateau.
Figure 8. Interpreted 3D density model of profile (P1) from Grablox2 program showing
different formations: 1: Granites; 2: Gneisses; 3: Basaltic rocks.
bodies with different compositions. The first body (1) with lower densities be-
tween 2.60 g/m3 and 2.73 g/m3 is situated at 5 km in the middle and 8 km in the
north and south of the model. This formation corresponds to the granitic rock
under the crust which the signature is due to the negative Bouguer anomalies
observed in this zone. The second body (2) located at the end of the model has a
lateral extension and roof that can reach 4 km. This formation with densities
ranging from 2.75 g/m3 to 2.78 g/m3 can be associated to the gneisses forma-
tions. The third body (3) extended laterally beneath the granites in the study area
has high density between 2.8 g/m3 and 2.8 g/m3. This body corresponds to the
basaltic intrusion which the signature is due to positive gravity anomaly ob-
served on the Bouguer anomaly map.
The structural model of the second profile (P2) (Figure 9) consists of three
bodies with different shapes, positions and thicknesses. The body (1) starts and
Figure 9. Interpreted 3D density model of profile (P2) from GRABLOX showing differ-
ent formations: 1: Granites; 2: Gneisses; 3: Basaltic rocks.
ends of the model, is constituted with lower density ranging from 2.60 g/m3 to
2.73 g/m3. This body corresponds to the granitic intrusion at great deep with an
extension of about 40 km. The second body (2) with density ranging from 2.75
g/m3 to 2.78 g/m3 designed gneisses formations in the basement of the study
area. This body begins from surface area and reaches at 8 km in the middle of
the model. A layer with density between 2.80 g/m3 and 2.90 g/m3 corresponds to
the high basement structure body (3) located in the middle of the model. This
body constitutes the main pluton of the complex, extends laterally at depth
beyond the gneisses and corresponds to the basaltic formations. These forma-
tions have been put in place with the aid of the asthenospheric rise which leads
to a lithospheric bulge. They are responsible for the positive Bouguer anomaly
observed in this area.
Like the other profiles, the general features of profile (P3) (Figure 10) have
three principal bodies. The first body (1) with lower density ranging from 2.20 to
Figure 10. Interpreted 3D density model of profile (P3) from GRABLOX showing dif-
ferent formations: 1: Sedimentary formations; 2: Granites; 3: Basaltic rocks.
2.45 g/m3 is located in the north and south extremity of the model. This body
begins at 6 km and 4 km respectively at the start and at the end of model. The
negative Bouguer anomaly observed in the northern and southern border of the
profile can be attributed to the sedimentary deposit with low density in the study
area. The second body (2) with density ranging from 2.68 to 2.78 g/m3 in the
middle of the model can be associated with gneiss formation. This formation is
at the origins of the positive Bouguer anomaly observed in this zone and related
the crustal thickening of the region followed by the fracturing which must have
lead to the collapse of large blocks of crust with dimensions of several kilome-
ters. The third body (3) with density between 2.84 g/m3 and 3.00 g/m3, corres-
ponds to the main pluton of the complex and extends laterally at depth beyond
granites. This body with high density has a depth beyond 6 km and an extension
of about 18 km under the basement. This body is interpreted as a rise of the ba-
saltic rocks in the socle. It generates a positive Bouguer anomaly observed in this
area and it installation is carried out in the following way: During a volcanic
eruption, the magma crystallizes in deep into magmatic pockets without com-
pletely crossing the crust. In this study we observed a spectacular ascent of
magmatic rocks, whose roof is about 2.5 km. The topographic expression of this
process is the formation of the Adamawa plateau which is accompanied by brit-
tle tectonics characterized by cracks and fractures.
6. Conclusion
In this work, the main objective is to analyze the new Bouguer anomaly map and
to determine the depth and density of subsurface structure of the Adamawa pla-
teau by using combined gravity data. The resulting residual Bouguer anomaly
map shows positive and negative anomaly. Positive residual anomalies are due to
the basaltic structures under granite-gneisses basement while negative gravity
anomalies are due to the granite formations or the sedimentary basin. Spectral
analysis and 3D density inversion show the depths and densities of geological
structures associated with the positive residual Bouguer anomaly. The depths of
3.83 km and 9.62 km are the new values of depths obtained for futures investiga-
tions in the study area. This area is composed by granitic formation with density
ranging from 2.60 to 2.73 g/m3, sedimentary formation with density ranging
from 2.20 to 2.45 g/m3, gneisses and basaltic rocks with density between 2.75 to
2.78 g/m3 and 2.84 to 3.0 g/m3 respectively. Our results contain more additional
information than those obtained from terrestrial gravity data. Some recent mod-
els such as GOCE are also available, but have not yet been fully tested in the
study area. For future investigation we will compare several field models from
GOCE to choose the one that represents the best gravity data in order to im-
prove the gravity analysis in the Adamawa plateau.
The authors would like to thank Markku Pirttijärvi (Universty of Oulu Finland)
for helpful the 3D density inversion and Late Henry Duquenne (LAREG,
France) for putting at our disposal the GGM program. The authors also ac-
knowledge all the reviewers for their constructive comments.
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