Magnetotelluric Images of Magma Distribution Beneath Volcán Uturuncu, Bolivia: Implications For Magma Dynamics
Magnetotelluric Images of Magma Distribution Beneath Volcán Uturuncu, Bolivia: Implications For Magma Dynamics
Magnetotelluric Images of Magma Distribution Beneath Volcán Uturuncu, Bolivia: Implications For Magma Dynamics
GEOLOGY, March 2015; v. 43; no. 3; p. 243–246; Data Repository item 2015087 | doi:10.1130/G36258.1 | Published online 5 February 2015
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a 1-D resistivity structure. Longer period data sions. The 3-D inversion of Siripunvaraporn et Shallow Conductor
(1–3000 s) sample to mid-crustal depths and al. (2005) was applied to a set of 73 stations Conductor C1 is <1 km thick and has highly
detected a geoelectric strike direction of N30°E surrounding Uturuncu. variable properties. It is likely caused by hydro-
on profile A-B that changes to N0°E on profile thermal alteration of the regionally extensive
B-C (Fig. 1; Fig. DR3 in the Data Repository). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ignimbrite layer. Ignimbrites undergo low-tem-
Dimensionality analysis showed that a 2-D The 2-D and 3-D resistivity models (Fig. 2) perature alteration to form highly conductive
analysis was valid on a regional scale, but that show three distinct layers: (1) a shallow surface clay within a time scale of 1 m.y. (Bibby et al.,
3-D resistivity structure was locally present. conductor (C1) <1 km thick; (2) a deeper, spa- 2005).
Both 2-D and 3-D inversions were applied to tially uniform conductor (C2) that begins at a
the MT data. The 2-D inversion used the algo- depth of 15–20 km below sea level (BSL); and Deeper Conductor
rithm of Rodi and Mackie (2001), with data (3) an intermediate layer with spatially variable The prominent conductor C2 is shown in both
rotated to N30°E and N0°E, for the profiles resistivity that contains a number of discrete the 2-D and 3-D models. The western margin
A-B and B-C, respectively. Many combina- low-resistivity zones (C3–C7), particularly the of C2 is located beneath the volcanic arc and it
tions of inversion parameters were investigated area near Uturuncu. Low resistivity in a volcanic extends ~170 km to the east. If the top is defined
and the main resistivity features of the models environment can be caused by aqueous fluids, as the 3 Wm contour, then this conductor is
did not depend on any specific parameters. No partial melt, or hydrothermal alteration, so inter- located at 15–20 km BSL in both models. This
significant changes in the resistivity model pretation must use additional geophysical data contour was chosen based on the synthetic inver-
were observed when strike angles of N20°E or and laboratory studies of fluids and melts to dis- sions, as it corresponds to the resistivity change
N40°E were used on profile A-B. Model reso- tinguish between these possibilities (Chave and at the top of C2 (see Fig. DR12). Complications
lution was investigated using synthetic inver- Jones, 2012). arise from the fact that the 2-D inversions cannot
Subsidence Uplift Subsidence
Depth below sea level (km)
A C1 C1 C1 Figure 2. A: Regional two-dimensional (2-D)
C5 R1 C4 resistivity model obtained from the inver-
C3 R2
10 C3 C7 sion of transverse electric and transverse
C6 magnetic mode magnetotelluric (MT) data
at 73 stations. A root mean square (r.m.s.)
30 C2 misfit of 1.5 was achieved. Red triangle in-
C2 dicates the volcanic arc. White box shows
the extent of the 3-D model. U—Volcán Utu-
50 runcu; Q—Volcán Quetena; VC—Vilama
20 40 60 80 100 120 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Distance along profile (km) Caldera; APVC—Altiplano-Puna Volcanic
Complex. Hachure pattern indicates minimal
U U resolution by showing approximate limit of
-5 300
B C penetration of electromagnetic signals with
0 C4 C4 a period of 1000 s. B: East-west (EW) vertical
Depth below sea level (km)
Distance (km)