Wash Connector Newsletter Issue VII 2018
Wash Connector Newsletter Issue VII 2018
Wash Connector Newsletter Issue VII 2018
Editor’s Note
Now that I’m a family man, I see how true Articles in this issue are all written by people
that is. With two active children participating who have engaged themselves in a cause;
in a variety of sports, school and church their cause! They freely share their viewpoint
activities, I see the impact being involved and passion. I encourage you to do the
has on them. They’re developing a sense same! Whether it’s a project that you are
of purpose and belonging. They’re learning implementing, a human interest story that
compassion by serving others. I admit, as a you have come across or a policy position
working dad, there are times I feel like there that you want to bring out for attention from
aren’t enough hours in the day. But with my the sector, there is room for each person
divine wife Mercy, we have worked out a plan. to define their position, contribute to their
We act as a team sharing family and work cause and make a difference. And the end
responsibilities; we support and encourage result is positive because it makes life better
each other and our children to become active for all. Be Involved! You’ll be glad you did!
participants in life. I think it’s one of the most
important lesson you can teach yourselves
and ultimately your children.
Chenai Ndori
effective hand
washing with
One of the schools that benefitted from Although relying solely on a software approach,
the initiative was Makwau Primary in the Zimbabwe Handwashing Campaign was
Zaka District. “Most learners are now successfully implemented with recorded
finding it difficult not to wash hands reduced incidences of diarrheal diseases in
with soap at critical times – it’s now the targeted communities. Observed food-
part of their natural life,” said Mr. related handwashing with soap frequency
Shoshore the Head of Makwau Primary. increased significantly at follow-up to 68%
“Previously, they never used to wash among school children and up to 26% among
their hands after using the toilet and if primary caregivers. Observed stool related
they did, soap was not part of the handwashing with soap frequency increased
equation,” he continued. by up to 38% among school children and
33% among caregivers.
The Campaign was centred around the During the campaign, handwashing
RANAS model of behaviour change, which infrastructure also improved in participating
focuses on factors that influence behaviour schools and households by 41%, while
including Risk, Attitude, Norm, Ability and soap availability increased by 72%. Notable
Self-Regulation. The RANAS approach is unexpected outcomes included beneficiaries
an easily applied method for measuring constructing latrines through self subsidy
behavioural factors, assessing their influence and rural households witnessed increased
on behaviour, designing tailored strategies awareness and understanding of the
that change behaviour, and measuring the importance of hygiene and sanitation through
effectiveness of these. establishing handwashing facilities such as
tippy taps in households and schools in all
The hygiene skills that pupils learn especially project areas.
in schools can turn them into vital ‘agents
Through the Handwashing Campaign, the
of change’, both now and into the future as
RANAS model was also endorsed by the
they become parents themselves. During
Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education
the course of the Handwashing Campaign,
and there are ongoing discussions of rolling
school children became transforming agents
the campaign out to other schools beyond the
of change in their various communities.
targeted areas. In addition, targeted schools
Twelve-year-old Susan Madiro, a member deliberately began to budget for procuring
of the Makwau Water and Sanitation Social soap in order to ensure that learners sustain
Club, cascaded what she learnt from the the good practice. At the policy level, the
Handwashing Campaign to her immediate campaign managed to influence the inclusion
family and transformed their WASH of handwashing with soap under running
experience significantly. water in the National Sanitation and Hygiene
Despite the success, a number of challenges Overall, the campaign showed that
were also encountered from the campaign. institutional support is imperative for
Private sector engagement, which is critical sustaining the handwashing with soap
for sustainability remained a challenge, component. Addressing access to soap in
especially in the context of various economic order to enable handwashing with soap was
challenges in the country. At a supply level, another important lesson learnt through the
water availability and quality remain a campaign.
School pupils in Zaka taking turns to wash hands after using the toilet
or washing. With this scheme back to Women and children used to spend most of
functionality, my life has changed. I their time travelling long distances to fetch
am now able to fetch water for myself; water for domestic use. One of the self styled
I appreciate the good work you are human rights activist in the area said “…in
doing…!” most cases, children were denied their
right to play as they had to spent good
Gogo Mapfumo’s plight is not different from part of their time hunting for water”.
the rest of other older persons in Chakacha This left many children especially the girl
Village. The overjoyed Gogo Nyoni (born child vulnerable to social ills like rape etc.
17th February 1938) ululated and said “… With a re-bounce of this piped water scheme,
now you have brought Harare down all these challenges are now a thing of the
to Chakacha Village” and with a sigh past. Women and children now have ample
of relief continued saying “…with this time to spare for other productive activities
stand pipe, i am no longer a burden to other than fetching water; thumbs up to all
anyone anymore. I feel like I have been those who supported this scheme in both
liberated!” cash and kind.
For years, rural communities have been Local communities heeded the call and
adversely affected by diarrhoeal diseases that formed Sanitation Action Groups
are responsible for the deaths of thousands of (SAGs) in each and every village to help
people in Zimbabwe. The deaths are mainly push households to shun open
attributed to poor access to Water, Sanitation defaecation through the construction
and Hygiene (WASH) services. and consistent use of toilets. This
In 2008, Ward 20 of Chiredzi District strategy saw households constructing
succumbed to a severe cholera outbreak latrines through self subsidy supported
claiming more than 50 innocent lives. A lot of by Internal Saving and Lending
resources were channelled out at community Schemes (ISALs) popularly known in
level to contain the outbreak. Government the area as “Mikando”.
through the District Water Sanitation Sub
Committee (DWSSC) and her partners took Each village held celebrations congratulating
a big move to improve knowledge levels themselves on achieving ODF. Village
on sanitation and hygiene at community 2B Glendevon was the first to attain and
level. This was done through a sanitation celebrate ODF status. The celebrations had
focused participatory and health and hygiene a spill over effect on the rest of the cluster,
education approach aimed at triggering the which encouraged the whole Ward to follow
mind set for sustained behaviour change. suit.
Noteworthy is that the partnership concept in the relevant sector. Despite the Ministry of
is not in any way unique to today’s situation. Local Government having been hammering
Since the 1990s there has been an increase upon the matter, most LAs seem to be
in PPPs in the water infrastructure sector reluctant to embrace this approach. Such
in developing and transitional countries utilities remain under the purview of Councils.
resulting in a significant improvement in
While the said measures have the efficacy
service delivery. On a related note, it is
to deliver, it is imperative that as a nation,
also possible to incentivise the corporate
we make concerted efforts towards re-
social responsibility arrangement where big
capacitation of LAs to enable them realize
companies can plough back part of their
their mandate. It should however be noted
profits in return for tax or tariff incentives.
that any credible water and sanitation
Other schools of thought also propose that delivery programme must be anchored on a
the management architecture in respect of robust and matching infrastructure strategy.
water supply, waste water and solid waste Thus the sector needs to embrace the critical
management be reconstituted into utility pillars of development which effectively
entities which operate on a “ring-fencing address the socio-economic needs of our
model” to ensure reinvestment of proceeds country.
The journey towards ODF for Mutangi village Soon after Mutangi village was declared ODF,
was not an easy stroll in the park. At first, the SAG together with the villagers took it
the program was not fully accepted by some upon themselves to promote sanitation and
section of the village. However through hygiene education in Chimwa, Chidanhika,
continuous engagement with the Ward Water Hware and Manikai Villages. The SAG went to
and Sanitation Sub-Committee (WWSSC), the extent of facilitating latrine construction
latrine construction was jump started and for one Village Head Mr. Manikai in a bid to
completed in 18 months. Inclusion of the promote ODF in their neighbouring Villages.
Village Head in the work of the SAG also saw The SAG together with other community
the enforcement of the village constitution members would visit every household in
which stipulated that failure to construct a the four villages and assist the vulnerable
households with knowledge, labour or is elated by the fact that they now own a
materials for latrine construction. True to double blair latrine with one compartment
their calling, all the other neighbouring designated for females. This she said “…
villages were declared ODF by November makes me feel more secure when using
2016. the toilet”. The Village Head concurs and
Mutangi Village also further embarked on says it is a sign that the village has matured
a mission to ensure that all households in and is able to initiate its own developmental
the Village have double squathole latrines. programs.
The whole Village agreed that this would be
In the spirit of sustainability, the Village
culturally appropriate as it is unacceptable
embraced the concept of Village Savings and
for a daughter in law to share the same toilet
Lending Schemes (VSLs). Households are
with her father in law.
contributing $1 per month towards this pooled
fund which is then used to support upgrading
and replacement of latrines. Behaviour
change on the part of trained latrine builders
has also seen many of them offering their
services to disadvantaged members of the
community at no additional costs.
A nutrition garden was put up as an extension bought one goat and 15 local birds popularly
of the durawall which has seen communities known as ‘road runners’. The Local
producing a variety of vegetables for both Authority together with its District Water
household use and also for sale. and Sanitation Committee is very confident
To-date, the WPMC has managed to harvest and also assured Chirongamabwe Water
vegetables twice from their garden which Point Users that this project of chickens and
are then sold to local communities and the goats if well managed will go a long way in
money raised is used to service the water sustaining the operation and maintenance
point fund. Chirongamabwe WPMC has also requirements of their highly cherished asset.
Results showing the reduction of the prevalence of diarrhoea in the targeted wards
Water treatment practices increased from 5% before the intervention to 86% following the
intervention as shown overleaf. Waterguard became the common household water treatment
method (86%) among households and this could be attributed to the 15 000 bottles distributed
to 5000 households and effective hygiene education by the Village Health Workers. Consistency
and correct usage of Waterguard was which did not benefit from the project by
evidenced by the presence of Free Residual redeeming their vouchers to get Waterguard
Chlorine within the WHO recommended were still treating their water by filtering and
standard of 0.5mg/l. Discussions with the boiling. However, a few households were
community members depict that most resisting Waterguard as they believed that
households now view water treatment as a they might get sick when they switch back to
practice that should not only be done during
untreated water come project end. Continual
emergency but consistently.
education through the Village Health Workers
The evaluation also noted that households however targeted demystifying such beliefs.
By Lovemore Dhoba, National before one starts feeling sick. Common signs
Coordination Unit (WASH) and symptoms of typhoid include very high
fever (30-40°c), sweating, generalised body
Harare, a Metropolitan City known for its pains, abdominal pains, rash (rose spots),
“Sun shine status” is slowly turning into a general body weakness, constipation and
hive of archaic water and sanitation related diarrhoea. When one suspects typhoid attack,
epidemics chief amongst them being cholera it is always recommended that immediate
and typhoid. The last devastating national action be taken to seek help from the nearest
cholera outbreak of August 2008 recording health facility.
a total of 98 592 cases with more than 4
Though there has been a number of typhoid
200 deaths had its index case in Budiriro,
fever episodes reported from all the corners
Harare. Since then, Harare has managed to
of the country dating back to 2010, Mbare,
tighten up its screws to avert another cholera
one of the oldest residential suburbs of Harare
outbreak of this magnitude. However, cholera
has always been a dear of the pandemic. Out
robots are still flagging amber for Harare
of all cases recorded in the country, City of
as evidenced by regular threats through
Harare and specifically Mbare has accounted
sporadic typhoid outbreaks in and around
for more than half of the reported cases. In
town. Typhoid fever is a type of enteric fever
2016 alone, a total of 2 225 suspected cases
along with paratyphoid fever. The cause is
were reported, 35 of which were confirmed
bacterium Salmonella typhi, also known as
positive with eight deaths. The 2016 outbreak
Salmonella enterica. Typhoid is spread by
sneaked into 2017 and was only declared
eating or drinking food or water contaminated
over in July of 2017 until September the 17th
with faeces of an infected person and is thus
when an index case of confirmed typhoid
characterised as a WASH related disease.
fever was reported from Matapi Flats Mbare
One can get typhoid through eating heralding arrival of yet another outbreak.
contaminated food or drinking contaminated
This time around, the epidemic has started
water. Flies also contribute to the spread
showing its ugly face to the Health sector
of typhoid. After one gets infected with the
well before the onset of the rainy season; a
bacteria, it can take between 7-21 days
situation likely to aggravate as we get full
throttle into the wet season around February/March 2018. Harare City Health Department
has therefore since September 2017 been grappling with this typhoid fever outbreak. A total
of 2 332 suspected and 154 confirmed cases have been reported since then until the 13th of
January 2018 as per the typhoid fever epicurve below:
By Arnold Cole and Steven Mudhuviwa, Secretary. Chenesai Health Club was
UNICEF established in 2015, and has since graduated
to include income generating activities as
Mvurwi Town is located 101km north of well as Income Saving and Lending (ISAL)
the Capital City Harare. It is one of the activities.
towns being supported under the UNICEF/
With the introduction of the U-reporting
Government of Zimbabwe implemented
System in Mvurwi Town, Mrs. Shupikai
Small Towns WASH Program (STWP) funded
Banda narrates how she was selected to
by the Australian Government. U-Report
be a U-reporter for her ward and club, “As
is a real time SMS platform where the
secretary for the health club, I was always
instantaneous communication between the tasked with following-up with my club
reporter and the operator on the ground peers on the agreed tasks and actions from
allows for prompt attendance to all faults and meetings. Often as I visit households on
reported problems with a real time feedback such duties, fellow peers and club members
to the respective U-Reporter. This system is would indicate the slow response by the
being piloted under the STWP and Mvurwi is Local Authority in their service requests for
amongst the first five towns selected to run collection of solid waste, and other issues.
this pilot. I would liaise with the Local Authority on
these requests upon their support visits to
Mrs. Shupikai Banda from Chenesai Health
the Health Club or when I visited the town
Club is one of the U-Reporters in Mvurwi
centre. As a result of this engagement, I
Town. Her Health Club which is domiciled in
was selected by my fellow peers as the focal
Ward 1 currently has 35 active members, of
person for U-Reporting in my ward”.
which three are males and 32 are females.
The club has seven committee members, Upon selection of the focal persons, the training
for which Mrs. Shupikai Banda is the Club of U-Reporters was facilitated through a one
and half day training workshop conducted System, we notify the Local Authority of the
by UNICEF, and also included the training location of the heaps of uncollected garbage
of the council staff receiving and providing after the clean-up campaigns, and all the
feedback to the U-Reporters. Each of the solid waste that is cleaned up is timeously
U-Reporters was then issued with a handset collected by the Council refuse collection
and sim card for U-Reporting. The reporters tractor as they will know where to collect it
were also introduced to the communities prior to deployment”
through their health clubs, indicating the
Aside from the above advantages, Mrs.
purpose of the U-Reporting system and the
Shupikai Banda states that the other
expected role of the U-Reporters.
advantages of the system are that,
The budget allocation on water presents • The policy orientation thrust on water
serious challenges on the obligation to should make use of the “portfolio” of
fulfil the human right to water in respect natural water infrastructure to achieve
of Section 301(3). This presents challenges better outcomes for the multiple goals of
on spending within budget votes because of poverty reduction, energy, biodiversity
likely water borne and water related archaic conservation and climate resilience.