Manufacturing of Parle G Biscuit

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The document discusses the manufacturing process of Parle-G biscuits in India.

The document is a seminar report submitted by a student on the topic of manufacturing of Parle-G biscuits.

Some key details mentioned about Parle-G biscuits include that it is one of the most popular biscuits in India, it faces issues due to rising raw material costs, and it is known for providing value for money.



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the award of the
Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering

Submitted by Under the supervision of


Department of Mechanical Engineering



This is to certify that Mr. SOHAN LAL a student of B-Tech. (Mechanical

Engineering) 8th semester has submitted His/her Seminar entitled “Manufacturing
Of Parle-G Biscuit” under my guidance.

Signature of Guide
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering


I am thankful to B D GIDWANI, Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical

Engineering, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota who has the attitude and substance of a
genius and a true guide. Having the fine opportunity to work under him and getting his support at
all stages is truly a reward in itself. I am genuinely indebted for the kind of values he bestowed
upon me, providing his esteemed guidance and being an epitome of encouragement throughout
the journey. Without his valuable conviction and assistance towards me and my work, this piece
of work would not have achieved its true potency. I am overwhelmed to express my gratitude
towards him for guiding and being benignly present through all odd and even.


Brand and biscuits constitute the largest segment of consumer food in India. Both biscuits and
Bread are items of mass consumption in our Nation. Right around 2 million tons of biscuits are
created in India every year and consumption is growing at 10-12 percent yearly. Parle-G or Parle
Glucose biscuits are one of the most well known confectionary biscuits in India. For decades, the
product was quickly recognized by its famous white and yellow wax paper wrapper with the
portrayal of a young girl covering the front. Moreover the accessibility of the product in India
and its Exports has additionally been referenced. Parle-G is a set up organization globally, but it
right now faces a huge issue. This is caused because of the expansion in price of crude materials,
resulting in falling overall revenues. It is a market head for the established product Parle-G. It is
likewise has the largest circulation arrange. All things considered, Parle-G has no firm brand
dedication. It is an exceptionally value touchy market owing to the Value for
Money(VFM),Parle-G has been strongly connected with offering the Value for Money, a
marketplace recognition that had stayed unfaltering for over 60 years. The market share is
highest with Parle-G due to the Value for Money it grants to its consumer. In light of the SWOT
analysis, which has been done in details, we can derive the issues and constraints affecting the
product and its Target base.

Table of Figure
FIGURE 1 YEARWISE PRODUCTION OF BISCUITS................................................... 14
FIGURE 2 VIEW OF PRODUCTION OF 2000-01...........................................................14
FIGURE 3 BISCUIT INDUSTRIES MAJOR PLAYERS IN INDIA........................................16
FIGURE 4 BISCUIT INDUSTRIES IN INDIA...................................................................17
FIGURE 5 GAS SYSTEM.............................................................................................19
FIGURE 6 POWER SYSTEM.........................................................................................19
FIGURE 7 WATER SYSTEM.........................................................................................19
FIGURE 8 PRODUCTS OF THE PARLE-G......................................................................21
FIGURE 9 ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT.........................................................22
FIGURE 10 PARLE-G..................................................................................................27
FIGURE 11 MONACO.................................................................................................27
FIGURE 12 CHOCO....................................................................................................27
FIGURE 13 MAGIXCASHEW.......................................................................................27
FIGURE 14 PARLE-G MILK SHAKTI............................................................................28
FIGURE 15 KRACKJACK BISCUIT...............................................................................28
FIGURE 16 MARIE CHOICE BISCUIT...........................................................................28
FIGURE 17 HIDE & SEEK BISCUIT.............................................................................28
FIGURE 18 PARTICULAR INGREDIENTS & THEIR AMOUNTS......................................30
FIGURE 19 VIEW OF IMPORT & EXPORT IN WHOLE WORLD......................................34
FIGURE 20 PERSONAL MANAGEMENT.......................................................................35

A. CERTIFICATE…………………………………………………......................3
B. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………...………4
C. ABSTRACT……………………….……………………………………………5
D. TABLE OF FIGURE…………………………………………………..………6
E. TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………7
chapter 1.

MACRO INFORMATION...........................................................................................9
2. GENERAL HISTORY ............................................................................10
3. BISCUIT INDUSTRIES IN INDIA ...............................................................11
I. micro information............................................................................................................13
1. biscuit production..................................................................................................13
2. history of parle......................................................................................................17
3. advantage of the spot………………………………………………………...…17

CHAPTER 2 . STRATEGIC GOAL OF THE COMPANY.............................18

2.1 GOAL....................................................................................................18
2.2 MISSION........................................................................................................18

CHAPTER 3. UTILITIES......................................................................................19
3.1 GAS..............................................................................................................19
3.2 POWER.........................................................................................................19

CHAPTER 4. PRODUCTS OF THE PARLE..............................................................20

4.1 AWARDS.......................................................................................................21
4.2 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT.................................................................21
4.3 SWOT ANALYSIS.............................................................................................23

CHAPTER 5. PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT.....................................................24
5.1 CHART OF PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT.................................................24
5.2 INTRODUCTION OF RAW MATERIAL..................................................................24
5.3 PROCESS OF PRODUCTION...............................................................................25
5.4 AVALABILITY OF RAW MATERIAL....................................................................25
5.5 THE QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................26
5.6 PRODUCT MIX................................................................................................26

Chapter 6. Production capacity…………………………………………...28

i. 6.1 Advertisement………………………………………...………..…30
ii. 6.2 Public relation………………………………….…………………31
iii. 6.3 Distribution strategy……………………………………….……..32
iv. 6.4 Personal selling……..…………………………………..…………33
v. 6.5 Public relation tool………………………………………..………33
vi. 6.6 Import and export market…………………………….…………34

Chapter 7. Personal management…...………………………………….…35

 7.1 Traning of new workers……………………………..…………………………..35
 7.2 Number of employes………….………………………………………………….36
 7.3 Sources of recruitment……………….……………………………………….…36
 7.4 Workers benefit's and services……..………………………………………..…..36



Chapter 1


Etymology history: The cutting edge disarray in the English language around the word
biscuit is made by its etymology.

The Middle French word biscuit is gotten from the Latin words bis (twice) and coquere (to
cook), and, hence, signifies "twice-cooked." This is on the grounds that biscuits were initially
cooked in a twofold procedure: first baked, and afterward dried out in a moderate stove. Hence:

Biscotti in Medieval Italian

Biscuit in Modern French Zwieback in German

Beschuit in Dutch

Bizcocho in Spanish

This term was then adjusted into English in the fourteenth century during the middle Ages, in
the Middle English word bisquite, to speak to a hard twice-baked item.

Be that as it may, the Dutch language from around 1703 had embraced the word koekje, a
language minute of cake, to have a comparative importance for a comparable hard, baked item.
This might be connected [citation needed] to the Russian or Ukrainian interpretation, where
biscuit has come to mean wipe cake. The contrast between the auxiliary Dutch word and that of
the Latin starting point is that, though the koekje as a cake rose during preparing, the biscuit,
which had no rising specialist, by and large didn't (see gingerbread/ginger biscuit), aside from
the development of warmed air during the heating procedure.

At the point when people groups from Europe started to emigrate to the United States, the two
word and their "same yet extraordinary" implications started to conflict. After the American War
of Independence against the British, the word treat turned into the expression of decision to mean
a hard, twice-heated item. Further disarray has been included by the appropriation of the word

biscuit for a small raise bread mainstream in Southern American cooking. As per Culinary
Historians, The main notable record of biscuits was the one where a small piece of the cake
batter was prepare to check the temperature of the stove. The most seasoned treat plans are
thought to go back to the seventh century Persia (now Iran), one of the principal nations to
develop sugar.

As per students of history, Sugar begins either in the marshes of Bengal or somewhere else in
Southeast Asia. Sugar spread to Persia and afterward to the Spain. At that point the cooking
strategies and elements of Arabia spread into Northern Europe. As individuals began to
investigate the globe via ocean biscuits turned into the perfect voyaging food since they
remained new for extensive stretches.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds of years in Europe, gastronomy was a
deliberately controlled calling, overseen through a progression of Guilds or Professional
Associations. As innovation improved during the modern unrest in the nineteenth century, so did
the capacity of cooks to make a wide scope of desserts and delectable biscuits for business

The historical backdrop of biscuits can be pursued back to a formula arranged by the Roman
culinary expert Apicius, in which he utilized a thick glue of fine wheat flour that was bubbled
and dispersed out on a plate. At the point when it got dense and solidified it had cut into the
pieces and afterward heated until fresh, at that point provided food with pepper and nectar. The
word 'Biscuit' came out from the Latin words 'Bis' which signifies 'twice' and 'Coctus' which
implies something cooked or heated. Prior, biscuits were unleavened, hard and meager wafers
that, because of their low water content, were flawless food things to

2. General history: As people started to investigate the world, biscuits developed as the
perfect food things for going as they stayed new for longer term. The maritime age,
subsequently, saw the development of biscuits when these were pressed in water/air proof
holders to keep going for even a period. The hard track biscuits (beginning variant of the biscuits
and the present wafers) were a piece of the essential eating routine of English and American
mariners for number of hundreds of years. Truth be told, the nations that drove this maritime

charge, similar to those in Western Europe, are the place biscuits are very standard even now.
The Italian variation of Biscuit which was standard as Biscotti that suggests treats in Italian is
said to have been a tendency of Christopher Columbus who discovered America. Gathering
stunning biscuits is a craftsmanship, and history bucks presentation to that. Amidst the
seventeenth and eighteenth several years in Europe, getting ready was a carefully controlled
calling, regulated by a solicitation for 'affiliations' or master organizations. To get the hang of
getting ready, one expected to complete various extensive stretches of apprenticeship, working
by the places of devotee, understudy, and finally an expert cook. Moreover, the quality and
number of biscuits arranged were similarly painstakingly checked.

3. Biscuits industry in India: India Biscuits Industry is the biggest among all the food
ventures and has a turnover of around Rs.3000Crores. India is known to be the second biggest
maker of biscuits, the first being USA.

▪Biscuit industry in India in the composed sector creates around 60% of the total production, the
equalization 40% being contributed by the sloppy bread kitchens. The industry comprises of two
enormous scope producers, around 50 medium scale brands and small scope units running up to
2500 units in the nation, as at 2000-01. The disorderly sector is evaluated to have around 30,000
small and modest bread kitchens the nation over.

▪It is grouped under two sectors: composed and chaotic. Bread and biscuits are the significant
piece of the bakery industry and covers around 80 percent of the total bakery items in India.
Biscuits remains at a higher worth and production level than bread. This has a place with the
disorderly sector of the bakery Industry and covers over 70% of the total production.

▪The yearly turnover of the composed sector of the biscuit makers (as at 2001-02) is Rs.

▪The yearly production of biscuit in the composed sector, keeps on being prevalently in the small
and medium deal sector when de-reservation. The yearly production was around 7.4Lakh tons in
1997-98 In the following five years, biscuit production saw a yearly development of 10% to
12%, up to 1999-00.

▪Biscuit industry which was till then saved in the SSI Sector, was open in 1997-98, as per the
Govt. Policy, in light of the proposals of the Abid Husain Committee.

▪The yearly Growth indicated a decrease of 3.5% in 2000-01, chiefly because of 100% climb in
Central Excise Obligation (from 9% to 16%). Production in the year (2001-02) expanded
imperceptibly by 2.75% where in 2002-03 the development is around 3%.

▪The Union Budget for 2003-04 conceded half decrease in the pace of Excise Duty on Biscuit for
example from 16% to 8%. The Federation's gauge for the present year demonstrates a
development of around 8% to 9%.

▪On the other hand, import of biscuits, uncommonly in the significant expense section has begun
from 1998-99, yet be that as it may; the quantum of imports has not so far expanded alarmingly
and has stayed at around 3.75% of the utilization of biscuits in the nation in the year 2001-02. Be
that as it may, ongoing imports from china ventures less expensive verities of biscuit should be
inspected with alerts, particularly with regards to the cost as the low edge based residential
industry, which is working at 60 % of the total introduced capital. Fares of Biscuits from India
have been to the degree of 5.5% of the total production.

Fare is relied upon to become distinctly in the year 2003-04 and past.

▪Biscuit is a cleanly bundled nutritious nibble food accessible at exceptionally serious costs,
volumes and various tastes. As indicated by the NCAER Study, biscuit is dominatingly devoured
by individuals from the lower layers of society, especially youngsters in both country and urban
territories with a normal month to month salary of Rs. 750.00.

▪India Biscuits Industry came into spotlight and began increasing a sound status in the bakery
industry in the later piece of twentieth century when the urbanized society called for readymade
food items at a viable expense. Biscuits were expected as wiped out man's eating routine in prior

▪Now, it has gotten one of the most cherished inexpensive Food Item for each age gathering.
Biscuits are anything but difficult to convey, delicious to eat, cholesterol free and sensible at
cost. States that have the bigger admission of biscuits are Maharashtra, West Bengal, Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh. Maharashtra and West Bengal, the most modernly

created states, hold the greatest measure of utilization of biscuits. Indeed, the country sector
expends around 55 percent of the biscuits in the bakery items.

▪The total production of bakery items has ascended from 5.19 lakh tons in 1975 to 18.95 lakh
tons in 1990. Biscuits add to more than 33 percent of the total production of bakery or more 79
percent of the biscuits are made by the small scope sector of bakery industry including both
processing plant and non-industrial facility units.

▪The production limit of wafer biscuits is 60 MT and the expense is Rs.56, 78,400 with a thought
process intensity of 25 K.W. Indian biscuit industry has involved around 55-60 percent of the
whole bakery production.

1.Biscuit production :As indicated by the production figures of individuals accessible

up to the schedule year 2003, the absolute production was 625000 tons as against 4,75,000 tons
in the earlier year.

The production of biscuit for the year 1993 to 2004 is as under:

Year Production

1993 1,67,750

1994 1,80,526

1995 2,02,567

1996 2,22,371

1997 3,62,000

1998 4,00,000

1999 4,25,000

2000 4,50,000

2001 4,65,000

2002 4,75,000

Figure 1: Year wise production of biscuits

Note: the production of individuals from FBMI comprise of half (approx) of the absolute
production of biscuit in the sorted out division.

▪Biscuit can extensively classify into the accompanying fragments:

(In view of production of 2 000-01)

Figure 2: View of production of 2000-01

▪Few years back large Scale bread kitchen manufactures like Cadbury, nestle, and Brooke
security attempted to exchange the biscuit business yet couldn't hit the market as a result of the
local organizations that delivered only biscuits

▪The Federation of Biscuit Manufacturers of India (FBMI) has affirmed a splendid eventual fate
of India Biscuits Industry. As indicated by FBMI, a consistent development of 15 percent for
each annum in the following 10 years will be accomplished by the biscuit business of India.
Moreover, the fare of biscuits will also outperform the objective and hit the global advertise

▪In acknowledgment of industry's commitments towards the network, being a piece of it, biscuit
producers supply biscuits to the social government assistance offices in all States to support
younger students, senior residents and other penniless segments of the general public.

▪FBMI Members have consistently reacted emphatically to our allure as also by the Government,
to surge truck heaps of biscuits to the individuals influenced by seismic tremors, floods,
starvation and so on. Our industry has also taken an interest in providing biscuits to the
individuals of war attacked Afghanistan and by and by to the Iraqi individuals, under the aegis of
the UN.

▪Other territories of worry to businesses of nourishment products like Biscuits incorporate

variety of nourishment laws and their authorizing organizations in the Central and State
Governments with covering capacities and usage. At the tenacious example of industry
associations including FBMI the Ministry of FPI stepped up to the plate in developing an
Integrated Food Act, fitting the current diverse enactments empowering better consistence. The
Draft Unfiled Food Bill 2002 has been readied and now anticipates endorsement by the Cabinet
and the Parliament, which will satisfy a significant need of the business and clear path for
quickened advancement and development.

▪The significant Brands of biscuits are-


Parle Brakeman

Priya Gold




Anupam and Horlicks.

▪Biscuit industry major players in India:

l0% Parle

Priya Gold

flun Feast

Figure 3: Biscuit industries major players in India

□ Parle is major player in Indian Biscuit Industry with 35 offers.

□ Britania is second significant company with 31 offers.

□ And Priya GoId remain at third no. with 15 offers.

▪Though the reservation Result in a couple of M Cs, for example Sara Lee, epilogs, Smith Line
Beecham, Heinz and so on entering the biscuit business in India

Norther fltates

flouther fltates

n4% Wester fltates

Easter fltates

Figure 4: Biscuit industries in India

2. History of Parle:

➢Narottam Das Chauhan believed that something ought to be made for kids. So, to satisfy his
desire, the primary plant of Parle was built up in Germany in the year 1929. Quite a while back,
Parle's first processing plant set up in Mumbai in 1929 to fabricate toffees.

➢The British controlled India a small processing plant was set up in suburbia of Mumbai city to
produce desserts and toffees. It was 1929 and the market was ruled by acclaimed universal
brands that were imported unreservedly. In spite of the chances and inconsistent rivalry, this
company called Parle Products endure and prevailing by clinging to high caliber and ad libbing
every now and then.

➢A decade later in 1939 Parle Products started manufacturing biscuits notwithstanding desserts
and toffees. Having gained notoriety for quality, The Parle brand name developed in quality with
this broadening Parle glucose and Parle Monaco were the principal brands of biscuits to be
acquainted which later went on with become driving names for incredible taste and quality.

3. Advantage of the spot:

I. There are some raw materials, which are normal and found wherever industrial facility
gets, these kinds of raw material so the factor was situated at this spot.
II. Another significant processing plant is work they of work is copiously accessible at
sensible wages.
III. 3. The offices for transport accessible at this spot. They get modest vehicle
IV. 4. The uncommon preferred position offered by a spot is that administration offer
sponsorship in charges, Power and so forth.
V. 5. AEC gives power to the processing plant. It gives power office at sensible costs.

Chapter 2:

Strategic goal of the company

❖2.1 Goal:

To meet the need as the as the house and grind dietler ways to Offer cose effectives
arrangement. As the fundamental point of the pune products ltd. Is to accomplish its objective by
keeping up showing position in the realm of biscuits products all through the India and they have
picked up shower name just as popularity in the realm of biscuits products.

❖2.2 Mission: The company first strategic conveying products of the highest caliber;
proceeds with advancement and improvement are made with the dynamic help of the
organizations innovative work place.

□To become a main in the biscuit business.

□To work with productivity.

□To offer the item to shopper at sensible cost.

Chapter 3





 3.1 Gas: The Every Day prerequisite of the production isn't adequate by Gujarat
GAS Ltd. The give the gas supply through well look after pipelines.
 3.2 Power: The electricity is procured via Gujarat Electricity
 3.3 Water: The daily water requirement of the production is not by the supply of water
made by the G.I.D.C. to the industrial users.

Figure 5: Gas system Figure 6: Power system

Chapter 4

Products of the Parle

Figure 8: Products of the Parle-G

4.1 Awards: Parle-G has been awarded at the monde selection international institute for
quality selection 2003

1. Smoothies: Grand Gold Medal

2. Monaco (Biscuits): Grand Gold Medal
3. Marie-Choice (Biscuits): Gold Medal
4. Parle-G Magic (Biscuits): Gold Medal
5. Fhn-Center (Biscuits): Gold Medal
6. Chocolate (Biscuits): Gold Medal

4.2Organization and management:

Association structure


Managing Director

General Manager

Asst. General Manager

Marketing department

Kenior Manager

Kales Manager Production Manager Marketing Manager

Kales executive Executive Marketing Executive

PilotKalesman Officers



Managing Director

Super Visor


Here, there is an organizational chart is described which gives the information about the

Clench hand one is the director who is leaders of the Lao More Biscuits and handles all over
office then after the managing director who likewise has a similar activity as the directors master
that the property. The chief who take the different offices under which Super Visor and who are
supervising the exercises done by the laborers in the Lao More Biscuit Pvt. Ltd.

4.3 Swot analysis:

➢ Strength: The greatest quality of Parle Products is that they are India's biggest maker of
biscuits and candy stores, for the very nearly 80 years. Creators of the world's biggest selling
scone, Parle-G, a large group of other mainstream marks, the Parle name symbolizes quality,
nourishment and extraordinary taste. With a compass crossing even the remotest towns of India,
the company has unquestionably come far since its beginning.

➢ Weakness: As such Parle company isn't having any shortcoming. Parle Company very
understands how to treat their client in a generally excellent way.

➢Opportunity :To mindful individuals about superior products and give them subjective
products as we realize that Parle-G and other confectionary products are focused to urban zones
just thus, they can get the new clients I the recently evolved regions in the provincial part with
created of Indian economy

➢Threats: Local exchange squares understanding can change parameters and exchange
competitive. Increase in protectionism approaches through non-tax barriers.

Chapter 5

Production management

5.1 Chart of production management

Production Department

Production Manager

Deputy Manager




5.2 Introduction of raw material:

Production is the transformation of raw material in to completed products and is likewise spoken
of as assembling great. The plant is sorted out and worked principally with object of creating
merchandise. The company has wide scope of products. There are things which are accessible in

•Basic raw-material:






5.3 Process of production: The raw-material required by Parle Products is as under.

1. Raw material testing: After requires the raw material all the materials are trying in the deb.

2. Mixing: After testing the raw material all the raw material are blending by machine process.

3. Molding: When the process of blending after this item forming in the kick the bucket for

4. Baking: When the process of embellishment after this biscuits own in the burner machine.
The machine is 155 feet in length with 6 burners.

5. Cooling: When the process of preparing is over after this biscuits give in cooling zone this
biscuits cooling in 3 min 4 sec.

6. Packing: When the products process are finish that they were orchestrate the item and the all
item are pressing in the crates.

5.4 Availability of raw materials

•Parle Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. Production is the transformation of raw-material in to completed

products and is additionally spoken of assembling great. The organization gets raw materials
from Gujarat and some other state organization is checking of the each raw materials.

•Basic raw material:

□ Wheat: develop wheat for proteins that will support you

□ Vanaspati and Sugar: For vitality.

□ Salt, vitamins and minerals: For advancement utilized.

□ Milk: For calcium to construct wellbeing bones.

•Every raw materials use for Parle Biscuit Product. There is most significant material making

5.5 The quality control

•Parle Products has one manufacturing plant at Mumbai. That produces biscuits and sweet shops
while another production line at Bahadhirgarh in Haryana fabricates biscuits. A section structure
this Parle has manufacturing office at Neemrana in Rajasthan and at Bangalore in Karnataka.
The industrial facilities at Bahadugarh and Neemrana are the biggest such manufacturing units
for biscuits and 5 manufacturing units for candy parlors on contract.

•Manager needs to keep at all production procedure control. All Parle Products are make under
the most sterile conditions. Mesh care is practiced in determination and quality control of raw
materials pressing materials, unbending characteristics norms are guaranteed at each stage of the
manufacturing procedure. Each group of biscuits and candy parlors are altogether checked by
master staff utilizing most current hardware.

V.6 Product mix


Parle-G: Wheat Flour, Sugar, Edible Vegetable Oils, Invert Syrup, Skimmed Milk Powder,
Salt, Leavening Agents, Permitted Emulsifier, Flavors and Dough Conditioners.

Figure 10: Parle-G

Monaco: Wheat Flour, Edible Vegetable Oils, Sugar, Salt, Invert Syrup, Leavening Agents,
Lactic Acid, Permitted Emulsifier, Flavors and Dough Conditioners.

Figure11: Monaco

Choco: Wheat flour, Sugar, Edible vegetable oils, Cocoa Solids, Milk products, Invert syrup,
Salt, Leavening agents, Permitted emulsifier, Calcium and Iron salts, Vitamins and Dough
conditioner. Contains Permitted Natural Color and Added Flavors. Best before a half year from

Figure12: Chocó

Magixcashew: Wheat flour, Sugar, Edible vegetable oils, Cashew Bits, Milk products, Invert
syrup, Salt, Leavening agents, Permitted emulsifier, Calcium and Iron salts, Vitamins and Dough
conditioner. Contains Added Flavor. Best before a half year from bundling.

Figure 13: Magixcashew

Parle-g milk shakti: wheat flour, Sugar, Edible vegetable oils, Invert syrup, Milk products, Salt,
Honey, Leavening agents, Permitted Emulsifier, Calcium and Iron salts, Dough conditioners and
Vitamins. Contains included flavors.

Figure 14: Parle-G Milk Shakti

Krackjack: Wheat Flour, Sugar, Edible Vegetable Oils, Invert Syrup, Skimmed Milk
Powder, Salt, Leavening Agents, Lactic Acid, Permitted Emulsifier, Flavors and Dough

Figure 15: Krackjack Biscuit

Marie choice biscuit: Wheat flour, Sugar, Edible vegetable Oils, Invert syrup, Leavening
agents, Milk products, Salt, Permitted emulsifier and Dough conditioners. Contains permitted
characteristic shading and included flavors. Best Before a half year from bundling.

Figure 16: Marie choice biscuit

Hide & seek: Wheat Flour, Sugar, Edible Vegetable Oils, Invert Syrup, Skimmed Milk
Powder, Salt, Leavening Agents, Lactic Acid, Permitted Emulsifier, Flavors and Dough

Chapter 6

Production capacity

Parle Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. India's most noteworthy production limit 1,00,000 ton for each annum.
The organization's absolute turn over every year is 120 corers ton for each year. Every day the
organization turns more than 36 tone corers. The organization's complete turn over every month
is 9.50-corer turn. Parle is a huge selling Biscuits. At that point organization's all out production
every day of Biscuits 58 to 59 lake. Everyday 3.5 to 4 lakh packets are prepared.

Particular Amount per 100g Daily Value in %

Total Calorie 450cal 22.5%

Calories from fat 126cal 21.0%

Total fact 140g 21.0%

Saturated fat 6.4g 9.0%

Poly unsaturated fat 0.8g 1.2%

Mono unsaturated fat 6.8g 10.2%

Cholesterol 00. Mg 0.0%

Total carbohydrate 75.2g 25.1%

Sugars 26.0g 8.7%

Dietary fiber 2.4g 6.0%

Protein 6.5g 13.0%

Sodium 270. mg 11. %

Figure 18: particular ingredients and their amounts

Parle Products has one industrial facility at Mumbai. That makes biscuits and candy stores while
another production line at Bahadhirgarh in harridan makes biscuits. A section structure this Parle
has manufacturing office at Neemrana in Rajasthan and at Bangalore in Karnataka. The
industrial facilities at Bahadugarh and Neemrana are the biggest such manufacturing units for
biscuits and 5 manufacturing units for sweet shops on contract.

Every one of these manufacturing plants are situated at key areas, in order to guarantee a steady
yield and simple conveyance. Every manufacturing plant has best in class hardware with
programmed printing and bundling offices.

Director needs to keep at all production procedure control. All Parle Products are making under
the most sterile conditions. Mesh care is practiced in determination and quality control of raw
materials pressing materials, unbending characteristics measures are guaranteed at each phase of
the manufacturing procedure. Each cluster of biscuits and candy parlors are completely checked
by the master staff utilizing most present day gear.

6.1 Advertisement: Advertising can be characterized as the "non individual introduction and
advancement of thought, great or administrations by a recognized support". It is an unoriginal
introduction where a norm or basic message with respect to the benefits, cost and accessibility of
product or administration is given by the maker. The ad constructs pull impact as advertising
attempts to pull the product by legitimately speaking to client to get it.

Advertising is the significant of Marketing advertising is the way toward conveying influence
data about a product to target showcase by methods for the composed and verbally expressed
word, and by visual materials.

Without advertising is beyond the realm of imagination of the promoting. There are numerous
sorts of advertising likes as financial aspects times, site news, TV news, radio and pennant, and
so forth. Maintaining a business without advertising is much the same as taking a gander at a
young lady in obscurity you realize what you are looking yet she doesn't have a clue.

❖ Television: In various channels like zee television, Sony, star in addition to and
neighborhood station and so forth all the station advertising them.

❖Radio: Advertising likewise in various radio channel like my F.M., Mirchi, city, and so on

❖Trade promotion: The special procedures or instrument offered to go betweens or

circulation channel, for example, wholesalers, retailers and so forth are known as exchange
advancement. The reason for exchange advancement is to promote the product quick through
channel. The delegates, for example, wholesalers and retailer control the clients to choose the
product so limited time motivating forces are offered with the goal that they seek after the client
to choose our.

❖Direct marketing: Direct promoting is the utilization of buyer direct channels to reach and
convey merchandise and enterprises to clients without utilizing showcasing mediators. Direct
advertisers can utilize various stations to arrive at singular possibilities and client: standard mail,
index promoting, telemarketing, intuitive TV, booths, sites and cell phone. They regularly look
for a quantifiable reaction, normally a client request, through direct-request advertising.

❖Publicity: Exposure is a non-paid type of generic correspondence. It is much the same as

commercial with the exception of that ad is a paid structure while exposure in non-paid structure
for instance, a few occasions is shrouded in news and innovation of any product is talked about
in news liberated from cost.

5.6 Public relation:

•Public relation means building good relations with the company's various publics by
obtaining favorable, publicity, building up a good "corporate image" and taking care of
off unfavorable, stories, and events.

•Public relations and another mass advancement instrument, which undertakes building good
relations with the company's various public by obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good
"corporate image", and giving or taking care of off unfavorable rumors, stories and events.

Public relationship division may play out any or the entirety of the accompanying

✓ Press relations and press office making and setting news worth data in the news media to
stand out a person, item or service.

✓ Product publicity-publicizing specific products.

✓Public affairs-building and keeping up national or nearby network relations.

✓Lobbying building and keeping up relations with legislators and government officials to
impact legislations and regulations.

•Investor relations keeping up relationships with shareholders and others in the budgetary

•Development public relations with contributor or members of non-benefit organizations to

increase money related or willful support.

•The public relations division may contemplate the accompanying public relation decisions:

1. Setting public relations objectives.

2. Choosing public relations message and vehicle.

3. Implementing the public relations plan.

•Evaluating public relations results.

6.3 Distribution strategy

The Parle Biscuits is world number One selling. This Biscuits is sweet and solid. The company
named such a significant number of distributors in outside countries like USA, Sri Lanka, Dubai,
South Africa, and Australia and so forth. Most the company's products are sent out to remote
buyers either legitimately in case of large orders of through distributors.

Distribution channels are in company to retailers. Company to distributors, distributor to

organization give office to shopkeeper and furthermore give shopkeeper to customers. The
stockiest will be given to retailer.

6.4 Personal selling

Personal selling is the interpersonal arm of the creation blend. Advertising consists of one way,
non-personal correspondence with target consumer groups.

In contrast personal selling involves two ways, persona; correspondence among salespeople and
singular customer-whether eye to eye, by phone, through videoconferences or by other name.

Personal selling can be increasingly powerful at that point advertising in progressively complex
selling situations. Sales individuals can test customers to get familiar with their problems; they
can adjust the showcasing offers to fit the special needs of every customer and can arrange terms
of sales. They can construct long haul personal relationships with key decision makers.

6.5 Public relation tools

Public relations professionals use several tools and one of the significant tools is news. They
discover or make favorable news about the company's audits, products or peoples. Sometimes
news stories happen normally and sometimes the public relations persons can suggest events or
activities that would make news.

"SPEECHES" can also make and extraordinarily increase item and company publicity. Company
executives must answer questions structure the media or give talks at exchange associations or
sales meeting and these events can either assemble or hurt the company's image.

Another regular public relations tool is "SPECIAL EVENTS", going from news, meeting, press
tours, amazing openings and fireworks displays to laser show, sight-seeing balloon releases,
interactive media presentations and star-studded spectacular shows, or instructive programs
designed to reach and interest the objective public.

6.6 Import and export market

Figure 19: View of import & export in whole world

Parle is country advertise as well as universal market of starch. It has an enormous field of
advertising the global business also improves the money related conditions of the nation.

The Parle products is sold in India as well as in different countries USA, Australia, Dubai, Sri
Lanka, Even the more sophisticated markets like USA And Australia, presently relish Parle
Products. Parle Biscuits and confectionaries are fast picking up acknowledgment in worldwide
market. Numerous Parle products have also won gold, silver and bronze medals at the monde
selection Parle has started the process of getting ISO 9000 confirmation now using increasingly

current procedure for limit expansion. We have started spreading our wings and are going

Chapter 7

Personal management

The general responsibility of assembling are interested to VP who is supported by various

utilitarian wellbeing spilling after oral solids, quality control creation arranging and control and
utilities. Personal division is the fundamental piece of the every single company without the
person company can sit idle and can't acquire benefit.

Figure 20: Personal management

7.1 Training of new workers

With the end goal of basic training, the mass desperation is given before the assignment of the
activity. The key personnel are sponsored for training schedule by outside institution. Agencies
to prepare necessary follow up are taken structure. The training so as given the benefits to other
powerful working in the same plant. When there is new employees gone to the company, so
employees give three days compulsory training. At that point personal concerned are held under
the constant supervision and direction subject to assessment from time. They have full office
training room at Naroda and they give class room training and furthermore handy training to

7.2 Number of employees

As the company employees are the principle part of the company of what number of number of
they are in the processing plant is significant Parle-G complete employees are 120 which
permanents. The company provides them good atmosphere and salary.

The company has good relationship with his employees. It provides them insurance also
company tries to give them basic office. Each worker gets uniform from the company. Plan to
increase representative's salary. 120 individuals working in that division most of them are
classifies in three unique groups, supervisors, engineers, workers.

7.3 Sources of recruitment

Parle Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. Part of Ahmadabad is situated in Naroda G.I.D.C. is an industrial region
and close to the Ahmadabad city. So the employees or engineers required are easily accessible.
To enroll new employees they give advertisement in Parle related newspapers lastly they get best
employees to work each individual from employees comes to the Ahmadabad city territory.

Parle staff members and workers are give clean aprons caps, uniforms and foot wears. The
company gives good salary to their employees and keeps up good relation with them; separate
developing rooms are giving before section in to the plants

7.4 Worker's benefits and services

□A qualified person is selected to visit the processing plant day by day. Each unique and
circuitous representative is subjected to techniques. The clinical report shall cover various
aspects viz, vision, circulatory strain, physical fitness and so on.

□The personnel is the place respect the clinical exception reports not discovered satisfactory i.e.
The physical fitness of the personnel is not according to the necessary standard are to be two part
harmony with by influencing necessary trades or otherwise as esteemed fit in to the setting at the

□The company provides them good atmosphere and salary. Each worker gets uniform structure
the company. Plan to An increase representative's salary.

□By doing an extensive research over all the aspects I reach the conclusion that subject to the
referenced conditions and circumstances the venture is unquestionably monetarily and socially


It is the largest industry having 8-12 % contribution in total GDP of the Nation. From the
research we can conclude that Parle is the largest selling biscuits brand in India. Because of its
sound fixings and great distribution channel it is the leading biscuits brands in India from the
date of foundation because of its branded roll of Parle Glucose which is the leading and most
selling brand of the Parle and furthermore because of which the Parle had the option to be the
most overwhelming and leading biscuits produces in India. The taste and kind of the glucose

biscuits of that time and at present time is same as it is said by the company and the different
partners of the company.

The three significant properties which impact the situation of the biscuits in the market were
Quality, Price and Distribution of the biscuits. The company has likewise been in gradually
redesigning of their innovation and the showcasing techniques according to the changing needs
of the clients. The biscuits brand delivered by the company is devoured by all the age bunch

The significant impacts by Parle-G are:-

 Largest selling roll brand

 Healthy fixings
 Consumed by all age gatherings
 Good distribution channel
 Excellent showcasing procedure

Parle Agro is a leading Indian Food and Beverage Company, the main Indian transnational
goliath with the past experience of having effectively propelled leading soda pop like Frooti,
Appy and Bailey. Today its brand portfolio comprises of NO.1 brands like Frooti alongside
Appy, Fizz and Bailey.


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