Finding The Perfect Roommate
Finding The Perfect Roommate
Finding The Perfect Roommate
Fill out this roommate questionnaire in order to start the conversation on what is
most important to you in your living situation.
Do you smoke? ⎕ Yes ⎕ No ⎕ Sometimes
On a scale of 1 - 5 (1 being messy and 5 being neat) how would you rate yourself?
1 2 3 4 5
Relationship Status
⎕ Single
⎕ Have a significant other, but do not plan to live with them
⎕ Have a significant other and plan to live with them
⎕ Other ____________________________________
I hope to live with
⎕ One roommate ⎕ Multiple roommates ⎕ I am open to any number of roommates
⎕ I do not have any/want any pets
⎕ I have a pet (Type of Pet: ______________________)
⎕ I would like to have a pet (Type of Pet: ______________________)
What are some potential roommate guidelines you would want to have in place with your
new roommate(s)?
We recommend that you reflect on the varying personalities, lifestyles, and values that
you look for and/or do not look for in a roommate.