Woq (Ways) : 2. Joanna (Benefit) 3. Ying (Difillculties) Question From Ying To Wok

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Introduction .

1. Woq ( ways )
2. Joanna ( benefit )
3. Ying ( difillculties )


Woqxs idea difllculties

So many things make learning English difficult and confusing. Its

grammar structure, its spelling, meanings and rules that contradict
existing rules are difficult to master. ... Learning English is definitely
challenging but the fact is several languages are more difficult to
learn than English . Flick through a thesaurus and you’ll see countless
groups of words that supposedly mean the same thing. You’d think that
this would mean that they were interchangeable – but you’d be wrong.
Even words whose definitions are seemingly in the same ballpark differ
subtly – or apply to something completely different, because English
words can have multiple meanings. You can’t always swap words with
the same meaning, and this means that it’s easy to end up using a word
in completely the wrong way. For me , of course language barrier la.
bukan mother tounge kita. we tend to speak mix
One of the difficulties that might stop students from mastering english is,
thinking that education at school is enough. Learning english need
practices, drills and excercises. In other word need efforts, a lot of
efforts, energy and time. Great thing takes time. So, we as a student that
wanted to master english, need to work hard. Keep doing exercises,
practice how to write good essays, speak frequently to enhance our
communication skill and don't give up. Don't think that what we learn in
school is enough already. It is not. You need to find other source of
learning besides being teached. You need to learn by yourself. Revise
what you learn. Find extra exercises. Challenge yourself to speak up.
Improvement lead to success!
Joanna interrupt
Question from ying to woqxs

Woqxs ways idea

For me , one of effective way yang help us to learn english is reading.

sounds cliche but it works, a lot. better than watch movies or hearing
english songs. it doesnt really need to read dictionary, text books all the
time. read anything, even a piece of advertisement also a good one .
and reading should be systematic. allocate like at least an hour a day for
you to read. if you did this countinuosly, you will find the differences.
besides improving your english, eventually it can enhance your
knowledge, also can change how you think, how you see things in
different perspective, the way you accept things also became different.
and the thing improve your SPEAKING, you need to think in english.
donnot translate malay to english. you need to think in english, speak in
Imagine dream in english, power beb!
and ni what i usually do la, i do berdoa in english. fun weh, serious. try it
dan the most important thing kena ada willingness and interest to learn
english. sama je mcm mana pun, kalau nak gi mintak kerja pun, kau
kena tunjuk yg kau minat kerja tu baru orang nak hire kau kan? macam
kau nak jadi cikgu, mesti kau kena ada minat utk mengajar baru budak
budak seronok belajar. faham tak?
It's just passion that determines whether to improve or not. Cause, if you
dont have passion to learn or do something then how are you suppose
to react?
Personally, I played a hell lot of game during my childhood, some said
it's not the sole reason why u have a bit of a chance in English, but
SERIOUSLY, u should start to do something that you like, but in English,
what Khalis said never gone wrong, but there's one idioms said that "All
roads lead to Rome" means there's a lot of ways to achieve our goals, it
depends on our strengths and spirit. You love football, started to listen
more on the commentary! Try to talk like one. Basically, wht I'm trying to
prove here is, you don't need to do exact things to get learn English
effectively. It's on how u see English itself. Speak! That's the upmost
important, but the most crucial one, never be ashamed to learn, yet to
fail sometimes in English. That's is the process.

Woqxs give question to Joanna

How do you learn English , what are the best way for you ?

Ying interrupt

Me add on

I don’t mean to be rude but may I interrupt quickly

Woqxs question to joannna about benefit

Joanna idea
Joanna ask ying
Woqxs interrupt
At first, i learn english because of tu our education that said it is
compulsory for us to learn it, and nothing more. But, as i grow
older, i finally realise the importance of learning english. It can
help us, as a student, as a teacher, as a doctor, as a
businesswoman or any other occupations, to learn, to
communicate, to understand better. Besides, isn't it amazing
knowing other languanges an able to speak and use it
whenever we need it, especially when we went for any trip to
other part of the world that doesnt use malay. Other than that,
learning english can increase our knowledge. We as a muslim,
as a khalifah is this world, need to seek knowledge in order for
us to use and share the knowledge we get to others. We can
contribute to the society, to the ummah in so many ways if we
have knowledge.

Summarize from all of discussion

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