Gjes MS Id 000626
Gjes MS Id 000626
Gjes MS Id 000626
Global Journal of
Engineering Sciences
*Corresponding author: Ibhadode Oisehoemomen, Department of Mechanical Received Date: June 19, 2020
Engineering, Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun, Delta State,
Nigeria. Published Date: July 06, 2020
This work is focused on the design and production of a yam pounding machine. This machine consists of a shaft, electric motor, stainless steel
pot, yam beater or blade, pulley and the frame. Mild steel material and stainless-steel sheet were used in the design on its availability, strength,
appearance, and cost and corrosion resistance. A power requirement of 1hp was needed to drive the machine. However, an improvement was
made on the size, making it more portable than the existing ones and the use of dampers to minimize vibration with better reliability and working
efficiency. The machine was designed, constructed, assembled and tested according to specification. The performance of the machine was evaluated
to its highest level of efficiency of 96% and demonstrated by pounding 3kg of cooked yam. The designed machine is far better than the traditional
method of pounding yam. It pounds within a short period and little or no human effort is required for the pounding process.
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License GJES.MS.ID.000626. Page 1 of 8
Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 6-Issue 1
ways. While the Yoruba tribe may prefer it dried, milled and then minutes. The aim of this study is the design and production of a yam
made into a slightly solid paste called “Amala”, the Igbos prefer pounding machine capable of eliminating the noise and vibrations
cutting the tuber into smaller blocks or bits, boiled and eaten, associated with the traditional method of pounding.
in order to avoid the tedious nature of pounding the boiled yam
Review of Literature on Yam Pounding Machine
which results to bond formation like Nigeria’s locally prepared
fufu (Akissoe et al, 2003). However, the process of meshing or Yam belongs to the class of carbohydrate type of food and had
beating something into pulp or powder with repeated heavy blows been one of the oldest recipes known to man. It has been a major
is known as pounding. Yam has remained one of the most highly food crop in many of the African/ Caribbean’s countries such as
regarded food products in West Africa and particularly Nigeria as Ghana, Ethiopia, Benin Republic and Nigeria in particular. Also, in
virtually all her ethnic groups feed on it; hence its close integration some other parts of the world such as Brazil, India, Oceania and
into the socio-cultural, economic and religious aspect of life such Latin America; yam is a major source of food. The word “yam” was
as marriage where some tubers of yam are presented to the bride derived from the Wolof word “n yam” which is a Portuguese name
family in accordance to the customs of the people [2]. Also, Osueke meaning “to taste”. Also, in another African language, it means “to
prefers a replacement of the unhygienic and the noisy effect of the eat” e.g. in Hausa “nyam” (Mignouna et al, 2003). This perennial
classical machines to the number of strokes during pounding to be herbaceous crop is of different species such as the white yam
uncalled for (Osueke,2010). Design improvement is very important (Dioscorea.rotundata), yellow yam (Dioscoreacayenensis), water
in work operation [2,3]. The production process of “POUNDO yam (Dioscoreaalata) and trifoliate yam (Dioscorea. dumetorum)
YAM‟ consists of simple operations. The unit operations are Yam (Amusaet al., 2003). The fruit of yam consists of a membranaceous,
selection, washing; peeling, slicing and dicing; parboiling; drying; three-wing capsule. The yam family is mostly of the weak-stemmed
milling, sieving, packaging. vines with large, underground food storage organs-tuber-rhizomes.
Yam has found its use in the preparation of steroid hormones by
Nutritional value of pounded yam the syntax synthesis of cortisone from yam extract. Also, its lower
A meal of pounded yam with vegetable soup provides a very glycemic index than potatoes products (kay, 1987) accounts for its
rich and balanced diet. Yam in itself has been hailed as one of the more sustainable energy and better protection against obesity and
most nutritious foods known to man. Apart from being rich in fiber diabetes (Walsh, 2003). According to the food information Network
protecting the bowels against diseases like diverticulitis, it is a great in 2008, it was estimated that the world production of yam in 1993
source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium, and phosphorus. Yam was at 28.1 million tons in which 96% of this estimate was from
is also rich in protein. Some pounded yam flour contains sulfites as the West Africa tropical regions and 71% from Nigeria. This figure
preservatives. If you are usually allergic to food preservatives, there was later reviewed in 1998 accounting for about 72.4% of the
are chances that you may be allergic to sulfites. A yam pounding world total production of 29.6million tones. Also, according to the
machine is been developed using mainly some locally sourced Federal Office of Statistics, Nigeria is the world’s largest producer
materials. The machine consists of a shaft, pulleys, belt, bearings, of yams having the water yam (Dioscoreaalarta) and the yellow
electric motor, yam beaters, bowl and the frame. The machine yam (Dioscorearotundata) as her most cultivated species of yam.
is developed to enhance the hygienic processing of yam for both Yam, being one of the most sumptuous meals, can be prepared in
domestic and commercial consumption while eliminating the diverse ways. While the Yoruba tribe may prefer it dried, milled
tedious and laborious indigenous process of preparing pounded and then made into a slightly solid paste called “Amala”, the Igbos
yam. The need for a machine that will pound yam to this needed prefer cutting the tuber into smaller blocks or bits, boiled and
quality with less human effort and time becomes expedient. The eaten, in order to avoid the tedious nature of pounding the boiled
main objective of this work, therefore, is to develop a reliable and yam which results to bond formation like Nigeria’s locally prepared
efficient yam pounding machine that would be easy to operate and fufu (Akissoe et al, 2003). However, the process of meshing or
maintain. beating something into pulp or powder with repeated heavy blows
is known as pounding. Yam has remained one of the most highly
Yam pounding machine regarded food products in West Africa and particularly Nigeria as
Yam pounding machine is a machine that is designed to perform virtually all her ethnic groups feed on it; hence its close integration
the task of converting boiled yam into pounded yam. A boiled yam into the socio-cultural, economic and religious aspect of life such
is poured into the pounding chamber and covered; then electric as marriage where some tubers of yam are presented to the bride
current is supplied which powers the induction motor to transmit family in accordance to the customs of the people (Odior et al,
the motion to the pounding blade for pounding the yam. The yam 2012).
pounding machine designed will take over the manual process
of yam pounding commonly employed in various homes, which
Pounded yam production
involves the use of mortar, pestle and human efforts. The machine Yam tuber, which is popular in most part of the world is often
will be designed to do the pounding operation in less than 4 consumed in Africa. This can be processed into pounded yam
Citation: Ibhadode Oisehoemomen, Aniekan Essien, Adedoyin Adesuji. Development of a Modular and Sustainable Yam Pounding Page 2 of 8
Machine. Glob J Eng Sci. 6(1): 2020. GJES.MS.ID.000626. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2020.06.000626.
Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 6-Issue 1
for consumption. Although concentrated in Nigeria, the largest beans, contain glycosides, natural chemicals that breakdown into
producer of yam in the world, the yam eating zones stretch from hydrogen cyanide in the stomach or when it is heated.
western Cote d’Ivoire to Cameroon. This plant is characterized by
a great degree of natural genetic diversity adapted to a wide range Yam varieties
of production conditions within the region (DEGRAS, 1986). Yam Yams are economically useful plants belonging to the
varieties generally achieve high yields (10 to 20 tons per hectare) genus Dioscorea [4]. There are many varieties of yam which are
and many have excellent storage properties in contrast to cassava. differentiated by varying characteristics such as the direction of
They generally have more stringent growing requirements than stem twines (clockwise or counterclockwise), the shape and colour
cassava as concerns both soil quality (high potassium level is of the leaves, stem and tubers, and the cooking quality of the tubers.
needed) and cultivation techniques. Yam growing also has a high The yam tuber is economically the most important part of the plant.
cost in terms of plant material. Using the traditional method, up The structure is extremely variable, depending on the species. Most
to one-third of the harvest must be retained for use as seed-yam yam tubers, however, are cylindrical in shape and the weight of
(Pierre-Marie, 1998). individual tubers range from 200g to 50kg (Asiedu, 1989).
Yam has been relatively neglected by agricultural researchers Types of yam pounding machines
and up to date result that can raise productivity have been far
The Pounding machine applies either torque or reciprocating
limited compared to cassava the other major root crop (Pierre-
force on a piece of solid for the purpose of changing its form
Marie, 1998).
from the solid state to a semi-solid nature. There are two types of
Yam tubers pounding and they are: Impact (Reciprocating) pounding; rotary
(torque) pounding.
Yams are an excellent source of potassium, with twice the
amount as found in a multi-sized banana. They are also a good The impact (reciprocating) pounding modes reciprocate in its
source of Vitamin C, B6, folate, iron, and magnesium. Yams are high operation. The mortar and pestle mode of pounding is classified
in starch and contain an enzyme, alpha amylase, which converts under this class. The design uses the combination of both rotary
starch to sugar as the tuber matures, is stored, or when heated. and the reciprocating mode of pounding with the rotary mechanism
According to researchers at Brigham Young University, curing yams incorporated at the mortar sent. Rotary pounding mode involved
by storing them at 29 °C (85 °F) for four to six days immediately the crushing of boiled yam through rotary twisting force (torque)
after harvest, increases the concentration of this enzyme produced from a motor through pulleys and a propeller shaft
(bringhamyounguniversity.com). Curing also appears to heal small connected to the blades. It is on this principle that the existing yam
surface scratches, decreasing the risk of rotting. Raw yams, like lima pounders are based (Figure 1).
Citation: Ibhadode Oisehoemomen, Aniekan Essien, Adedoyin Adesuji. Development of a Modular and Sustainable Yam Pounding Page 3 of 8
Machine. Glob J Eng Sci. 6(1): 2020. GJES.MS.ID.000626. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2020.06.000626.
Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 6-Issue 1
The parts of the yam pounding machine: Lightweight from yam flour. In order to facilitate the processing of yam for
materials are necessary for the development of mechanical systems consumption, a yam pounding machine is been developed using
[5,6]. mainly some locally sourced materials. This project thus looks at
the use of stainless steel to produce the parts that will have direct
The shaft: The shaft which is made of mild steel was designed
contact with the yam using the rotary motion of the yam beaters
to transmit power to the yam beaters in the bowl to perform the
that will produce the normal crushing and turning as well as mixing
yam pounding operation.
in order to get the local texture of the pounded yam. All this in other
Pulley: The primary function of the pulley is to reduce the to facilitate healthy processing of yam into of pounded yam.
original speed of the electric motor to the required speed. The
material selected for this pulley is mostly cast iron.
The yam beaters: The yam beaters are two blades made of Operational principle
stainless-steel material and they are the main components that The Principle of yam pounding machine is like that of blender
do the real pounding of the yam. These are two bars designed and and digester. It comprises majorly of a prime mover which is mostly
joined together at angle 90° to each other at the center and they an electric motor and a transmission mechanism to transmit power
rotate together through angle 360° while pounding the cooked and also to reduce speed. Belt and pulley are used for transmission
slices of yam. and reduction of speed at the same time. This power is transmitted
The bowl: The bowl consists of the yam beaters which perform to a shaft with a blade able to both cut the yam and mix it. The
the pounding operation in a chamber of the bowl. It is made of yam pounding machine is designed and developed to hygienically
stainless-steel material with a volume of 0.018 m3. process yam and it is designed to pound variable weight of cooked
yams for domestic consumption. The machine consists of the
The frame: The frame forms the housing of the whole following major components: the shaft, bearings, automatic gear
components, including the electric motor. It has to be rigid to electric motor, yam beater, bowl and the frame. The yam beater or
withstand all the forces generated in the components during the blade is located on the upper edge of the shaft which is connected
pounding operation. directly to the electric motor system. During the pounding
operation, the slices of already cooked yam are loaded into the pot-
Effect of healthy yam processing
like pounding chamber and covered with the pounding chamber
Jimoh, et al., [7] presented an analysis of the medicinal effect of cover. The electric motor transmits power directly to the shaft
healthy carbohydrate processing. through its armature section, as the shaft rotates it actuates the
The effect of yam processing was studied, and it is discovered yam beater, which starts pounding the yams in the yam pounding
to have an effect on the glycemic response to white yam (Dioscorea chamber. The pot or pounding chamber bears the shaft and the
rotunda) meals. Postprandial glycemic response to food can be beaters. The operational stages in yam pounding include; washing
affected by the method of food preparation. The effect of processing the yam tuber, peeling, slicing, parboiling and pounding using the
on yam, a staple food in Nigeria, was studied in 24 healthy non- pounding machine before packing the pounded yam [8].
diabetic Nigerians. The postprandial glycemic indices of peak
Machine components and material selection
plasma glucose (PPG), maximum increase in plasma glucose
(MIPG), 2-hour postprandial plasma glucose level (2HPPG), The machine components are the unit components of the
incremental area under glucose curve (IAUGC) and glycemic index machine that are assembled to form the entire machine. This
(GI) were determined for boiled yam, pounded yam and yam includes frame, stainless pot, pulleys, shaft, electric motor, pounding
flour (amala) after eating a measured amount of 50 g of digestible blades, switch, cable wires etc.
carbohydrate as recommended by FAO/WHO. Despite undergoing For material selection, the major component of this machine
more processing, food prepared from yam flour showed better and its material selection are:
postprandial glycemic response indices as compared with other
study foods. Yam flour submitted to more processing showed better • Pulley material selection: The main aim of the pulley
indices than the other yam-based product compared. Yam based is to reduce the original speed of the electric motor. The material
products, particularly yam flour, can be recommended for diabetic selection for the pulley is steel.
Nigerians as a substitute to eating monotonous beans-based • The machine frame: It gives the entire system support;
products. The above analysis shows that well-processed yam can be the frame is known for housing the entire components of the
a good supplement in the fight against widespread diabetes. After machine. The frame withstands all the vibrating effects from the
thorough examination and analysis, this project aims to provide component of the machine during operation. Angle bars are used
this project presents the processing of yam to produce pounded for constructing the frame.
yam using a pounding machine an alternative to the pounded yam
Citation: Ibhadode Oisehoemomen, Aniekan Essien, Adedoyin Adesuji. Development of a Modular and Sustainable Yam Pounding Page 4 of 8
Machine. Glob J Eng Sci. 6(1): 2020. GJES.MS.ID.000626. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2020.06.000626.
Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 6-Issue 1
The force acting on the edge of the beater in contact with the However, a center distance of 300mm was chosen for better
yam is given by equation (2) performance: x = 300mm = 0.3m
Citation: Ibhadode Oisehoemomen, Aniekan Essien, Adedoyin Adesuji. Development of a Modular and Sustainable Yam Pounding Page 5 of 8
Machine. Glob J Eng Sci. 6(1): 2020. GJES.MS.ID.000626. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2020.06.000626.
Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 6-Issue 1
stress (MPa), R = radius of shaft (mm). A bearing of 6204 was selected with outer diameter of 47mm
and inner diameter of 20mm.
Beater design
Citation: Ibhadode Oisehoemomen, Aniekan Essien, Adedoyin Adesuji. Development of a Modular and Sustainable Yam Pounding Page 6 of 8
Machine. Glob J Eng Sci. 6(1): 2020. GJES.MS.ID.000626. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2020.06.000626.
Global Journal of Engineering Sciences Volume 6-Issue 1
• Ensure that all the electric components are thoroughly earthed Conflict of Interest
• Avoid hand contact with the pounding blade No conflict of interest.
• Avoid opening the pounding chamber when the machine is on. References
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Citation: Ibhadode Oisehoemomen, Aniekan Essien, Adedoyin Adesuji. Development of a Modular and Sustainable Yam Pounding Page 8 of 8
Machine. Glob J Eng Sci. 6(1): 2020. GJES.MS.ID.000626. DOI: 10.33552/GJES.2020.06.000626.