Academic Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance in Online Learning: A Mini Review

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published: 22 January 2019

doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02794

Academic Self-Efficacy and

Academic Performance in Online
Learning: A Mini Review
Satoru Yokoyama*
Department of Pharmacy, Chiba Institute of Science, Choshi, Japan

Recently, online learning has been broadened to support learners’ learning processes.
Attention has been given to academic self-efficacy (ASE) in educational psychology as
an influential factor to enhance academic performance. Consequently, previous studies
that have examined the relationship between ASE and online academic performance
are reviewed and future directions discussed. Because there are limited findings to
conduct a systematic meta-analysis on the relationship between ASE and academic
performance in an online learning environment, a focused narrative review based on the
previous findings are outlined. Finally, future directions, particularly in relation to similar
and different aspects between a general learning and online learning environment are
Keywords: academic self-efficacy, online learning, distance learning, e-learning, academic performance,
academic achievement, learning outcome

Edited by:
Meryem Yilmaz Soylu,
University of Nebraska–Lincoln, INTRODUCTION
United States
Recently, online learning or distance education environments have been broadened to support
Reviewed by:
Caterina Fiorilli,
learning processes in various domains and various levels of knowledge or proficiency. One of
Libera Università Maria SS. Assunta, the themes that has attracted the most attention is how to maximize academic achievement or
Italy learning outcomes. While online learning outcomes has been reported to be influenced by ICT self-
Fathi Essalmi, efficacy or other factors (e.g., So et al., 2012; Cussó-Calabuig et al., 2018), recent meta-analyses has
University of Kairouan, Tunisia recently attended to academic self-efficacy (ASE) (e.g., Robbins et al., 2004; Richardson et al., 2012;
*Correspondence: Honicke and Broadbent, 2016 for recent reviews about the relationship between ASE and academic
Satoru Yokoyama performance). In this article, previous findings on the relationship between ASE and academic performance
in online learning setting are reviewed. Furthermore, the future directions of the relationship
Specialty section:
are discussed. Accordingly, the theoretical concept of self-efficacy (SE) is explained. The findings
This article was submitted to
Educational Psychology,
of the relationship between SE and learning/academic outcomes in general education/learning
a section of the journal environments are briefly reviewed. At present, the limited findings do not permit a systematic
Frontiers in Psychology meta-analysis of the relationship between ASE and academic performance in an online learning
Received: 20 August 2018
environment. Consequently, a focused narrative review based on the recent findings of the
Accepted: 31 December 2018 relationship is outlined. Finally, future directions particularly in relation to similar and different
Published: 22 January 2019 aspects between the general learning/educational environment and online learning environment
Citation: are discussed.
Yokoyama S (2019) Academic
Self-Efficacy and Academic
Performance in Online Learning: SELF-EFFICACY
A Mini Review.
Front. Psychol. 9:2794. The concept of general SE was originally proposed by Bandura in his social cognitive theory. SE
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02794 may be defined as an individual’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a specific situation or

Frontiers in Psychology | 1 January 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 2794

Yokoyama Academic Self-Efficacy in Online Learning

accomplish a specific task (e.g., Bandura, 1977, 1997, 2012). METHODS

Although the concept of self-esteem is very similar, self-esteem
involves an individual’s emotional evaluation of own value. In this paper, previous studies were searched as follows. First
In contrast, SE comprises an individual’s evaluation of own of all, in Web of Science, the following searching parameters
ability to achieve a goal or self-belief to do so. For example, were used to search for previous studies: TS = [(“academic
in academic situation, it can be assumed that learners with self-efficacy” OR “academic self efficacy”) AND (“academic
high SE have higher motivation to learn, resulted in higher achievement” OR “academic performance” OR “academic result”
academic achievement, because those learners believe that OR “learning outcome”) AND (e-learning OR “distance learning”
they have an ability to achieve their goal. It is known that OR “online learning” OR “distance education”)]. Only studies
SE is influenced by gender, age, and domain. Huang (2012) examining correlation or modeling between ASE and academic
conducted a meta-analysis and reported that ASE differs between performance in online learning setting were selected manually.
gender, age, and also domains such as mathematics and social Also, in previous three meta-analysis studies examining the
sciences. relationship between ASE and academic performance including
From a theoretical perspective, SE can be strengthened all educational settings (i.e., Robbins et al., 2004; Richardson
through the experience of mastery, observing someone succeed, et al., 2012; Honicke and Broadbent, 2016), only studies in online
and social persuasion such as direct encouragement. In learning setting were extracted from these reference lists. In
addition, physiological factors have been assumed to affect addition, previous studies examining correlation or modeling
SE. For example, perceptions of pain, fatigue, and fear between ASE and academic performance in online learning
may have a marked, deleterious effect on SE. In a twin setting were extracted from these reference lists in the above
study, genetic factors explained 75% of the variation in SE extracted studies.
(Waaktaar and Torgersen, 2013).

As a result, the following six studies were found: Lynch and
Dembo (2004), Yukselturk and Bulut (2007), Kitsantas and Chow
To date, many previous studies have reported that a learner’s (2007), Crippen et al. (2009), Cho and Shen (2013), and Joo
ASE is strongly associated with academic performance (e.g., et al. (2013). The characteristics of these studies are presented in
Robbins et al., 2004; Richardson et al., 2012; Honicke and Table 1.
Broadbent, 2016). The results have consistently revealed that
higher scores of ASE are more likely to result in higher levels Effect of ASE on Academic Performance
of academic performance. Furthermore, Robbins et al. (2004) in Online Learning Setting
demonstrated that achievement motivation affects academic With regard to the effect of ASE on academic performance in
performance. Richardson et al. (2012) found that grade goals an online learning environment, four studies revealed that ASE
and effort regulation are strong factors in academic performance, correlated with academic performance (Lynch and Dembo, 2004;
similar to ASE. Honicke and Broadbent (2016) noted that Kitsantas and Chow, 2007; Yukselturk and Bulut, 2007; Joo et al.,
effort regulation, deep processing strategies, and goal orientation 2013), while two studies found no significant results (Crippen
have moderated the relationship between ASE and academic et al., 2009; Cho and Shen, 2013). Because all of the previous
performance. As noted, goal-related aspects, that is, grade studies used the specialized content of a university/college course
goals and goal orientation, and effort regulation have been differently, the content cannot be used to explain the inconsistent
found by two of three meta-analyses to be the strongest results (see Table 1). Furthermore, cultural differences cannot
factors that influence academic performance other than ASE. be employed to explain inconsistent results because as shown
Furthermore, although only a paucity of longitudinal studies has in Table 1, because students from the United States and China
been conducted on the relationship between ASE and academic participated in the two studies that yielded no significant results
performance, the most recent meta-analysis has revealed that (Crippen et al., 2009; Cho and Shen, 2013), while United States,
a higher ASE enhances academic performance longitudinally Turkish, and Korean students participated in the studies that
and vice versa (Talsma et al., 2018). In contrast, some of revealed significant findings (Lynch and Dembo, 2004; Kitsantas
the studies have revealed no significant relationship between and Chow, 2007; Yukselturk and Bulut, 2007; Joo et al., 2013).
ASE and academic performance (e.g., Crippen et al., 2009; The participants in all the studies had similar educational levels
Cho and Shen, 2013; G˛ebka, 2014). Operationalization of as they were university/college students (see Table 1).
ASE, timing of measurement, and cultural differences have Neither this study nor Honicke and Broadbent (2016)
been proposed as reasons (Honicke and Broadbent, 2016). discovered a convincing single explanation for such differing
Currently, it has been assumed that ASE is one of the results, but there may be one possibility. The 53 studies analyzed
most important factors or predictors for learners to achieve by Honicke and Broadbent (2016) include all learning settings,
learning success. This may mean that if a student’s ASE is and only six (11.3%) showed no significant correlation between
enhanced, the student may be able to achieve higher academic ASE and academic performance. Two of the six examined studies
results. (33%) show no significant correlation, and the ratio was larger for

Frontiers in Psychology | 2 January 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 2794

Yokoyama Academic Self-Efficacy in Online Learning

TABLE 1 | The characteristics of six studies included in the current review.

N Age Educational levels Contents Country

Lynch and Dembo, 2004 94 18–41 University Marketing United States

Yukselturk and Bulut, 2007 80 19∼ University Programming Turkey
Kitsantas and Chow, 2007 472 21.3 University including graduates Educational psychology United States
Crippen et al., 2009 176 No University Chemistry United States
Cho and Shen, 2013 64 No University Gerontology China
Joo et al., 2013 897 No University No description Korea

online classes than traditional classrooms. The larger ratio may Shen, 2013). The findings for this intrinsic motivation-related
reflect factors other than ASE, such as learners’ attitudes toward factor are contradictory because a mastery-approach goal and
online instruction or familiarity with online learning devices intrinsic motivation were found to be significant in other
(Cussó-Calabuig et al., 2018). studies as described above (Yukselturk and Bulut, 2007;
Studies reporting significant correlations (Richardson et al., Crippen et al., 2009).
2012; Honicke and Broadbent, 2016) have reported differing
trends. For example, in a traditional learning environment, grade
goals, goal orientation, and effort regulation have the strongest PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS AND
influences, other than self-efficacy, on learning outcomes. Task DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
value correlates with online learning outcomes in two of the
six studies. This difference might be ascribed to students’ Previous findings on the relationship between ASE and academic
characteristics and differences between classroom and online performance in online learning setting have been summarized
learning. For instance, online instruction is task-based and in this review article. Presently, while there are insufficient
perhaps motivates students who have a task orientation. findings to conduct a meta-analysis, it can be postulated that
ASE tended to correlate with academic performance in online
Potential Factors That Correlate With learning environment, similar to a general learning environment.
Online Learning Outcomes However, different trends were also found between online and
general learning environments. The characteristics specific to
Previous studies have also examined various factors for
online learning environment may affect connections between
academic performance in online learning setting other than
ASE and academic performance.
ASE. For example, Yukselturk and Bulut (2007) and Joo
In particular, the current results suggest that students,
et al. (2013) found that task value correlated with online
teachers, and parents may have to pay attention to the following
learning outcomes. Furthermore, Yukselturk and Bulut (2007)
two points. First, since a familiarity with online learning
and Crippen et al. (2009) revealed mastery-approach goal
devices may affect the relationship between ASE and academic
and intrinsic motivation as factors, respectively. These two
performance in online learning settings, those who are not good
factors are assumed to be related to the motivation to
at using online learning devices may not achieve high enough
learn. In addition, verbal ability (Lynch and Dembo, 2004),
academic success in an online learning setting. Second, since task
educational level, help-seeking, threats (Kitsantas and Chow,
values are closely related to the relationship between ASE and
2007), self-regulated learning strategies, cognitive strategy use
academic performance, students, teachers, and parents may need
(Yukselturk and Bulut, 2007), login time, effort regulation
to choose the online learning software they believe will have the
(Cho and Shen, 2013), satisfaction, and persistence (Joo et al.,
most valuable content and/or tasks for students.
2013) were reported to be correlated with online learning
For researchers, it is recommended that future studies
examine the relationship between ASE and academic
performance in online learning setting and determine the
Factors That Were Tested but Not influential factors in the relationship. In particular, because of
Significantly Correlated With Online possible differences between a general learning environment
Learning Outcomes and online learning environment, it is necessary to examine
Previous studies have also revealed several factors, which were what causes the differences between the two. Subsequently,
not significantly correlated with online learning outcomes. based on these findings, future studies should add more
Although various factors did not have a strong significant experimental findings in online learning setting, and conduct
correlation, extrinsic motivation was found not to be significantly a meta-analysis to clarify the relationship between ASE and
correlated in two of the six studies (Yukselturk and Bulut, academic performance in online learning setting systematically
2007; Cho and Shen, 2013). In addition, two of the six as well as its other influential factors, such as learner’s familiarity
studies demonstrated that intrinsic motivation-related factors with, attitudes toward, and competence with, online learning
were not significant (Lynch and Dembo, 2004; Cho and devices.

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Yokoyama Academic Self-Efficacy in Online Learning


The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI, Grant Numbers
has approved it for publication. JP15639977 and JP18989012.

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Frontiers in Psychology | 4 January 2019 | Volume 9 | Article 2794

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