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1. Find number of 3 digit numbers divisible by 3 in which atleast one of the digit is repeated.

2. Find number of 4-digit numbers in which digit at 1000 place is one and exactly one of the digit come

3. A five letter word is to be fomed such that letters appearing in the odd numbered position are taken from
the which appear without repitition in MATHEMATICS and letters appearing in even numbered
position are taken from the letters which appear with repitition in MATHEMATICS.

4. Find the number of regions a plane is divided by n lines such that no two are parallel and no three are

5. Find the number of ways in which 5 different balls can be put in 3 different boxes such that each box
contains at least one ball.

6. Find the number of ways in which 5 different balls can be put in 5 different boxes such that at most 3
boxes are empty.

7. In how many ways can ‘2n’ persons be divided into n pairs.

8. Find the number of ways to divide 20 different objects among A, B and C so that B gets 2 more than A
and C gets 1 more than B.

9. In how many way 22 different books can be given to 5 students so that two students have 5 books each
and other three students have 4 books each.

10. Two teaches are taking interview in two different subject, 6 students starting at same time, each teacher
take interview for 15 min. Find the number of ways in which it can be scheduled.

11. Let a, b, c are subsets of x  {1,2,............n} such that A  B  C   , A  B   , B  C   . Find the

number of such triplets.

12. A dice is thrown four times find number of ways of getting a number no smaller than the previous

13. Find number of ways in which we can select 2 integers from 1 to 100 such that difference is at most 10.

14. Suppose there are 2020 points in a row. Find number of ways to select 5 points so that no two of them
are consecutive.

15. Consider a polygon having 2020 sides. How many distinct quadrilatals can be formed by joining its
verties so that no side of quadrilaterals coincide with that of polygen.

16. Consider a 20 sided polygon a1 , a2 ........a20 in that order. Find the number of ways in which three sides
can be chosen so that every pair among them has at least two sides of polygon between them.

17. Find total number of factors of n = 35  57  79 that are of the form 4  1(  0) .

18. How many ordered triplets (a, b,c) are there such that LCM(a, b) =1000, LCM(b,c) = 2000 and
LCM(c, a) = 2000.

19. A person wants to distribute 101 coins of one rupee each among his three sons such that no one recieves
more than the combine total of other two.

20. Find number of ways of disributing 9 identical objects in 3 identical boxes.

21. How many distinct garlands can be formed using 2n identical yellow flowers and 3 indentical red

22. Find the number of ways of selecting 3 vertices from a regular polygon of 2n+1 sides such that centre of
polygen lie inside the triangle.

23. Let ABC be a triangle, an interior point p of  ABC is said to be good if we can find exactly 27 rays
from p intersecting the sides of  ABC such that triangle is divided by these rays into 27 smaller
triangles of equal area . Determine the number of good points for a given triangle.

24. Find non-negative integral solution of x + 2y + 3z = 20

25. In a row there are 81 rooms whose door number is 1,2, 3,……. 81. Initially all the door are closed. A
person takes 81 rounds of the row, in each round he interchanged the position of those doors whose
number is multiple of the round number. Find out after 81st round how many door will be open.

26. The integer from 1 to 1000 are written in order aroud a circle starting at 1 every 15th number is marked
i.e. 1, 16, 31 etc. The process is continued until a number is reached which has already been marked.
Find the number of unmarked numbers.

27. Find number of all integral sided isosceles obtuse angled triangle with perimeter 2008.

28. If f(n) denotes the number of different ways the positive integer n can be expressed as sum of positive
integers for example f(4) = 8 . ie. 1+1+1+1, 1+2+1, 1+1+2, 2+1+1 , 2+2 , 1+3, 3+1, 4. Find f(n).

29. Consider 5 points in a plane so that no two of striaght lines joinnig them are perpendicular, parallel or
coincident. From each point perpendiculars are drawn to all the lines joining the other 4 point. Find total
number of points of intersection that these perpendiculars can have.

30. Find number of possible different 4 x 4 matrix using 1 and -1 so that sum of each row and each column
is equal to zero.


1. 66 16. 520

2. 432 17. 240

3. 540 18. 70

n(n  1)
4. 1  C2  3 52C2

5. 150 20. 12

21. 3n  3n  1
6. 3120

2n  1 2 n
2n !
(2!) n n !
 C2  3 nC2 

20! 26
8. 23. C2

9. 24. 44
(5!) 2 (4!)3

10. d(6)×6! 25. 9

11. 3  3(2  1)  1
n n
26. 800

12. 9C4 27. 86

C2  90C2 28. 2

14. C5 29. 315

15. 505 C3 30. 90

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