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Zondst2D: User Manual

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Program of two-dimensional seismic data processing and

interpretation (surface, borehole and marine variations)

Module: correlation method of refracted waves - layered medium,

MASW, amplitude inversion, anisotropy


User Manual

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016

Program functionality .........................................................................................................................4

Elastic waves velocity ..........................................................................................................................7
Program installation and deinstallation ...........................................................................................10
Program registration .................................................................................................................................. 11
System requirements .................................................................................................................................. 11
Measurement units ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Seismograms picking module ...........................................................................................................12
Getting started with the module ................................................................................................................ 12
Seismograms picking toolbar..................................................................................................................... 13
Seismograms picking functions menu ....................................................................................................... 15
General settings dialog of file reading and processing ............................................................................ 20
Survey type dialog....................................................................................................................................... 22
Survey layout input..................................................................................................................................... 22
Seismogram visualization and scaling settings ......................................................................................... 24
Seismogram scales setup dialog ................................................................................................................. 24
Traces graphic settings dialog ................................................................................................................... 27
Seismograms viewing modes ...................................................................................................................... 28
Seismogram picking mode main options .................................................................................................. 29
Multitab section options ............................................................................................................................. 31
Operations with seismograms .................................................................................................................... 35
First arrivals picking .................................................................................................................................. 36
Data filtering dialog .................................................................................................................................... 37
Module of field data inversion ..........................................................................................................39
Data file creation and opening for inversion ............................................................................................ 39
Main window toolbar ................................................................................................................................. 39
Main window menu .................................................................................................................................... 40
“Hot” keys ................................................................................................................................................... 47
Status bar..................................................................................................................................................... 47
Starting model setup dialog ....................................................................................................................... 49
Main data file format.................................................................................................................................. 50
I part of data file: Observed data ............................................................................................................................... 51
II part of data file: Topography data ......................................................................................................................... 52
III part of data file: Model data ................................................................................................................................. 54
Data visualization........................................................................................................................................ 55
Graphics plan ............................................................................................................................................................ 55
Additional features of measurements visualization ................................................................................................... 56

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Measurements editor .................................................................................................................................. 58
Data inversion ............................................................................................................................................. 61
Inversion parameters setup dialog ............................................................................................................................. 61
Cell summarization dialog ......................................................................................................................... 69
Model visualization modes and their parameters .................................................................................... 71
Model validity estimation functions .......................................................................................................... 74
Saving interpretation results ..................................................................................................................... 76
Data import and export .............................................................................................................................. 76
Data import ............................................................................................................................................................... 77
Exporting image setup dialog .................................................................................................................................... 80
Module of section polygonal modelling ..................................................................................................... 81
Layered inversion module .......................................................................................................................... 86
A priori information data input ................................................................................................................ 92
Lithology file creation and addition .......................................................................................................................... 92
Set boundaries dialog ................................................................................................................................................ 95
Anisotropy module...................................................................................................................................... 97
Attenuation tomography module .............................................................................................................. 98
Modelling .........................................................................................................................................101
Solution of seismic tomography forward problem ................................................................................ 101
Synthetic survey layout creation ............................................................................................................. 102
Model editor .............................................................................................................................................. 104
Working with model ................................................................................................................................. 106
Cell parameters setup dialog ................................................................................................................... 107
MASW module .................................................................................................................................110
Dispersion curves selection ...................................................................................................................... 111
Data interpretation mode ......................................................................................................................... 117
Main menu functions ................................................................................................................................ 118
Interpretation parameters setup dialog .................................................................................................. 120
Program additional features ...........................................................................................................122
Option «Buffer» of the main menu ......................................................................................................... 122
Geological editor of sections .................................................................................................................... 123
Working with areal data and 3D visualization ...................................................................................... 128
Adjusting program interface ...........................................................................................................132
Palette settings........................................................................................................................................... 132
Graphics set editor.................................................................................................................................... 132
Graphics editor ......................................................................................................................................... 134
Graphic’s legend editor ............................................................................................................................ 136
Axes editor ................................................................................................................................................. 137
Model parameters setup dialog ............................................................................................................... 141

Zond geophysical software

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Contour section parameters setup dialog ............................................................................................... 143
Print preview dialog ................................................................................................................................. 144
Logging and stratigraphy data file format .....................................................................................145

Program functionality
Program ZONDST2D is aimed at two-dimensional processing and interpretation of seismic
prospecting data based on refracted waves and correlation method of refracted waves (RWCM) in
surface, borehole, cross-borehole and marine variations. In addition, the program contains the
following modules: 1. MASW - surface wave data processing and interpretation 2. RWCM - an
arbitrary layered medium 3. Amplitude inversion, 4 - anisotropy of seismic velocities, 5 - seismic
tomography on the arrival time of the reflected waves.
ZondST2d is a comprehensive solution for seismic tomography that solves wide range of
problems from mathematical modeling and sensitivity analysis, to the field data processing and
interpretation. User-friendly interface and wide functional allow to define a geological problem
with high efficiency.
Program is divided into two main components. First is intended for first motion picking on
seismograms. Second - for forward and inverse seismotomography problems solving.
Special interface (created for maximum simplicity and autonomous first arrivals picking)
was designed for seismograms processing. The emphasis is on visualizations variety and often used
functions availability. User can simultaneously pick several types of waves: Vs, Vp, refracted, and
up to three reflected. Materials processing is optimized for sharing refracted P- and S-waves.
When ray trace forward problem is solved a special algorithm (Shortest path’s method) is
used. This method allows calculating the shortest path of the refracted wave. The ray path
combination of minimum path from the source and the receiver to the reflector allows to construct
the path of the reflected wave for each border. A boundary portion with the minimum total run time
from source and receiver is selected as the reflection point.
The given algorithm is characterized by high speed of calculations and controllable
The direct problem or ray tracing algorithm is implemented in three ways:
1. The ray approximation. Constant velocity inside a cell.
2. The ray approximation. The linear velocity measurement inside a cell. The rates are set in

Zond geophysical software

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3. Modelling of the ray channel with variable radius. The linear velocity measurement inside
a cell. The rates are set in nodes.
Seismotomography module allows to obtain velocity sections, both P- and S-waves, which
is necessary for seismic imaging. The sources and receivers can be located on the surface in
boreholes or on the water reservoir bottom or surface. You can use the module for the interpretation
of vertical seismic profiling (VSP). There is also algorithm of velocities anisotropy distribution
recovery. The program uses the simplest version of the factor anisotropy of seismic velocities - the
ratio between Vx and Vz. Accounting for anisotropy is very important, especially in the
interpretation of cross-well measurements.
Module "layered medium" is intended to receive random-layered sections according to the
method of refracted or reflected waves. Velocity section is set by layers with arbitrary geometry
boundaries and arbitrary velocity distribution along profile in each layer. The geometry boundary
complexity is controlled by nodes number. Any boundary can be reflecting and refracting, or only
refracting. The P- and S-waves joint interpretation with the same boundary geometry is a preference
of this model. Also, it is convenient to use it with the sparse survey layout (RWCM). The program
can solve for an arbitrary layered medium. It means that in contrast to the method t0, where the
wave always "runs" along the refractor, the beam is propagated by using Fermat’s principle, which
correctly describes physics of the process. The module allows modelling the arrival times of
refracted and reflected waves, and also solving the inverse problem of the observed travel times,
together and separately.
MASW method is popular in the engineering seismic prospecting and is based on the
analysis of surface waves distribution. MASW is implemented in the same module. The vertical
profiles of S-waves velocities can be obtained as a result of field data processing. Methods of
MASW field observations practically does not differ from the standard, that is, does not require
additional measurements. Therefore, Vs velocity sections can be obtained directly from the
refracted wave and reflected wave methods data. The program has a full data processing cycle from
dispersion curves receipting to velocity sections creating, the multi-modal mode is also supported.
Module "Amplitudes inversion" implements the algorithm "Attenuation tomography" and
allows getting a section of the damping parameter Q in the amplitude values medium of the first
arrivals. The problem is solved on the basis of pre-made velocity section. The amplitude values of
the first arrivals pick in parallel with the times.
An important step before field measurements is the mathematical modelling for the survey
area velocity structure. Modelling allows you to evaluate the resolution and select optimal

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parameters for the geological problem being solved. There are two variants of seismic tomography
data modelling - using the grid or polygon mode.
ZondST2d has several options for solving the inverse problem, the most important of which
are: smoothing inversion – to recover smooth, blocking for block and focusing – to recover
piecewise smooth distribution of velocity parameters with depth.

During development the possibility to account for a priori information was very important.
Because of the equivalence of inverse geophysical problems, the results quality depends on the
number of a priori settings. In ZondST2d there is a possibility to set measurement weights, to fix
and set limits of individual cells properties range and to use a priori model as a reference in the
inversion. In addition, it is possible to use robust schemes of the noise component assessment in the
program. Also there is a possibility to import and display the measurement results of other methods
and borehole data, which facilitates more integrated approach to the data interpretation. Additional
module of gravimetric and magnetic data allows effective integration of these methods with
velocity section within a single frame. The framework is built on the basis of the section obtained
using seismic tomography, and then filled by density and magnetic properties in automatic or
manual mode.
For inverse problem (inversion) solution Newton's method with regularization is used.
Regularization improves solution stability and allows recovering more smooth velocity distribution
in the medium.
A W WA  C

RC m  AT W T f  C T RCm , (1)
where A – a partial derivative matrix of measured values with respect to section parameters
(Jacobian), C – the smoothing operator, W – a matrix of measurements relative errors, m – section
parameters vector, μ – regularization parameter, Δf – the discrepancy vector between observed and
calculated values, R – the focusing operator.
When inverse problem solving the special attention is given to the a priori information
(separate measurements weight, change of parameters ranges).
ZONDST2D has very good system of profile data visualization, the measurement editor
and method sensitivity and resolution analysis system.
In the measurement editor user can see measurements array parameters, set weights
(importance) of separate measurements and correct values of the measured characteristics. There is

Zond geophysical software

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a possibility to set weight according to a distance or to fix those model cells which parameters
changing practically doesn't influence results of measurements.
During resolution analysis user studies model sensitivity function – that is influence
degree of each model cell on measurements.
S  diag( AT A) . (2)
Sensitivity analysis allows making the best choice of survey layout to solve the exploration
ZONDST2D uses simple and clear data file format which allows combining various survey
layout on a single profile. The program allows to import and display measurement results obtained
by other methods. It promotes to more complex approach to data interpretation.
The ZondST2D is a convenient program for automatic and interactive seismotomographic
data interpretation and it can be used on IBM PC compatible personal computers running Windows
operating system.

Elastic waves velocity

According to elasticity theory, seismic waves velocities and depend on medium
density and its elastic modules E and .

√ ( )( )

√ ( )

In rocks this parameters is defined by a large number of different factors – lithologic and
granulometric content, cavitation (porosity, cavernosity, fracturing), fluid saturation, intrastratal
pressure, metamorphism and tectonic action, occurrence depth, age, temperature etc.
Density influence on velocity variation is smallish at all, because mainly rocks density
variation range limited from 1.4 to 3.2g/cm3. Minimal relative changes are typical for igneous
rock, maximal – for sedimental, but it’s not more than 20-30%. Inverse dependence velocity from
density follows from structure of aforesaid formulas: if density relatively increase (decrease) on
and elastic modules values stay permanent than velocity relatively decrease (increase) on .
Based on experimental data, for the majority of rocks positive correlation between their
densities and seismic velocities and is typical, that is more dense rocks are usually also imply
higher velocity. Such situation as though contradicts considered formulas, however this
disagreement is delusional. With increasing rock density ρ, as a rule, its Young's module E

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increases quickly. As a result the velocities and increase. The Young's module E changes to
some degree in various rocks - from level nearby 102 MPa in thin sedimentary rocks to 105 MPa
(106 kg/sm2) in strong igneous rocks. Thus, seismic velocities values can differ in tens times.
Poisson's ratio σ changes theoretically in a range 0-0.5. Elastic properties of hard crystal
rocks come nearer to the left limit, to right - soft plastic rocks. In liquid incompressible mediums
where there are no shift deformations, σ = 0.5. In the majority of rocks Poisson's ratio has values
from 0.15 till 0.35, i.e. varies relatively average value 0.25 within everything ±0.1. However in the
formulas defining and small σ values has big influence on velocities.
Impact on rocks elastic properties by factors set leads to there is no unequivocal
communication between geological rock determination and its velocity characteristic: absolutely
different rocks can have identical velocity values, and one name rocks can differ by their velocities.
Therefore for various rocks or their complexes it is possible to specify only limits of velocity
probable values.
P-waves velocity isn’t usually exceed 1 km/s in rocks of upper disintegrated section part. In
a fundamental terrigenous rocks it’s exceed 4 km/s rarely and in carbonate and hydrochemical rocks
it could increase to 6 km/s. In igneous and metamorphic rocks amount to 6.5-7km/s, at all
increase with it basicity growth and metamorphism rate. Near Earth crust bottom (Mohorovičič
discontinuity) value judging by refracted wave velocity rating amount 8km/s. Material
constitution of rocks on this depth reliably unknown.
S-wave velocities depend on velocities of P-waves. Theoretical ratio is ⁄ and can

vary within limits from 0(fluids) to 1/ √ =0.7 (if σ =0). For majority of consolidated rocks γ value
is between 0.4-0.6, that is match to σ values range 0.4-0.2. But in very loose argillo-arenaceous
rocks value γ can be 0.2-0.3 and even less. In general, distribution is not well studied.
Rocks with the same lithologic composition may visibly differ in seismic waves because of
internal structure determined by forming conditions. It’s well notable on terrigenous rocks, formed
in a different hydrodynamic conditions: sediments, formed in low-energy environment of shelf and
granulometric more similar, have lower velocities than rocks accumulated in high-energy littoral
environment and granulometric less assorted. Relatively low-velocity rocks are organogenic
carbonates as compared with chemogenic.
Rock cavity degree is a significant factor for seismic waves values, first of all porosity. All
other conditions being equal, increased rocks porosity decreases seismic velocity. This dependence
is most apparent in terrigenous deposits where the porosity can reach 30-40 %. Among these rocks
are sand and sandstones considered as the heterogeneous media consisting of a hard skeleton
Zond geophysical software
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(grains) and pore space filled by fluid (liquid, gas and their mix). For similar model velocity is
estimated by the approximate empirical ratio known as the equation of average time:


where - porosity factor, – P-waves velocities in a hard skeleton and a fluid

Dependence ( ) has exponential character. Gas presence in waterlogged rocks leads to
decrease in rocks general elasticity and decreased velocity in it, as a result of high compressibility.
When full pore saturated with water then there is a sharp decrease in the rocks compressibility and
abrupt increase of velocity. Degree of water saturation has almost no effect at S-waves
velocity . This effect is used to determine the seismic groundwater level (GWL) in unconsolidated
Pore water freezing located in pores, caverns, cracks, causes quick increase of seismic
velocities in rock, because velocity in ice almost in 2.5 times over than in water. Depending on
porosity, relative content of frozen and not frozen water, its mineralization and temperature, P-
waves velocity can increase on 1-2 km/s. It essentially changes velocity characteristics of the top
section part in zones of frozen rocks: velocities inversion is observed here, when from the surface
on some depths interval velocities decrease in transition from frozen to thawed deposits.
For sedimentary rocks is typical more or less essential increase in velocity with depth
because mountain pressure increases. It is caused on the one hand porosity decreasing, what
according to (5) increases , as far as > . From the other hand, velocity depends on touch
area of neighbour rock grains that increases with increasing pressure. As result Young's module and
velocities and increase. Velocities increasing with depth attributable to terrigenous rocks
which differs by high initial porosity. In less porous carbonate deposits this property is shown much
more poorly, and at chemogenic rocks it practically isn't appreciable.
With identical material constitution and an equal depth more ancient rocks differ in higher
velocities. Such effect account for action time of diagenesis, metamorphism and tectonic stress
processes. Rocks are more hard and elastic because of these processes. This dependence is quite
weak: velocity increases approximately as a sextic radical from absolute age of deposits.
In porous deposits on considerable depths velocity depends on a ratio of external geostatic
pressure from overlying rocks and intrastratal pressure of the fluid which filling pores. The first
reducing porosity increases velocity. The second creating thrust in rock grains prevents porosity
reduction and decreases velocity. The effective pressure defining velocity value is almost equal to a

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
difference of external and internal pressure. In certain cases fluid outflow from sandy deposits
under the influence of geostatic pressure is complicated by screening effect of containing clay rock.
For this reason intrastratal pressure is bigger than normal hydrostatic pressure on this depth, and
velocity in the layer – below than normal level.
Zones of tectonic disruptions are characterized by considerable reduction of seismic
velocities and can reach 30-40 % and more, depending on rocks disintegration degree. Usually this
effect is more strongly expressed for S-waves therefore the relation ⁄ in zones of tectonic

violation, seal failure and fracturing of rocks has a lower value.

Lateral velocity changes connected with plicate structural forms can be observed in
sedimentary rocks with permanent lithologic layer structure. Velocity reduction is more often noted
in arc wedges where the rocks fracturing is more strongly developed. But effect caused by increased
dynamometamorphism in crest of folds can also occur.
Experimental data shows that seismic velocities variations can exhibit changes of a rock
tension. In particular, velocities reduction and their anisotropy appearance can be attributed to zones
of seal failure and fracturing of rocks with tectonic origin.
Other important property which is quite often found in rocks is the anisotropy of their elastic
properties, resulting in dependence of seismic velocities values on the direction they propagate.
Such effect arises both at the micro- and macroscale. According to experimental data, among
lithologic homogeneous formations clay deposits, which are characterised by ordered scale
structure, have the greatest anisotropy. In them for P-waves reaches values as high as 1.2-1.5
and higher. In sandstones rarely exceeds 1.1-1.2 values. Carbonate deposits have weak velocity
anisotropy. For S-waves anisotropy is usually higher than for P-waves in the same sections.
Other reason to seismic velocities anisotropy is intensive rocks fracturing breaking
continuity of their mineral skeleton. If there are crack systems with fixed direction waves velocity
along it is maximum, and perpendicular to it – minimum. The defined anisotropy factor depends on
shape and the relative cracks sizes in comparison with the prevailing wave length, and also from
elastic properties of cracks filler [Boganik G. N., Gurvich I.I. Seismic exploration. 2006].

Program installation and deinstallation

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
The program ZONDST2D is delivered on a compact disc or on the Internet. The set of
delivery includes this Instruction. You can load the last program updates on the site: www.zond-
To install the program, copy the program from the compact disc in the chosen directory. To
update installation, simply write the new program version over the old one.
Before the first program start it is necessary to establish the driver of protective key
SenseLock. To do this, open the SenseLock folder (the driver can be loaded from a compact disc, or
on a site) and run the file InstWiz3.exe. After driver installation insert the key. If everything is right,
a message that the key is found appears in the bottom system panel.
To remove program, delete the program working catalogue.

Program registration
To register the program press in the main menu the “Registration file” item (if you have no
the USB key). In the appeared dialog full all fields, choose the registration file name and save it.
The created file is sent to the address specified in the contract, then the user receives the unique
password connected with serial number of a hard disk which is necessary to input in "Registration"
item. The second registration option is binding with the delivered key SenseLock. Thus it is
necessary, that in operating time key was inserted into the USB socket.

System requirements

The program ZONDST2D can be installed on the computer with Windows 98 operating
system and above. Recommended system parameters: P IV-2 GHz processor, 512 Mb memory, a
display resolution 1024 X 768, color mode - True color. (It is should not change a display resolution
during working with data).
As the program at present actively uses system register resources, in systems above
Windows XP, it should be started as administrator (the right button of a mouse on a program badge
–start as Administrator).

Measurement units

Geometrical units (coordinates of sources and receivers, topography) – meters.

Units of the first arrivals times – milliseconds.
Units of seismic waves velocity– kilometres per second.
Zond geophysical software
Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
Seismograms picking module
The field data processing aim is receiving of target wave first-arrival times hodograph. To start
field data processing it is necessary to have the file or files of field supervision with SEG-Y format.
Process of seismogram picking is made in the special module (fig. 1) which is called by the Trace

editor item of the program main menu the or by the button on the toolbar. After calling this
module it is necessary to load into it field seismograms and start picking process.

Fig. 1. Active window of seismogram picking module Trace editor.

The window is divided into two parts: a graph of mapping seismograms (at the left), Multitabs
section for adjusting and displaying survey layout parameters (on the right).

Getting started with the module

Work begins with opening file or several SEG-Y files or the project file. After file loading
there is Show parameters for every file dialog appears. If press Yes, window appears in which the

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user is offered to choose the necessary seismic traces and to set coordinates of sources and receivers
if it is necessary (it is possible to set later coordinates of receivers and sources) (fig.2).

Fig. 2 Seismic traces choosing and coordinates setting window

Before loading SEG-Y files it is necessary to be convinced in correctness of reading file

settings Settings/File settings (more details in the section General settings dialog).

Seismograms picking toolbar

The toolbar serves for quick calling of the most often using functions in the module. It
contains the following buttons (at the left - to the right):

Open field data file or files in SEG-Y format or working project.

Call dialogue of file reading and processing general settings (more)

Switch on zoom mode/selection seismogram part. To select use the mouse and a
rubber rectangle. After activating this mode the following two buttons appear.

Set working data window. Window size set in the mode. Working window
is used for filtering and autoscaling seismic traces.
Go to the previous area of seismogram selection.

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Switch on first-arrivals picking mode. The choice of the first arrivals is carried out
by the left mouse button. Right-clicking switches off the chosen value on a
hodograph. The program interpolates values of the first arrivals between positions
of the first and second mouse pressing. After activating this mode the following
two buttons appear.
Option Multipicking. The first arrival times are set automatically from the first
to the last selected point on the seismograms.
Autopicking mode. Switch on first arrival times precise positioning mode. New
value is selected depending on the method set in the correction settings (snap to
zero, to the extreme, and so on). To change the settings, click the right mouse

button to (more)
Switch on the mode of velocity determination between two points. To
determinate velocity on the chosen seismogram area it is necessary to choose
the first point position. Further, during pressing the mouse button, move cursor
to the necessary position. Velocity value will be displayed in the bottom of the
status panel (the second section). Before determinate velocity be convinced that
coordinates of receivers are set correctly.
Run data filtration dialog (more).
Cancel filtration results.
Choose active seismogram from the list. There are all project seismograms in
the list.
Assessment of seismogram quality.
Run surface waves multicomponent analysis (more)

Apply changes and go to modelling and data inversion window.

Refresh data and go to modelling and data inversion window.

Reading file general settings dialog contains the following function buttons:

Adjust parameters of file reading (more)

Run dialog of seismic traces graphical settings (more).

Run the image scale setup dialog (more)

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Run dialog of background parameters settings (more)

Switch on the mode of active trace selection by the mouse. The active trace is
highlighted by green color (default) and is drawn last. This mode should not be
used during picking, because it strongly slows down program work.

Show the crossing lines following to the cursor.

Display background showing a seismogram in the interpolation.

Turn seismic traces on ninety degrees. Depending on data type it is convenient

to use vertical or horizontal seismogram orientation.

Seismograms picking functions menu

The following table lists items found in the Menu with their corresponding functions:
Open file, files set of field data with SEG-Y format
File Open SEG-Y/Project
or working project.
Add data in the working project. This option is for
File Add to project
jointing data in a single project.
Save correlation data and results to the working
File Save project
File Close project Close all seismogramms.
File Print preview Run the image printing dialog.
Import to the project file with topography
File Import topography
information in ZondST2D format (more).
File Smooth topography Smooth topography
File Run MASW module Run MASW module (more)
Run MASW module for data set. Use for summing
Run MASW for
File signals from multiple sources to a single position of
the spit. It allows improving the data quality.
Settings Survey type Survey layout parameters settings dialog (more)
Set data working window. Window sizes are set in

Settings Set working area the mode . Working window is used for
autoscaling and seismic traces. If in the multitab
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section of Table tab the option Apply for next shots
is switched on, the working window is assigned for
all subsequent project seismograms.
Turn seismic traces for ninety degrees. Depending
Settings Change orientation on the data type is convenient to use a vertical or
horizontal seismogram orientation.
Run interpolating background graphic settings
Settings Background settings
dialog (more)
Display background showing a seismogram in the
Settings Show background
Settings Background color Run seismogram background fill settings dialog.
Run file reading and processing general settings
Settings File settings
dialog. (more)
Settings Graphic settings Run graphic settings dialog (more)
Settings Scale settings Run image scale settings dialog (more)
Specifies how to display data: on channels, by
Settings Units distance, by offsets, in meters, milliseconds, or
Settings Set sample time Set sample time, miliseconds
Set data working window. Window sizes are set in

the mode . Working window is used for

Tools Set working area autoscaling and seismic traces. If in the multitab
section of Table tab the option Apply for next shots
is switched on, the working window is assigned for
all subsequent project seismograms.
Tools Select all Set all seismogram as a data working window.
Tools Filtering Run filtering data dialog (more).
Tools Undo filtering Return to primary data.
Switch on the mode of a first-arrivals picking.
Selection of the first introductions is carried out by
Tools Picking mode
the left mouse button. The pressing of the right
mouse button disconnects the chosen value on a

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hodograph. The program interpolates values of the
first arrivals between positions of the first and
second mouse pressing.
Switch on the mode of increase/selection of
seismogram area. Selection is carried out with
Tools Zoom mode
tensile rectangle by mouse. Further it is possible to
activate self-scaling mode for the chosen window.
Tools Display cross Display the crossing lines following the cursor.
Run the dialog of a fast source coordinate
Tools Edit source pos
dimensioning for the files list (more).
Options Delete current shot Remove the current seismogram from the project.
Remove from the project all seismograms for which
Options Delete empty shots
the picking isn't carried out.
Remove the "dead" traces. The traces, which are
noted in the column Table of the tab Dead of
Options Delete dead traces
multitab section, will be removed. In this column,
the user can mark the faulty route.
Sort shots by
Options Sort seismograms by filename
Options Sort shots by
Sort seismograms by source position
Sort seismograms for all traces. Traces for the
Sort all trace current shot will be sorted in accordance with the
receiver position.
Sort trace by offset Sort seismogram traces by distance from source.

Add to the current seismogram seismograms

selected in the tab Operations of multitab section
in the Shot field. Conveniently when using a short
Combine shots braids. In this case, as a rule, a braid can be moved
along profile. This option allows getting a long
record from one source to multiple position
receivers. Before use, check the correctness of the

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coordinates recording.
Options Fix (save) the current shot as original with all
Fix current shot
Apply AGC (Automatic Gain Control). Performs
recording normalizing by the average value of its

Options level at a certain time of registration interval

Apply AGC (window). The window size is set in samples and
selected experimentally. To cancel the action use

the button of canceling data filtering

Remove average value in the specified window. It

Options Remove aver in allows you to select the high-frequency signals. To

window cancel the action use the button of canceling data

Collection of the first arrivals amplitudes where the
time picking is held for a given seismogram. This
Options Collect amplitudes option allows collecting amplitudes not in the
shot picking point, because it may be zero, but in a box
around it. The window size is specified in samples
in the menu File settings/Amplitudes picking.
Options Collect amplitudes Collection of the first arrivals amplitudes where the
all time picking is held for all seismograms.
Options Undo action Undo the last picking action.
Hodographs Delete current Delete the current hodograph.
Autocorrect the current hodograph (correlation of
Hodographs Autocorrect current already picked arrivals, based on the peaks nature
near which they are located)
Automatic picking mode, based on using of the two
Hodographs Project current adjacent picked hodographs, which will be
projected on to the current seismogram.
Pick the current seismogram based on the results of
Hodographs Project empty times
adjacent seismograms picking.
Hodographs Copy current Copy the current hodograph to the buffer.

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
Hodographs Paste to current Paste data from the buffer to the current hodograph.
Hodographs Load picks Load picking data from the file.
Save the current picking results to the file. There
are the following file types: Laccolite god file –
save the current hodograph as a *.god file, Laccolite
Hodographs Save picks
directory – save hodographs for all seismograms in
the specified directory as *.god file, SRT file – save
file in *.SRT format.
Hodographs Smooth all Smooth all hodographs.
Hodographs Smooth current Smooth the current hodograph.
Smooth reciprocity
Hodographs Average the reciprocal times.
Correct t0
Hodographs Correct the record start by reciprocal points.
Correct t0 Correct the moment marks (record delay time)
(calculated) based on the calculated hodographs.
Show the average data correlation error calculated
Hodographs Reciprocity error
based on reciprocity.
Entry point - the average between the position of
Hodographs Xpos=(S+R)/2
the source and receiver
Entry point – distance from the source to the
Hodographs Xpos=S-R
Waves P- refracted Set the picking waves type - P- refracted.
Waves S-refracted Set the picking waves type - S- refracted.
Set the picking waves type – Reflected, the first
Waves Reflected-1
Set the picking waves type – Reflected, the second
Waves Reflected-2
Set the picking waves type – Reflected, the third
Waves Reflected-3
Exchange the picking waves type. The option is
Waves Exchange P&S
used, when false waves type was set.
Waves Remove active data Remove active data

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016
Save current picking results in the buffer. It is
possible to save to 5 variants of the same
hodographs. Saved variants can be loaded by
clicking on them again. After pressing the dialog
Buffer Picks1…
Working with buffer appears. It contains two
buttons: From buffer - load the saved hodograph
instead of the current one, To buffer - save the
current hodograph to the buffer.

General settings dialog of file reading and processing

To call dialog of file reading and processing general settings use the option Settings/File

settings or the toolbar button .

The SEG-Y tab contains options managing directors of field data files format (fig. 3).
Before new project creation from the SEG-Y files it is necessary to be sure that settings of
this tab correspond to used files.

Fig. 3 Program setup dialog, SEG-Y tab

Zond geophysical software

Saint-Petersburg 2001-2016

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