Kiln C1 - Feed Temperature Control

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Kiln C1_ Feed temperature contro


Kiln C1_ Feed temperature control


C1_ meal temperature control through existing PID utilization

Alternative Solution: 1
Keep the existing manual operation, make a small and simple loop to control only the high temperature from the
refrence value as we can safe fuel only in the temperature increase stage.

The operator upon smooth operation shall put the refrence temperature and select the PID.

Example: Refrence value 950 Degree

Current temperature 955 Degree (Reduce -2.5 kg)
Current temperature 960 Degree ( Reduce -5 kg)
Current temperature 965 Degree (Reduce 8 kg)

We intentionlay write a very small reduction in fuel just as a start up for confidence building.

Alternative solution: 2
Keep the existing manual operation, instruct the operators to take small steps of fuel reduction
(i.e. 2.5 - 8 kg as mentioned above) as the C1_ meal temperature high than refrence value required

Reliability of C1_ temperature measurement

Kiln # 1 : ok
kiln # 2 : we face frequent issue about the thermocouple value wrong. We would recommend a second
thermocouple as per line # 1 moreover we will be started using TDF it shall be even more important
Long term plan
Fuzzy logic or MPC based control of operation with optimized loops.
ure control
Date: 22.04.20
Remarks Available Options

The PID controller response is not effectively

PID tuning and testing again with
controlling the system some times slow some time Kiln couch.
fast, confidence level very low.

Mr. Ameen

Mr. Ameen

Mr. Ameen
MPC (Model Predictive control) is enhanced artificial
intellegence programs operating the kilns. Usually the
suppliers give a complete model for customize
operation. This solution however is expensive
(Estimated cost 200,000 Dollars)

Fuzzy logic control with fine tunned for this C1

temperature control. Siemens or some company can
be hired with support of chris only to work on this
controller response.

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