Finish Grinding Ball Mill Interlocks-V0.0

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Controlled Parameter Actuator Target Comments

Operator to set the setpoint for the elevator power. Fresh feed to mill
Optimisation of the production and specific power can be optimized based on Elevator power. To avoid over filling of
Mill Outlet Bucket Elevator kW Mill Fresh Feed
reduction mill, fresh feed is reduced based on Mill sound level and mill power

Operator to set the set point for Total Mill Feed (Fresh Feed +
Rejects). Fresh feed to mill can be optimized based on Separator
Rejects. To avoid over filling of mill, fresh feed is reduced based on
Total mill feed (Fresh feed + Optimisation of the production and specific power
Mill Fresh Feed Mill sound level and mill power indications. Separator Rejects
separator rejects) reduction
measurement is required.
NOTE:- Either Total Mill Feed Loop or Mill Outlet Bucket Elevator kW
Loop could be used.

Constant air flow through the separator is maintained by keeping the

Separator fan Variable Speed Drive or adjustable Ensure a constant quality of classification (for a
Separator Air Flow power of separator fan at predetermined level by varying the fan
Damper constant feeding of classifier)
speed or adjustable damper.

Separator Inlet Pressure (for To maintatin constant separator inlet pressure by varying the
Adjustable Damper in Recirculation Duct Allow complementary flow from recirculation
plants having recirculation duct) adjustable damper in the recirculation duct.

To avoid dehydration of gypsum in silo and maintatin cement

Separator Outlet Temperature Fresh Air Adjustable Damper To reduce cement temperature
temperature of 70°.

Separator motor speed is set to optimum value by operator to maintain

Final Product Fineness Separator Variable Speed Drive Constant product fineness required product fineness or could be a control loop for mills having
online lazer particle size analyzer.

Water spraying is a worst case cenario if other means of temperature

control are not sufficient! First priority is control of mill ventilation,
which is usually a set point for the pressure after the mill controlled by
Gas Temperature at mill outlet Water spraying device Drying and to avoid excessive gypsum dehydration
the variable speed of the mill filter fan or position of fan damper. Could
by also a set point for temperature but pressure is much quicker and

To control the cement temperature and also to avoid

Gas Temperature at mill inlet (if
Mill Inlet Fresh Air Damper risks of clogging due to water spray when run in
hot gas is used)
Regardless of any change in fresh feed set point the proportion in
Mill Feed Composition Weigh Feeders Proportions To maintain set proportion of feed components terms of percentage for each raw material is kept constant for the
fresh feed

Control Loop
Control Loop in Reason for run in Manual
Available in PCS Comments [if any]
Auto/Manual Mode
Process Group Source of condition Start Condition Stop Condition Delay for stop [seconds]* Comments
Clinker Feed Bin Level <H > HH 3 Avoid overfilling
Gypsum Feed Bin Level <H > HH 3 Avoid overfilling
Additives Feed Bin Level <H > HH 3 Avoid overfilling
Clinker Feed Bin digital Level
Not activated Activated 3 Avoid overfilling
Hoppers Feeding
Gypsum Feed Bin digital Level
Not activated Activated 3 Avoid overfilling
Additives Feed Bin digital Level
Not activated Activated 3 Avoid overfilling

Mill Sound Level < LL 3 Avoid overfilling of the mill.

Stop Fresh Feed. Cement transport sequence is
Silo Level <H >HH 3
Mill feeding (including weigh stopped
feeder) Roller Press Bin Level <H >HH 3 Stop Fresh Feed/Reduce Fresh Feed
Hopper Level >L <LL 3
Mill Power < LL 3 Avoid overfilling of the mill.
5% Deviation in weigh feeders. To avoid quality
Weigh Feeder's Deviation Deviation 5*60 deviations and empty run of mill. Need to to be set in
weigh feeder controller

Avoid quality deviations. Adjust ventilation or start Water

Mill Outlet Temp <H >HH 30 min
Mill Injection System on Mill Outlet Temperature High.
Weigh Feeders OFF 5*60 Avoid empty running of mill and damage to liners
Mill feed bins level >L
Mill Outlet Elevator Boot Level <H >HH 3 Avoid overfilling of mill 1st chamber
Mill Outlet Elevator power <H >HH 3 Avoid overfilling of mill 1st chamber
Mill Filter Hopper Level Sensor Not activated Activated 5*60 Trip Mill Filter Fan.
Trip Mill Filter Fan. To protect bag filter from
Mill Filter DP >HH 3
Mill Filter & Fan
Trip Mill Filter Fan to protect bag filter from under
Mill filter outlet pressure >HH 3

Separator Filter DP >HH 3 Trip Separator Fan

Separator Filter Hopper level sensor Not activated Activated 5*60 Trip Separator Fan
Separator Filter & Fan
Trip Mill Filter Fan to protect bag filter from under
Mill filter outlet pressure >HH 3
Mill feed ON OFF Enabled
Mill Water Spray Temperature Deadband to be fixed by plant. When
Mill Outlet Temperature >L <H started, the injection should be included in control loop or
set point given by operator
Pneumatic Transport Line
>HH 3 Trip pneumatic pump
Pressure(if applicable)
Cement Transport/Others
Silo Selection for Product ON Ensure correct silo is selected
Silo Level >HH Avoid overfilling

*Delay for stop:- 3 seconds is proposed in order to avoid stoppage due to signal perturbation (can be increased/reduced according to site conditions)
In general, delays can be adjusted according to site conditions/circuit configuration/OEM recommendation.
Some limit values mentioned in comments are for ultimate safety. Operational limits needs to
be set based on supplier/OEM recommendation or circuit configuration.
Interlock Available in Value of Start Value of Stop Values of Sensor Operating Sensor Operating Existing Delay for Interlock
Reason for Bypass Comments [if any]
PCS (Y/N) Condition Condition Alarm Limits Range Min Value Range Max Value Stop [Seconds] Active /Bypass

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