Jimma University Jimma Institute of Technology School OF Computing
Jimma University Jimma Institute of Technology School OF Computing
Jimma University Jimma Institute of Technology School OF Computing
School OF computing
ID. NUMBER=RU0957/09
June, 2019
Proposal Of Restaurant Automation 2020
In restaurants when a waiter takes an order from the customer and order is then
printed out in the kitchen. When it is time to pay the waiter must go back to the
central location and print out a copy of the customer’s bill. If the customer wants to
pay with a credit card the waiter then has to take the customer’s credit card back to
the computer at the central location to scan it in and then print the receipt. This takes
the time and waste the paper used for receipt.
In this project will develop a hand held device that can be used take an order while
the waiter is standing at the table and send the order directly to a screen in the
kitchen. When the customer is done eating the waiter will be able to show the
customer their bill on the handheld device and, if the customer chooses to pay with a
credit card, the device will be able to scan the credit card and print out a receipt
without having to leave the customer.
In this project the software will developed to automate the work in the restaurant
with the low cost and the report will contain sections that address the following
issues: background, problem statement, project purpose, objective, scope of the
project, limitation, expected output, methodology, literature review, functional
requirement, list of hard ware and software, interface and communication, estimate
cost and schedules. The end product will be used in the demonstration,
modification/continuation recommendation for the Project.
Table Contents
EXCUTIVE SUMMERY.......................................................................................... i
CHAPTER ONE ...................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Brief Background ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem Statement ..................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Project purpose ................................................................................... 2
1.3 Objective of the Research .......................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General Objective ............................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific Objective............................................................................... 3
1.4 Significance of the project ......................................................................... 4
1.5 Scope of the project ................................................................................... 4
1.6 Limitation .................................................................................................. 4
1.7 Expected output ......................................................................................... 4
1.8 Methodology ............................................................................................. 5
CHAPTER TWO ..................................................................................................... 6
LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................................... 6
2.1. Theoretical and Concept Development ....................................................... 6
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................. 8
APPROACH AND DESIGN ................................................................................... 8
3.1. Functional Requirement ............................................................................. 8
3.2. Technical Approach Considerations and hardware used ............................. 9
3.3. Programming Language ............................................................................10
3.4. Wireless Communications ........................................................................10
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................11
USER INTERFACE AND COMMUNICATION ...................................................11
4.1. Interface ....................................................................................................11
4.2. Communications.......................................................................................11
4.2.1. Socket Programming..........................................................................11
CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................12
ESTIMATING RESOURCE AND SCHEDULE ....................................................12
5.1. Cost estimation .........................................................................................12
List of figure
List of table
Restaurant is a place where people come, sit and eat meals that are cooked
and served by the chef and the waiters respectively. In traditional restaurant
system, orders are taken by a waiter and they bring the food when it is ready.
After eating the food, customers will pay the bill. This system relies on large
numbers of manpower to handle customer reservation, inquiry about them, ordering
food, placing order on table, reminding dishes of customer. Currently, there are a lot
of ways of serving the customers. For instance, waiter serving system (conventional),
conveyor belt serving system (Japanese style), self-carrying system (fast food), pen-
and-paper self-ordering system, etc. These systems are made in order to get
attraction from customers and to reduce the need of hiring more employees in their
workplace. When there is a robot that can conduct all the tasks done by human being,
it will strictly reduce the need of hiring more employees. Therefore, a serving robot
is proposed.
The purpose of this Project is to develop a handheld device that can be used take an
order while the waiter is standing at the table and send the order directly to a screen
in the kitchen. When the customer is done eating the waiter will be able to show the
customer their bill on the handheld device and, if the customer chooses to pay with a
credit card, the device will be able to scan the credit card and print out a receipt
without having to leave the customer. This system will reduce the time the waiter
takes to obtain and process an order and settle the bill with the customer. The device
will also eliminate some paper used because the only printout is the customer’s credit
card receipt.
The report contains sections that address the following issues: operating
environment; intended users; assumption and limitations; the end product; detailed
design of the Project; costs; and schedule to be used for the completion of the project
The end product will be used in the demonstration, modification/continuation
recommendation for the Project.
The planned demonstration is going to be the same as the Project Plan, but included
within this report is an alternate demonstration if one the handheld devices are unable
to be obtained via donation, as it is very expensive. If this occurs, the alternate
demonstration stipulates the use of a handheld like device that is readily available
within the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
In many restaurants when a waiter takes an order from the customer they must write
the order down and then enter it into a computer at one central location. The order is
then printed out in the kitchen. When it is time to pay the waiter must go back to the
central location and print out a copy of the customer’s bill. If the customer wants to
pay with a credit card the waiter then has to take the customer’s credit card back to
the computer at the central location to scan it in and then print the receipt. The
current system wastes a lot of time because the waiter keeps going to and from the
customer and the computer at the central location. It also wastes paper since the order
must be written down, printed out in the kitchen, and finally a paper receipt must be
given to the customer
Bluetooth communications. All the programming for the devices will be done using
Microsoft Visual C++.
1.6 Limitation
The expected Project product is a model of a WHOS that is ready for prototyping.
The model WHOS will use simplified restaurant management software for
demonstration. The following components will be available at the end of the Project:
1.8 Methodology
For the accomplishment purpose of this work there is a methodology that designed to
achieve the general and specific objective of this research work. Among the
methodology that will be used are listed as follow:
Problem identification
Installations of the
Running the Programing device
Figure 1 methodology
Above the front door he is reported to have placed a sign stating: "Boulanger débite
des restaurants divins" ("Boulanger provides divine sustenance"), so becoming the
first businessman to use the word "restaurant" (albeit in its original meaning) to
describe a place where food can be had as well as the first to offer a choice of dishes
to customers.
Below the sign he was said to have added the Latin invitation: "Venite ad me omnes
qui stomacho laboratis et ego vos restauro," ("Come to me, those who are famished,
and I will give you sustenance").
The guide goes on to note that Mr Boulanger's most innovative dish was "sheep's feet
in a white sauce" and attributed some of the success of the new restaurant to his
beautiful wife, who allegedly attracted the admiring attentions of the writer Diderot.
Other sources are no less detailed. The Academic Dictionary of Gastronomes devotes
a page to describing a legal battle between Mr Boulanger and the Parisian food
guilds which attempted to outlaw the restaurant, on the grounds that it represented
unfair competition.
The following section will discuss in detail the approach used to develop the WHOS, the design
of the components and the system. The first device to be discussed will be the handheld device
and then the central computer will follow.
The following requirements are specified in order to successfully complete the Project.
The programming language to use for the WHOS development was reviewed.
a. Visual C++
Visual C++ language is based on C++ which is familiar to many members of the WHOS team.
Additional components assist in developing GUIs, often without writing much additional code.
a. Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a wireless communication method for low power, short range, secure
communications. It allows quick and easy integration of different devices. However, only a
limited number of devices can communicate simultaneously using Bluetooth.
4.1. Interface
The GUI for the handheld device will consist of three regions. The first region will consist of the
bottom half of the hand hold’s display. This region is where all menu options will be displayed.
The second region consists of the buttons along to the top right side of the display.
This second region is where all permanent buttons will be displayed. The final region is the
display window in the top left corner of the handheld’s display. It will show all order
information, the price of each item, and a running tally of all items in the current order. The
following figure shows the GUI for the handheld device
4.2. Communications
The handheld device and the central computer will communicate using a wireless network. On
the software level the two systems will communicate using sockets.
When the handheld device (client) needs to communicate with the central computer (server) it
will create a socket. This socket will correspond to a socket on the server with specific port
identification. When the client socket connects with the server socket it creates a link between
the two computers which information can be passed along. After communications with the server
are finished the connection will be broken until the next time the client needs to communicate
with the server in which case the connection will be remade. The sockets that will be used will
be unidirectional, so if the central computer needs to communicate with the handheld device the
central computer will become the client and the handheld will become the server. The same
process will occur just the roles will be reverse.
2 Pen Pcs 10 4 40
3 Not book No 4 15 60
5.2. Schedule
The table below is the breakdown of the research stages and the time schedule subject to
modification based on the prevailing situation
End product
testing and
Project reporting
Final report
Although this device will not be a marketable product, the concept of the product will be proven.
Restaurant waiter will have a wireless handheld device that will allow the waiter to place orders,
receive payments and print receipts all with one device. Specifically, the device will incorporate
an LCD touch screen, a magnetic card swipe, and a Bluetooth printer which will allow
restaurants to increase the efficiency of the restaurants order/billing and inventory system and
reduce the amount of paper used. Restaurants may find the idea of this device to be an attractive
option, therefore such a system has a potential for success in commercial applications.
[3] ”Intel PXA27x Processor Developer's Kit." Download.Intel.Com. Intel Corporation. 14 Sept.
2006 <ftp://download.intel.com/design/pca/applicationsprocessors/manuals/27882705.pdf>.
[5] "Card Reading > Magstripe > Swipe > Mini." Magtek. 6 Nov. 2006
[9] "Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition w/MSDN Pro." Pricegrabber.com. Price Grabber.
21 Sep 2006 <http://amdmb.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=13954436>.
[11] background review online. www.resturantautomation written and predesigned project. com