ACU Fusion 360 PDF
ACU Fusion 360 PDF
ACU Fusion 360 PDF
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Fusion 360 Certification Objectives User
User Interface and Navigation X
Use the Browser and the Timeline X
Change preferences X
Create a project X
Upload files X
Invite people to a project X
Use A360 to manage relationships and copy files X
2D Sketching X
Applying dimensions X
Use sketch constraints X
Edit a sketch X
Part Modeling
WHAT’S ON THE EXAM? Apply Fillets and Chamfers X
Refer to the chart on this page for a Create a pattern of features X
list of skills covered by this exam. Create a 3D thread feature X
Create a shell feature X
AUTODESK CERTIFICATION Create extrude features X
EXAM TOPICS AND Create revolve features X
OBJECTIVES Create construction planes and axes X
Edit existing geometry using Direct Edit tools X
The Autodesk Certified User Inspect command; measure, and section analysis X
Exam Contains 30 questions. The Assembly Modeling
majority of these require you to use
Create and manage top level assembly and X
Autodesk Fusion 360™ software to
create or modify a data file, and then
Create a component from a body X
type your answer into an input box.
Other question types include multiple Align and assembly joints X
choice, matching and point and-click. Interference X
You will have a 75 minute time limit Drawing
(in some countries, the time limit Creating a drawing views, base, projected, section, X
may be extended). The chart shows detail
you the skills you will be expected
Add annotations X
to demonstrate on the exam. Keep
Edit views X
in mind that some of the skills listed
may not be tested on your specific Edit border and title block X
certification exam; however, you Advanced Modeling X
should be prepared to demonstrate Sweep X
your mastery of them all. Loft X
Split and Combine bodies X
Create Form X
Become an Autodesk Edit Form X