Chronic Leg Edema Exercises Brochure - EN (LR) PDF
Chronic Leg Edema Exercises Brochure - EN (LR) PDF
Chronic Leg Edema Exercises Brochure - EN (LR) PDF
3M Coban
edema also called2 Layer
for patients with ABPI ≥ 0.8 mmHg
™ ™
3M™ Coban™ 2 Layer Lite Chronic leg lymphedema
the skin. There are many causes ofSystems
occurs when fluid builds up in the tissues under Compression System
for patients with ABPI ≥ 0.5 mmHg
leg swelling
and if left untreated can cause changes in the skin,
pain and inflammation.
Printed in Canada.
For more information about lymphedema
Available in Canada from:
3M Science. Applied to contact:
Life., 3M and Coban are
trademarks of 3M. Used
under license in Canada.
All other trade names Compression is the cornerstone of treatment and is best used with venous
Critical & Chronic Care Solutions 3M Deutschland GmbH referenced are the service
3M Canada Company Health Care Business marks, trademarks or leg ulcer exercises. This brochure is intended to provide examples of
P.O. Box 5757 Carl-Schurz-Straße 1 registered trademarks of different exercises that people with venous leg ulcers can use. Refer to
London, Ontario N6A 4T1 41453 Neuss, Germany their respective companies. disclaimer for more information.
1-800-364-3577 © 2015, 3M. All rights reserved. 1511-04016 E
Ankle Pumps: Using a chair for
Minor bumps or scratches can cause the
Repeat 30 times support
skin to breakdown.
every 1-2 hours Push up onto your toes
when awake. Make lifting your heel off
sure you move your the ground. Repeat 10
CALF MUSCLE ankle through the full times or until you can
PUMP range of movement. no longer raise your
The heart is heel off the floor.
well known
to pump blood
through the blood Stand on a gradual
vessels (called wedge shaped block.
arteries) out to parts Move your foot onto
of your body. Calf Stretches: the board until you feel
Gently pull on the a stretch of the muscle
This circulation brings on the back of your
oxygen to tissues towel until you feel
a stretch in the back knee. Hold that position
located throughout as long as possible.
the body including of your calf. Hold 60
those in the legs and feet. The calf muscles seconds. When you
located between your knee and ankle contract no longer feel the
and relax and help to pump the blood in the stretch pull harder A persistent pain in the calf muscle that is
veins back up to the heart. In this way the calf on the towel. Repeat tender to touch should be brought to the
muscles have been termed “a second heart”. 3-5 times every day. attention of your health care provider.
This second heart must be working properly Repeat with knee
to control swelling. bent.
Walking short distances
Calf can also help improve
Strengthening: blood circulation to
EXERCISES your legs and feet. It
With your leg
In order for the calf muscle pump to straight, press into the is important to walk as
work properly you need to have enough Thera-Band® as far as briskly as possible with
movement in your ankles, and strong you are able. Hold 3 your feet pointing forward
muscles that can easily move your foot seconds. Release to so that the calf muscle is pumping with each
up and down. Certain exercises can help start counting 1, 2, 3, step. Thirty minutes of walking at least 3
improve this and reduce swelling and pain. 4. Repeat 20 times times a week has been shown to improve
and rest. Repeat 3 the pumping action of the calf muscle and
times. increase the ability of your leg muscles to
return blood back to the heart.