October 4, 2019 Strathmore Times

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OCTOBER 4, 2019

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Page 3

Arson suspected
in fire at old seed
cleaning plant
Times Editor
Firefighter recognition
A fire at the old seed cleaning plant on Cen-
tennial Drive in Strathmore last week was de-
Page 11 liberately set, according to the Strathmore Fire
Department which was first on the scene.
The fire department received the fire call at
about 4 p.m. on Sept. 25.
According to Eric Alexander, Strathmore
Fire Department captain, the department re-
sponded with three fire trucks and 14 mem-
bers. They were assisted by two fire apparatus
and six members from Wheatland West Fire
“According to dispatch records, it took us
seven minutes from the initial alert to get on
Badgers season recap scene, and the fire was extinguished about an
hour after we were on scene; it was complete-
ly extinguished,” said Alexander.
According to Strathmore Fire Department
Chief Trent West, the fire was deliberately set.
“We’re working in conjunction with the
RCMP on this file,” he said. “And as we gather
more information or things are made availa-
ble to us, then we interview whoever was in-
West couldn’t say how the fire was started.
The joint investigation between the RCMP and
Offering IV Sedation
the fire department is ongoing.
Dr. Ashkan Hamzehi DDS The plant, located on Centennial Dr., was
Dr. Arzy Kafrouny DDS
Dr. Sharif Faizi DMD empty at the time of the fire. It previously
General Practice Family Dentistry served as the Strathmore Seed Cleaning Plant
100 Ranch Market, Unit 105F for 40 years until 2015 when a new seed clean-
Strathmore, AB 403.934.5292 ing plant was built and opened on Highway 21
www.theranchdentalcentre.com just north of Highway 1. The old plant is still
owned by Strathmore Seed Cleaning Plant Ltd.
Look on Page 6 + 10 for and they were using the site until late in 2017
Town of Strathmore when it was decommissioned.
What happens next with the plant “depends
Municipal Notices
on the insurance company and the engineers
Contact Us Today! that they engaged to take a look at the struc-
403.934.5589 ture for its viability, or what they need to do
to make it safe if it’s not,” said West. “That’s
info@strathmoretimes.com between the insurance company and the engi-
www.StrathmoreTimes.com neers, and our (town) planning and develop- A fire at the old seed cleaning plant on Centennial drive last Wednesday was deliberately set, ac-
ment department.” cording to officials. RCMP are now investigating. Miriam Ostermann Photos




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Page 2 • Strathmore TIMES • October 4, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

One youth dead following drug overdose

Times Editor gation revealed the youth had consumed prescrip-
tion pills.
One youth is dead following a drug overdose Earlier that same morning, two 15-year-old male
from Sept. 22. youths were taken to hospital under the same
RCMP confirm the 16-year-old male youth died circumstances. All youths had attended the same
while in hospital. house party the previous evening and ingested
Police continue to investigate the circumstances opioids in pill form.
surrounding this incident. The name of the de- The investigation is ongoing and police are ask-
ceased will not be released. ing if you have information about this incident
On Sept. 22, RCMP arrived at a Strathmore to call the Strathmore RCMP at 403-934-3535. To
residence where EMS was working on a male in remain anonymous, contact Crime Stoppers at
medical distress. The 16-year-old male youth was 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), online at www.P3Tips.
transported by ground ambulance and then flown com or use the “P3 Tips” app available through
www. StrathmoreTimes.com by STARS to hospital in critical condition. Investi- the Apple App or Google Play Store.

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October 4, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 3

New Showtime:
recruits Closed
New Strathmore Fire Depart-
ment recruits Perry Lewin
(l-r), Joel Blakney, Megan Wil-
Octoer 4 - 10, 2019
liams, Lauren McGougan and
Brandon Hoogenboom took
their oath on Sept. 24 at the
Strathmore Legion with fire Has Fallen
chief Trent West (r) presiding.
Gerard Butler,
The evening also included a Morgan Freeman,
formal dinner and numerous Jada Pinkett Smith,
recognitions for fire depart- Piper Perabo, Nick Nolte
ment personnel and civilians
who work alongside the de- 14A
Miriam Ostermann Photo For Movie Listings call 403-934-3057
or go to www.joylandtheatre.com

Take care when using cannabis

LINDA JENSEN to have an effect on a woman’s ability different rules.
Times Contributor to maintain pregnancy. Miscarriage is A person can grow their own canna- Commercial | Farms Industrial | Investment
more common, as is low birth weight.” bis plants – in Alberta, that’s a maximum
According to a recent story in the Cal- The effects of cannabis may be de- of four plants per household. Driving Bob Sheddy C0-Owner/Commercial Broker
gary Herald, there are over 200 hundred layed and last for 12 hours. For exam- while impaired by cannabis is illegal,
cannabis stores in Calgary. An addition- BobSheddy.ca 403-324-2222
ple, when putting cannabis into baking and like with alcohol, cannabis cannot bob.sheddy@century21.ca
al 100 more stores have been refused and then eating three pieces one right be within reach of anyone in a vehicle.
in that city, mostly due to school and
daycare proximity.
after the other because the first two In September, the Canadian Institute KaraLee Foat, MA Co-Owner/Broker
hadn’t taken effect yet. “You (can) have for Health Information (CIHI) stated PowerRealty.ca 587-390-0596
With at least four cannabis outlets in a severe reaction (to the drug),” he said. the national rate of hospital stays for karalee.foat@century21.ca
Strathmore, legalization of the drug 11 “And when you put cannabis in food, its harm caused by substance abuse among
months ago has sparked public curios- (effects) may last a long time.” youth who are between the ages of 10 403-983-2121
123 2nd Ave,
ity, consumption and concern. When asked how to obtain medical and 24 was 364 per 100,000. In Alberta, Strathmore, AB
In The Need For Weed, a medical marijuana, Poteet was explicit. “Consult it is 15 per cent higher and the top two
marijuana presentation during the Se- a trusted health care practitioner for a guilty substances are alcohol and can-
nior Power conference in Strathmore on medical document. Then, register with nabis.
Sept. 20, local pharmacist Joshua Poteet a licensed producer and place your or- “At least 65 people per day are ad-
presented the facts. der.” mitted to hospital for cannabis-induced
“It is primarily the buds that are used Of course, today, cannabis can be psychosis,” said Poteet. “That is when We’ll Make You
medically,” he said. “They are more
concentrated, have been studied the
obtained without medical clearance at
various provincially licensed outlets. A
they lose touch with reality.”
Poteet encouraged both experienced SMILE
most and are the most well understood. person must be 18 years of age or older and new users alike to understand the
Medically, the ratio of the cannabinoids, to purchase cannabis and children are acute and chronic effects of cannabis.
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD not allowed to enter cannabis stores, He suggested before trying cannabis to
(cannabidiol), are measured.” even with an adult. Thirty grams is the visit a family doctor to gain better in-
Alberta Health Services states on its most you can buy or carry at a time. sight on the effects of cannabis, and any
website that THC affects how a person And a person cannot smoke in most potential risks that may be encountered
Please call 403-934-9681
to schedule your appointment
thinks, acts and feels. “It can make you public places – every municipality has when consuming it.
feel high,” states the website. “While Dr. Elizabeth Robinson • Dr. Leanne Lesniak
CBD can help you feel relaxed without
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other symptoms.” #11 - 55 Wheatland Trail, Strathmore
There are four types of marijuana
dosing: smoking, oral, oromucosal and Wildflower
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“Vaporizing is better than smoking,” Amazing
said Poteet. “Swallow or add oils to food family home!! Happy Camper RV Storage is now offering Locally Owned & Operated
such as baked goods or edibles. Spray MLS#C4256831
in the mouth to be absorbed through
the skin.” In addition, he said it can be MOTORCYCLE STORAGE!
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Poteet said despite all the hype sur- Call or email now for all your storage needs.
rounding the perceived benefits of us- Alisa Wurz Just 10 min’s east of Strathmore households weekly!
ing cannabis, it can still be risky. (403)934-7903
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impaired driving … and pregnancy vi-
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Email: rose@strathmoretimes.com
tality,” Poteet said. “Cannabis is known
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Page 4 • Strathmore TIMES • October 4, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com


Pass the Salt Still much to do
A LIFE OF THANKSGIVING us to practice a perpetual
lifestyle of giving thanks. Paul’s To the Editor
This year Thanksgiving Day closing remarks to the church On behalf of The War Amps, I would
falls in the middle of a Federal at Thessalonika are but one like to thank reporter Janet Kanters (Sept.
Election campaign. And it struck of many similar exhortations: 27), for featuring Colton Sheppard and Av-
me just how different the focus ‘And we urge you, beloved, to ery MacAdam, members of The War Amps
of these two observances are. admonish the idlers, encourage Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program.
The various campaign messages the fainthearted, help the weak, As The War Amps enters its second cen-
I’ve been hearing tend to employ be patient with all of them. See tury, stories like this help bring important
a similar strategy – to encourage that none of you repays evil for awareness to the many vita programs we
me to be dissatisfied with the evil, but always seek to do good offer for all Canadian amputees.
circumstances of my life, to to one another and to all. Rejoice Although the Association has developed
attribute those negatives to the always, pray without ceasing, many innovative and unique programs
past bad management and bad give thanks in all circumstances; over the past 100 years, there is still much
policies of the “other guys,” and for this is the will of God in Christ to do to ensure amputees have the artifi-
to warn me that things will not Jesus for you.’ cial limbs they need to lead full and active
get better unless “our party” In the scriptural imagination, lives. With the public’s continued support
gains governmental power in an Attitude of Gratitude is an of the Key Tag and Address Label Service,
the next Parliament. The details integral component of a better our commitment remains to improve the
differ from one party to another, life for the entire community, no SHS Cakes for Cancer lives of amputees, like Colton and Avery,
long into the future.
of course, but the strategy seems matter how bad the government Strathmore High School’s Spartan Council held their third annual Cakes for
the same. This shouldn’t be of the day – and Roman rule in Danita Chisholm
Cancer auction on Sept. 19. Fifty-two baked items were auctioned off by
surprising, since in our society the first century could be pretty Executive Director, CHAMP Program
auctioneer Cody Hayes, and a total of $5,000 was raised to go to the Terry
the purveyors of products and vicious. Fox Foundation. The War Amps
So this Thanksgiving I’d invite Photo Courtesy of Jaden Frizzell
services of every sort employ a
similar strategy to encourage us you to consider how to build
to buy what they offer. We are practices of gratitude and Thought for Proud of Kinsmen Park
all bombarded by enticements to thankfulness into your everyday the Week To the Editor
dissatisfaction at every turn. life. Your life might just become ~ In 1977 we moved to Strathmore and I
Thanksgiving, on the other hand, more satisfying regardless of the I long to a started a business two years later. I even-
encourages us to look in the election results. accomplish tually joined the Kinsmen club and later
entirely opposite direction. the K40. I volunteered with other mem-
While the national celebration Rev. Malcolm Kern, Priest
great and novel
bers to erect the gazebo, the washrooms,
of Thanksgiving is just one day St. Michael & All Angels tasks; but it is
install the fountain, etc. Donations from
each year, scripture encourages Anglican Church my chief duty to businesses and the community and volun-
accomplish teer labour resulted in the building of the
small tasks as if beautiful Kinsmen Park. When the park
BOW RIVER ALLIANCE CHURCH SACRED HEART CATHOLIC they were great was finished, the Kinsmen Club turned it
105 Main St. Carseland Holy Cross Collegiate School Gym over to the Town of Strathmore to main-
403-934-9337 709B - 2nd Street, Strathmore and noble.
tain for the public enjoyment.
Pastor: Kevin Enns 403-934-2641
H. Keller Although I now live in the county, I am
office@bowriveralliance.com Pastor: Fr. Wojciech Jarzecki
Sunday Worship: 10 am Masses: Saturday 5 pm • Sunday 10 am still proud of Kinsmen Park. I am disap-
www.bowriveralliance.com pointed and insulted that the town chose
ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS ANGLICAN to build their new town office in an area
that could have been used to enhance the
(1 PET. 2:9)
strathmoreanglican@gmail.com park. Town councillors are always talk-
322 A 2nd Avenue, Strathmore
403-714-2283 Rev. Malcolm Kern ing about beautifying downtown but then
Pastor: Sunday Adeola Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am
Unit D, change what was already beautiful. A new
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am “Becoming fully alive in Jesus Christ” building will not replace the landscape
Wednesday Bible Study: 7 pm 202 Canal Court, that so many people have enjoyed over
COVENANT CHURCH Strathmore, AB the years. Kinsmen Park has always been
STRATHMORE FULL GOSPEL CHURCH 245 Brent Blvd, Strathmore • 403-934-2424 the hub of downtown activities and local
Pastor: Heidi Wiebe events. I fail to see the logic in the town
50 Maplewood Drive • 403-934-2225
Worship Service Sundays 10 am 403.934.6044 council’s decision.
Senior Pastor: Rev. Les Fischer
Youth Pastor: Rev. Kyle Lomenda www.hope-community.ca prowatersystems Denny Tibeau
New Office Hours:
9 am - 4 pm • Tues - Wed - Thur
STRATHMORE ALLIANCE @gmail.com Wheatland County, Nightingale
325 1 Ave • 403-934-3543 Former Kinsmen member
Worship Service: 10:30 am Corner of 1 Ave & Wheatland Trail
Children’s Church & Nursery in Service Lead Pastor: Mike Wiebe

Extending Grace - igniting hope
Associate Pastor: John Duerksen Water Softeners, Iron Filters
Youth/Worthip Inter: Connor Hyde
10:00 am Worship Service & Drinking Water Systems www.
112 Lakeside Blvd. • 403-934-2374 www.strathmorealliance.com
Pastor: Dawn Nelson

43rd Year!
Worship Schedule
Thursday Evening 7:00 pm
Wheatland Trail & 3rd Avenue
403-934-3025 STRATHMORE Clarification

Sunday Family 10:30 am Rev. Pamela Scott
Christian Education
For All - Ages 3-103
Sunday Worship 10:30 am Baby & Kids Ladies In the Sept. 27
Sunday at 9:30 am
Sunday School 10:30 am
Nursery Care Provided
Clothes issue of the
Join us in Praising our Lord, Jesus Christ! Kids to 6x Blouses
Wheel Chair Accessible Strathmore
Loop system for the hearing impaired
Meeting in the Lutheran Church 102 Canal Gardens Elephant Items Letter to the
112 Lakeside Blvd. 587-227-6956
Pastor: Donald Pierre
403-901-0893 / 403-880-3171 & Household Editor
Pastor: Elizabeth Karp
Services held every Saturday Pastor: Dave Mackie Articles titled Staying
Sabbath School: 10 AM
Worship Service: 11 AM
Worship Sundays 10:30 am
Youth Tuesdays 7 pm
October Mens
in Strathmore,
Come Join us for a spirit-filled time
24, 25 & 26 Pants
it was
of worship
Thursday 9 am - 8 pm
Friday 9 am - 8 pm $1 $1 written that
PJ’s Diner is
The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints DonationsWelcome solely owned
60 Maplewood Drive | Bishop Justin Hansen | jbhansen2@gmail.com DOLLAR BAG DAY Drop off articles at the United Church after Mon., Oct. 21 and operated
403-983-2746 | LDS.org | Worship Service Sundays 10 a.m. Items refused after Wednesday 8 pm
Saturday 9 am - 1pm by the Burns
Outdoor items may be family.

GET YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS purchased Mon-Fri - 9-5 pm. $5 Suits

$2 Dresses
PJ’s Diner
is in fact
Books Tue-Fri 9-8 pm. CDs
IN THE TIMES! Sat 9-1 pm. $5 Coats Toys
co-owned and
operated by
business partners
Call 403-934-5589
934-3118 • 813-9149
John Burns and
RECYCLE • SHARE • SAVE Pamela Sangret.
October 4, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 5

Leela Sharon Aheer, MLA

Strathmore Office:
129 Second Avenue
10 AM – 1 PM
Other times and meetings in
Chestermere by appointment.
HCC Langdon Office Opening Soon!
night 403-207-9889
Holy Cross Collegiate recognized students for their academic and athletic accomplishments for the 2018-2019 school year on assembly.ab.ca
Sept. 20 and handed out a variety of scholarships to recent graduates. Manny Everett Photo

Welcome to winter
LEELA SHARON AHEER needed services are provided. We are faced with an environ-
Chestermere-Strathmore MLA ment of low prices for our resources, lack of pipeline ca-
pacity and restrictions on natural gas storage. These are key
Hello Strathmore! Welcome to winter. issues that handcuff our province and our country’s prosper-
From fields full of combines to fields ity. We are actively working on strategies to overcome these
covered in snow for the second Sep- issues, and I would like to thank Associate Minister Nally
tember in a row. With trade disputes on his work with the Canadian Energy Regulator facilitating
hammering our export markets, exces- more access to the Trans Canada Pipeline System for gas go-
sive moisture in the north, drought in ing into storage during maintenance of the lines, which will
the south and now a heavy wet snow- help with volatility in the market. It is a short-term solution
fall, our farming friends are having a but will help to stabilize prices. We want to revitalize the sec-
rough year. I hope many of you man- tor and attract investment.
aged to get your crops off before this We have recently met with the co-chairs of SAIT and NAIT
latest blow. to find ways to meet labour demands in our province. Minister
I have been travelling the province Nicolaides, the Minister of Advanced Education, has created
this weekend for Alberta Culture Days a task force that will look at skilled trades and encouraging
and have had an amazing time meet- more of our youth to pursue employment in these fields. We
ing and seeing so many of you out and hope to streamline getting credentials and training to really
about enjoying the hundreds of activi- inspire more people to look to these areas. Skills matter, and
ties and sessions that are available all we hope to help accelerate successful high paying careers.
over the province. When it comes to cel- We will be holding our Alberta Advantage Immigration
ebrating our culture and communities, Strategy Consultations on Oct. 3 in Langdon at the Firehouse
Albertans seem immune to the mucky, Grill. For more information and to attend, please contact my
wet and cold weather. Thank you for in- office at 403-207-9889.
viting me to your wonderful events. I I write to you not as a legislator or minister but as a mother
have been very touched by the people, with deep sadness over the loss of two young men, one to
culture and warm receptions across our opioids and the other to a car crash. We also have two other
magnificent province. young men in the hospital due to drug overdoses at a house
While we are on the topic of Culture party. I wish I had some wisdom to offer, some words to
Days there’s a cultural gem right here help with the pain, but I just have tears and my deepest con-
in Strathmore: the Strathmore Munici- dolences for those who have lost their precious babies. To
pal Library. Every month they have a the families, we are with you, and you are in our thoughts
featured local artist, special events and and prayers. Our communities rally around our families and
of course books and digital media. these families will need all of us in the upcoming weeks and
The library is a member of the Mari- months as they come to terms with the trauma that they have
gold Library System, headquartered in endured. Please hug your children close to you, talk to them
Strathmore, which gives patrons access about their lives, and we as their village must always be there
to over three million items, videocon- to help our families in times of need. As always, we love to
ferencing and much more. If you are a hear from you.
patron, you know what a great service (Leela Sharon Aheer is the MLA Elect for Chestermere-
they provide and if you aren’t please Strathmore, Minister of Status of Women and Minister of Cul-
check them out, you’ll be glad you did. ture and Multiculturalism)
Support Canadian Energy was the
theme of this year’s AUMA in Edmon-
ton. Premier Kenney delivered a force-
ful speech that was uplifting and truth-
ful about the state of our finances in
this province, and how we will solve
those problems together, unified, and
in a thoughtful and common-sense way.
Thank you to our mayors, reeves and
councillors who spoke about concerns
vital to our province and our municipal-
ities. We will get our finances worked
out together. We have overspent in this
province for years, and it will take all
of us together to turn this around, to
make sure we are not mortgaging our

children’s futures and to make sure that
Mario Prusina Publisher Kristina Bezic Financial Manager 313 Centre St IMMEDIATE POS-
Janet Kanters Editor Adelle Ellis Reporter / Office Manager Rose Hamrlik Advertising Jody Schneider Production Manager SESSION, 2 GARAGES, 5 bed-
Contributors: Doug Taylor, Sharon McLeay, Laureen F. Guenther, John Godsman, Manny Everett, Miriam Ostermann, rooms, New A/C, Hot tub!
Christine Foshaug, Brad Everett, Linda Jensen, Deirdre Mitchell-MacLean, Andrea Roberts Phone for
125 2nd Avenue, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K1 • 403.934.5589 a viewing
Strathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, today!
Gleichen, Hussar, Lyalta, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass and Standard. We also have various pickup locations throughout our
coverage area. Our 10,910 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction
without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.
The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must be signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to 403.325.0372
edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.
Page 6 • Strathmore TIMES • October 4, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Municipal Building Project Update

You’ve probably noticed the new municipal building construction has begun in the north parking lot in
Kinsmen Park. The parking has been a concern for residents, and we hear you. For the duration of the
project we have outlined available parking (see the map) to highlight alternative spots such as Lakeside
Blvd, Lambert Park and the Ball Diamond Parking lot to grab a spot as you shop and enjoy the park.

Next Regular
Council Meeting:
Oct 16th, 2019

Next Committee
of the Whole
Oct 9th, 2019

In the north end of the parking lot some trees have been removed and transplanted due to construction.
We want to assure residents the most healthy trees being removed around the Devonian Gardens are
finding new homes around the Town; trees will only be moved if absolutely necessary. Our teams will be
watching carefully for wildlife and follow protocols to conserve and protect as necessary. And rest assured
the landscaping for the new area will include garden greenery again. As part of the project over 130 trees
will also be planted upon completion.

For information and updates on the project, visit: strathmore.ca

Open House Oct 3rd Cancelled


The Transportation Master Plan Open House and

Municipal Development Plan information session
Tuesday, October 3rd in Council Chambers has
been cancelled. It will be rescheduled for an
alternative date. Please stayed tuned.
Help Shape the Future of Strathmore!
The Town of Strathmore is creating a New Municipal Development Plan (MDP). It is a long-
range planning document which will guide Strathmore’s growth and future development
in a responsible way. It includes strategies which manage population growth to 30,000
supporting infrastructure needs such as roads, utilities, and new developments. It helps
the Town provide services that are financially sustainable, while protecting our natural

environment and encouraging a prosperous economy.

For more information and to take our quick online survey,

please visit: www.strathmore.ca/mdp

680 Westchester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • OfficeQuestions

Hours: M - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
or Comments?
Please email us at development@strathmore.ca or call us at
403-934-3133. Visit us in person at 680 Westchester Road, Strathmore AB

Follow us on Facebook @TownOfStrathmore or Twitter @Strathmore_Town for information

regarding pop-up engagement events around Town.
October 4, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 7

Strathmore RCMP is
Pillars of SHS honours three former students investigating the theft of
On Sept. 19, three former SHS students - Heather Hanson, Markus Lehmann and James Kettles - were inducted into the Pillars of SHS Alumni Legacy a truck that took place on
Project. The Pillars of Strathmore High School serves to inspire and motivate current students while acknowledging former graduates that have become
pillars in their own communities (see story in Sept. 20 issue of the Times).
September 28th, 2019. The
Photos Courtesy of SHS
truck is described as a 2003
White GMC Sierra with Alberta
Doctor my eyes (thanks Jackson Browne) License Plate ZPT678.
She laughed (thank God) use that. I put my hand on down my throat, but I’m
Random Thoughts
and said, “no, I was home her arm and said (in a shaky back home and back to If you have any information
and asleep early.” (Part of voice), that’s not going to work. So, it’s been goodbye
me also thinks that if I joke happen. Luckily, the vast Gord, goodbye 50 shades of
that could help locate this
So, recently I had an op-
eration to remove my gall and the doctor is happy, he amounts of ice water and IV Grey’s Anatomy, and hello vehicle, please contact
bladder. To be honest, it was or she won’t let me die on fluids worked, but they did recliner and flat screen TV. Strathmore RCMP.
a big deal to me, as I’ve nev- the operating table.) keep me overnight, and I (Random Thoughts is a
er had an operation before. She and the anaesthesiolo- did get a lot of my steps in, slice of life humorous col-
File: 20191484460
And while I’m confessing gist peppered me with ques- shuffling to the bathroom all umn that appears in the
(like a good Catholic guy),
I should also tell you I’m
tions, and then the surgeon
asked me if I have a history
So, that wraps up the story
Strathmore Times, written by
long-time resident, current
not good with pain. When
I was growing up, I always
of falling. I said, “no, only
from ladders.” (See earlier
of how “Gord the gallblad-
der” had to be evicted from
mayor, husband, father and
grandfather – Pat Fule. He is
played quarterback in our column on evil ladders.) the “old Fule condo.” He also a former town council-
pick-up football games. I
learned early on that if I got
Then the anaesthesiolo-
gist told me something that
was a crappy tenant, and he
was causing a lot of trouble
lor, high school teacher and
coach. If you would like to YOUR AD
rid of the ball quickly no
one would tackle me. In fact,
I’ve even asked my dentist
stopped all my joking. She
felt with my neck construc-
tion and apnea history, she
for this landlord. I’ve been
poked, prodded, stuck with
needles, had a tube shoved
get in touch with Pat, you
can send him an e-mail at
if she’d consider sedation should really insert the
dentistry for check-ups, but breathing tube while I was
Contact Rose 403-934-5589
she won’t. I was not looking awake, and that she’d help rose@strathmoretimes.com
forward to what this surgery freeze my mouth, tongue
would be. and throat (instantly, I felt
I also have to admit that my throat sweat again). I
when I’m in very awkward was suddenly super serious YOUR WEEKLY
situations, or where I’m re- and listened to every word HEALTH ADVICE
ally nervous, my first instinct … no more jokes for me.
is to lighten the mood and That was the worst part of
joke. This can be good or the operation, but she ex-
bad, depending on the situ- plained every step of the
Gord Morck
ation. I’m not sure why my process and put me to sleep Pharmacist
mind works the way it does, right after the tube was in.
and both my kids swear that Now this next part will ei- Capsule Comments
I’ve developed ADHD in my ther get a groan from some When a child is vomiting and has diarrhea, there
later adult years. Just before of you 19 readers, or I’ll get is a danger of dehydration. Start with diluted
they wheeled me to the wait- an “aw, how cute!” When the apple juice promptly to replace the fluid lost.
ing area by the operating nurse was waking me after Begin with small amounts first….a teaspoonful
the surgery, I blurted out: “I every 5 minutes and increase as tolerated. But
room, I asked if I could go if symptoms continue to worsen (no tears, dry
to the bathroom. I guess the have a very pretty wife!” mouth, lack of urination). have he child seen by
porter lady felt I should’ve She came around to the a physician.
already done this, but I fig- other side of the gurney, and Walking is always touted as being an ideal
ured I’d wait, so I wouldn’t I guess I felt I had to make exercise for everyone especially seniors. Also
have to “go” when I was in myself clear again: “I have walking at a faster pace will produce a lower
risk of mortality due to all causes. The area of
that room. With a deadpan a very pretty wife!” (This greatest benefit is on your heart with walkers over
face, she asked me, “are you turned out to be better than the age of 60 having a 46% lower risk of death
able to ambulate?” I replied, after a colonoscopy, when I due to cardiovascular disease and if they walked
“I could, if I knew what that asked the nurse if she’d read faster, that lowered risk rises to 53%. A “fast”
meant.” (She did not laugh.) me a story.) walking pace is defined as 5-7 km/hr. Your speed
should be governed by your physical condition so
So, I ambulated as fast as They called Debbie down don’t push it. Any amount of walking is a good
I could and the porter lady and told her of my romantic thing….about 2 hours per week.
began to wheel me away, proclamation (I sure hope Time, light and air exposure are the enemies of
while Deb accompanied us this makes up for my stupid vitamin C content in juices. Frozen concentrated
(they really shouldn’t give engagement ring story 34 orange juice contain about 86 mg per diluted
years ago, but only time will cup when opened and this reduced to 39-46 mg
this job to an old gal, or I after four weeks. Ready to drink juices have
really need to trim down). tell). lower amounts of C (27-65mg/cup) which could
She wheezed the whole way They wheeled me back decrease to 0-25mg over the 4 weeks.
down the hall, and I was up to the room (I guess the Hemophilia is a disease where the body can’t
going to ask if she needed old porter lady retired) and make blood clots to stop bleeding. It used to be
to pull over and rest, but I looked forward to a cou- called “the royal disease”. Queen Victoria had it
and passed it on to some of her children including
she probably would have ple of hours of sleepy-time Prince Leopold who died at the age of 30.
dumped me from the gur- rest … then home. It’s fun-
ney. ny after being put out, your Hours:
We were finally at the body doesn’t quite work as M-F: 9 - 7 pm • Sat: 9 - 6 pm
“holding area” and the sur-
geon came over. She actu-
well as you’d like. With the
steady drip-drip of the IV
Raelene Sun & Holidays: 11 - 5 pm
ally recognized me from our and me drinking ice water,
I had to go to the bathroom,
Nichol Strathmore 132 - 2nd Ave.
summer consultation, but I Realtor
could still feel the nervous but nothing was working. Re/max First Ph: 403-934-3122
fear take over. That’s when the nurse said a
“Please tell me you got word that made me “serious 403.921.6111 Fx: 403-934-6474
a good night’s sleep last up” like the breathing tube Lakes of Muirfield raelenen@ Get the latest new products, special
savings, contests and more sent directly
warning. She only had to say Bright & Spacious gmail.com
night,” I said. “You weren’t to your email. Sign up today for the
Walk-out Bungalow Value Drug Mart E-letter.
on some bender or clubbing, the word “catheter” and that Backs onto the Canal
were you?” maybe in two hours, they’d
Page 8 • Strathmore TIMES • October 4, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Entrepreneur Centre sets business owners up for success

CHRISTINE FOSHAUG Collaborate memberships, for online/virtual mem- Many of the workshops are free to attend, like
Times Contributor bers who don’t need space but want to be part of a double feature on niching and side hustles that
the community support system, include discounts was held in May, or a session on social entrepre-
Starting a business can be a daunting task and growing a on entrepreneur workshops and space rentals. neurship that was held in June.
business can be even more challenging. Strathmore’s Entre- Space-based membership provides entrepre- Other training sessions have a registration fee,
preneur Centre, located at the Bow Valley College campus neurs with a professional part-time or full-time such as the customer service programs for both
downtown, has a wealth of resources for local business own- space where they can work and meet with clients. employers and employees, and the Entrepreneur
ers, no matter where they are in their business journey. The membership level they choose – Cowork, Roadmap Program.
Open since the summer of 2018, the Entrepreneur Centre Drive, Propel or Elevate – gives them access to “Our Roadmap Bootcamp program has had
offers a variety of training programs for people who are just high speed internet, basic copy/print/scan servic- positive feedback and our participants are also
in the idea phase, people who are ready to launch a new es, free coffee/tea/water, and use of boardrooms helping us identify ways we can support them,”
business enterprise and people who want to take their busi- and technology on a certain number of days per added Neufeld.
nesses to the next level. To this end, the centre provides en- month, in either a shared space or a private of- One of the Entrepreneur Centre’s recent suc-
trepreneur education through events, workshops and cours- fice. cesses is a new Canadian who has started a busi-
es as part of a full cycle entrepreneur training program. Membership, however, is not required to par- ness over the past year. He already has several cli-
“We are planning to become the entrepreneur hub for this ticipate in training events or workshops. ents and is on his way to being able to replace his
region, the place where anyone in business feels welcome “Our programs and services are geared toward income from the multiple jobs he’s been working
to participate in an open and supportive community,” said small to medium regional entrepreneurs in any in order to support his family back home. “We’re
project officer Jennifer Neufeld. “We value respect, inclusion, stage of business who want to plug into an inclu- thrilled to assist him in getting things set up and
creativity, teamwork and resilience.” sive and supportive community where they can off the ground,” Neufeld said.
Different levels of membership are available to suit any access the resources they need, when they need Anyone interested is welcome to call 587-393-
budget and range from $149 per month to $699 per month. them,” explained Neufeld. “Our space member- 3139 or email sec@bowvalleycollege.ca to set up
ships are ideal for those who work from home, a tour of the Entrepreneur Centre at 320 2nd St.
work remotely or need occasional professional Information is also available at bowvalleycollege.
space for meeting clients.” ca/strathmore.
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When: Mondays,

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No class: November 11, 2019

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call Strathmore Parent
Link at: (403) 983-0076 Child minding will be provided
but Must Preregister.

Terry Fox Run

Early Bird Air Ltd.

Crowther Memorial Junior High School (top photo) held their Terry Fox Run on Sept. 19. They raised
$2,100 for the Terry Fox Foundation to help fund cancer research. Strathmore High School (bottom
left) held their Terry Fox Run on Sept. 25. The cross country club ran the large loop around Grays
Park and other students followed the short trail around the park. École Brentwood Elementary School
(bottom right) held their annual Terry Fox Run on Sept. 25 and students raised $459 towards cancer
Serving our customers research. Adelle Ellis Photos and CMJHS Students
Aerial Crop Spraying
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R4045 Chestermere: Location To Be Determined by Elections Canada.
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email: murraycb@telus.net 1.800.407.3171
Authorized by the Official Agent for the Martin Shields Campaign
Important NotiCe
NotiCe October 4, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 9

Square dancing gets a face lift

of 67 dance steps known as calls. These calls can be
“walked” to the beat of the music, and unlike ballroom

Most people associate square dancing with a hoedown MAINS

dancing, there’s no fancy footwork or lead/follow part-
ner. It’s the caller’s job to create the dance by putting
in the barn, old people, fiddle music and women wear- these calls together in whatever order he or she chooses.
ing big puffy dresses. It’s the dancers’ job to carry out the calls successfully as
“Not true,” said Dave Littlefair, local square dance in-
structor and caller. “Today’s square dancing is for all ages.
Wildflower • Strathmore
• Strathmore
a team, in groups of eight dancers.
LakesLakes • Westmount
• Westmount
“Invariably, calls are missed or done incorrectly,” said
We dance to anything that has a strong beat. It could be
rock, pop, salsa, classical, techno, country, blues – you
October 1 - 12,1 2018
- 12, 2018
Littlefair, “which results in a lot of laughter as the team
tries to find the fastest way to get back in position, ready
name it, we’ve probably danced to it.”
The music is not the only thing that has changed.
7 a.m7-a.m - 7 p.m.,
7 p.m., including
including weekends
for the next call. Because we need to work together as
a group, it’s easy to meet and get to know each other.
Dress has, too, with most people choosing casual dress By the end of the evening, you’ve usually danced with
over the traditional costume. The most often heard com- everyone in the room.”
ment, though, is “I had no idea that it would be this Wheatland Whirlers Square Dance Club held its two Fall
Water Water
main main
18 andflushing
flushing 25.is partisofpart
EPCOR’sof EPCOR’s maintenance
much fun!”
Last year Rene Owen’s sister gave her free square
free Dance and Dessert nights on Sept.
ple from every age experienced the fun and enjoyed the
is here

dance lessons as a birthday gift. She tried it out, loved it challenge of today’sprogram program
to remove
square dancing.
to remove
peopleto and to maintain
flocked water quality
water quality.
Want to try it out? SinglesThis to the Strathmore
and has been hooked ever since.
This process
or couples maytotemporarily
are welcome result in cloudy water and/or
at 7 process
p.m., during may temporarily Civic result
Centre in on cloudy water and/or
“I used to think square dancing was just so square. I’d join any Wednesday the dance season, Sept. 22 for the Fall
laughed at them,” said Owen. “Now I’m in 100 per cent. October to April at Westmount
changes changes
in in pressure.
School gym.
water water
Cost is $6pressure.
Your water
Festival Your remains
complete water remains
safe tosafe
use.to use
It is just so much fun. I look forward to every opportu- per person per session and the first time is free. Dress with 40 vendors,
nity to dance.” is casual and it’s important to wear comfortable indoor face painting and
Littlefair explained that the type of square dancing shoes. baby goats
taught is called modern western square dance (MWSD) For more information Once
Once flushing
visit flushing is complete
is complete
www.strathmoresquare- weMiriam we recommend
Ostermann you runyou runcold
your your co
which evolved from the simpler form of traditional
square dancing. In MWSD, dancers are taught a series com. water tap water fortap for approximately
dance.com or email claudia@strathmoresquaredance.
approximately ten minutes ten
Photosminutes or until water run
or until water runs
clear. Please
clear. Please checkwater
check your your supply
water supply
doing doing laundry
to avoid Important NotiCe
to possible
avoid possible staining.

EPCOREPCOR continues
continues to monitor
to monitor OFand perform
and performWATER
water water
tests totests to ensure
ensure youquality
you have have quality water
water at at the
the tap. If tap. If
you have have MAINS
any questions
call uscall us at 403-934-9440.
at 403-934-9440.
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AgriOne October 1 - 18, 2019

7 a.m - 7 p.m., including weekends
Have you ever seen water flowing from a fire hydrant but
Your Farm Matters. not a fire in sight? You were probably watching a
It Deserves Specialized Support. Unidirectional Flushing (UDF) service.

EPCOR will be conducting UDF this month where we flush

Get access to financing when you need it the water mains to remove sediment and maintain water
with AgriOne. It’s a flexible, affordable, quality. This process may temporarily result in cloudy water
faster facility for your farm needs. and/or changes in water pressure. Your water remains safe
to use.

Once flushing is complete, we recommend you run your

Talk to us today. cold water tap for approximately three minutes or until
ChinookFinancial.com/AgriOne water runs clear.

EPCOR continues to monitor and perform ongoing water

quality tests to ensure you have quality water at the tap. For
more information, visit epcor.com/udf.
Page 10 • Strathmore TIMES • October 4, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Emergency kit checklist

For your vehicle(s)
Overview Being prepared at all times
Time can be critical in an Create a vehicle emergency kit to help keep you and Create a preparedness plan for you and
your family comfortable and safe during times of your family.
emergency. Which is why it's emergency. Being prepared for emergencies does o Take the Personal Preparedness Course.
important to be informed. not happen overnight. By taking small steps, you o Build your emergency kit(s) and keep it up-
and your family can be prepared without to-date.
Sign up for Strathmore Alerts overwhelming your schedule or your budget. o Call your insurance company to discuss
today and receive notifications coverage and obtain additional coverage, if

sent directly to you! Basic items required.

o Water
No APP needed! o Blanket
o Candle in a deep can and matches It’sinformed
Stay that time of year
 again
Downloadwhere blowing
o Extra clothing and shoes the Alberta Emergency Alert
To Register Visit: o Seatbelt cutter app.
o First-aid kit snowyourand
 Contact icy road
municipality’s Director of

Strathmore.ca o
Flashlight (battery-powered or crank)
Food that will not spoil (such as energy
Emergency Management.
 conditions
Contact the Albertabecome
Management Agency at 780-422-9000, or
o List of contact numbers Edmonton.
dial 310-0000 for toll-free access outside

o Radio (battery-powered or crank)

o Small shovel, scraper and snowbrush It’s best to avoid driving
Warning light or road flares
in poor road conditions
and stay home.
Additional items
o Antifreeze But if you must drive
o Windshield washer fluid
o Fire extinguisher make sure you have an
Road maps
Sand, salt or cat litter (non-clumping)
emergency kit for your
Tow rope and jumper cables vehicle.
Copy of your emergency plan and personal

Be prepared: https://www.alberta.ca/build-an-emergency-kit.aspx
©2018 Government of Alberta | Published: April 2019 |

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www.strathmoremotors.com 403.934.3334 Michelle


OCTOBER 4, 2019

Kings defence leads

to more offence period and it kind of drags through-
Times Editor out the weekend,” said Robinson. “But
the boys came out and played really
well on Friday night and an even bet-
Backed by a solid defensive game, the ter team game on Saturday, so we were
Wheatland Kings offence was clicking pretty happy as a coaching staff.”
on all cylinders going into the team’s Kody Hammond scored three times
second weekend of action. and Lucas Muenchrath registered three
After allowing six goals against in the assists, as the Kings broke out against
season opener, the Kings returned to the Lomond Lakers, outshooting them The Wheatland Kings won their last two home games against the High River Flyers (left) by a score
the ice and posted a 5-0 victory over 51-19 in the process. Keenan Cunning- of 5-2, and the Lomond Lakers (right) with the score of 5-0. The Kings next home game is Oct. 5 at 8
Lomond on Sept. 27, before returning ham and Jaycob Masciangelo also tal- p.m. against the Medicine Hat Cubs. Doug Taylor Photos
the next night versus the High River lied for the Kings, while Landen Bras-
Flyers, defeating them 5-2. The third sard picked up the shutout. selves … good defence led to good of- playoff team, but I think we want to be
game of the weekend – scheduled for The following night, Muenchrath fence. When we had our chances, we better than that. I think what this (past)
Sept. 29 versus Coaldale – was post- and Garret Vander Ploeg each picked capitalized on them.” weekend showed me is that the team
poned because of the snowstorm. up five points and Hammond added The Kings will now hit the road for we have really wants to make that push
All in all, it was the way head coach three assists to pace the Kings. Bras- the first time this season when they (to be better than .500) and see what
Joel Robinson wanted his team to re- sard registered 31 saves on 33 shots, as travel to Okotoks to take on the always we can do. There has always been kind
spond after a tough game to start the the Kings scored twice in the first pe- tough Bisons on Oct. 4 (8 p.m.). The of a stigma to us that we’re just an aver-
season. riod, once in the second and two more team will return home the following age team, but I think this year we have
“The game against Lomond we came in the third to pick up the win. night when they host Medicine Hat (8 an above average team.
out and had a really good first period “Both nights, I think our d-men sup- p.m.) at the Strathmore Family Centre. “I think we have the right pieces to
and we just kind of built off of that to ported each other really well,” said the “We have a tough weekend ahead,” the puzzle – we have toughness, but we
start the weekend, which is nice be- coach. “They were making good D-to- said Robinson. “What I found last year have the smart toughness, we have our
cause sometimes you have a bad first D passes and creating space for them- is that you can be a .500 club to be a goal scoring. We have a solid team.”

Badgers season well underway

WYATT ANTON “Our senior players have really loway ran away with the game. The
Times Contributor stepped up and helped bring the 12-year-old Badgers fullback from Sik-
younger players on board,” said Zaugg. sika was unstoppable, carrying the ball
Alberta Minor Football’s Central Foot- “Overall the team is functioning well into the end zone four times, including
ball League is well into their season together; our defense is really tight.” a 55-yard rushing touchdown.
now, and the Strathmore Community The bantam Badgers will again get “We had to stop handing him (Ethan)
Football Association Badgers bantam the home field advantage as they face the ball and give someone else an op-
and peewee teams have each passed off against the league’s No. 2 Sylvan portunity to get a touchdown,” said
the halfway mark in their respective Lake Lions this Saturday at Crowther Thiessen.
schedules. Memorial Junior High School (CMJHS) That someone else was Logan
The Badgers bantam team is ap- football field. Kick-off is at 2 p.m. Oryschak, who scored the team’s fifth
proaching game five of their seven Meanwhile, the peewee Badgers touchdown and gave the team an extra
game regular season. The bantam team enter week six of their season this point on the conversion.
is 2-2 following a chilly 16-14 loss in weekend. The 10- to 12-year-olds have This coming weekend, the peewee
their last game against the Hunting brought their average to an even .500 Badgers will be getting ready for a re-
Hills Jr. Raiders at home last weekend following a pair of wins in their last match, facing off against the Lacombe
in Strathmore. two games, each of them against the Explosion on Saturday and trying to
The team’s head coach, Greg Zaugg, Olds Huskies. even the score after a disappointing
called the game a strong defensive Doug Thiessen, head coach for the Week 2 loss against them.
battle with each team doing well to peewee Badgers, said the team played “We will have an almost full roster
contain the other into the fourth quar- exceptionally well in their last game, this time around,” said Thiessen, not-
ter, when a Badgers error allowed the trouncing the Huskies 31-6 despite the ing the three peewee Badgers currently
Raiders to gain the lead. lousy weekend weather. on the injured list. “The first time we
Overall, Zaugg said he’s happy with “We had a good lead and we got to played them we were short players and
how the team of 13- to 15-year-olds is put all three of our quarterbacks (An- the players we did have were exhaust-
playing. With only about a quarter of thony Laycock, Colby King and James ed in the heat.”
Strathmore’s Bantam Badgers took on Hunting-
last year’s players returning, many hav- Langlois) on the field,” Thiessen said. Saturday’s game time for the peewee ton Hills High School from Red Deer on Sept. 28
ing moved up to the high school team, While each of the quarterbacks were Badgers is 11:30 a.m. at Crowther Me- at the Crowther football field.
the older players are taking the lead. able to stretch their legs, Ethan Hol- morial Junior High School field. Doug Taylor Photo


Saturday, October 5 • 8:00 pm vs Medicine Hat
Saturday, October 19 • 8:00 pm vs Rocky
Strathmore Family Centre - Gold Arena Sept 21 Sept 27 Sept 28
Brett Willan Kody Lucas
Hammond Muenchrath
Progressive 50/50 - winkingscash.com
Page 12 • Strathmore TIMES • October 4, 2019

Holy Cross volleyball coaches looking

ahead after home tournament
BRAD EVERETT is pleasantly surprised with the mix of returning
Times Contributor and new players on his team and has high hopes
for the season.
The Holy Cross Collegiate Hawks senior high “The boys that I had from last year have im-
volleyball coaches are feeling positive after their proved immensely, and the ones now in Grade
home tournament this past weekend which saw 10 have the skill there and willingness to learn,”
the girls finish third and the boys just missing the he said.
playoff round. “This tournament was a learning curve. We
“The girls played well, but we need to work ended up just short of making the playoffs but
on consistency and positioning” said girls coach I feel we were one of the stronger teams,” said
John Reinhart. Dziatkewich.
“Our first tournament was at SAIT where we Injuries and prior commitments by some play-
played some 4A schools as well as some smaller ers meant that others were moved into positions
ones. It was a good experience as we finished they weren’t used to, which was where the team
first on the consolation side,” he said. “I think the had its struggles.
first couple of weeks has gone well and we are “If we can improve our passing and court move-
HCC Hawks senior high volleyball boys team (l) just missed the playoff learning to play as a team.” ment, I think we should be one of the stronger
round in their home tournament last weekend. HCC Hawks senior high vol- The HCC girls are travelling to Medicine Hat for teams to enter any of the tournaments.”
leyball girls team finished third in a home tournament last weekend. a tournament this weekend. The HCC boys are in Lundbreck for a tourna-
Manny Everett Photos Senior boys coach Chase Dziatkewich said he ment this weekend.

We would like to acknowledge and

2019 thank those who made Obituary
Senior Power 2019 a success!
KROON, Harris M. (Babe)
Kroon, Harris M. Born in Standard, Alberta October 01, 1924.
Keynote: Cheryl Ann Oberg Passed away in Calgary October 21, 2019.
Born and raised in Standard, Harris joined the Canadian Navy on
PRESENTERS: Dr. Flotre—Sleep & Wellness / Megan Hunter - AB Blue Cross: Wellness Program January 02, 1943, and served as a Stoker on the Frigate HMCS
Waskesiu, and the Corvette Seaside. His main seaport was Londonderry, Northern
Jodi Viste & Cara Johnson - PAWS-ITIVE Power of Pets / Joshua Poteet—The Need for Weed Ireland.
TECH SUPPORT: Amy Wagner / Hope Community Covenant Church Through the department of Veterans Affairs, he received a bachelor’s degree in
Geology from the University of Alberta (Edmonton), and a Masters Degree in Geol-
GREETERS: Diane Cammaert & Nancy van Egmond SET UP: Jesse McIntyre-Ribbers & Evan McIntyre-Ribbers ogy from Northwestern University in Illinois.
He was employed as an Exploration Geologist with Texaco, mostly involving North-
east British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, the Arctic Islands, and his last
Morning Coffee & Treats : years in Shanghai, China. These were very rewarding experiences.
He married Betty, a Brant area farm girl, the love of his life for 63 years, until she
and Tim Drover passed away in November 2017. They had three sons; Gary – his sons Michael and
Jacob, Norman - his wife Maryanne, and daughters Jenna and Tori, Morgan - and
his wife Zhenni.
Lunch Service : Lunch provided by: Tim Drover His oldest brother Jean passed away in 1985 at 65 years old. Surviving him is his
brother Gordon, and his extended family, many of whom live in the Standard area.
Also surviving him is his sister Wilda of Calgary, her son Frank and daughter Jen-
Kiera Brown, Jessica Lestinho & Pam Doyle FREE Paper Shredding nifer and their children.
Harris lived a full, stimulating and rewarding life.
At his request there will be no public memorial.
Arts on 817
Addiction & Mental Health
BARCLAY, Bruce Daniel
It is with heavy hearts we announce Bruce Daniel Barclay passed
away peacefully on Tuesday, September 24, 2019 in Strathmore,
Alberta with his loving wife Winnie by his side. Bruce was born
on September 26, 1927 at Lashburn, Saskatchewan to Daniel and
Julia Barclay. He spent most of his childhood and young adult life working and
RBC living on his family’s farm. Bruce moved to Calgary later in life, in 1961, where he
Strathmore started working for the Alberta Liquor Control Board. It was at this job where he
met Winnie and the two of them were married in 1976. After 25 years at the ALCB,
Planning & Development Voxx Soxx by Michelle
Bruce retired, having worked his way up from clerk to manager. Winnie and Bruce
spent 15 years of their retirement visiting Arizona every winter. In 1995, the two
of them moved to Strathmore, Alberta. He will be deeply missed by his wife Win-
nie, his five children, and multiple grandchildren. Expressions of sympathy may be
forwarded to the family, via the website: www.fostersgardenchapel.ca
Telephone: 403-297-0888, Honoured Provider of Dignity Memorial

Strathmore’s Florist



Like Us on Facebook!
October 4, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 13

Thank You Government of Canada. Do

you or someone you know
have any of these condi-
- Willingdon, AB. Ritchie
Bros. Auctioneers Unre-
served Auction, October
AB. Ritchie Bros. Auction-
eers Unreserved Auction,
October 29 - Edmonton
VICES LTD. auction Red Deer,
AB, Tues. Oct 8 @ 9am.
Selling 1000 lots including
The family of Don Vander Velde would tions? ADHD, Anxiety, Arthri- 29 - Edmonton Site. 229.91 Site. 159.09 +/- Title Acres, C-Cans, Lrg Tarp Building,
like to express our sincere gratitude to tis, Asthma, Cancer, COPD, +/- Title Acres - Riverfront 353,400 m3 Proven Gravel Tools & Shop Equip., HD
our friends, neighbours and family for Depression, Diabetes, Dif- Farmland w/ Unquantified Reserves, $2000 Surface Truck & Trailer Parts, Snow
the love and support we have received
39th Annual ficulty Walking, Fibromyal- Gravel Reserves, Home & Lease Revenue. Jerry Hodge: Plow Blades, Line Painting
upon Don’s passing. Your gifts of food, Christmas Open House gia, Irritable Bowels, Over-
weight, Trouble Dressingµ.
Shop. 159.92 +/- & 177.8
+/- Title Acres Farmland.
780.706.6652; Ritchie Bros.
Real Estate Services Ltd.
Equip., Road & Crack Fill-
ing, Barricades, Lights &
your visits, and the many beautiful Friday, November 15 • 10am - 6 pm and hundreds more. All ages Jerry Hodge: 780.706.6652; rbauction.com/realestate. Safety Equip., Concrete Lego
cards, flowers and online condolences Saturday, November 16 • 9am - 5 pm
and medical conditions Ritchie Bros. Real Estate Blocks, Ladders, Poly Tanks,
were greatly appreciated and helped us qualify. Call the Benefits Services Ltd. rbauction.com/ HOBBY RANCH - Elk Island Culverts, Lumber, Oils,
Program 1-800-211-3550 realestate. Park, AB. Ritchie Bros. Auc- Greases & DEF, Hardware,
through a difficult time. or send a text message with tioneers Unreserved Auction, Lockers, Office & More.
Special thanks to those who helped your name and mailing ad- 1 PARCEL OF LAND - Dapp, October 29 - Edmonton Site. www.montgomeryauctions.
with his “Celebration of Life”; all who dress to 403-980-3605 for AB. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers 79.07 +/- Title Acres, 4800 com 1-800-371-6963.
attended, the Public Benefit Club for your free benefits package. Unreserved Auction, October +/- Sq Ft Shop w/Executive
29 - Edmonton Site. 135 +/- Living Quarters, 4800+/- Sq
providing the lunch and to Frances Van SNOWBIRDS! Osoyoos, BC - Title Acres, 12 +/- Acre Lake. Ft Shop w/Guest Suite, 1600
Bussel from the Wheatland Funeral GET YOUR
Canada’s warmest climate. Jerry Hodge: 780.706.6652; +/- Sq Ft Shop . Jerry Hodge: CLASSIFIED
Home, for his compassion shown in Very special monthly rates Ritchie Bros. Real Estate 780.706.6652; Ritchie Bros. ADS IN THE
preparing for the service. Don would available through April, Services Ltd. rbauction.com/ Real Estate Services Ltd.
have been amazed with the number
2020. Choose from budget realestate. rbauction.com/realestate. TIMES!
efficiency units, RV sites
of people who came to say goodbye, or luxury condos. www.os-
remember and honour him. He was oyoossnowbirds.com; 250- HELP WANTED
loved and will be missed by many. 495-5070.
From the Vander Velde Family
MISC HOME PARCEL - Blackfalds, Excellence Technician
AB. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
CRIMINAL RECORD? Why Unreserved Auction, October (12 month contract) - (1902779)
suffer employment/licens- 29 - Edmonton Site. 59.29 Strathmore, AB
ing loss? Travel/business +/- Title Acres, 49 +/- Acres
opportunities? Be embar- Cultivated, 1389 +/- Sq
rassed? Think: Criminal Par- Ft Home. Jerry Hodge: We provide a challenging and rewarding work environment with
don. US entry waiver. Record 780.706.6652; Ritchie Bros. a strong emphasis on process safety, as well as the safety of our
purge. File destruction. Free GET BACK ON TRACK! Bad ONE DAY POLAR BEAR TOUR Real Estate Services Ltd. employees and the communities we operate in and are always
consultation. 1-800-347- credit? Bills? Unemployed? - Calgary and Edmonton rbauction.com/realestate. working to form the best team—especially from within, through

2540. www.accesslegalmjf. Need Money? We Lend! If departures this fall. Jet non-
com. stop to Churchill and experi-
an emphasis on lifelong learning and development. And we are
you own your own home -
constantly striving to become an even better place to work. BASF
you qualify. Pioneer Accep-
tance Corp. Member BBB.
ence an amazing Polar Bear
Safari. 1-866-460-1415. Like Us has been recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of America’s Best
Employers in 2019. Come join us on our journey to create solutions
on Facebook!
1-877-987-1420. www.pio- www.classiccanadiantours.
neerwest.com. com. for a sustainable future!
HELP WANTED Description
MULTI-FAMILY • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team to

assist with all tasks required to conduct field research trials.
CAREER OPPORTUNITY • Perform cleaning and preventative maintenance on a variety
VILLAGE OF HUSSAR of farm equipment
• Safely operate a variety of field equipment to seed, spray,
PUBLIC WORKS FOREMAN maintain and harvest field trials including transporting
equipment between sites using a semi truck and trailer.
Saturday, October 5 Reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer, the successful candidate is 3” wide version
• Collect in-depth data and field notes
responsible for the management of the Public Works Department in the • Perform basic data management tasks
9-3 pm Village of Hussar. This is a part time permanent position, average 30 hours per
week, Monday - Thursday. Areas of responsibility include roads, sidewalks, ATTENTION LANDOWNERS:
• Supervises and coaches Summer Associates as required.
(Back Alley) winter maintenance, garbage collection, mowing, equipment operation and Millar Western is currently in the market for conifer and aspen
27 Strathford Close building maintenance. The foreman performs preventative maintenance
• High
logs, to run our lumber and pulp operations in Whitecourt and
Foxschool diploma,
Creek, Alberta. or equivalent
If you required
have logs for sale or standing timber
repairs for all municipal infrastructure, repairs and operates machinery,
undertake manual labor duties as required and ensure compliance with the • 2-3onyears
property thatinyou
are lookingwith equipment
to clear operation
for agricultural
Furniture, Household Items, Village policies.
or development purposes, then we are interested in speaking
with you. Please contact us, to discuss our competitive rates
Bar Stools, Tools, Collectibles • College Diploma or higher in agriculture preferred
and specifications.
and Much More The successful candidate requires the following: • Class 5 drivers license with clean abstract
For more information, contact:
• Grade 12 Diploma • Class 1 drivers license with clean abstract preferred
Mike Miller, Wood Procurement Forester,
• Operate equipment • Ability to work
Office: outdoors
780-778-2221 ext. 2170,
TENDER • Excellent leadership, organizational, administrative, observational, • Extensive travel within local territory during summer months
Cell: 780-396-9274
interpersonal and communications 3” wide skills version required 3” wide version
Email: mikemiller@millarwestern.com
CULTIVATED FARM LAND • Safety Certificates: First Aid, TDG, WHMIS Please apply directly at https://basf.taleo.net/careersection/2ca/
FOR SALE BY TENDER • Valid Driver’s License jobdetail.ftl?job=1902779&lang=en&sns_id=mailto#.XYt9ce3wwOI.
• Pesticide Applicator License an asset mailto
The following property for sale by tender, subject to the right of first refusal
Murray Carr is offering the following property for • Water and Wastewater Operator Certification-Small Systems an asset
of the current tenant and subject to the restrictions in the existing certificate the 3.75” wide version
out of your advertising dollars
sale by tender, subject to the right of first refusal of • Enjoys working outside
the current tenant and subject to the restrictions of title: NE-25-22-28-W4 Located approximately 2 miles South East of Place your ad in this newspaper
in the existing certificate of title: Indus Alberta, 3/4 mile South of Fulton Industrial Park, bordered by the CPR
Wages will be based on experience.
main rail line. Completely fenced. and province wide $
with a combined
Millar Western is currently circulation
in the market for conifer and aspen logs,
For further details, please contact Murray Carr at (403) 333-0772 of over 710,000 for only...
The property contains 106.91 acres M/L and is Those interested should submit Possession their resume
date Feb. 7, 2020 and wage expectations in to run our lumber and pulp operations in Whitecourt and
plus Fox Creek,
located approximately 2 miles South East of Indus confidence noTender later Agreements
than 12:00may p.m. be acquired from October
Wednesday and returned 9, 2019
to: to: Alberta. If you have logs for sale or standing timber on your property
Value Ad Network
Alberta, 3/4 mile South of Fulton Industrial Park. It Village of Hussar that you are looking to clear for agricultural or development purposes,
Lynn Woods Law Office Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association
is bordered by the CPR main rail line on the North Box 100, Hussar,
Phone: (403) AB934-6333
T0J 1S0 Email: Lynn@strathmorelaw.ca then we are interested in speaking with you. Please contact us, to
side. Completely fenced. toll free 1-800-282-6903 x200
Phone: 403-787-3766
Sealed Tender Agreements must be accompanied by a 10% deposit in the form of a bank draft payable to Lynn discuss our competitive
emailrates and specifications.
Woods Law Office In Trust, no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 12, 2019. Conditional tenders will not be considered.
For further details, please contact Murray Carr at Fax: 1-888-800-4937
The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The deposits of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned to them. or visit
For more information, this community newspaper
(403) 333-0772. Email: office@villageofhussar.ca Mike Miller, Wood Procurement Forester,
Office: 780-778-2221 ext. 2170,
Possession date Feb. 7, 2020
We would like to thank all applicants for their interest however only those Cell: 780-396-9274
Tender Agreements may be acquired from and
returned to:
3.75” wide version
selected for an interview will be contacted.
3.75” wide version
Email: mikemiller@millarwestern.com

Lynn Woods Law Office

Squeezthe MOST out of your advertising dollars
Box 2335, #101 318 3rd Avenue
Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
The following property for sale by tender, subject to the right of first refusal of the
Phone: (403) 934-6333 Fax: (403) 934-6355 current tenant and subject to the restrictions in the existing certificate of title:
Email: Lynn@strathmorelaw.ca
NE-25-22-28-W4 Located approximately 2 miles South East of Indus Alberta, 3/4 mile Place your ad in this newspaper

South of Fulton Industrial Park, bordered by the CPR main rail line. Completely fenced.
Sealed Tender Agreements must be accompanied
by a 10% deposit in the form of a bank draft For further details, please contact Murray Carr at (403) 333-0772 and province wide $
with a combined circulation
payable to Lynn Woods Law Office In Trust, Possession date Feb. 7, 2020
of over 710,000 for only...
no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 12, 2019. Tender Agreements may be acquired from and returned to: plus GST/HST
Conditional tenders will not be considered. Lynn Woods Law Office Value Ad Network
Phone: (403) 934-6333 Email: Lynn@strathmorelaw.ca Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association
The highest or any tender not necessarily
Sealed Tender Agreements must be accompanied by a 10% deposit in the form of a bank draft payable to Lynn Woods toll free 1-800-282-6903 x200
accepted. The deposits of unsuccessful tenderers Law Office In Trust, no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 12, 2019. Conditional tenders will not be considered. email classifieds@awna.com
will be returned to them. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The deposits of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned to them. or visit this community newspaper
Page 14 • Strathmore TIMES • October 4, 2019


Standard EMERALD
Dementia Care remember...
both full-time and part-time roles available. Ask us about our US. Business planning, train- Other medical conditions
great employee perks and accommodation. Apply: sbraid@ Curling Club ing and advisory services causing TROUBLE WALKING
sandman.ca. available. Flexible and af- or DRESSING? The Disability
MeadowlarkCare.com ANNUAL fordable loans. Call CF Wild
Rose or www.cfwildrose.ca
Tax Credit allows for $3,000
yearly tax credit and $30,
Strathmore Station MEETING for more information. 000 lump sum refund. Expert
Help. 1-844-453-5372.
1 & 2 bedroom
Restaurant & Pub
has full and part time
October 28, bungalow, bi-lvl
positions available for: 2019 FEED AND SEED VERY LUCRATIVE BUSINESS & 2 stry units with
HEATED CANOLA buying For Sale. Can be operated parking, some
Pub & Restaurant 7:00 PM Green, Heated or Spring- from anywhere in province.
fully renovated
Standard Go to: 1smalltownalberta.
thrashed Canola. Buying:
oats, barley, wheat & peas com. & include W/D.
Curling Club for feed. Buying damaged Family Friendly.
Must be over 18 years and have ProServe, or offgrade grain. “On Farm RENTALS No Pets.
REELfacts within 30 days of hire
HAY Pickup” Westcan Feed & QUAINT MODULAR HOME From $845.
$15/hr 403-934-5294 HIGH QUALITY ALFALFA Grain, 1-877-250-5252. NEAR STRATHMORE. + Utilities.
HAYLAGE BALES FOR SALE. $1,100/mo + SD Incl. elec. &
Experience preferred, $130 per tonne. No rain. GET YOUR gas. Pet negotiable. Working Please contact our
but will train suitable candidates 19% protein. Baled mid July. CLASSIFIED ADS IN! single or couple preferred. Leasing Team:
Western IrrIgatIon DIstrIct 403-934-5589
Box 2372, 105 - 900 Pine road, strathmore, aB t1P 1K3 Contact 403-874-9699. Call 403-934-5678. 403-237-8811
Please apply with resume in person to FORM
FORM 5 5
Peter or Joanne Mon-Fri 11am-4pm IrrigationIrrigation
DistrictsDistricts Act
Act (Section
(Section 85/86)
85/86) FOR SALE CHINOOK III. 1 bdrm or 2
bdrm. ½ month rent free
@ 380 Ridge Road, Strathmore NOTICE OF APPLICATION
NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO CHANGE with a six month lease. Heat
TAKE NOTE that applications have been received by
LARGE USED ACREAGE & water included. No pets.
Please call for availability.
AN Applications
the Western Irrigation District to change the area of the District.
EQUIPMENT SALE Call Keli 403-324-2944. FOR RENT
General Farm to remove parcels consist of:

3-point hitch - disc, cultivator, 3 Bedroom Condos

Labourer (s) Seasonal TAKE NOTE that applications have COMMERCIAL for Rent
been received by the sickle mower & post auger, RENTALS -
1442578 Alberta Ltd. 500gal water wagon, golf carts, small tilt
Western Irrigation District 2 Storey, 3 Bedroom
Duties: General farm maintenance, trailer, two large deep freezers, two over- 2,000 sq ft
to change the area of the District. Units downtown
Fencing, Cleaning stable, barns head heaters & other misc. items for sale of fully furnished -
and pens and more
Applications to REMOVE parcels that consist of: Located in Namaka COMMERCIAL 1&2 Bedroom Units
No experience or education in adult only building
Location is 20 minutes south of Strathmore - Range Road 243A, 1st Ave. OFFICE SPACE -
Name of Number of Legal Land
Wage range: $15.00 - $17.50 / Hour Landowner Irrigation Acres Description
Come and take a look - first come first serve FOR LEASE Tenants pay all utilities
Hours: 36 to 55/week Any person wishing to complain is required to submit a written complaint to the Located in a very
Benefits available
Western Irrigation District at Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road, Strathmore, Alberta,
T1P 1K3 within 30 days after the date of the publication of this notice.
REAL ESTATE nice professional
For more information
Shared accommodations Robert & Jacqueline 49 4;23;26;30;SW please call
Koester Jim Webber, P. Eng. mall on STRATHMORE
May be available
Please send resume to: Ray
General Manager
Western Irrigation District
52 4;27;22;14;NW 2 BEDROOM Wheatland Trail.
Please call
1442578 Alberta Ltd.
Box 2325 Strathmore, AB T1P 1K3
Call: 403-934-4331 • Fax: 403-934-6668
CONDO 403-934-7239 403-934-5687
Any person wishing to complain is required to submit REAL ESTATE
a written complaint to the Western Irrigation District at FOR SALE in
Box 2372 105-900 Pine Road, Strathmore, Alberta, T1P

Strathmore Station
1K3 within 30 days after the date of the publication of
this notice.
David McAllister, P. Eng, MSc, MBA
Restaurant & Pub General Manager
380 Ridge Road
Strathmore AB
Western Irrigation District Call 403-850-4593 Eagle
Is Hiring:
1 Permanent, Full Time WANTED MLS# C4264778


Banquet & Catering with a classified ad. Only
$269 (based on 25 words or
9 acres, 1300 sq ft bungalow,
Service Manager less). Reach over 100 weekly
newspapers. Call NOW for
triple car garage, 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths
$21.63 Hourly, for 35-44 Hours per week details. 1-800-282-6903
Experience: 3 to 5 years Ext 200; www.awna.com.

Duties/Abilities: Must plan, organize, direct, control, Calgary

and evaluate daily operations, while ensuring MLS# C4236951
that all health, safety, and liquor legislation and
regulations are followed. Respond to customer NEED LAND FOR HAYING,
complaints and negotiate with clients for catering or grazing or recreation? Ducks 1590 sq ft 3 bdrms, 3 bath, att
use of facilities. Determine type of service offered, Unlimited Canada is selling
implement procedure, order and make arrangements land near Camrose, Stet- 3” wide version garage, situated in quiet cul-de-sac,
3” wide version
for food and other supplies, participate in marketing tler, Vermilion and Viking close to schools, parks, shopping
plans. Responsible for hiring, training, scheduling,
evaluation, and supervision of 5-10 staff.
in its Revolving Land Con-
$327,000 C4268531
One “small” ad •Great BIG Results
servation program. As the
Must possess great oral communication, excellent
problem solving skills, and organized job task
new landowner, you’ll be
120 Wildrose Heath | Wildflower, Strathmore, Alberta
expanding your farm while
planning abilities. Must be customer service Rockyford
oriented and be able to work under pressure in a
fast-paced environment while paying attention to
stewarding valuable habi-
tat areas. Call DUC’s Grent the are
Canadian Prairie Pickers
This home offers affordability, tons of space and a great location! Great curb100+
porch. Spacious
again entrance
leading into the main floor with laminate throughout.
the area. Over 1.6 million
MLS# C4266836
Thygesen, 780-678-0150,
(based on 25 words) $8. Each additional word
The living room features a cozy fireplace. The kitchen is massive with tons of counter and
detail. Standing and/or walking for extended periods. or email:Paying Cash For Coin
b_thygesen@ Collections, Silver & and
Gold Coins, Reach:
cabinet space, black appliances eating bar open to dining area. Door leading out to Over 80% of Alberta’s Metro households
Speak, Read, Write English Royal Can. Mintlarge
deckAlso BuyingtheGold Jewelry
ducks.ca. overlooking backyard. Readership:
Main floor laundry area. The upstairs 2 of
is complete Over 95% bedrooms up, freshly
all adults living renovated,
in those households

We purchase rolls, with abags

king size
boxesbedroom with 4 coins
of silver piece ensuite, 2 additional bedrooms and a 4 piece finished basement
Want to reach beyond Alberta?
How to Apply: In Person between 1600 ACRES OF GOOD bath. Great home for a growing family. If you need more room you can develop the lower
We can help you reach right across Canada

12:00 and 17:00, or By E-mail to Bonded

level. Private and low maintenance backyard and a double detached garage.
Maurizia Hinse
strathmorestationjobs@gmail.com Sale in SE Saskatchewan.
1967 To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit call
$2,987,000. 1560 cultivat- 780-434-8746 ext. 200
Kellie at 778-257-8647 Sather Real Estate
ed acres, $155,000.00 rent
with 10 year lease. Great Pro Brokers Ltd.
FOR SALE FOR SALE farmers renting and excel- Hayley Poirier
USED WHITE AMERICAN lent investment opportunity. Kim Helfrich
METAL ROOFING & SIDING. 403-901-3472 Associate/Realtor
SALE. Barely used. $50.00
at over 55 Distributors. 40
Call Doug 306-716-2671.
3.75” wide version HomesByHayley.com 3.75” wide version
Call 403-860-3174. year warranty. 24-48 hour
Express Service available at
supporting Distributors. Call
1-888-263-8254. DEAD OR ALIVE One “small” ad •Great BIG Results
Barns, Shops, Riding Arenas, WHITE SPRUCE TREES: 5’
average $50. Installation
Canadian Prairie Pickers
are once again touring the area.
100+ weekly newspapers $
Over 1.6 million readers
269+GST (based on 25 words) $8. Each additional word
Machine Sheds and more,
ONLY $19. Includes: hole Paying Cash For Coin Collections, Silver & Gold Coins,
sales@integritybuilt.com Reach: Over 80% of Alberta’s Metro households
augered, Wurzel Dip enzyme
1-866-974-7678 www.in- Royal Can. Mint Sets. Also Buying Gold Jewelry Readership: Over 95% of all adults living in those households
tegritybuilt.com. injection, bark mulch ap-
plication, staking. Minimum We purchase rolls, bags or boxes of silver coins Want to reach beyond Alberta?
We can help you reach right across Canada
order 20. One-time fuel Bonded
Like Us charge: $125-150. Crystal
Springs. 403-820-0961.
1967 To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit call 780-434-8746 ext. 200
on Facebook! Quality guaranteed. Kellie at 778-257-8647 classifieds@awna.com
PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY October 4, 2019 • Strathmore TIMES • Page 15



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Serving the Foothills since ‘78. FREEESTIMATES
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Page 16 • Strathmore TIMES • October 4, 2019 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

WHEATLAND Upcoming Meetings

October 8: Municipal Planning Commission
October 15: Organizational Meeting
October 15: Council Meeting
Agenda packages and minutes are available on our website on the
Where There’s Room to Grow Agendas and Minutes page.

Community Enhancement Regional Board

Wheatland County invites applications for membership on the Community Enhancement Regional Board with
appointment to commence November 01, 2019. One representative from each of Electoral Division will be
appointed. The Community Enhancement Regional Board (CERB) consists of two members from each Electoral MEMBERS
Division, appointed by Wheatland County Council. Membership on the CERB is appointed for a two year term
with alternating expiry dates. The Community Enhancement Regional Board meets three times every spring to Wheatland County invites applications for
evaluate applications and decide on the allocation of Community Enhancement Funding to Wheatland County membership on the Fire Services Board for a
community groups. term of one (1) year. The Fire Services Board is
comprised of five (5) Association Presidents,
Deadline for applications is October 07, 2019!
If you require more information or to submit letters of interest, please contact Jessica Salmon at 403-361-2021
two (2) citizens-at-large*, and no more than
or via email to jessica.salmon@wheatlandcounty.ca. three (3) members of Council. Membership
on the board shall be appointed by
Resolution of Council. The Fire Services Board
shall exercise powers, duties, and functions
as assigned by the Fire Board Bylaw 2019-01
The Economic Development Board is accepting (can be viewed on the Wheatland County
applications for membership!
If you require more information, or to submit
Get involved in supporting future growth and direction in Wheatland County. If you are a resident,
letters of interest, please contact Matthew
tradesperson/professional or business owner in the County, submit an application for consideration!
Boscariol at:
More information and applications can be found on our website: matthew.boscariol@wheatlandcounty.ca.
wheatlandcounty.ca/economicdevelopment. Deadline for applications is October 07, 2019!
*Citizens-at-large must reside in, or own property,
within the boundaries of Wheatland County.

Remember to make
a home escape plan
with all members of
your household and
practice it!
Checklists, activity sheets, and
more information is available on
the County website!

Address: 242006 Range Rd 243 Phone: 403-934-3321 Mail: Hwy 1 RR 1, Strathmore, AB, T1P 1J6 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


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