Cc11-Human Resource Management Syllabus: Approach, Pearson, India
Cc11-Human Resource Management Syllabus: Approach, Pearson, India
Cc11-Human Resource Management Syllabus: Approach, Pearson, India
Module I
Introduction to Human Resource Management-Importance-Scope and Objectives.
Evolution. Line and Staff aspects of HRM, Line managers Human Resource duties.
New approaches to organising HR. Strategic Human Resources Management, Strategic
HRM tools.
Module II
Job analysis: Methods for collecting Job Analysis Information, Writing Job Description&
Job Specification. Human Resource Planning and Recruiting: The Recruitment and
Selection process- Planning and Forecasting, Internal and External sources of candidates,
Managing HR in challenging times
Employee Testing and Selection: Basic testing concepts, Types of Tests. Interview:
Process and Types, Guidelines for Interviews
Module III
Orientation, The Training Process, Training Needs Analysis, Training Techniques- On -
the-Job & Off-the -Job Training Methods, OJT Process , Training Evaluation.
Management Development Programs : Case Study and other Modern Training Method .
Performance Management & Appraisal: Process and Techniques. Career Planning and
Management Concepts.
Module IV
Establishing Pay Rates: Steps, Job Evaluation. Wage and Salary administration- Steps
and factors affecting, Incentives
Benefits and services: Statutory Benefits - Non-statutory Benefits - Insurance Benefits -
Retirement Benefits, Flexible Benefits Programs. QWL
Module IV
Industrial relations: Significance, Objectives, Approaches. Industrial Disputes- Causes,
Forms, Preventive Machinery.
Collective Bargaining: Basic Concepts . Trade unions: Definition, Objectives, Functions
Social Security in India, Employee welfare, Grievance Handling and Discipline-Sources
and forms of Grievances -Grievance Procedure, Disciplinary Procedure.
1. Gary Dessler & Biju Varkkey, Human Resource Management, Pearson.
2. VSP Rao, Human Resource Management: Text and cases, , Excel Books, New
3. Mizra S. Saiyadain, Human Resources Management, 4th Ed, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Raymond Noe, Employee Training and Development, Tata McGraw Hill.