Semester - I: Paper 1: Principles of Business Management
Semester - I: Paper 1: Principles of Business Management
Semester - I: Paper 1: Principles of Business Management
Essentials of Management, Harold Koontz & Heinz, Weihrich, 5th Tata McGraw Hill
2. 3. 4. 5.
Management Stoner, Freeman, Gilbert Jr. ,6th ,Prentice Hall Management (A Global Perspective), Heinz Weihrich &Harnold Koontz, 10th Tata McGraw Hill A Dictionary of Business 3ed. By Elizabeth Martin Oxford Fundamentals of Management, Robins ,3rd Pearson Education Asia
Appraisal, Praise and Recognition; Rewards and Incentives; Promotions. HR Records, MIS HR Reports, HR Formats Personnel Files, Attendance, Leave, Medical Records. Unit VII: Compensation Management - Wage & Salary AdministrationIntroduction; Wage & Salary Administration; Theories to Determine the Wages; Classification of Wages; Machinery for Fixing Wages; Job Satisfaction, Job Evaluation; Objectives of Job Evaluation; Job Evaluation Methods; Advantages and Limitations of Job Evaluation. Unit VIII: Employee Benefits & Incentives - Employee Benefits: Meaning, Types of Benefits & Services, Principles of Fringes, Guidelines to make benefit programme more effective; Incentive Payments : Incentive Plans, Individual Incentives, Group Base Incentive Plan, Organization wide Incentive Plans, Other Incentive schemes, Guidelines for PFP( pay for performance) systems. Unit IX: Employee Welfare & Social Security - Employee Welfare: Importance, Agencies, Types & statutory provisions; Social Security: Introduction, Types, Social security measures / labour law provisions in India; Health & Safety: Legal provisions regarding Health & safety, Measures to promote Health & Safety, Employee Assistance Programmes, Effective safety management. Unit X: HR Records & Research & Issues - HR Records Keeping Process, Methods (Manual / Computerized), Types & Importance. HR Research Areas of research, Methods of conducting Research , Uses and Importance HR Issues Causes & Impact of : Employee Turnover, Absenteeism, Attrition & Retention, Talent Management.
Suggested Readings 1. A Text book of Human Resource Management C. B. Mamoria & S. V. Gankar. Publication - Himalaya Publishing House 2. Personnel and human Resource management - Text & cases, P Subba Rao, Publication - Himalaya Publishing House 3. Human resource Management P. Jyothi, Publication Oxford University Press. 4. Human Resource Management , Ninth Edition, R.Wayne Mondy, Robert M, Noe, Publication- Pearson Education 5. Human Resource and Personnel Management Text and cases, K. Aswathappa, Publication - McGrawHill Publishing co. ltd.
SECTION-A Unit I: Introduction to Computers - Generation of Computers, Block Diagram, Working of Computer, Hardware and Software, Programming and Flow Charts concepts, Operating systems (MSDOS, Windows, UNIX, Linux), Networking concepts. Unit II: Working with Computers - Introduction to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet and Web (Working with Google, Yahoo, Rediff, Amazon, e-bay etc.) Unit III: Multimedia - Introduction, Components of Multimedia: Graphics, Audio & Animation, Using Multimedia at Home, Business, Education and Entertainment, Applications in Games and Animation
Industry. Unit IV: Introduction to HTML - Basics, Text, Lists, Images, Links, Backgrounds, Tables, Frames, Forms, Meta-tags and Hexa-colors, Preparing simple web pages. Unit V: IT Consulting Basic concepts of business, strategy and operation; Business / Strategic Consulting: Reengineering, BPR; Operations Consulting: domain knowledge concept, domain-consulting; Cases: McKinsey, AT Kearney etc. SECTION-B Unit VI: IT Enabled Services (ITES) Processes, Outsourcing Function, Call Centers; BPOs: Captive BPOs (GE and Dell) and Third Party BPOs (Infosys BPO, Wipro BOP, Mphasis, Progeon, WNS, Daksh and EXL etc); KPOs: Processes and Domain Expertise. 19 Unit VII: Software Engineering: SDLC: Concepts and Life Cycle, Software Testing: fundamentals and terminology; Software Quality fundamentals, Software Project Management. Unit VIII: Enterprise Resource Planning Concept, History, ERP Packages, Advantages and Limitations. Unit IX: Information Security - Importance, Malicious Programs: Virus, Trojans, Worm, Logic Bomb, Antivirus: Norton, CA-eTrust, Symantec, McAfee; Cryptography and Data Encryption, Firewall, Hacking, Cyber Laws Basics. Unit X: Trends in IT Definitions, Conceptual Understandings and Applications of Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Knowledge Management, e-Commerce, e-Learning, e-Business and eGovernance. Note: Students are expected to attain Working knowledge of relevant topics in Unit II, III, IV and IX through live laboratory sessions.
Suggested Readings: 1. Management Information systems. By M. Jaiswal (Oxford) 2. Oz- Management Information Systems 3rd Edn. ( Thomson Learning Books) 3. Harry Information & Management Systems (A.H. Wheeler) 4. A.K. Gupta - Management Information System (S. Chand & Col) 5. D. Yeats System Analysis and Design ( Macmillan)
SECTION A Unit I: Introduction - Meaning, Scope and importance of Financial Accounting. Financial Accounting concepts and conventions, classification of accounts, Rules and principles governing Double Entry Bookkeeping system. Unit II: Accounting Books & Record - Meaning, Preparation of Journal, Ledger & Trial balance. Unit III: Final Account of Joint Stock Companies - Final Accounts of Joint Stock Companies contents, and preparation of Trading and Manufacturing, Profit and Loss Account, Profit and Loss Appropriation Account and Balance sheet with adjustment. Unit IV: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements - Meaning of financial statements,
objective, utility and limitations of financial analysis, Types of financial analysis, tools and techniques of analysis, Funds Flow Analysis and Cash Flow Analysis:-concept, Simple problems on preparation of funds flow statement and cash flow statement. Unit V: Ratio Analysis - Ratio Analysis - classification of various ratios, Reading the balance sheet and other financial data to comment on the financial soundness of the firm. Section -B Unit VI: Decision Making Techniques - Management Accounting for Decision Making and Control; Cost Volume Profit Analysis; EVA and Performance Measurement. Unit VII: Performance Evaluation Techniques - Introduction to Budgeting and Budgetary Control; Classification of Budget; Problems on Flexible and Cash Budgets; Responsibility Accounting. Unit VIII: Cost Accounting - Objectives, Classification of Cost, Preparation of statement of cost, Quotations, Reconciliation of Cost & Financial accounts, Process costing, Marginal Costing, Operating / Service Costing, Contract Costing Unit IX: New Approaches for Planning and Implementation of Control Systems - Overview, The nature and scope, Factors affecting MCS, Strategic Planning and Controls for differentiated situations Unit X: Applications - Overview of Control in Banking and Non banking finance, Service Industry, Transnational Companies, Project management and PSE.
Suggested Readings
Financial, Cost and Management Accounting, Dr.P.Periasamy,2nd Edition, Himalaya Publishing House 2. Management Control System by Sekhar, TMH ,New Delhi 3. Advanced Accounts Volume II By M.C. Shukla, T.S. Grewal, S.C. Gupta S. Chand and company, New Delhi. 4. Management Accounting, Principles& Practice by Sharma R.K& Gupta S.K. 5. Management control System by Robert N.Anthony, TMH, New Delhi
SECTION B Unit VI: Introduction to Operations Research - Definition, Characteristics, Model, Phases, Indian Companies using Operations Research Techniques, Future Scope of Operations Research Industry, Quantitative Approach to Decision Making. Unit VII: LPP - Graphical Method - Assumptions, Formulation and Solution by Graphical Method: Feasibility Region, Unboundedness, Infeasibility, Multiple Optimum Solutions. Unit VIII: LPP - Simplex Method - Formulation and Construction of Initial Basic Table by Simplex Method and its interpretation, Theoretical Concept of Duality and Sensitivity. Unit IX: LPP Transportation - Formulation and Solution by North West Corner Rule (NWC), Least Cost Method (LCM) and Vogels Approximation Method (VAM); Optimization by Modified Distribution Method (MODI). Unit X: LPP Assignment - Formulation and Solution.
Suggested Readings:1. Business Statistics, G. C. Beri (TMH) 2. Quantitative Techniques in Management, N. D. Vohra (TMH) 3. Quantitative Methods For Business, Anderson ( Thomson Learning Books) 4. Statistical methods, S.P. Gupta ( S Chand) 5. Levin Richard & Rubin David Statistics for Management (Prentice Hall of India)
SECTION A Unit I: Administration of law & legal system in India - Introduction to legal aspects of Business in general; Freedom of Trade, Profession and Occupation (Constitutional Provisions). Unit II: The Companies Act (1956) - Definition & characteristics of a company, Company distinguished from partnership, Kinds of Companies, Provisions relating to incorporation, lifting the Corporate Veil. Unit III: Memorandum of Association, Doctrine of ultra-vires, Articles of Association, Doctrine of indoor management & constructive notice, Concept of Prospectus. Unit IV: Role & duties of promoter, Shares and Debentures natures, kinds, transfer and transmission; Directors Powers, position and duties. Unit V: Winding Up of the Company - Types of Winding up- Winding up by Court, Voluntary winding up , Winding up under the supervision of court and Conduct of winding up. SECTION B Unit VI: The Income Tax Act, 1961 - Introduction to Income tax act Definition of assesse, Residential status of assesse; Definition of Deduction, Rebate, Relief & Exemption; Heads of Chargeable Income for salaried. 22 Unit VII: Indian Contract Act (1872) - a) Definition (Sec.2) b) Essential elements of a valid contract c) Competency to enter in contracts (Sec. 11 & 12).d) Consent Free consent, Coercion, undue influence, fraud, misrepresentation, mistake (sec 13-23).Void Agreement (sec 24-30) f) Consequences of breach of contract (sec73-75).
Unit VIII: Intellectual Property Act - Scope, Provisions & overview. Unit IX: Information Technology Act 2000 & Cyber Law - Scope, Provisions & overview; Right to Information Act 2005. Unit X: Consumer Protection Act - Scope, Provisions & overview.
Suggested Readings 1. Bare Acts- Govt. or Private publication
Mercantile Law Shukla 30th Ed. S. Chand & Co. 3. Business Law- N. D. Kapoor S. Chand & Co.
4. Company Law Singh Avtar, 11 Ed., Estern Book Co., Lukhnow 5. Business Law M. C. Kuchhal, 2 Ed., Vikas Publication House, New Delhi Paper 8: Financial Management
SECTION A Unit I: Introduction - Concept of business finance, finance function, scope, organization, Responsibilities of finance executive, Goals & objectives of financial management, Functional areas; Concept of time value of money, Compounding & discounting; Future value of single amount & annuity, present value of single amount & annuity; Practical application of time value technique. Unit II: Sources of financing - LONG TERM: shares, debentures, term loans, lease & hire purchase, retained earnings, public deposits, bonds (Types, features & utility) (a) SHORT TERM: bank finance, commercial paper & trade credit & bills discounting (b) INTERNAL: Retained earnings, Depreciation policies. Unit III: Capital structure - Concept, meaning, principles & importance. Introduction to Trading on equity, Capital gearing & leveraging, Cost of capital, Cost of different sources of finance, Weighted average cost of capital, Theories of capital structure, concept of optimal capital structure, Computation of leverages, Cost of capital and EBIT-EPS analysis. Unit IV: Capitalization - Concept, Theories, Over capitalisation Concept, Symptoms, causes, Consequences & remedies, Under capitalisation - Concept, causes, Consequences & remedies, Watered Stock, Watered stock Vs Over capitalisation. Unit V: Dividend policies - Concept, determinants and factors affecting, relevance and irrelevance concept, dividend valuation models Gordon, Walter and Modigliani-Miller models Stability of dividends concept and significance. SECTION B Unit VI: Working capital - Concept, significance, types. Adequacy of working capital, Factors affecting working capital needs, Financing approaches for working capital, Methods of forecasting working capital requirements. Unit VII: Capital budgeting - Nature and significance, techniques of capital budgeting Pay Back Method, Accounting rate of return, Net Present Value and profitability index. Unit VIII: Financial institutions - Need, structure, policies, norms & schemes; Financing procedures, changing role of project appraisal; Overview of operations of NBFCs & Financial Institutions.
Unit IX: Financing of small scale industry - Meaning, importance, growth of SSIs, Special financing needs and sources, issues & implications. Unit X: Corporate restructuring - Reasons & drivers of restructuring, Methods of restructuringmergers, takeovers, acquisitions, divesting, spin-off, split ups, privatization, buyback & joint ventures. 23
Suggested 1. Financial 2. Financial 3. Financial 4. Financial 5. Financial Readings: Management by Ravi Kishore, Taxmanns. Management by S. M. Inamdar, Everest Publishing house, 12th Edition 2004. Management by Sharma & Gupta , Kalyani Publishers. Management by R.M. Srivastav, Kalyani Publishers. Accounting for Management by P. Shah- Pub, by Oxford