SCHOL Critical Thinking Card Games PDF
SCHOL Critical Thinking Card Games PDF
SCHOL Critical Thinking Card Games PDF
Andrea and Mark for their patient and indispensable computer tutoring;
Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the game boards and cards from this book for classroom use.
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557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.
ISBN 0-439-66542-6
Copyright © 2005 by Elaine Richard
All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05
Game Board A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Game Board B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Possible Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
o become truly accomplished, independent readers, children need to
move beyond decoding and word knowledge, and develop critical
thinking and reasoning skills. Honing these skills leads to better
comprehension, which is the cornerstone of successful reading,
understanding, and studying skills.
What better way to develop students’ critical thinking and reasoning skills
than through fun, easy-to-play games? Enter 10 Critical Thinking Card
Games! The games in this book help boost and reinforce essential
reasoning skills—by giving children the kind of practice they’ll enjoy doing
over and over again. As children play these games, they get practice in
making generalizations, solving riddles, predicting outcomes, distinguishing
fact from opinion, recognizing inconsistencies, drawing conclusions, and more.
ost of the games require nothing more than the cards
provided. (Two games, “Think About It” and “Play Your
Hunch,” come with their own game boards.) Simply
photocopy the game cards on cardstock, cut them apart, and
store them in a plastic zipper bag along with a copy of the
game instructions. Label the bag with the name of the game
and store the bag in a filing box for easy access.
For a slightly more competitive twist, we also provide two
generic game boards that can be used with some of the card
games. Let students decide which game board to use for a
particular game. (You might even invite students to create their own
game boards.) Photocopy the game boards on regular copy paper then
glue the pages to the inside of a manila folder, carefully aligning both
sides of the game board. You could also photocopy the game board on
cardstock and tape the two sides together. Consider laminating the game
boards or covering them with clear plastic to keep them clean and sturdy
for repeated use.
he games in this book are designed for two to four players. A few can
also be played at the board in a whole-class setting or in teams. You
may want to establish some simple rules when you first introduce the
games to avoid potential conflicts later on. For example, a quick solution to
the question of who goes first is to have the youngest player always go first
in a game, then play can move in a clockwise direction. A more traditional
method would be to have players throw a number cube (or die) and the
player with the highest number goes first. Then play continues in a clockwise
Students might also play a game as “solitaire.” In this case, the player
writes the answers on a sheet of paper and hands it to you when he or she
is finished. This could serve as an assessment tool to give you insight into
the student’s understanding.
Consider making the games part of the reading center or offering them as
a choice during free time. You might also select a game to play with small
reading groups, supervising the game to ensure appropriate answers. (Most
of the games are open-ended and don’t require exact answers. We provide
possible answers for most games at the back of this book. You can
photocopy the answer keys and give them to players to use for reference.
Remind students that these are only possible answers. Accept any
reasonable answers as long as players can justify them.)
Perhaps more effective than any of these options is to play the games in
a one-on-one setting with an adult and a student, especially if the student
needs extra help in any of the skills. A parent, teacher, or tutor can model
more precise or interesting answers than peers might. Consider sending
home copies of the games so students can play them with their families—
another great way to strengthen the home–school connection.
However you decide to use the games in this book, they’re sure to
provide lots of fun and learning. Enjoy!
How to Play
1. Place one card on each cabin on the game board. Distribute paper and pencils
to each player.
2. Starting at the first cabin, a player rolls the number cube to determine how many
answers to give for the question. For example, if a player rolls a 5, each player must
list five possible answers to the question. (You may want to use a timer and set a time
limit, like 30 seconds or 1 minute.)
3. Play continues as players move to the next cabin and repeat step 2.
4. After everyone has gone through all the cabins, players compare answers for each
question. Cross out any answers that are the same as other players’. Decide as a group
which of the remaining answers are logical and count them. The player with the most
number of logical answers wins.
2 T h i n k A b out I t 8 T h i n k A b out I t
3 T h i n k A b out I t 9 T h i n k A b out I t
4 T h i n k A b out I t 10 T h i n k A b out I t
What do you
What do you swallow
always have more
but not chew?
than one of?
5 T h i n k A b out I t 11 T h i n k A b out I t
6 T h i n k A b out I t 12 T h i n k A b out I t
14 T h i n k A b out I t 20 T h i n k A b out I t
15 T h i n k A b out I t 21 T h i n k A b out I t
16 T h i n k A b out I t 22 T h i n k A b out I t
17 T h i n k A b out I t 23 T h i n k A b out I t
18 T h i n k A b out I t 24 T h i n k A b out I t
What does a
What are some things
stew have that a steak
money cannot buy?
doesn’t have?
26 T h i n k A b out I t 32 T h i n k A b out I t
27 T h i n k A b out I t 33 T h i n k A b out I t
How is a doctor
What can a dog do
better than a person?
from a nurse?
28 T h i n k A b out I t 34 T h i n k A b out I t
29 T h i n k A b out I t 35 T h i n k A b out I t
How is a kitchen
How are a watch and
different from a
a clock different?
dining room?
30 T h i n k A b out I t 36 T h i n k A b out I t
How is flossing
How can you tell a rose
different from
from a daffodil?
brushing your teeth?
38 T h i n k A b out I t 44 T h i n k A b out I t
39 T h i n k A b out I t 45 T h i n k A b out I t
40 T h i n k A b out I t 46 T h i n k A b out I t
41 T h i n k A b out I t 47 T h i n k A b out I t
42 T h i n k A b out I t 48 T h i n k A b out I t
You’ll Need
● Riddle Me Silly cards (pages 15–18)
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “Riddle Me Silly” cards and stack them facedown between the players.
2. On each player’s turn, the person to the right of the player picks a card and reads the
riddle aloud. The player then has to figure out the answer to the riddle.
3. If the player answers correctly, she keeps the card. If not, the reader reads the answer
and places the card in a discard pile. The next player takes a turn.
4. Play continues until no cards are left. Players then count how many cards they’ve
collected. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “Play Your Hunch” cards and stack them facedown between the players.
Each player gets a copy of the game board.
2. The object of the game is to move from START to FINISH by matching a card with a
verb on the board. Players can move only one square at a time in any direction. On each
turn, a player picks a card from the stack. The player must explain how the noun on
the card relates to the verb in a logical way. (Note that some of the nouns are living
things and some are nonliving things.) For example, if a player picks a card that says
radio, he might say that the noun relates to the verb hear because you can hear a
radio. If the other players agree, he can place his marker on top of the verb on his
board. The next player takes a turn. Put the used card in a discard pile.
3. Play continues with players picking a card and trying to move through their own
game board.
4. The first player to reach FINISH wins.
10 Critical Thinking Card Games © Elaine Richard, Scholastic Teaching Resources 24
How Can You Tell?
Players explain what event(s) might have
led to the statement on each card.
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “How Can You Tell...” cards and stack them facedown between the players.
2. Players take turns picking a card from the pile. On each turn, a player reads aloud the
question and answers it.
3. If the answer makes sense and the other players agree, the player can keep the card. If
other players do not agree with the answer, the next player can offer an alternative answer.
If the other players agree with this answer, he can keep the card and take another turn.
4. Continue taking turns until no cards are left. Players then count how many cards
they’ve collected. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
… the cookies were baked too long? … you ate too much?
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “Fact or Opinion” cards and stack them next to the game board.
2. Players take turns picking a card from the pile. On each turn, a player reads aloud the
sentence on the card and says whether it’s a fact or an opinion.
3. If the player answers correctly, she rolls the number cube to see how many spaces to
move on the game board. If the player doesn’t answer correctly, she cannot move.
Place the card in a discard pile. The next player takes a turn.
4. The first player to reach FINISH wins.
2 to 4 players or teams
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “Reading Between the Lines” cards and stack them facedown between
the players.
2. Players take turns picking a card from the pile. On each turn, a player shows the card
to the other players, then tries to figure out what the word riddle says. For example,
the name of this game (|R|E|A|D|I|N|G|) translates to “reading between the lines.”
3. If the player answers correctly, he keeps the card. If not, the next player can try to
guess the answer. If she answers correctly, she keeps the card and takes another turn.
4. Continue taking turns until no cards are left. Players then count how many cards
they’ve collected. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “You’ve Got to Be Kidding!” cards and stack them facedown between
the players.
2. Players take turns picking a card from the pile. On each turn, a player reads aloud the
nonsensical sentence on the card. He then makes a new sentence that makes sense by
replacing some of the words.
3. If the player answers correctly, he keeps the card. If not, the next player can try to correct
the sentence. If she answers correctly, she keeps the card and takes another turn.
4. Continue taking turns until no cards are left. Players then count how many cards they’ve
collected. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
He tried to shave
A lake is as deep as the ocean.
with a wrench.
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “Classified Ads” cards and stack them facedown between the players.
Each player gets a copy of the Help Wanted chart and the Miscellaneous Ads chart.
2. Players take turns picking a card from the pile. On each turn, a player reads the card,
decides in which category the card belongs, places the card on one of her charts, and
shows the chart to the other players.
3. If the player places the card in the correct category, she gets to keep the card. If not,
the next player can take the card and place it on one of his charts. If he puts it in the
correct category, he can take another turn.
4. Players continue taking turns until no cards are left. Players then count how many
cards they’ve collected. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Experience and references required. Care for
Friendly, sweet, housebroken. Good with other
4- and 6-year-old. Cook for children, plus light
animals. 60 lbs, 3 years old. Call 555-3300
housekeeping. Fax resume 555-8891
No experience necessary. All types and ages.
Never used. Still in original package. $1100.
For movies, commercials, music videos.
Call 555-5654
FAX resume 555-2128
To help stay-at-home mom with cleaning, cooking,
Large gray tabby cat, no collar. Near Main
errands, and childcare (6-, 4-, and 2-year-olds).
Street park. Call 555-2277
Recent references. Fax resume 555-9990
Ideal for couple. 4-room apartment.
2 years old, house trained. Very playful and
Conveniently located near train station.
sweet. Call 555-0255
$475/month, plus utilities. No pets. Call 555-5732
NJ’s largest private school has immediate
Co-ed 9–17. 19 courts. 1-, 2-, and 4-week
opening for biology teacher. Fax resume
Monday to Friday after school, 3–4 hours/day
For upscale restaurant. Service background &
and school vacations. Must have own car. Fax
wine knowledge necessary. Fax resume 555-0102
resume and references 555-7890
Seeking a dynamic, experienced, and innovative
leader for top high school. Must have exceptional 42-foot houseboat. Live aboard. Many extras.
skills in school leadership, supervision, evaluation, Must see! Call 555-2960
and more. Fax resume 555-2078
Free training for summer job at pools
For medical use. 1,800 square feet.
and beaches. Must be at least 16 years old.
Call 555-7188
Fax resume 555-3111
Office Work
Child Care
Summer Camps
for Sale
You’ll Need
● Making Connections cards
(pages 55–58)
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “Making Connections” cards and stack them facedown between the
2. Players take turns picking a card from the pile. On each turn, a player reads aloud the
question and gives an answer.
3. If the player answers correctly, she keeps the card. If not, the next player can try to
guess the answer. If he answers correctly, he keeps the card and takes another turn.
4. Continue taking turns until no cards are left. Players then count how many cards
they’ve collected. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
How to Play
1. Shuffle the “Let’s Compare” cards and stack them facedown between the players.
2. Players take turns picking a card from the pile. On each turn, a player reads aloud the
question and choices then gives his answer.
3. If the player answers correctly, he keeps the card. If not, place the card in a discard
pile. The next player takes a turn.
4. Continue taking turns until no cards are left. Players then count how many cards
they’ve collected. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins.
Which is thickest?
Which is toughest?
piece of paper / slice of cheese
salad / carrots / meat
slice of bread
Go back
Lose a
Go ahead Go ahead
2 spaces. 3 spaces.
Go back
2 spaces.
Lose a
10 Critical Thinking Card Games © Elaine Richard, Scholastic Teaching Resources 65
5 4
1 1 4
2 3 Winner’s
4 6
4 6
5 1
Get to the Winner’s Circle!
Roll a number cube to determine on
which outside point to start. On each
2 4
turn, you can move only to a space that
shares a common side (not point) with
the space you’re already in. For example,
if you’re starting on 5, you have to roll a
1 to move to the next space. For your
next move, you have to roll either 2 or 4
to get to the next space. If you don’t roll
the correct number, the next player takes
a turn. The first person to reach the
Winner’s Circle (by rolling a 6) wins!
1 4
6 4 6
1 6
1. The plant’s leaves and stems 21. The store’s lights are out, and 36. My shoes are old and have
are brown, withered, and there are no people inside. holes in them.
droopy. 22. Your neighbor’s mail and 37. Your friend has a tan.
2. Some trees have fallen, some newspapers are piling up 38. She’s practicing on the piano
homes may have been outside, the lights are out, or is carrying sheet music.
damaged, houses and streets you haven’t seen your
are flooded. neighbor in a while. 39. The road is slippery and has a
thin, white layer.
3. The baby is cranky or falling 23. Your best friend is sniffling,
asleep. sneezing, or coughing. 40. The cookies are too hard or
are slightly burnt.
4. The crackers are no longer 24. The sun is very bright, or you
crunchy. might be going to the park 41. You can smell the sulfur or
or beach. see the smoke that came
5. When you cut through the from lighting the match.
meat, blood comes out. 25. The peach is still a little
greenish in color or it’s very 42. He smiles at you and talks to
6. The roses’ buds have come you.
out but they’re tightly closed. hard to the touch.
26. My face is covered with hair 43. Some of the paint is already
7. There’s dust and dirt on the peeling off.
floor. or the ends are scraggly.
27. Part of the hem is hanging 44. You studied hard for the test
8. When you pour the soda, and you knew most, if not all,
there are no bubbles. unevenly.
of the answers.
9. The milk smells bad and little 28. There is a dent or a scratch
on the car. 45. The dog is barking and
solid particles have formed. wagging its tail.
10. Her face is puffy and she may 29. The picture may be somewhat
blurry or the person’s eyes 46. You feel very full, and your
look like she’s in pain. stomach looks bigger than
were closed.
11. Some mold is growing on the usual.
cheese. 30. There are a lot of people over
at the house and loud music 47. Your clothes are smaller or
12. He was speeding and the is playing. you’re closer to your mom or
police have pulled him over. dad’s height.
31. The bus drivers are picketing
13. Mom is smiling, maybe even near the bus stop. 48. He’s eating salads or other
singing. low-calorie foods.
32. The weather forecaster said
14. He is panting, short of breath, that snow is coming, or
and maybe sweaty. maybe the temperatures are
15. The car makes a sudden bump below freezing and the sky is
and is making an odd noise. overcast.
16. The soil is dry and the plant 33. The tree is very old and it
looks like it’s starting to wither. looks like it’s rotting.
17. You see and smell smoke. 34. Your mother has a huge smile
18. He is gesturing wildly and on her face when she talks
maybe yelling at the clerk. about you.
19. The pencil’s point is dull. 35. A birthday cake was brought
over to her table, and her
20. People are coming out of friends or family are singing
the gate. “Happy Birthday!”
1. Head in the clouds 14. Skating on thin ice 24. Broken engagement 37. Railroad crossing
2. Dresses on sale 15. Rising to the occasion 25. Man overboard 38. Easy on the eyes
3. Brokenhearted 16. Upside-down cake 26. Station break 39. Small talk
4. Wrong guess 17. Feeling under the 27. Tall tales 40. Get a foot in
5. One in a million weather 28. Downstairs the door
6. Half moon 18. Temperature below 29. Buckle up for safety 41. He’s beside himself
zero 42. Toys in a
7. Grown up 30. Square dance
19. Studying before a test shopping bag
8. Stand up 31. Two peas in a pod
20. Going to bed after 43. Day before yesterday
9. Sit down 32. Double vision
midnight 44. Wait up
10. Questions on 33. Top banana
21. Candles on a 45. Step on it
my mind 34. Green with envy
birthday cake
11. House on fire 46. Second nature
22. Split second 35. Check-out counter
12. High chair 47. Needle in a haystack
23. Mind over matter 36. Sign on the dotted
13. Second-hand clothes line 48. Hand in hand
1. Always put your socks on before 16. The hardware store ran out of nails. 32. We put the baked potato on a plate.
your shoes. 17. Dad left the waitress a tip after lunch. 33. It was awful when my brother fell off
2. The grocery store was out of cheese. 18. We played catch with my ball. his bike.
3. The dentist told me to brush my 19. The words on the computer went from 34. Horses can jump fences.
teeth. left to right. 35. The teacher wore boots
4. When I dropped the carton of 20. I rubbed sunscreen on my skin to to school.
eggs, the shells broke. prevent sunburn. 36. We took a big test after recess.
5. The car is almost out of gas, let’s 21. The air conditioner cooled the room. 37. We bought jeans and T-shirts at the
stop for a refill. department store.
22. The ball bounced and rolled down the
6. We climbed the tree with our hill. 38. She wore shorts and sneakers to the
sneakers on. gym.
23. The house collapsed because it was
7. We had to blow on the hot tea to old. 39. He tried to shave with a razor.
cool it off.
24. My sister just celebrated her 15th 40. She polished her nails with nail polish.
8. At school, the teacher taught the birthday. 41. When the alarm goes off, we wake up.
math lesson.
25. The dog and the cat played in the 42. We like to eat cereal for breakfast.
9. In the fall, the leaves fall off the trees. backyard.
43. We spent our summer vacation at
10. The kids watched the game on the TV. 26. Dad gave me a ride to school in a car. camp.
11. James lit up the room with the new 27. We looked for the synonym in the 44. Thanksgiving is a great day at home.
lightbulb. thesaurus.
45. A lake is not as deep as the ocean.
12. The dog barked at the mail carrier. 28. The football team scored two
46. We rowed our canoe in the lake.
13. We dove into the pool from the diving touchdowns.
board. 47. A sweater is not as warm as a ski
29. The President of the United States is
14. The clouds are clearing, so let’s go elected every four years.
to the beach. 48. Mexico is just as near to the United
30. We planted corn in the spring.
States as Canada.
15. Sam painted a picture with 31. Apples and oranges grow on trees.
1. Singer, bird 13. Rabbit, kangaroo, 25. Telephone, doorbell 37. Ketchup, grass, mud
2. Fire, lightbulb, face child, flea 26. Cloth, paper 38. Water, drink
3. Lion, waterfall, bear 14. Snake 27. Ball, wheel 39. Hand, snake
4. Bee, mosquito 15. Bear, squirrel, fox 28. Fire, hot water, candle 40. Bridge, year
5. Singer, machine, bee 16. Deer, dancer 29. Clothes, bat, picture 41. Water, food
6. Pen, pencil, author 17. Ball, rubber, check 30. Clothes, paper, dough 42. Body, river, bamboo
7. Acrobat, gymnast, hair 18. Knife, scissors 31. Soap, water, cleanser 43. Boat, duck, coconut
8. Tape, glue, paste, 19. Glass, plate, heart 32. Train, whistle, 44. Tree, grass, person
Velcro 20. Steak, barbecue, teakettle 45. Hand, flag
9. Leaves, branches, food being cooked 33. Dancer, elastic, 46. Snapping turtle, duck
dress 21. Balloon, fireworks rubber band
47. Stairs, elevator,
10. Bird, time, airplane 22. Bell, timer 34. Water, river, syrup escalator
11. Bee, butterfly, wind 23. Glass, metal 35. Tire, screech owl 48. Teacher, computer,
12. Snake, lizard 24. Ice, ice cream 36. Wheel, car, world book