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■ Bennett (1908) called the working condylar path as Bennett

■ His observations sideward movement in frontal plane
■ Working condyle outward whereas non working condyle
■ The bodily shift of mandible became known as Bennett shift
■ Balkwill described the same in 1866
■ During lateral movement, the rotating condyle
moves laterally from centric position as a result of
bodily side shift of mandible described by Balkwill
later by Bennett
■ Subsequently several interpretations and terms have
been proposed
■ Bennett’s movement, Bennett’s side shift ,
Mandibular lateral translation / transtrusion
■ GPT 4 (1977) Bennett movement : Bodily
lateral shift of mandible resulting from the
movements of the condyle along the lateral
inclines of the fossa in lateral jaw movements

■ Bennett movement = Side shift

■ Current GPT prefers the term mandibular lateral
translation for Bennett’s side shift and laterotrusion
for Bennett movement
■ Laterotrusion (GPT) is the condylar movement on
the working side
■ GPT is specific in using these two terms
■ One for mandibular translatory movement
■ The other for condylar movement on working side

Bennett movement regulated by
1. Anatomical configuration of glenoid fossa
2. Slackness of capsular ligaments
3. Contraction of medial pterygoid on non
working side


Capability of working condyle side thrust laterally

. This outward direction of Bennett path is
combined with downward ,forward, backward
and upward laterodetrusion,
lateroprotrusion, lateroretrusion and


■ Mediotrusion (GPT) side thrust medially - a

capability of nonworking condyle resulting in
medial, forward and downward thrust.
■ GPT-7 recommends a term Mandibular lateral
translation for the bodily side shift of mandible in
horizontal plane

■ Immediate mandibular lateral translation (ISS)

■ Progressive mandibular lateral translation (PSS)

■ ISS (IMLT) – Translatory portion of lateral mandibular
movement in which the non working condyle essentially
moves straight and medially as it leaves centric relation

■ PSS(PMLT) is the translatory portion of the mandibular

movement that occurs at a rate or amount that is directly
proportional to the forward movement of the nonworking
■ ISS is the first movement mandible takes when the
nonworking condyle moves medially from centric
relation position
■ 0.2 – 2 mm mean 1.0 ( Lundeen & Wirth )
■ Takes place before condylar rotation.
■ Beyond ISS , the condyle moves forward, downward
and inward .

■ Guichet referred this movement along the medial

and superior walls of fossa as progressive side shift

■ Lundeen & Wirth – ISS Varies

■ PSS Value - 7.5 degrees
Difference of ISS component of
mandibular shift from PSS

■ ISS - before rotation of condyle

■ Measured in horizontal plane in tenth of mm.

■ PSS – accompanies rotation of condyles gradual

shift measured to the sagittal plane in degrees less
than 20
Timing of Bennett movement

■ Amount of side shift (ISS & PSS)

■ It is the rate or amount of descent of contralateral condyle

and the rotation & lateral shift of ipsilateral condyle.

■ Determined by studying the orbital condylar path on the

opposite side of side shift.
■ The combined movement of ISS & PSS is the Bennett angle
( horizontal lateral path angle )

■ Measured by the angle formed by the orbiting condyle and

sagital plane

■ 2 – 44 degree – mean 16 degree – Hobo

■ BA = ISS + PS BM = ISS

a)Condylar movement on the orbiting side dictates the

side shift and condylar movements on the working
b) Bennett side shift - 2 components
■ Condylar shift
■ Mandibular shift

c) Working condyle rotates and moves outwards as the

orbiting condyle moves medially and advances
forward downward direction.
This path traced in horizontal plane is known as
horizontal lateral condylar path

■ Bennett movement and Bennett side shift according to GPT

are expressions given to the shift at the condyle and at the
■ Bennett Movement – laterotrusion

■ Bennett side shift – Mandibular lateral translation

■ ISS & PSS are used to denote the path of orbiting condyle
during Bennett shift ( bodily shift ) of the mandible.
■ ISS is not present in persons with stable Centric

■ Bennett Movement seen in elderly, bruxism &


When downward forward and inward ,there is no ISS.

If medially downward and forward , there is ISS

Significance of Bennett Movement

■ It regulates the ridge groove

■ Height of cusps

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