Lesson Plan in Assessment 2

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Lesson Plan In Assessment 2


At the end of the discussion, the students shall be able to:

A. Identify how grades should be distributed

B. Differentiate Norm-reference and Criterion reference distribution

C. Develop appreciation or consideration of the issues that will be

encountered in distribution.


A. Topic: Distribution of Grades

B. Reference: Advanced methods in Educational Assessment and

Evaluation (Assessment of Learning 2)

C. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids and Paper strips


A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

2. Checking of Attendance

3. Review of Previous Lesson

4. Motivation:

The class will be divided into two groups. Each group

will be assigned to discuss their idea about what norm

reference and criterion reference is, each group will

choose a reporter to report in front of the class what

they discussed
B. Lesson Proper

1. Introduction of the topic

How should grades be distributed? The norm-referenced and

criterion referenced distribution of grades have been in

practice for several years now.

2. Discuss of the topic

The teacher will explain what is norm reference and criterion

reference and how to use it.

3. Generalization

The students will be called randomly to read and explain the

issues that needs to considered. Then the teacher will

explain further;

a. Normal curve is defensible only when we have large and

unselected group

b. When “grading on the curve” school staff should set fair

ranges of grades for different groups and courses

c. When “grading on the curve” any pass-fail decision

should be based on an absolute standard

d. Standards and ranges should be understood and followed

by all teachers

For criterion reference or absolute it is not an issue


a. It seldom uses letter grade alone

b. It often include checklist of what has been mastered

c. The distribution of grades is not predetermined


Each one will be asked to write on a one fourth sheet of paper on

what they have learned.


Research on what are the guidelines for Effective Grading

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