International Journal of Hospitality Management

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International Journal of Hospitality Management

Assignment 1

1. Mention title of the paper, name of journal, publication year, volume no.,
issue no., publisher, and page numbers.
ANS – Title of the paper = International journal of hospitality Management
Name of journal = School of Hospitality Business Management, Washington State University
Publication year = 2009
Volume no. = 28
Issue no. =2
Publisher = Elsevier Ltd.
Page numbers = 245-253

2. Who is the author of the paper?

ANS – Christina G. Chi is the Author of the paper.

3. Identify concept, constructs and variables developed in the study.

ANS – Concept – In this study concept that the measure (observed indicator) of dissimilar constructs that
theoretically should not be related to each other.
Constructs - One exogenous construct and two endogenous constructs.
Variables – Latent variable, independent variable, dependant variable, mediator variable.

4. Identify the types of variables in corporate in the study.

ANS – First, the independent variable should have a significant influence on the dependent variable. Second,
the independent variable must be significantly related to the potential mediator. Third, the mediator
must have a significant relationship with the dependent variable. Finally, the initially significant
relationship between the independent and dependent variable must become insignificant once the
role of the mediator is accounted for in the process to establish complete mediation. If only steps
one through three are met, then partial mediation is established.

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International Journal of Hospitality Management

5. Identify and Write primary and secondary objectives of the research.

ANS – The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationship between employee satisfaction and
customer satisfaction and the secondary objectives of the study is to examine the impact of both on
hospitality company’s financial performance measures.

6. Enlist each hypotheses of the study and identify which type of hypotheses
are they.
ANS – Hypothesis 1 – Positive relationship between customer satisfaction and financial performance.
Hypothesis 2 – No significant direct relationship between Employee satisfaction and financial
Hypothesis 3 – A significant indirect relationship between Employee satisfaction and financial
Hypothesis 4 – The relationship between Employee satisfaction and financial performance is
mediated by Customer satisfaction.

7. Identify research design, type of research, sample size, sampling unit, and
data collection method.
ANS – Research design = Descriptive
Type of research = Journal research
Sample size = Random sampling
Sampling unit = Simple random sampling
Data collection method = Observation method

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International Journal of Hospitality Management

Assignment 2

1. Identify method of statistical analysis used by the research.

ANS – There are two types of statistical analysis method used. That is, the structural equation modelling
(SEM) and Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

2. Describe findings of the research.

ANS – (1) Customer satisfaction has positive significant impact on financial performance, employee
satisfaction has no direct significant impact on financial performance.
(2) Findings of this study also suggest that employee satisfaction is one of the significant
determinants of customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction indirectly influences financial
(3) Customer satisfaction is crucial for a better financial performance, providing exceptional
customer service by exceeding customers’ expectations is likely to offer opportunities for growth.
(4) Customer satisfaction is a key internal performance-enhancing success factor for any service

3. Write concluding remarks of the study.

ANS – This study examined the relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction, and
the impact of both on hospitality companies’ financial performance utilizing the service-profit-chain
framework as the theoretical base, which links service operations, employee satisfaction, and
customer satisfaction to a firm’s financial performance. The service-profit chain provides an
integrative framework for understanding how a firm’s operational investments into service
operations are related to customer perceptions and behaviours, and how these translate into better
financial performance. This study explored three major direct relationships and an indirect
relationship between customer satisfaction and financial performance. In addition, this study
examined the mediating role of customer satisfaction on the indirect relationship between employee
satisfaction and financial performance. Findings suggested a direct relationship between customer
satisfaction and financial performance, and between customer satisfaction and employee
satisfaction. Findings also indicated that the relationship between employee satisfaction and financial

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International Journal of Hospitality Management

performance may not be easily identifiable due to the fact that it is mediated by customer

4. Mention limitations of the study.

ANS – Like any other study, this study is not free of limitations. One of the main limitations of this study is
that both customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction were examined as a one-dimensional
constructs. However, other studies suggest that both customer satisfaction and employee
satisfaction are multidimensional constructs.

5. Describe future scope of the research.

ANS – Change the direction and magnitude of the relationships examined.

6. Is there a good, clear description of how the research was carried out?
Can you understand how the research was carried out, from the description
ANS – Yes, there is a good and clear description of how the research was carried out.
Yes, I can understand how the research was carried out, from the description given.

7. Is the contribution of this research paper novel?

ANS – Yes, this is the contribution of this research paper novel.

8. Has this research paper contributed meaningful knowledge to its relevant

ANS – Yes, this research paper contributed meaningful knowledge to its relevant field.

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