Stained RBC Examination: Demonstrates Partially or Completely Sickled, Crescent-Shaped Cells
Stained RBC Examination: Demonstrates Partially or Completely Sickled, Crescent-Shaped Cells
Stained RBC Examination: Demonstrates Partially or Completely Sickled, Crescent-Shaped Cells
CBC: Reticulocytosis (count may vary from 30%–50%); leukocytosis (especially in vaso-occlusive crisis)
Serum ferritin(Ferritin is iron-storage protein produced by liver, spleen, bone marrow) - Low with depletion of total
iron reserves
Sickle cell test: screening test to evaluate hemolytic anemia.
Sickle-turbidity tube test (Sickledex): Routine screening test that determines the presence of hemoglobin S (HbS)
but does not differentiate between sickle cell anemia and trait.
Sickle cell test: screening test to evaluate hemolytic anemia, detect HbS
Hemoglobin electrophoresis: Identifies any abnormal hemoglobin types and differentiates between sickle cell trait
and sickle cell anemia. Results may be inaccurate if patient has received a blood transfusion within 3–4 mo
before testing.
Schilling Test
Measures vitamin B12 absorption before and after intrinsic factor administration
Includes 24-hour urine collection
Used to differentiate between pernicious anemia and intestinal malabsorption