Cholecystectomy Nursing Care Plan

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Cholecystectomy Nursing Care Plan

Garcia Joreliegh Rose D.

Assessment Nursing Planning Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis (Objective/Goal)
Subjective: Acute pain Short-term: 1. Establish 1. To gain Short-term:
patient may rapport patient’s trust
verbalize: After 1-2 hours of 2. Monitor and and After 1-2 hours
> unrelieved pain nursing interventions, record vital cooperation of nursing
the patient will signs 2. for baseline interventions, the
Objective: patient demonstrate behaviors 3. assess the data patient shall have
may manifest: to relieve pain severity, 3. pain is a demonstrated
> (+) facial frequency, and subjective behaviors to
grimaces characteristic of data, relieve pain
>appears Long-term: pain therefore it
irritable, 4. administer should be Long-term:
restlessness After 4 hours of medication as reported and
>guarded or nursing interventions, ordered to determine After 4 hours of
protective the patient will report 5. provide non- patient’s level nursing
behavior pain is controlled. pharmacologica of pain interventions, the
>diaphoresis l intervention 4. to minimize/ patient shall have
>inability to such as touch relieve pain reported pain is
sleep and frequent 5. to provide controlled.
> pain on the changing of comfort
abdominal area position

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